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Posted: September 11th, 2013, 6:42 pm
by aozora13
kai1275 wrote:
dreamer82 wrote:I think a lot of guys who have kids have them because a women fell for them and coaxed them into a relationship or marriage. A line these girls use is something like, "I want to have your children". All five or six of my closest friends in high school ended up with kids, two for each. I was kind of shocked that they did since I'm a born pessimist and had doubts about our economy since the '80s.

Luckily I'm a stereotypical tall, thin Caucasian "nice guy" and aloof so I never had many AW after me. I did have a couple opportunities with Koreans but I let them down. I think I secretly didn't want to have kids or even get married. It came down to money and I thought the chances were good I would get divorced because I'm a cheap bastard. Now that I'm in my forties and my sex drive is more manageable, I'm glad I didn't go through with the whole kids and marriage thing.

Besides being cheap and pessimistic, the biggest reason why I'm glad I didn't have kids is that we're a blight on the resources. Raising up little American suburbanites who have to be driven everywhere and will end up driving everywhere polluting the atmosphere is wrong I think. Our culture is also a joke. If I lived on a farm in Kazakhstan, then having a family would be practical.
Anyone thinking the planet is overcrowded is terrible at mathematics. I guess you are one of the many "emotional" types DJ just posted about. I don't know why you need a website to promote mass suicide of the human species. That is already happening! Give it 20-30 years and governments will be begging people to have kids once their military/govt revenue and spending shrinks, especially China, Japan, most of Europe and the US especially.

Will they offer tax and money incentives to do this? If inflation gets too high, will anyone bother? Will there be too many gays and herbivores? Who knows....

All of you are fighting nature for a preference in multiple flavors of dysfunction. I won't hate on any of you for your choices though. The average man would never fight for something like this, considering how this world is hell bent on social engineering the destruction of family. Family is what allowed our species to rise to power, but perhaps they think we are better off without it. Only a man driven by faith or fervor would resist and try regardless of the circumstances.

/I bet if Zerg-like Aliens threatened Earth tomorrow, I bet you Obama and other presidents would quickly offer assistance to any humans willing to make children ASAP. :lol: :lol:

I think that much of the push to not have children is because of the push by the inconclusive studies on overpopulation and individualism in wealthy nations. There is plenty of land to support many people in many countries. Most of the US is populated on the cost for example. Also, I think having children is a personal decision. dreamer has a weak argument of the overpopulation theory but with children being a strain in the modern day US, that is true. I think if you want to have children you should look to have them in another country. Your wife might not change (most people in HA are married to foreign women and/or interested in a relationship with them) however your children will be influenced by the culture unless you actively teach them to be good and well-informed people. I still think that other countries offer an area to raise children.

Posted: September 12th, 2013, 10:15 am
by dreamer82
I'm not saying I don't have children because of overpopulation, per se. To keep the population of our country stable, every woman needs to have 2.1 kids or something like that. It's just that the US is so dysfunctional and not only would it be an incredible burden to raise kids, I wouldn't want them to grow up in an even more f**ked up world than ours. I just heard that 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. This is up from 49% several years ago. It's all headed downward and we'll end up in WWIII, probably in our lifetime. Shit!

Posted: September 12th, 2013, 11:19 am
by Renata
Patience + Tolerance + Time = Good parenting & peaceful children

If you can not give all these, parenting will be a burden on you & you can end up with annoying kids.

My baby has definately taken over my life. I have the resources & the choice to get help; babysitters, nannies or aupairs but I can't seem to let go & leave my baby in the hands of anyone. It's scary & this ties me down. Some places my husband goes to I can't because of this. Maybe when my baby grows up it will be easier to let go or will it get worst? lol. I knew what I was getting into so I just take it one day at a time. My kid is growing well & likes peeling all my onions when I'm cooking. I have to hide them or else I'll have a whole bag peeled lol.

You guys shouldn't have kids if you don't want to. It will be unfair to the little one. They are born innocent after all & it's their life experiences that shape them.

Posted: September 12th, 2013, 4:20 pm
by Halwick
There was a time when parents were very much in control of their family and did not spoil their children, put children's priorities first or cater to them. In the pecking order, the parents needs came first, then the children. If the parents didn't prioritize themselves first and ensured their health and wellbeing first, who and how will the children be taken care of?

Back in the late 1950s / early 1960s when I was growing up, most families had three, four, five kids. One family had 18 kids (combination of yours, mine and ours). I recall the parents had time to pursue their hobbies and avocations. They enjoyed their vacations. They didn't feel overwhelmed or trapped. They were very much in command of their families and didn't allow the kids to control or manipulate them.

Back then, the tail (children) did not wag the dog (parents) like they do nowadays.

Posted: October 22nd, 2013, 9:40 am
by Billy
No bullshit red pill blogger Penelope Trunk says even women would be happier without kids. ... -later-on/

somebody should post this on the ladies forum.

Posted: October 22nd, 2013, 11:34 am
by djfourmoney
dreamer82 wrote:I'm not saying I don't have children because of overpopulation, per se. To keep the population of our country stable, every woman needs to have 2.1 kids or something like that. It's just that the US is so dysfunctional and not only would it be an incredible burden to raise kids, I wouldn't want them to grow up in an even more f**ked up world than ours. I just heard that 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. This is up from 49% several years ago. It's all headed downward and we'll end up in WWIII, probably in our lifetime. Shit!
Credibility watch in one, two, three.....

According to hard data, you know in books, can't be changed. (In America)

Whites Birth Rate - 1.8 per (Danger Will Robinson, Danger!)
Black Birth Rate - 2.1 (Despite record abortions, but according to a recent 2013 study says 59% BW are single parents)
Asian Birth Rates - 1.3 (Holy Sh*t!, all that one child per family conditioning has taken hold)
Hispanic Non-White Birth Rates - 2.3 (Need I say more?)

You see this play out right in front of you everyday.

Most successful White women don't have a child until their mid 30's, again documented and it has its knock-on effects overall. For all the reasons explained time and time again about women delaying childbirth. That same mentality also impacts of births in the Asian community as parents are typically very aggressive in pushing their children to have successful lives, which means they are spending their late 20's finding a suitable mate with all the distractions we complain about here.

Black women, well what hasn't already been said? Jason Black calls them Bastard Baby Makers.... When over half of the BW in America are single mothers, what else needs to be said? Sure the other 41% doesn't have a child, but I have feeling after you dig through the trash and bypass the BBW's, you're left with I'd say less than 10%.

I'd say half of them aren't very attractive.

Anyway I have concerns about raising children here, but the truth is there are many well adjusted children in America. Most of the problems stem from parenting, especially young (under 25) parenting as those first five years of development are extremely important.

Please back away from the WWIII fear mongering, unless the Governments do something out of desperation its unlikely to happen. Syria was their most recent opportunity to touch off WWIII or very large regional war, however you want to spin it.

Posted: October 22nd, 2013, 11:43 am
by djfourmoney
Billy wrote:No bullshit red pill blogger Penelope Trunk says even women would be happier without kids. ... -later-on/

somebody should post this on the ladies forum.
I'm not sure you read this the proper way.

She is aiming at the self-centered types.

1) In her first point she said not everybody should have children, I agree. As I've always said, don't have kids, just don't try to tell me based on some emotional BS that its better not to have children. Also don't troll the internet looking for somebody to agree with you.

2) Again this is directed at self-centered types. Focusing on your career has led to an explosion of women over 30-35 to have their first child. Ignore BW who are having children in all sorts of age ranges, most of trifling and poor. Look at White women, majority of those who are financially successful are well into their 30's before popping out the first kid.

3) Get plastic surgery is directed at women over 35, we know she ain't talking about women of color...

Posted: October 22nd, 2013, 11:45 am
by djfourmoney
Renata wrote:Patience + Tolerance + Time = Good parenting & peaceful children

If you can not give all these, parenting will be a burden on you & you can end up with annoying kids.

My baby has definately taken over my life. I have the resources & the choice to get help; babysitters, nannies or aupairs but I can't seem to let go & leave my baby in the hands of anyone. It's scary & this ties me down. Some places my husband goes to I can't because of this. Maybe when my baby grows up it will be easier to let go or will it get worst? lol. I knew what I was getting into so I just take it one day at a time. My kid is growing well & likes peeling all my onions when I'm cooking. I have to hide them or else I'll have a whole bag peeled lol.

You guys shouldn't have kids if you don't want to. It will be unfair to the little one. They are born innocent after all & it's their life experiences that shape them.
A voice of reason.... Got pictures?

Posted: October 22nd, 2013, 2:29 pm
by momopi
djfourmoney wrote: Asian Birth Rates - 1.3 (Holy Sh*t!, all that one child per family conditioning has taken hold)
Actually, the biggest drop in birth rate occurred before the one child policy: ... ld-policy/

Posted: October 22nd, 2013, 6:41 pm
by tre
I used to want kids...2 or so. The older I get, the wiser I get...the more I don't want kids. It's not that I hate kids or don't want posterity, I just think it's too much of a challenge these days. Also, we are facing a collapse of the economy and society in the near future. I can't, in good conscience, bring a child into the world to face that.

If things cool down or rather collapse and then recover to some degree, I'll re-think it. I would think it would be nice to have children when you get older. Old people are lonely and have little to look forward to. Their children and grandchildren can give their life meaning.

Posted: October 22nd, 2013, 7:24 pm
by OutWest
djfourmoney wrote:
Renata wrote:Patience + Tolerance + Time = Good parenting & peaceful children

If you can not give all these, parenting will be a burden on you & you can end up with annoying kids.

My baby has definately taken over my life. I have the resources & the choice to get help; babysitters, nannies or aupairs but I can't seem to let go & leave my baby in the hands of anyone. It's scary & this ties me down. Some places my husband goes to I can't because of this. Maybe when my baby grows up it will be easier to let go or will it get worst? lol. I knew what I was getting into so I just take it one day at a time. My kid is growing well & likes peeling all my onions when I'm cooking. I have to hide them or else I'll have a whole bag peeled lol.

You guys shouldn't have kids if you don't want to. It will be unfair to the little one. They are born innocent after all & it's their life experiences that shape them.
A voice of reason.... Got pictures?
Yes she is...a lonely voice of reason at that.
Does this mean she will be banned soon? Lol...

Posted: October 23rd, 2013, 7:02 am
by S_Parc
Folks, it's very difficult to raise a child these days without a supportive, extended family.

The fact that many of us are running solo, makes it difficult to have this sort of platform for kids to grow up in.

Thus, if you're not bi-located with a family unit in let's say South America and then, your vocational/money making area such as the Boston-to-Richmond corridor, then it's quite a challenge because most likely, your kid, if he's not 90-100% self-directed, will not be able to create meaningful ties in the northeast/mid-Atlantic regions that can form a character of a solid individual.

Instead, he'll be a drifter type and that's not a future I'd wish on anyone these days. I'm seeing more and more of these types of kids, even in so-called nice suburban areas, as they seldom meet others, outside of Jr HS cliques.

Posted: October 23rd, 2013, 11:44 am
by momopi
Discipline problems with your kids?

Jokes aside, in TW HS students are required to do military drills and learn how to use an assault rifle. But in recent years the training has gotten lax as the ROC Army doesn't realistically think they'd conscript HS students in time of war today. My ex-GF in Taipei told me that to qualify for marksmanship, she only needed to put 5 shots on target.

Back in the 1970s, disposable diapers were relatively expensive in TW and I had to help my grandmother wash cloth diapers on washboards, then sanitize them by boiling, & hang dry in the sun. The extended family all chip in to help babysit and raise kids. My mother babysat 3 of my younger cousins. But this was a different time, back when we didn't have washer/dryers and during typhoons, utility services were unreliable and sometimes we'd eat hardtack biscuits (the square kind, like Japanese kanpan).

Posted: October 23rd, 2013, 12:03 pm
by momopi
Winston wrote: Nothing wrong with being a perpetual traveler. There are many places I want to see in this world. I just have bad time management skills, like most of you probably.
You obviously don't know me. I have more hobbies and interests than anyone else here. I have high knowledge in 7 or 8 subjects and MANY hobbies. Anyone can see that from my writings. Haven't you noticed? I've written a lot about history, philosophy, spirituality, paranormal, conspiracies, etc. I am a nature lover, not a big city lover like most here, and am happier in nature, not in cities. I have been on meditation retreats twice at a Buddhist center in Chino Valley, Arizona. I visit museums when I travel because I'm a history buff. I love tennis and swimming, and have been an actor. I am into chess and good at it too. I know a lot about astrology and paranormal studies as well. I've even written romantic poetry as well. How many guys here have done that?
So you see, I have a TON of hobbies and am very eclectic Renaissance type of man. So you obviously don't know anything about me. Please stop spreading lies and falsehoods.

1. What actions have you taken to improve your time management skills?

2. Other than time management issues, you often cite "Morphy's law" as a problem. In your research in the fields of astrology, paranormal, supernatural, spirituality, philosophy, etc., have you spent any effort on researching for a remedy to "Murphy's Law"?

For example, in Taiwan, a common folk ritual "收驚":

Posted: October 23rd, 2013, 1:33 pm
by kai8482
This is part of the reason I want out of America. Your brain washed as a kid to,"Grow up, go to school and get a degree, get a good job, get married buy a house and have kids". I almost fell for it myself right up to the degree part. I got my degree and i started traveling. I'm in no way shape for or fashion interested in home ownership, that requires a whole new thread. 2) I'd still consider myself young for kids. I 'm not done moving around and seeing what this world has to offer. I sure as s.hit haven't met the right woman yet. The American dream (obviously) varies from person to person but do what you want because you want, not because of some social paradigm regardless to where you end up.