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A couple of bits of news from PAN

Posted: February 4th, 2013, 1:52 am
by PeterAndrewNolan
Hi Winston,

I thought you and your subs might like to know about these things.

1. I sent a notice off to the irish parliament to let them know that failing a rebuttal I would claim that women who are of voting age and not muslim will have the protection of the law withdrawn from them as of February 1st on the land known as Ireland.

I have received the usual replies from the PM and Minister for Justice. They did not rebut the claim men do not have the protection of the law and did not rebut the claim that equality before the law is paramount and inviolate therefore women must have the protection of the law withdrawn.

We shall see what happens next. These are the two letters I have sent in the recent past. ... fault.aspx ... fault.aspx

2. I sent three letters to all members of the UK parliament as well. Here they are for anyone who is interested in them. ... fault.aspx ... fault.aspx ... fault.aspx

That not ONE MP in the UK was willing to make a public statement as to their position on women being held equal before the law shows you that there is no point talking to would be nice of MRAs/MRMs stopped talking to politicians and started listing to the TRUTH for a change.

And in even MORE amazing news four men have actually sent me money to make a small payment for all the work I have done on behalf of men these last five years. Sure, they were only small payments but it's the thought that counts. Wouldn't it be amazing if men actually started to pay men like me to do what they are too afraid to do themselves?