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Anyone else think that mongers overseas are ruining it?

Posted: March 19th, 2013, 11:35 am
by chanta76
Countries like Thialand, Philippines and maybe China. Same goes with places in the Eastern Europeans have sex tourism or guys going over there just for the girls and well...kind of spoil the place up.

I think at one point the Philippines had allot of cleaner girls but the mongers just spoil the place. I know on this site many of us wants to go overseas for various reasons but I think a big part of it is the girls.

Just wondering if others thinks mongering is just killing the place.

Re: Anyone else think that mongers overseas are ruining it?

Posted: March 19th, 2013, 12:09 pm
by zboy1
chanta76 wrote:Countries like Thialand, Philippines and maybe China. Same goes with places in the Eastern Europeans have sex tourism or guys going over there just for the girls and well...kind of spoil the place up.

I think at one point the Philippines had allot of cleaner girls but the mongers just spoil the place. I know on this site many of us wants to go overseas for various reasons but I think a big part of it is the girls.

Just wondering if others thinks mongering is just killing the place.
Yup. That's why I agree with the guys on PuaHate: mongering is for losers and it ruins the reputation of foreigners in those countries. Mongers also spread their 'Westernization' to the females, which in turn, they spread to the entire country. It's like a disease. I agree with E. Irizarry when he argues for keeping good spots around the world 'secret', but the jerks on Roosh do the opposite...

Re: Anyone else think that mongers overseas are ruining it?

Posted: March 19th, 2013, 12:15 pm
by ***JP***
zboy1 wrote:
chanta76 wrote:Countries like Thialand, Philippines and maybe China. Same goes with places in the Eastern Europeans have sex tourism or guys going over there just for the girls and well...kind of spoil the place up.

I think at one point the Philippines had allot of cleaner girls but the mongers just spoil the place. I know on this site many of us wants to go overseas for various reasons but I think a big part of it is the girls.

Just wondering if others thinks mongering is just killing the place.
Yup. That's why I agree with the guys on PuaHate: mongering is for losers and it ruins the reputation of foreigners in those countries. Mongers also spread their 'Westernization' to the females, which in turn, they spread to the entire country. It's like a disease. I agree with E. Irizarry when he argues for keeping good spots around the world 'secret', but the jerks on Roosh do the opposite...

I also agree. These are the idiots that give us american men a bad reputation abroad. Hell it's not enough these days that we have sought greener pastures abroad but now the PUA'S want to ruin it for us abroad. Why not stick to their fat americunt pigs? Eventually they will have more than enough to deal with since us the good guys are moving abroad for something meaningful.

Posted: March 19th, 2013, 12:40 pm
by Billy
what ha-guys are the good one? so winston is the example? :)

Re: Anyone else think that mongers overseas are ruining it?

Posted: March 19th, 2013, 12:53 pm
by davewe
chanta76 wrote:Countries like Thialand, Philippines and maybe China. Same goes with places in the Eastern Europeans have sex tourism or guys going over there just for the girls and well...kind of spoil the place up.
I think at one point the Philippines had allot of cleaner girls but the mongers just spoil the place. I know on this site many of us wants to go overseas for various reasons but I think a big part of it is the girls.
Just wondering if others thinks mongering is just killing the place.
I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand I think guys should have a right to do what they want to do. If that means travel to Angeles or Bankok for p4p, who am I to say they shouldn't?

OTOH I totally agree that it gives the rest of us a bad name. We get painted with the same brush. For example I spent a week last October in Cagayan de Oro. I was there with my gf and we were hanging out with a mutual friend. She brought her sister and a number of her friends to the suite I rented and we had several delightful parties and general fun, food, swimming, etc. In other words I spent the better part of a week surrounded by young, cute Pinays. What did the other hotel guests or the locals think? Did they consider me some kind of Western monger? I don't know - my gf and I were too busy having fun.

But there is no doubt you will have to sometimes justify your actions.

Posted: March 19th, 2013, 1:48 pm
by Cornfed
I don't see the problem. P4p happens in most functional societies and is not something Westerners brought with them. If the mongers are confining their attentions to pros and not bothering regular women then surely this is beneficial to all concerned.

Posted: March 19th, 2013, 2:35 pm
by skeptic
I'm not sure how sex-tourists could make a big difference in developed non-Western countries. Let's make it clear: if you're looking for long-term relationship/marriage, you won't be interested in girls who run after mongers. And if certain girls fall prey to the latter, then those girls are probably not for you. Now, you seem to be worried that sex-tourists will destroy the authentic unfeminized environment those countries still have. But do you really think the problem comes from mongers? Probably not. Rather, the infection comes from the same source it came from in America: mainstream media and cheap modern "culture". The world's youth has been attracted to the Western culture for many decades; but the culture itself has changed, unfortunately, not in a good way. And if you find the behavior of Russian (or whatever) girls to be all too familiar, it's not because of so-called mongers; it's because those countries are not immune from the poisonous cultural changes that happened to originate in the West.

Posted: March 19th, 2013, 4:26 pm
by marklambo
skeptic wrote:I'm not sure how sex-tourists could make a big difference in developed non-Western countries. Let's make it clear: if you're looking for long-term relationship/marriage, you won't be interested in girls who run after mongers. And if certain girls fall prey to the latter, then those girls are probably not for you. Now, you seem to be worried that sex-tourists will destroy the authentic unfeminized environment those countries still have. But do you really think the problem comes from mongers? Probably not. Rather, the infection comes from the same source it came from in America: mainstream media and cheap modern "culture". The world's youth has been attracted to the Western culture for many decades; but the culture itself has changed, unfortunately, not in a good way. And if you find the behavior of Russian (or whatever) girls to be all too familiar, it's not because of so-called mongers; it's because those countries are not immune from the poisonous cultural changes that happened to originate in the West.
I agree with you. Occasional mongers are not in such a high enough number to really cause too much of a dent. I'm sure it may have a little impact but not to the extent that we may think. Like you said, media is the main problem, the ultimate problem in fact. Look at America for example, look how bad it has become and is only getting worse over the years. Unfortunately, many countries do in fact try to copy America. And with all the disgusting useless garbage that's on America media, it spreads like a disease to many countries around the world. This has more of an affect than the mongers. But combining them both, it's definitely damaging. But I wouldn't say that mongers themselves are the main source of the problem. I don't have much worry for that.

Posted: March 19th, 2013, 5:17 pm
by skeptic
Part of the problem is that those countries copy the worst of America rather than the best of it. And I'm not even talking about women and dating. For example, the city of Voronezh, Russia, used to have an excellent tram network since 1926, which was damaged by the war but rebuilt shortly after. And guess what? On April 15, 2009, Voronezh tram system ceased to exist, following a decade of slowly dying at hands of the local government. If this is not a replica of what was happening throughout the U.S. half-century earlier, then what is it? Ironically, the U.S. is making slow steps to rectify that mistake by building light-rail lines in many cities. But it still remains to be seen whether the sad experience of Voronezh won't become Russia's nationwide trend. Let's also look at food. I remember the time when McDonalds was a novelty in Moscow. People were flocking to it as if it's the fanciest restaurant in the world. Perhaps at that time it actually was, in contrast to countless tasteless McDonaldses we have in America. Well, I don't know how many McDonaldses there are in Russia now, but chances are that they're far from being fancy. I'm not even surprised that the non-Western world is adopting these things. After all, the economic and military success of America has impressed many generations, and people naturally look up at anything that emanates from here, regardless of its inherent quality and meaning (or lack thereof). What I am puzzled about is why did this nonsense become popular in America itself? How could the puritan family-oriented culture have become home for such things as feminism, gay "marriages", isolationism? This is not what America has traditionally been about. What happened?

Posted: March 19th, 2013, 5:31 pm
by marklambo
skeptic wrote:Part of the problem is that those countries copy the worst of America rather than the best of it. And I'm not even talking about women and dating. For example, the city of Voronezh, Russia, used to have an excellent tram network since 1926, which was damaged by the war but rebuilt shortly after. And guess what? On April 15, 2009, after a decade of steady deterioration, Voronezh tram system ceased to exist. If this is not a replica of what was happening throughout the U.S. half-century earlier, then what is it? Ironically, the U.S. is making slow steps to rectify that mistake by building light-rail lines in many cities. But it still remains to be seen whether the sad experience of Voronezh won't become Russia's nationwide trend. Let's also look at food. I remember the time when McDonalds was a novelty in Moscow. People were flocking to it as if it's the fanciest restaurant in the world. Perhaps at that time it actually was, in contrast to countless tasteless McDonaldses we have in America. Well, I don't know how many McDonaldses there are in Russia now, but chances are that they're far from being fancy. I'm not even surprised that the non-Western world is adopting these things. After all, the economic and military success of America has impressed many generations, and people naturally look up at anything that emanates from here, regardless of its inherent quality and meaning (or lack thereof). What I am puzzled about is why did this nonsense become popular in America itself? How could the puritan family-oriented culture have become home for such things as feminism, gay "marriages", isolationism? This is not what America has traditionally been about. What happened?
A lot of it has to do with our government. Since the past, America has made it easy for anyone to come here, become a citizen, etc. A little easier as compared to some other countries. As a result, you get more garbage that comes here. Then after some time, while the garbage sits here, they start to wonder why they are not entitled to more. Then they ask for more, cause a scene, etc. Sometimes the government gives in just to shut them up. Now you have all this garbage here and it just keeps breeding. You then have greedy media companies selling garbage tv shows and shitty music to the general public. Quality of everything starts to go down and then coupled with the general public (which are mostly sheep and idiots), they follow these stupid tv and music trends while companies are raking in huge profits. The disease keeps spreading and spreading. It took a while for America to become this way and would take a much longer time to ever go back to the traditional ways, but chances are 1 in a million. We can mostly blame large corporations and our government for this toilet of a country.

Posted: March 19th, 2013, 6:03 pm
by skeptic
In what way are large corporations and the goverment benefitting from this crap, especially from feminism?

Posted: March 19th, 2013, 6:18 pm
by marklambo
skeptic wrote:In what way are large corporations and the goverment benefitting from this crap, especially from feminism?
I never said the government is benefiting from this. They are part of the cause but the large corporations are also the cause and in most times actually gain a profit too. Who are the ones who profit from all these stupid tv shows and garbage you hear on the radio that is considered "music". Who sells useless products to people in America making them believe that they "need it". It's the large corporations. They allow and promote media that is detrimental to our society.

Corps also contribute to feminism by giving women jobs that can sometimes pay higher than men, which in return makes the woman feel superior over the man. At the same time, the corps are almost obligated to do this because of the government. A lot of all this is really bad media. Giving people false views of reality and people are usually dumb enough to buy into it. Corps generate huge profits from it all, it's a fact.

Re: Anyone else think that mongers overseas are ruining it?

Posted: March 19th, 2013, 6:20 pm
by E_Irizarry
zboy1 wrote:
chanta76 wrote:Countries like Thialand, Philippines and maybe China. Same goes with places in the Eastern Europeans have sex tourism or guys going over there just for the girls and well...kind of spoil the place up.

I think at one point the Philippines had allot of cleaner girls but the mongers just spoil the place. I know on this site many of us wants to go overseas for various reasons but I think a big part of it is the girls.

Just wondering if others thinks mongering is just killing the place.
Yup. That's why I agree with the guys on PuaHate: mongering is for losers and it ruins the reputation of foreigners in those countries. Mongers also spread their 'Westernization' to the females, which in turn, they spread to the entire country. It's like a disease. I agree with E. Irizarry when he argues for keeping good spots around the world 'secret', but the jerks on Roosh do the opposite...
Don't forget Contrarian and Andrewwwww too. They are big on not sharing CoIntel, too. I am a mongerer, but I am discreet 80 percent of the time. The other 20 percent are known already and/or I don't care for place because it sucked that badly. Thailand is too well-known so we can talk about that all day, which I do. lol

Rock and Ladislav are the Lewis and Clarke of H.A. Will N. Dowd is the Asiaphile Predator, and I'm the anything-with-a-pulse-and-a-vaginal-pandora's-box-with-a-mossy-pumpkin-patch-snatch Terminator.

Thanks for recognizing me for this topic.

That's why I'm not a big fan of people like Dan La Cruz, people that are trying to hook up random socia"patethic" dudes without being psych evaluated, and Mark E. Davis is more innocent, but in an iota of a way, he's attributing to corrupting the scene in the Ukraine by not scanning these male and females involved to a meticulously cellular level.

Re: Anyone else think that mongers overseas are ruining it?

Posted: March 19th, 2013, 6:45 pm
by ryanx
E_Irizarry wrote:
zboy1 wrote:
chanta76 wrote:Countries like Thialand, Philippines and maybe China. Same goes with places in the Eastern Europeans have sex tourism or guys going over there just for the girls and well...kind of spoil the place up.

I think at one point the Philippines had allot of cleaner girls but the mongers just spoil the place. I know on this site many of us wants to go overseas for various reasons but I think a big part of it is the girls.

Just wondering if others thinks mongering is just killing the place.
Yup. That's why I agree with the guys on PuaHate: mongering is for losers and it ruins the reputation of foreigners in those countries. Mongers also spread their 'Westernization' to the females, which in turn, they spread to the entire country. It's like a disease. I agree with E. Irizarry when he argues for keeping good spots around the world 'secret', but the jerks on Roosh do the opposite...
Don't forget Contrarian and Andrewwwww too. They are big on not sharing CoIntel, too. I am a mongerer, but I am discreet 80 percent of the time. The other 20 percent are known already and/or I don't care for place because it sucked that badly. Thailand is too well-known so we can talk about that all day, which I do. lol

Rock and Ladislav are the Lewis and Clarke of H.A. Will N. Dowd is the Asiaphile Predator, and I'm the anything-with-a-pulse-and-a-v****al-pandora's-box-with-a-mossy-pumpkin-patch-snatch Terminator.

Thanks for recognizing me for this topic.

That's why I'm not a big fan of people like Dan La Cruz, people that are trying to hook up random socia"patethic" dudes without being psych evaluated, and Mark E. Davis is more innocent, but in an iota of a way, he's attributing to corrupting the scene in the Ukraine by not scanning these male and females involved to a meticulously cellular level.
Man! I just come to this forum to read your posts. I can't make head or tail of what you are saying but I love reading them non-the-less :)

Re: Anyone else think that mongers overseas are ruining it?

Posted: March 19th, 2013, 11:42 pm
by E_Irizarry
ryanx wrote:
E_Irizarry wrote:
zboy1 wrote:
chanta76 wrote:Countries like Thialand, Philippines and maybe China. Same goes with places in the Eastern Europeans have sex tourism or guys going over there just for the girls and well...kind of spoil the place up.

I think at one point the Philippines had allot of cleaner girls but the mongers just spoil the place. I know on this site many of us wants to go overseas for various reasons but I think a big part of it is the girls.

Just wondering if others thinks mongering is just killing the place.
Yup. That's why I agree with the guys on PuaHate: mongering is for losers and it ruins the reputation of foreigners in those countries. Mongers also spread their 'Westernization' to the females, which in turn, they spread to the entire country. It's like a disease. I agree with E. Irizarry when he argues for keeping good spots around the world 'secret', but the jerks on Roosh do the opposite...
Don't forget Contrarian and Andrewwwww too. They are big on not sharing CoIntel, too. I am a mongerer, but I am discreet 80 percent of the time. The other 20 percent are known already and/or I don't care for place because it sucked that badly. Thailand is too well-known so we can talk about that all day, which I do. lol

Rock and Ladislav are the Lewis and Clarke of H.A. Will N. Dowd is the Asiaphile Predator, and I'm the anything-with-a-pulse-and-a-v****al-pandora's-box-with-a-mossy-pumpkin-patch-snatch Terminator.

Thanks for recognizing me for this topic.

That's why I'm not a big fan of people like Dan La Cruz, people that are trying to hook up random socia"patethic" dudes without being psych evaluated, and Mark E. Davis is more innocent, but in an iota of a way, he's attributing to corrupting the scene in the Ukraine by not scanning these male and females involved to a meticulously cellular level.
Man! I just come to this forum to read your posts. I can't make head or tail of what you are saying but I love reading them non-the-less :)
LOL t/hankx.