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In Australia that man hating culture is an extreme

Posted: May 18th, 2014, 6:22 pm
by ishwri

Men can barely sit next to children on an airplane in australia without being accused of an molester.

Posted: May 18th, 2014, 8:23 pm
by johnnyderp
It's often said that the most openly homophobic people are often closet gays.

People who quickly and most stridently accuse any innocent man of being pedophiles are most likely projecting their own pedophilic fantasies onto that man. Dirty minded kun-ts the lot of them.

Posted: May 19th, 2014, 4:04 am
by johny_quest
LOL, this is what I've been trying to tell Winston. He just doesn't want to listen. He'd rather bury his head in the sand and continue thinking that America is the only anti-male country in the world.

Posted: May 19th, 2014, 7:37 am
by SilverEnergy
They treat their own men like that because the the Australian men don't fight back.

But Australian women love foreign men and non-white men.

They don't hate ALL men, just the white Australian males.

Posted: May 19th, 2014, 8:39 am
by johny_quest
SilverEnergy wrote:They treat their own men like that because the the Australian men don't fight back.

But Australian women love foreign men and non-white men.

They don't hate ALL men, just the white Australian males.
White men are the ONLY guys that white australian women go for. It's fairly common here to see a white man with an asian wife or gf. Its extremely rare to see white woman with an asian man. In fact, I don't think I can ever recall seeing a white woman with an asian boyfriend.

Australian women only go for white guys, nz maoris, and. The only black guys they would go for are black european or black american guys. But not africans straight from africa.

Posted: May 19th, 2014, 12:26 pm
by SilverEnergy
johny_quest wrote:
SilverEnergy wrote:They treat their own men like that because the the Australian men don't fight back.

But Australian women love foreign men and non-white men.

They don't hate ALL men, just the white Australian males.
White men are the ONLY guys that white australian women go for. It's fairly common here to see a white man with an asian wife or gf. Its extremely rare to see white woman with an asian man. In fact, I don't think I can ever recall seeing a white woman with an asian boyfriend.

Australian women only go for white guys, nz maoris, and. The only black guys they would go for are black european or black american guys. But not africans straight from africa.
I don't know about asian guys but I do know that they like African American men.