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What's up with this 5g stuff?

Posted: January 18th, 2019, 12:12 am
by Wolfeye
Hey, everyone. What's up with this thing? I hear 5G is quite dangerous, worse than second hand smoke, and people are trying to implement it all over the place. It's even bad for plant & animal life & it seems it's not allowed in Israel (seems they actually have 3G & lots of copper wiring to do some kind of shielding- seems like a good idea). Also, people worry that some of the stuff that's sprayed into the air will react badly with this 5G stuff is radiating. Effectively, this is the energy version of just mixing chemicals together & seeing what happens- assuming that there isn't a presumed effect already.

Also, how is this even made? The manufacturing, transporting, and assembly are all needed for this to even exist. There's presumably personnel involved in all this, including in board rooms & in places that give permission for the involved actions.

Re: What's up with this 5g stuff?

Posted: January 18th, 2019, 1:50 am
by Moretorque
Where are you at ? the last 2 or so years ?, The space monsters are coming, they are turning the Earth into a intergalactic restaurant called Monster's Buffet.

This is from the brain of Starchild and his investors the Ashkenazi space monsters....

Re: What's up with this 5g stuff?

Posted: January 18th, 2019, 4:55 pm
by tom
5G has great bullshit potential as a buzzword. Basically its millimeter wave, massive MIMO like 8x, fancier antennas and tricky beam forming. There will be many more cell sites are needed to make this work. The next generation of SDRs will go to 12 GHz saving a step.

Its like putting your head in a microwave oven. RF Burns, sterility, cataracts are possible. Now you know why American women are getting fatter a more stupid.

Re: What's up with this 5g stuff?

Posted: January 23rd, 2019, 2:31 pm
by Moretorque
Anybody who would believe anything put out by the British government is STUPID!!! I think the current system going up is a control grid, yes they can easily attack people with this system.....