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PUA's or Feminism have made relationships very complex?

Posted: October 19th, 2022, 12:03 pm
by ArchibaultNew
Hey guys,

So this is what I've noticed. Once you get finish the whole, "courtship process" where you can hook up with a girl and have sex with her. It seems you have two options:

1-Make her your Girlfriend, which seems like the logical choice. Start a relationship with her and see where it takes you. Also since she's your girlfriend the girl gives you more priority. This option seems more common in France, South Korea, and other societies based on my observations.

2-The "Abundance Option" which seems a bit weird. While on paper it promises a lot in reality it seems much more complex. First, for some reason 99% of PUA's advocate the "Abundance option." Where you "play the field" and see where it gets you. Where its the "high value move." However, it seems to be the opposite, since now that the girl is not your GF she gives you a low priority and will move on from you. I've seen it happen to many people. What happens most of the time is that instead of having "multiple girls" like the PUA's and Feminists advocate, the reality is that you are, "Back on Square 1" where you will have to mass approach a bunch of girls, and go through the "Courtship process" again until you get another girl to, "Hook up with you." Unlike what the PUA's, Manosphere and others promise its not easy.

To me there's the societal expectation, where your partner(GF) needs to be this "idealized soulmate" and people are willing to "play the game" to get here. PUA's and others are more than willing to push this view to their customers since it seems more revenue. Unknowingly leading them to less sex and eventual inceldom.

Re: PUA's or Feminism have made relationships very complex?

Posted: October 19th, 2022, 12:46 pm
by Mew6ix
Approaching woemen is criminal harassment in Canada and GB.

Feminism has created an underclass of unemployed incels who are ready to join an enemy army.

Re: PUA's or Feminism have made relationships very complex?

Posted: October 19th, 2022, 11:30 pm
by Outcast9428
This is one of the best threads I believe you have made.

@WilliamSmith Criticizes people for saying that PUA is a scam without really understanding, in my opinion, why people are calling it a scam. The idea is not that "it doesn't work on any girls." Its that the entire lifestyle that they promote to begin with is a scam. A man does not experience abundance when he plays the field, and learning all the strategies of PUA will not make you a happy man. The strategy is not the scam... The reward/result is the scam.

Re: PUA's or Feminism have made relationships very complex?

Posted: October 20th, 2022, 5:37 pm
by ArchibaultNew
I appreciate it.We agree on this point. But it's due to different reasons. I believe you think it will lead to a more "traditional soceity" this is society where its one guy-one girl.

Meanwhile, I have a more realistic as well as practical reason why I believe this. It's because I believe these relationships won't last. Especially, in the modern West. If I use yours and other's terminology its because the culture is "broken/degenerated" even by doing this and getting into a relationship with the girl, it will mostly buy you time. In which you can bang her for a few months before it ends.
Meanwhile, if you don't make her your GF it will last much shorters a few weeks. PUA students hide these facts from their students since they tell, "Just move on to the next one bro," or "that's the nature of the game."

Attractive women are on a High Demand in the Anglosphere and that's the bottomline there's no many of them hence why its very competitive. Like Roosh said, they have a mindset of "Never settled." If you move around the world then that might be a different story.