Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

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Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

Post by Kalinago »

I mean for women?I think even African women are more intelligent on average than them and those women are cheap look at the ugly fat old men they get with for some Dolla.


Also the hot ones are a minority unlike Europe even my country which I hate Holland most girls are goodlooking not just a small minority and the standard is higher too.

Europe has intelligent cultured and beauty pageant type girls more commonly?

I think it's because the type of guy attracted to sea is a monger or social outcast and likes to slum it up?

Do higher quality american men go to Europe and latin america?

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Re: Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

Post by Kalinago »

Imagine going to a dirty shitholes for mediocre p***y with a monkey brained woman lol easy for lowest denominator is always gonna be a crap deal!

Wouldn't you be embarresed to say to people your wife is from the Phils or Thailand?
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Re: Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

Post by Outcast9428 »

Its funny how douchebro alpha males just can't contain their frustration at the fact that Asian women refuse to go along with douchebro alpha male supremacism.
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Re: Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

Post by Kalinago »

Outcast9428 wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 2:28 am
Its funny how douchebro alpha males just can't contain their frustration at the fact that Asian women refuse to go along with douchebro alpha male supremacism.
:lol: yeah douchebro alpha males are so frustrated that SEA women have no dignity at all and don't generally look nearly as good as European women or latinas,and that awkward incels are literally slum diving for affection with women with no class,dignity or brains :lol: These women sell their bodies to complete abominations.

You also have to pay up eventually consistently as they have their hands out and all this for a shitty product that you can't even talk to?

Now if you're successful with middle and upper class SEA women or she's a stunner this doesn't apply to you,still a shitty place to expat to.

I don't want a woman that would sleep with anything that moves for Dolla.

Imagine how low it is to go for women living in abject poverty living in slums because you're either so ugly ,fat or socially inept to get a woman of higher quality.

IDC what people do but I'm tired of these strange people promoting these places as the face of happiness abroad.

Good I guess that the refuse aren't spoiling eastern Europe though :lol:
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Re: Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

Post by Kalinago »

Mercer wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 12:19 pm
The women in first world countries are fat, ugly Feminazis who will divorce rape you as soon as they get bored. Of course noodlewhores from third world slums only want money or a green card and then will get rid of you as soon as they get what they want.

Remember, AWALT - All women are like that.
Second world countries are best,and you have to build value to find value.a good woman womt sleep with just any guy!
South euro women don't generally divorce men!they're truly conservative and also there are good women in china,from rural areas and ethnic minorities and also Ethiopian women are great.

The thing with happiness abroad is that it's too generalized as I said in a previous thread,it depends on the country in question,the education level ,the region,the particular woman!nothing is guaranteed in life!

Her social beliefs amd politics matter too,a liberal or westernized woman isn't good for marriage .also her belief in God or karma or whatever is important!

SEA women are out for a better life and are using you unless you meet the right one wnd have something of value to her!
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Re: Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

Post by Kalinago »

The problem with happiness abroad is it's too gemeral when no two women are exwctely the same and some of the places most men go to have horrible women for more than a easy lay!

Most passport bros have no discernment at all !

A woman that doesn't value herself won't value you!if she's easy to lay she's not good!

If she has no class she has no personal standards for herself to abide by!

Seriously I can tell someone looking for the easiest place has no value to offer.

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Re: Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

Post by MrMan »

Mercer wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 12:19 pm
The women in first world countries are fat, ugly Feminazis who will divorce rape you as soon as they get bored. Of course noodlewhores from third world slums only want money or a green card and then will get rid of you as soon as they get what they want.

Remember, AWALT - All women are like that.
Good thing my Asian wife is not a noodle whore. We have been married over 20 years, getting closer to 25.

I've seen episodes of 90-day Fiance before. There were American family members wanting to know if a woman just wanted a Greencard. I'd wished one of them would have said, "Green card? I want him to go work and support me!" If she said it right, she might have got a laugh, but if she'd expressed a desire to take care of him, future children, etc., they might have appreciated that.

There are family-oriented women who are just as family oriented when they move to the US as they were back home. My wife has done different things including doing the lioness' share of our family business when I was in grad school, working as a guest chef here and there, but she hasn't gone out and worked a full-time job. Why would a woman's ambition be to go work in a factory somewhere in the US or something like that?
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Re: Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

Post by MrMan »

Kalinago wrote:
January 7th, 2023, 10:28 pm
I mean for women?I think even African women are more intelligent on average than them and those women are cheap look at the ugly fat old men they get with for some Dolla.


Also the hot ones are a minority unlike Europe even my country which I hate Holland most girls are goodlooking not just a small minority and the standard is higher too.

Europe has intelligent cultured and beauty pageant type girls more commonly?

I think it's because the type of guy attracted to sea is a monger or social outcast and likes to slum it up?

Do higher quality american men go to Europe and latin america?
I spent many years in Indonesia, and my experience would indicate that the vast majority of girls are not loose ho's who would sleep with a guy for some dollar. Most are marriage-oriented. Marriage is the purpose for dating for most of them.

There are prostitutes all around the world, and I suppose there are bar girls and cheap girls who sleep around. I wonder if the expats who go to certain cities and whore it up with cheap women are mostly sleeping with the same small pool of girls, swapping their VD infections.

I've never been to the Netherlands. I married a stunner from Indonesia. My wife had a few cousins who were really nice looking, stunners or close to it, too, maybe 10 or so of them. But there can be hundreds of her relatives at a wedding. There are a lot of people-groups in Indonesia. I generally find Malay type people's generally less attractive on average. If a room full of young women in South Korea had lots of 7's, I'd say a room full of Indonesian women might have a lot of 5.5's or 6's to my taste. Some western men like the Malayu look. My wife is a rare gem for looks anywhere. In her late 40's, men still find her attractive and don't know how old she is, so she has to mention her husband all the time and stuff like that to ward them off.

Personally, it didn't seem to me that the Chinese women there are as good-looking as Chinese women in China. I remember seeing a girl whose looks nearly took my breath away at a buffet when I was young who looked Chinese. That was rare, though. A close friend of mine was really pretty, but she looked Chinese but was mixed with European and I think another ethnicity.

The impression I got in Indonesia is that virginity at marriage is more common, for both men and women but more so for women. Sex before marriage is stigmatized. Women tend to be family oriented. They are expected to know how to cook, but this is probably less the case in the big cities with women. Still, we had an Indonesian mother and her daughters visit and they filled the kitchen up making perkedel and other food, helping my wife out.

They have desires, moods, etc. They aren't Stepford wife robots. My wife's people-group is anti-divorce, culturally. There have been a number of divorces in the family, but a handful out of hundreds, not like the US. Even with the expat married Indonesian community in one US city, out of several dozens, maybe a couple of divorces, which seemed much lower than the local environment. Sundanese in Indonesia were more likely to divorce, I heard, but the national divorce rate is much lower than the US or Russia.

The Dutch ruled Indonesia for so long. Marrying a foreigner can be seen as a positive, high class thing to do, especially white. That's probably more the case for poorer classes, but richer Indonesians don't seem to see it as a problem. Indonesia is full of people-groups that already intermarry with each other, and ethnicity is decided by social rules. Minang lineage follows the mother. Javanese follows the father. Batak will adopt people in, male or female. Chinese need to be full Chinese to be recognized as Chinese. Some Indonesian Chinese think marrying white is just about as good as marrying another Chinese.

I went there when I was about 25 and got married after a couple of years there. I don't know if I just had no ability to pick up on cues from women, or if women there just give more signals if they are interested, or if Indonesian women just found me more attractive, or I just had hit the peak of being interesting-- marrying age for them-- when I went there. But I sure noticed women being interested in me. Subtle things they would say usually, or flirtatious joking comments, or sending my mom presents when I went home (which someone told me was a way to hopefully soften up a future mother-in-law), or aggressive pursuit of me. Being foreign might have given me an extra point on a 1-10 scale since it made me stand out. There is also the stereotype that foreigners are rich. The US gets Asian college kids who are good at math, and a lot of expats tend to be successful in their careers to be stationed there.

I would discourage sexpats from going to Indonesia. But decent men looking for wives might consider it. There is a large Christian population there, too. They aren't all Muslim.
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Re: Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

Post by Yohan »

Kalinago wrote:
January 7th, 2023, 10:31 pm
Imagine going to a dirty shitholes for mediocre p***y with a monkey brained woman lol easy for lowest denominator is always gonna be a crap deal!
Wouldn't you be embarresed to say to people your wife is from the Phils or Thailand?
Wouldn't you be embarrassed to say to people your wife is from USA, just the typical American girl? Psycho and overweight?

See the other side, don't bring your Asian wife to Western countries. Just my opinion. Why should you not go to Southeast Asia and live there??
The main reason why certain Western men are not going is because they don't have enough money or job qualification to do so, it's not easy for a foreign man from Western countries to find a job there, unable to communicate in the local language. But otherwise? What's wrong with considering relocation?

I moved away from Europe for ever to SE Asia and FE Asia more than 40 years ago, never came back and I do not regret it.
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Re: Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Yohan wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 7:46 pm
Kalinago wrote:
January 7th, 2023, 10:31 pm
Imagine going to a dirty shitholes for mediocre p***y with a monkey brained woman lol easy for lowest denominator is always gonna be a crap deal!
Wouldn't you be embarresed to say to people your wife is from the Phils or Thailand?
Wouldn't you be embarrassed to say to people your wife is from USA, just the typical American girl? Psycho and overweight?

See the other side, don't bring your Asian wife to Western countries. Just my opinion. Why should you not go to Southeast Asia and live there??
The main reason why certain Western men are not going is because they don't have enough money or job qualification to do so, it's not easy for a foreign man from Western countries to find a job there, unable to communicate in the local language. But otherwise? What's wrong with considering relocation?

I moved away from Europe for ever to SE Asia and FE Asia more than 40 years ago, never came back and I do not regret it.
What I don't get is why do you want men from elsewhere to move where you feel that you have actual peace? You do realize that the reason Europe turned to shit is because of the garbage men? The same garbage men that stand side by side with their own garbage women and purposely advocate for the destruction of their own nations?

You'll probably be dead when Japan gets taken over by foreign assholes someday. Europe, America, Canada, etc these places weren't nearly as bad as they are until the type of people got in, took over, betrayed their own people and intentionally killed those countries. And they'll gladly do it to Asia next, especially any Asian country that have very fewer problems. The goal is to make every country unlivable. The people pushing it will bail on these places and go where they can secretly live away from all the issues they caused. Another reason people don't leave and go abroad is because they are comfortable where they are even if it sucks. Europe use to be paradise back in the day, now it's turning into something it was never suppose to be.
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Re: Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Kalinago wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 12:38 pm
The problem with happiness abroad is it's too gemeral when no two women are exwctely the same and some of the places most men go to have horrible women for more than a easy lay!

Most passport bros have no discernment at all !

A woman that doesn't value herself won't value you!if she's easy to lay she's not good!

If she has no class she has no personal standards for herself to abide by!

Seriously I can tell someone looking for the easiest place has no value to offer.

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What you described sounds like a lot of black males in the U.S. they love f***ing them shitty ass useless white women especially the ones who are already married, and the women who are married are married to men that get off on watching his married wife f***ing other men. The cuckoldry shit in America isn't just a slang, it's very real and it's not limited to a small pool of people either. That's how white people deal with their pathetic white guilt issues. But black men could care less if they have anything to offer other than stereotypes about his dick size.
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Re: Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

Post by Winston »

Africa? It's a big place. Depends on where. I heard that Africa has the lowest IQ in the world at 70, lower than the Philippines' average IQ of 86. How can African women be smarter or classier?
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Re: Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

Post by Kalinago »

@mrman,My definition of stunner is likely higher than yours or most men that go after such women,not to be mean or anything and marriage to a guy for his race is a cheap behaviour too if that is their only standard which is for SEA women.

Any fat old white guy can land a decent by his standard and sea standard looking girl.

Marriage for status or money is glorified prostitution.

@Yohan no I wouldn't and the dichotomy isn't there,america and Asia are not the only places.

I wonder if you could attract hot and feminine conservative European women back them if you would have gone to Asia but that's irrelevant because Japan and japanese women are much better on average than SEA women by far and better than western women.
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Re: Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

Post by Kalinago »

Winston wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 9:10 pm
Africa? It's a big place. Depends on where. I heard that Africa has the lowest IQ in the world at 70, lower than the Philippines' average IQ of 86. How can African women be smarter or classier?
Ask @WilliamSmith lol I see them both as equally undesirable,I was merely giving a hypothetical since I've had more intelligent conversations with them than filipinas.filipinas seem like children in grown adult bodies.

Ethiopian women can be desirable if they're middle class or religious or from smaller towns though addiss women are westernized to a large extent.

Most African bamtu women I've met stink like musty armpits and make wierd sounds with their mouth and likely do voodoo.maybe it's just in bamtu dna,I haven't ever met a Filipina that smells like them!
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Re: Why do people actually go to southeast Asia?

Post by Kalinago »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 8:23 pm
Kalinago wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 12:38 pm
The problem with happiness abroad is it's too gemeral when no two women are exwctely the same and some of the places most men go to have horrible women for more than a easy lay!

Most passport bros have no discernment at all !

A woman that doesn't value herself won't value you!if she's easy to lay she's not good!

If she has no class she has no personal standards for herself to abide by!

Seriously I can tell someone looking for the easiest place has no value to offer.

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What you described sounds like a lot of black males in the U.S. they love f***ing them shitty ass useless white women especially the ones who are already married, and the women who are married are married to men that get off on watching his married wife f***ing other men. The cuckoldry shit in America isn't just a slang, it's very real and it's not limited to a small pool of people either. That's how white people deal with their pathetic white guilt issues. But black men could care less if they have anything to offer other than stereotypes about his dick size.
The type of white woman I like is Slavic mediterennean or latin Mediterranean so I'm not too concerned with what whoremerican white women do with their feral pets.Im not a white vagina nationalist I just see the truth about race dynamics in America...

But believe me most white women are disgusted by black mens presence even with mr big nose beady eyes incel face jew working overtime to surpress their natural instincts.

Crap music and media status can only bring you so far and studies show conservative white people half the country have the most pride in their heritage amd race while white liberals are selfhating and empathize most with BIPOC as we all knew I think the study is on amren or unz.com
Last edited by Kalinago on January 8th, 2023, 10:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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