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How much money would you require to give up US citizenship?

Posted: March 25th, 2023, 8:53 pm
by Tsar
If I had €2,000,000 in cryptocurrency which I acquired outside the financial system, the I would definitely renounce my US citizenship.

Here's why:
1. I would never own real estate in the United States
2. I could easily open a US based company with a law firm if I had the money.
3. The US is too expensive
4. I would only raise a family outside the West, although Southern Europe is ok, and Eastern non-FSU (the CIS) Europe is much better, because the West is terrible (and terribly expensive).
5. It's too Judaized
6. It's too ignorant
7. Too many different races (and multiculturalism is toxic)
8. The United States is too corrupt and has too much socioeconomic inequality
9. Only the rich do well in the US and they need to maintain their socioeconomic class or fall into poverty. America has Social Darwinism
10. The United States is like a third world nation masquerading as a first world nation. Only the wealthiest Americans have a first world lifestyle. Obviously, the United States is also better for the people who accept being completely poor for the rest of their life, but if I was wealthy, I could just go to the UK or Ireland for English speaking medical care/doctors, especially since I wouldn't have any eligibility for US coverage or a visa, but I am smart, so I always want to leave myself a loophole, so I would have a child aboard, get them US citizenship, then they can not report unless they live in the US and the US wouldn't have the capability of tracking that child because the foreign banks wouldn't know they are a US citizen if they're born outside of the US, and then if my child ever lives in the US, they can sponsor me for a Green Card and I get welfare.

Yeah, I would definitely renounce my US citizenship for €2,000,000.

The odds of the US actually turning around in the next 20-40 years are really low.

Does anyone on this forum actually see the US become a great nation sometime in the next 20 years?

I don't because the United States is completely infected and infested with Jews, it's controlled and dominated by Jews, and it's purely a nation for the corporations, the rich, and the Jews.

Re: How much money would you require to give up US citizenship?

Posted: March 25th, 2023, 10:45 pm
by Natural_Born_Cynic
Renouncing U.S citizenship is one thing.. which country your going to live then? Do you have any plans?