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Re: Are you surprised about this?

Posted: November 25th, 2015, 7:36 pm
by E Irizarry R&B Singer
Tapatio89 wrote:
Yohan wrote:
Tapatio89 wrote:I
...But guess who the Japanese girl fell for? The light skin Latino guy, which is me
...My White American friends were puzzled and could not believe it that she prefered me over them
For many young Japanese women AND men, especially those, who have been outside of Japan for a while, race does not mean anything anymore.

As mixed race-marriage is much more frequent now compared to the past, there are many 50/50 young people showing up everywhere, this has also to be considered.

I think, all these race-issues and racist BS-talks are vastly exaggerated in USA, same with religion, too many bigots out there in US with never ending arguments going to nowhere.
I agree, in Mexico, no one thinks a blond Nordic is only popular with Asian girls nor that Asian girls only like those kind of men. In fact, I have met a good number of Mexican men married to Japanese women, myself included.

This racist BS that Asian women only like blond, Nordic men is only a fantasy that is endemic to the Anglo-Germanic world, not the Latin World or in Asia.
Well in the USA, I had an arduous time trying to date Asian and Asian-American women. Filipinas act very contorted in the U.S. of Gay (i.e. the USA, not the USM (US of Mexico - jajaja)) and only date Anglo-Germanic men. THAT IS AN UNYIELDING FACT unless they are n---r lovers, and those types and I no nos caemos muy bien because they are gran putas!!! However, however, when I had gone to Canada, it was easier to get Asian-Canadian women and even easier to get F.O.B. Asian women in Canada because Canada doesn't have ubiquitious propaganda like the U.S. does.