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Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 11:30 pm
by droid
I finally got laid but nothing to brag about...It was a P4P street walker who took me to a massage place. I probably paid way too much. I was drunk, she was not Japanese and I guess only slightly attractive. I was drunk, she was aggressive with the "massagie now!" and grabbing my arm. I took the bait. Just thought I would share that....
Ouch. Thanks for the honesty.

The fun, cute and feminine Japanese Female personalities are gone. Nothing but a bunch of boring robots here. I should have listed to all of the posts I read online about Japan, I didn't want to believe it. I wanted to believe that the Glory Days are still possible in Japan. What a f***ing waste of time and money. Better to have this dream die quickly than to continue to waste my time.
Well as I reported from my brief peek the other day, they seem to be just a bunch of zombies, and all they have going for their life is their expensive designer coats.


I still think places like Fukuoka for example should be somewhat nicer. Yohan keeps silent about more japan details, understandably.

But the window is closing in every country by the minute for sure. Those that didn't travel at this time won't even get to experience some of the trailing end.

I wonder what will happen globally decades from now with the smart phones and anti-social media / Starbucks culture, could it somehow be some temporary fad, or will it really take over everyone's time, permanently?
Perhaps customized robotic companions will really end up happening at the 'end'.


Posted: August 6th, 2017, 5:10 pm
by Guts, you sound EXACTLY like me. The first time I went to Japan in 2013 I was just shy of my 36th birthday and I had a major entitlement attitude. I also thought just being a white guy in Japan was going to win me over with the ladies and I couldn't have been more wrong. The only woman I met there was a young cutie in Kyoto, probably about 20 years old that stopped me on the street and was asking me questions about where I'm from and if I lived there. I stupidly told her I was just a tourist and she said she had to go, hopped on her bicycle and took off. I wish I had told her I was living there cause I might have been able to get a date with her. She probably figured since I wasn't going to be there very long, why even bother? Other than that I was more or less invisible to women there. I fell in love with the country though as it is beautiful, amazing atmosphere, food, clean, well dressed people, efficient, etc. Definitely worth a visit.

For sure the days of Japan being a dating paradise (if it ever was one) are long over. I don't really have much new to add other than what the other guys have said here. Japanese women are quite spoiled, and very picky. They don't really need men and you will need "game" somewhat to get anywhere with them. Looks and height definitely help too. Most Japanese women are highly educated and work so you're also going to have to compete with her job for her time and attention.

I wouldn't be too discouraged about your age. I'm 40 and still trying. Have you tired meeting Japanese women online first, like through a dating site? I've been using one for years and unlike American ones a lot of the women actually respond. I've met 6 women which I will write about here sooner or later. Are you only interested in younger women? There are plenty of "leftover" women in their 30's that are single if you're interested in meeting women your own age. If you can find one that likes you I think it's worth it. I'd take a Japanese or Korean woman any day over a SE Asian or Chinese.

Yeah, happier abroad is dying fast and will probably be dead in 5-10 years. The malice is spreading quickly throughout the world. WW3 is pretty much imminent.

By the way, are you a fan of Sega Rally?


Posted: August 7th, 2017, 4:32 pm
by GameOverYeah
Guts wrote:
By the way, are you a fan of Sega Rally?

Yes you are correct! Hell yeah I am a fan of Sega Rally Championship!

Thanks for the reply Guts, I appreciate it. It does sound like we have some things in common.

Where are these older (30+ year old) women that you speak of? I go to bars every other night and constantly check out new ones. I only see women in their early to mid-20s frequent these bars. It is as if these older women do not exist to me. I never see them. Now if I took the train then maybe I would run into them? F**k all of this walking around and being crammed into a train, I just take the taxis.

I am sorry and this may sound stubborn but I refuse to chase/contact any woman online. I don't want to chase these women on japancupid or whatever site they are on. I wasted too much time in the past with POF. Maybe I should give it a shot but I can see myself wasting hours and hours online checking for messages and sending messages. I hope you have some nice stories to tell with the time you have invested into chasing japanese women online. Not to be redundant but I honestly don't see older (35+ years old) japanese women out drinking unless they are with their husband. Maybe the older ones gave up and all of them moved online?

There are some nice P4P options that cater to foreigners (like tokyo hentai club). There are multiple ways to be "happier abroad", I have simply switched from Plan A to Plan B at this point. I don't want to be the guy who wastes his time sending messages online while paying good money to be on vacation with nothing to show for it.


Posted: August 7th, 2017, 6:51 pm
by chanta76
Curious why do white guys feel this entitlement ? I mean do you guys feel like your inherently better than people overseas? Look down on the local men and think the local girls are super easy? I mean this as a honest question?


Posted: August 7th, 2017, 9:19 pm
by GameOverYeah
chanta76 wrote:Curious why do white guys feel this entitlement ? I mean do you guys feel like your inherently better than people overseas? Look down on the local men and think the local girls are super easy? I mean this as a honest question?
Why would you think that we would look down on local men? Please don't interpret any of this as racism against Asians. Let me explain....

Some of us white guys like myself are looking for a place where we can have "an edge" or be "exotic". There are plenty of beautiful women in Poland and Sweden. Would I have an "edge" there as an average white guy of average height? HELL NO! There are too many white guys there already. So why the f**k would I go there? Many white guys are under the impression that they will have an advantage in these Asian Countries. It appears that the "Glory Days" are over for white guys in many Asian countries. I hope none of this sounds racist to you.

The "entitlement" in my specific case was fueled by past legends/myths and stories of other peoples' Glory Days. I figured I was "entitled" to the same experience if I made the effort to come over here. The "entitlement" came from stories like "just be white and go to roppongi!"...yeah bullshit like that. When you travel across the frikin ocean fueled by nonsense like that you tend to get a little hyped up and "entitled" to a specific outcome.

I like Winston but this website has a shelf life, it sounds like the party is over in many places or soon to be over. The mailorder bride stuff will probably remain out of the Ukraine but everywhere else it sounds like things are dying out.


Posted: August 13th, 2017, 12:16 pm
by chanta76

Back in the 90's a white American guy was killing it in Russia. It's wasn't too much that he was white but that he was American. But word got out and all the mongers and perverts went to Russia and ruin the place. Along with the Internet and all these social media also killed it. So it's not always a race thing but where your from or what you have.

Japan I think just like Russia had it's run back in the 90's but it's ruined along with the growing number of feminism in those countries doesn't help either. I do agree that countries where you just show up and get laid is fantasy.

You still need to put in work and have game and be some what quality.

At the same time I think if you decide to STAY in Japan and learn the language . It might be better compared to USA dating wise but not like a different girl ever night or easy lay . I think western expat did that in the past and word got in the Japanese community that western guys are just looking for a fling. Plus even I think with the rise of Japanese feminism and superficiality doesn't help.


Posted: August 13th, 2017, 12:19 pm
by Adama
Yes, but why is it necessary to ride on the pride of your homeland? Every person is an individual. That's what should count, not where you are from. I don't go places expecting to automatically win because of my nationality.


Posted: August 13th, 2017, 12:27 pm
by chanta76

This is called happier abroad. Guys that struggle or failed in America or do not connect in America want to try overseas. At the same time lets face fact to some extent guys who struggle in America or cannot connect in america will feel rejected and have self esteem issues. A guy like that wants to go somewhere it can be easier and not deal with rejection. So he would want to find a country that can give him an advantage.
Some people might think that's laziness but I think it's more of insecurity thing. If you been rejected all your life but hear of a country that likes guys like you. You would want to try. Right? Guys who check out happier abroad or even Roosh forums are full of that. If being white or black or whatever can give them an edge to get laid or whatever . why not?

But in the end it still comes down to the person and have game I guess.


Posted: August 13th, 2017, 2:19 pm
by GameOverYeah
chanta76 wrote:
This is called happier abroad. Guys that struggle or failed in America or do not connect in America want to try overseas. At the same time lets face fact to some extent guys who struggle in America or cannot connect in america will feel rejected and have self esteem issues. A guy like that wants to go somewhere it can be easier and not deal with rejection. So he would want to find a country that can give him an advantage.
You are 100% correct chanta76, you just explained my mindset and motivations and probably the mindset of many others who go to these type of websites.


Posted: August 15th, 2017, 8:29 am
by Yohan
chanta76 wrote: This is called happier abroad. Guys that struggle or failed in America or do not connect in America want to try overseas. At the same time lets face fact to some extent guys who struggle in America or cannot connect in america will feel rejected and have self esteem issues. A guy like that wants to go somewhere it can be easier and not deal with rejection. So he would want to find a country that can give him an advantage.
Some people might think that's laziness but I think it's more of insecurity thing. If you been rejected all your life but hear of a country that likes guys like you. You would want to try. Right?
What you write here is very true. You can say directly the same about me.
I found in Asia, especially in Japan, all what I missed in Europe.

However let me say, every Asian country is different from each other. About Japan, I think it is only good for a Western man if he wants to create a Japanese family, has no intention to take the woman and children out to his own native country and has the ability for long-stay with a stable job.

Japan for sure is not a good place looking out for short-time sex for a Western guy, visiting it only for a few weeks. Such men usually are gone soon to somewhere else as they are running out of money anyway. Japan is not a cheap place.


Posted: August 15th, 2017, 9:32 pm
by chanta76

I was always under the impression that in Japan. Japanese men have the higher rate of international marriage. Example a Japanese guy will marry a girl from the Philippines and live in Japan. But in Japan a Japanese girl that marry a non-Japanese guy would move to his country. So a Japanese girl marry a American guy and move to America. So because Japanese girl leave the country they are no consider part of the census . Am I correct? I know this happen in South Korea.


Posted: August 15th, 2017, 9:55 pm
by droid
Hey can you talk about favorable locations in Japan, come on man give us some hope.


Posted: August 16th, 2017, 12:16 am
by Yohan
chanta76 wrote:Yohan,

I was always under the impression that in Japan. Japanese men have the higher rate of international marriage. Example a Japanese guy will marry a girl from the Philippines and live in Japan. But in Japan a Japanese girl that marry a non-Japanese guy would move to his country. So a Japanese girl marry a American guy and move to America. So because Japanese girl leave the country they are no consider part of the census . Am I correct? I know this happen in South Korea.
This is only partially correct. Yes, the Japanese census considers only people (foreigners and Japanese) who are living in Japan.

However as long as you keep an address in Japan, even if you are not in Japan most of the time, you are still included in the census.

In my case, as a Japanese permanent resident I can leave Japan up to one year, return only for 1 day, and I am still included in the census.
To keep your Japanese residency alive, even when not in Japan makes some sense, for example you can use the Japanese health insurance even while overseas as a tourist.
Often Japanese, while living abroad, own a small house or condominium in Japan.

Many governments of Asian countries are not very stable, it is not bad to have an escape option and for overseas Japanese, or Japanese descents, or permanent residence holders to know how to return to Japan and to keep some property and money in Japan makes a lot of sense.

I think it is impossible to say who is most time outside of Japan and who not. However I always got the impression while living here in Tokyo since 40 years that Japanese men with foreign wife outnumber Japanese women with foreign husband. I also can say that most Japanese women living abroad for whatever reason - married or not - keep an address in Japan, mostly with their parents home.


Posted: August 16th, 2017, 7:29 am
by momopi
Many Taiwanese living overseas retain their ROC residency for the national health insurance benefits.

Does the same apply to Japanese residing abroad?


Posted: August 16th, 2017, 8:05 am
by Yohan
momopi wrote:Many Taiwanese living overseas retain their ROC residency for the national health insurance benefits.

Does the same apply to Japanese residing abroad?
Yes, if the Japanese living overseas is keeping an address in Japan, and many do so, for example adult children living abroad will often register their address with the house of their old parents who continue to live in Japan.