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Queretaro Mexico Trip Report

Posted: March 16th, 2015, 6:24 pm
by drealm
Day 1

I arrived in Queretaro at 1am on a Saturday night. The town is dead at this hour, most restaurants are closed. Only a few clubs are open. The nightlife is a lot less than Tijuana. I can read this two different ways. The first is that all the good girls stay home at night. The second is that there’s no night life good or bad. I’m not planning to find a wife at 1am in the morning but a little more activity would of been reassuring. I’ll see what the daylight holds for this city.

Day 2

I woke up today and found the streets packed, so there’s no shortage of people to meet on sidewalks. I spent the first part of the day sitting in parks and watching women walk by. There are plenty of women that look nice, especially to someone who’s starving for companionship. But I felt I would not be doing myself justice by picking the first woman who smiles at me. I feel that I can always start with a higher standard and then lower it. Most of the women here are mayan or mestiza looking. My first choice would be a light skinned looking wife with European features. Most light skinned women that I do see are very average or fat. A good looking light skinned Mexicana is rare.

After observing the park for a while the conclusion came to me that mayans go to parks and plazas because this is where free entertainment is. To avoid this group I went to a very upscale mall where you need to pay to get in. The mall is called Antea Lifestyle Center. Antea was built in 2014 and it’s the second largest mall in Mexico. It has many upscale brands such as Armani, Victorias Secret, Mac, etc. The mall has more middle class, whiter, prettier looking, better dressed women. I’m guessing these women don’t like rubbing shoulders with the poor and that’s why they come here. So it’s unlikely you’ll ever see the same women in the mall as in the parks. It’s unfortunate that after carefully picking a city in Mexico with beautiful 400 year old plazas and parks I will need to avoid these beautiful spaces in favor of a sterile commercial mall built in 2014.

Once I got to the Antea mall I did my first female approach in my life. I’m 28 years old and I have never approached a woman so this was a new experience. She was extremely attractive. I googled her name later and found out she was in some contest called Mexico Miss Universe. At the end of our short conversation she reluctantly gave me her facebook and phone number.

When I called her later it turned out to be a fake number. I also sent a message on facebook but got no response. I learned from this exchange that I’m not good at approaching or reading women. Some men have lots of experience with this, but I don’t. My body physically reacts to approaching women by causing my hands to shake uncontrollably. I lost a lot of confidence with her rebuffing me. She also pissed me off. I wanted to go to a bull fight and visualize her as a bull being slaughtered.

I’m not sure what my other options are at this point besides directly approaching women. I can meet someone through a friend or use a dating website. My self imposed problem is that I want an above average looking woman. Above average looking women don’t use dating websites. I also don’t have any local friends.

Since there are no other options besides directly approaching women I will do the same thing I did today. I will sit in the mall and when I see an above average light skinned Mexican woman I will approach her. I will approach only the top 1% of women. There is no point in going through the traveling cost, learning a language and the pain of approaching and hurting my confidence for a small prize.

I have no interest in the act of approaching itself as a skill that has intrinsic value. This is something I want to do once for a specific purpose of finding a wife and then never do again. When I approach women I will not use any techniques, or scripts or put a lot of thought into it. I will open my mouth, words will come out, I will use direct questions, women will respond. I will not fight their response. They accept me or they don’t and that is it. I will quickly move on after each rejection and hopefully there won’t be too many. I will aim to approach 3 women a day for the remainder of my trip. I will adjust the quota as needed.

Day 3

Today is Monday. Weekdays suck in Queretaro. I went back to the Antea mall today with the idea of approaching women all day. But there were no people there. I saw over 1000 people on Sunday but less than 50 today. A security guard said this is how it is everyday except Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

When I didn’t see any customers I decided to look for pretty sales girls and act like I was buying something. Strangely almost every sales person was a man. Even the Victoria’s Secret store was run by a man. So I gave up and left the mall.
I went back to the hotel and brainstormed places to meet women. I decided to try Starbucks because for whatever reason this seems to be a status symbol in the third world. I went to two different Starbucks. The first had no women the second had more. But none of them were attractive enough to approach.

Later I went looking for a restaurant. Everything closes around 10pm here. This is a very sleepy town. I eventually find a restaurant. The waiter starts chatting with me and tells me where he’s from. He’s a mayan looking waiter from somewhere down south. He said he came to Queretaro for jobs because it’s a rich state and that’s also what a lot of other Mayan people do. So the corollary here is don’t choose a growing city that needs cheap labor, because most of the population will be ugly poor people.

Tomorrow I will try two new places. I need to exchange dollars for pesos. So I will try finding a bank with pretty female tellers to flash a lot of money in front of. Then I may go to a cinema. I don’t want to watch movies but most cinemas here cost $5 usd per ticket. Since it costs a lot maybe only middle class white girls will be there.

Day 4

I spent the first part of the day going to every bank in the city to find pretty tellers. This took up the bulk of my day and I didn’t find any. Then I went back to Starbucks. Again I didn’t see anyone. Then I strolled through the UAM university to look at the female students but didn’t see anyone. I didn’t get around to going to a cinema, but I don’t think it’s a good hunting ground anyways. I’m out of options at this point.

I ate dinner at another restaurant and another waiter enlightened me about the demographics of Queretaro. He said that 80% of the population is from other states. This is apparently a recent development due to economic growth and safety. So this is another confirmation that Queretaro was once whiter but has only recently become more native.

If I was to reevaluate the genetic break down I would say 95% of the women in the streets are native or mestiza. Only 5% look very light skinned. The 5% that do look light skinned are fairly average looking. Only 1 out of 500 women in the streets are attractive light skinned women. In most cases these women are already taken by a light skinned guy. So there’s high competition.

In the high end Antea mall 80% are native or mestiza with the bulk of that number being mestiza. The remaining 20% are light skinned. So the mall is definitely an improvement over the city streets, but it’s busy only three days of the week. The rest of the time it’s a ghost town. At peak times in the mall I would say 1 out of 100 women are attractive.

Since nothing is working, tomorrow I’ll do non-dating activities. I may visit the mall in the evening to see if it has any more people after working hours.

Day 5

I didn’t do any dating activities today. I just explored rural areas outside the city.

Day 6

I walked around the streets all day. I know at this point it’s unlikely that I’ll find a women who meets my perfect criteria, but it is still a nice place to walk around. I can’t imagine walking around any city in the USA aimlessly for the sake of it. Here in Queretaro there’s an endless amount of picturesque walk ways around every corner. In every park you see families and young couples late into the evening. Romantic scenes like those you see in movies where lovers are kissing in a park at night are a normal and casual occurrence here. Of course people should restrain themselves more in public but I say this just to show that the whole place exudes warmth. Talking to shop keepers is an enjoyable exchange instead of a painful. Every Mexican woman regardless of how she looks still beats American women on personality. The difficulty is in trying to find someone with the whole package. I just got back from sitting in a plaza for a few hours and listening to live music. Where does it happen in America that people spontaneously play music and socialize in parks till 10pm at night on a week day?

Day 7

I walked along a river today that borders the north side of the city. At one point I saw something I would never see in America. There was a stop light and whenever it turned red this native looking girl in tight fitting clothing would walk into the street and do a sexy hulu hoop dance to sell hula hoops. While I don’t approve of this since it’s immodest, this does show how much better guys have it in Mexico.

After I was done with the river I went back to Starbucks for a third time. This time there were some white Mexican girls but they were heavily guarded by pretentious white Mexican guys.

I then went to go sit in a plaza for a few hours. It was a nice experience and even though I was alone I didn’t feel that lonely. I noticed a lot of people sit by themselves in the parks just to pass time. There’s always an endless amount of activity surrounding you. Several beggars will come up to you. People try to sell things. There are impromptu bands that play music. There are clowns and other entertainers hustling around. There’s no shame in sitting alone like there is in America.

The weather here really sucks. This is supposed to least wet month of the year but it has been cold and rainy the whole time. Everyone has been saying this is extremely odd for this time of the year. In other news I’ve caught some virus that’s made my throat really sore so I retired early for the night. After I got to my hotel it started raining heavily. My last full day is tomorrow. I’ll probably just rest.

Day 8

It’s been raining heavily since I woke up and I hear thunder. I also feel very sick. So today I just rested in my hotel room and reflected on my time here. I leave tomorrow.

Day 9

Today I leave Queretaro. I woke up early and had my last breakfast in the hotel. While I was waiting for a taxi I talked with the girl at the front desk. She’s the girl I’ve talked to most here and I enjoy talking to her. She has a nice personality but she is not my type. If I was physically attracted to her I would of asked her on a date. She seems to enjoy talking to me so I think she would of been receptive. Once I arrived at the airport for my flight home I found that going through the checkout was a breeze and almost pleasant. The security people in the airport are not assholes who dropped out of the military and can’t do anything better like in America.


Queretaro has some of the nicest plazas you will see in Mexico. It’s also one of the cleanest cities you’ll find in Mexico. There are people who sweep the streets 24/7. Every 20 feet is a trash can for disposing of anything. Many of the locals take pride in having such a clean city. The architecture is old as you would expect. Unfortunately the food doesn’t match the quality of the architecture. There aren’t really any special cuisines for this region. You only have the Mexican basics that you can get anywhere else. Of course the food is still better and more available than the US but I felt it was bland by Mexican standards.

As an American here I didn’t get too many second looks except from the native girls in a poorer part of town, who were professional beggars sizing everyone up. I get the impression that about half the population think I’m just a white Mexican while the other half may notice something off but can't put their finger on it. I say this because waiters and shop keepers only speak Spanish to me and then are surprised when I try using broken Spanish. Another possibility is that they think I’m a European tourist, and unlike most Americans, Europeans actually try learning Spanish. So you may not get much status here. In my case if I want to show that I’m from elsewhere I feel I need to talk in public to grab people’s attention.

I would conclude by saying Queretaro would be a great city for finding a traditional small town girl. The pace of life is slower here and to me it’s more enjoyable and natural to meet someone in a plaza than in a club. I don’t sense any sort of American stigma like I feel in Tijuana with being associated with sex tourists. For me the mestiza or native look of central Mexico isn’t my first choice though so I would like to continue my search elsewhere.

Re: Queretaro Mexico Trip Report

Posted: March 16th, 2015, 8:30 pm
by Jester
Stunning, QUALITY trip report.

drealm wrote:Day 1

I arrived in Queretaro at 1am on a Saturday night. The town is dead at this hour, most restaurants are closed. Only a few clubs are open. The nightlife is a lot less than Tijuana. I can read this two different ways. The first is that all the good girls stay home at night. The second is that there’s no night life good or bad.
Ditto Ensenada
(n.b. to readers: Queretaro is in the central highlands of Mexico, growing city, numerous factories opened recently, lots of new money... Ensenada where I live, in Baja, has poor people from elsewhere too, but no auto factories etc like Queretaro. Drealm wen straight to the heart of Mexico, where there are people prospering, and there is colonial architecture, etc.)

Day 2

...A good looking light skinned Mexicana is rare.
Well YAH, bro!

Damn ur pickier than ME.

After observing the park for a while the conclusion came to me that mayans go to parks and plazas because this is where free entertainment is. To avoid this group I went to a very upscale mall where you need to pay to get in. The mall is called Antea Lifestyle Center. Antea was built in 2014 and it’s the second largest mall in Mexico. It has many upscale brands such as Armani, Victorias Secret, Mac, etc. The mall has more middle class, whiter, prettier looking, better dressed women. I’m guessing these women don’t like rubbing shoulders with the poor and that’s why they come here.
Smooth move.

Once I got to the Antea mall I did my first female approach in my life.
Congrats. +1 more.

I’m not sure what my other options are at this point besides directly approaching women. I can meet someone through a friend or use a dating website. My self imposed problem is that I want an above average looking woman. Above average looking women don’t use dating websites. I also don’t have any local friends.
Dont feel like the lone ranger there bro.

Since there are no other options besides directly approaching women I will do the same thing I did today. I will sit in the mall and when I see an above average light skinned Mexican woman I will approach her. I will approach only the top 1% of women. There is no point in going through the traveling cost, learning a language and the pain of approaching and hurting my confidence for a small prize.

I have no interest in the act of approaching itself as a skill that has intrinsic value. This is something I want to do once for a specific purpose of finding a wife and then never do again. When I approach women I will not use any techniques, or scripts or put a lot of thought into it. I will open my mouth, words will come out, I will use direct questions, women will respond. I will not fight their response. They accept me or they don’t and that is it. I will quickly move on after each rejection and hopefully there won’t be too many. I will aim to approach 3 women a day for the remainder of my trip. I will adjust the quota as needed.
Look, you hide-bound, obstinate left-brain idiot-savant, a LITTLE BIT of game coaching might well smooth out the rough edges of your "opening".

Dont blame the chicks. They (like us) have to find a mate in this weird, family-less, community-less Luciferian maelstrom. Learning some openers might help a guy to save a decent woman from cat-herding spinster-hood.

But anyway +1 more for being one tough SOB.

....A security guard said this is how it is everyday except Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

When I didn’t see any customers I decided to look for pretty sales girls and act like I was buying something.....
I went back to the hotel and brainstormed places to meet women. I decided to try Starbucks because for whatever reason this seems to be a status symbol in the third world....
Loving this.

Talking to shop keepers is an enjoyable exchange instead of a painful. Every Mexican woman regardless of how she looks still beats American women on personality.
Just a couple of the (many) reasons why I will never go back.

After I was done with the river I went back to Starbucks for a third time. This time there were some white Mexican girls but they were heavily guarded by pretentious white Mexican guys.
Yeah -- young Mexican blanco guys are REALLY pretentious

There’s no shame in sitting alone like there is in America.
Ditto that.

Once I arrived at the airport for my flight home I found that going through the checkout was a breeze and almost pleasant. The security people in the airport are not assholes who dropped out of the military and can’t do anything better like in America.
Good to know. Havent flown from MX myself, but TSA is why I left the US for good.


Queretaro has some of the nicest plazas you will see in Mexico. It’s also one of the cleanest cities you’ll find in Mexico. There are people who sweep the streets 24/7. Every 20 feet is a trash can for disposing of anything. Many of the locals take pride in having such a clean city. The architecture is old as you would expect. Unfortunately the food doesn’t match the quality of the architecture. ...

As an American here I didn’t get too many second looks except from the native girls in a poorer part of town....

I would conclude by saying Queretaro would be a great city for finding a traditional small town girl. The pace of life is slower here and to me it’s more enjoyable and natural to meet someone in a plaza than in a club. I don’t sense any sort of American stigma like I feel in Tijuana with being associated with sex tourists.
Good point, I felt it too in TJ, even in the suburbs.

For me the mestiza or native look of central Mexico isn’t my first choice though so I would like to continue my search elsewhere.
:( :cry: :(

Really a great trip report Drealm.

Sorry the news wasnt better.

Better luck next time.

PM me sometime if you feel like it.

Re: Queretaro Mexico Trip Report

Posted: March 17th, 2015, 9:24 am
by droid
Great detailed report Drealm, Thanks. Any pics?
Although I must start by saying

Brad Pitt would have a hard time pulling off what you tried to pull off in this trip format.

As far as that cold approach you tried, kudos, but it's more complicated than that. Without knowing the local customs etc it would be difficult to know what exactly you need to say and what attitude to take, things which really make a difference.

There's several factors you need to consider, for one you still seem stiff and tense and that would show immediately, and also In general, girls south of the border need more rapport to get to know you, so they might not give you the number after just a few sentences.
From what I've seen you'd actually need at the very least a few minutes of interaction, and that would probably mean sitting on a bus-ride or at least dancing a few pieces. This gets more emphasis if you're actually looking for someone worthy of a LTR .

Looking for a white girl in Mexico might be complicated since they have more of a caste-system and there's more chance IMO of her being well-off/stuck up. Costa Rica, Colombia or Argentina might be better for you since you can find hot white girls in all economic-strata.

Also, you sound too dismissive of those you don't like, and that kind of stuff shows -in my opinion; possibly coming back as bad karma from those you do seek.

I'm no cold-approach machine like Winston or others, but I've tried a few things. And I say the above based on the slow-progress/experience I've gathered in the 1+ month i have in my current location, and as per the advice of my local buddy.

Posted: March 17th, 2015, 2:26 pm
by Ghost

Re: Queretaro Mexico Trip Report

Posted: March 17th, 2015, 9:46 pm
by Jester
droid wrote:
Looking for a white girl in Mexico might be complicated since they have more of a caste-system and there's more chance IMO of her being well-off/stuck up. Costa Rica, Colombia or Argentina might be better for you since you can find hot white girls in all economic-strata.

Re: Queretaro Mexico Trip Report

Posted: March 17th, 2015, 10:38 pm
by droid
Jester wrote:
droid wrote:
Looking for a white girl in Mexico might be complicated since they have more of a caste-system and there's more chance IMO of her being well-off/stuck up. Costa Rica, Colombia or Argentina might be better for you since you can find hot white girls in all economic-strata.
:wink: Sandra Munoz used to sell candy on the street when little.
The girl that mops the floor in my building is a little spinner similar to this (not dolled up) but my approaches have failed :(


Re: Queretaro Mexico Trip Report

Posted: March 19th, 2015, 2:23 pm
by xiongmao
Great report! I should update my own report. Anyway, I am in Spain now, and I have to say, the quality of woman isn't that great here. What I have noticed is that there aren't many overweight people here. Clearly obesity in Mexico or the Philippines is NOT due to Spanish genes.

Re: Queretaro Mexico Trip Report

Posted: March 19th, 2015, 6:47 pm
by Jester
droid wrote:
Sandra Munoz used to sell candy on the street when little.
The girl that mops the floor in my building is a little spinner similar to this (not dolled up) but my approaches have failed :(


What city are you in again?

And BTW....
+1 for the approach!!

Re: Queretaro Mexico Trip Report

Posted: March 19th, 2015, 10:55 pm
by droid
Thanks Jester.
Manizales is driving me crazy, so many girls and no serious results beyond a couple dates, it's like dying of thirst in the middle of the ocean (what's the name of that torture?).
Not to hijack the thread , but i think this is relevant. Some of my approaches have failed, but like i'm telling the OP, you need to build rapport, and some of these girls apparently still function under the paradigm of saying 'no' a few times before accepting. It can be mind puzzling because you don't want to be the chivalrous dumb ass with some chick while some other nails her casually.
I guess it's just important to keep in mind each person is different, at the end of the day.

There are some 18-22yos at these colleges that just leave you breathless, i'm still gauging what can be done about it.
Not to bad mouth on anyone but some of these guys would not get the time of day in the states and yet they have some knockouts. This makes it look really possible, but apparently you have to be in the right place at the right time.

Re: Queretaro Mexico Trip Report

Posted: March 20th, 2015, 10:37 am
by Jester
droid wrote:
Thanks Jester.
Manizales is driving me crazy, so many girls and no serious results beyond a couple dates, it's like dying of thirst in the middle of the ocean (what's the name of that torture?).
Not to hijack the thread , but i think this is relevant. Some of my approaches have failed, but like i'm telling the OP, you need to build rapport, and some of these girls apparently still function under the paradigm of saying 'no' a few times before accepting. It can be mind puzzling because you don't want to be the chivalrous dumb a** with some chick while some other nails her casually.
I guess it's just important to keep in mind each person is different, at the end of the day.

There are some 18-22yos at these colleges that just leave you breathless, i'm still gauging what can be done about it.
Not to bad mouth on anyone but some of these guys would not get the time of day in the states and yet they have some knockouts. This makes it look really possible, but apparently you have to be in the right place at the right time.
Excellent, useful description of the situation. One for me to bear in mind especially, as breaking into a college "set" for me is pretty hard!

BTW the guy you are referring to was Tantalos, who was placed standing in a shallow freshwater lake that instantly receded from him when he reached down to get a handful of water to drink. A tree with luscious fruit overhung the lake, but whenever he reached for a piece of fruit, the wind arose and blew the tree branch out of his reach. So he stood amidst plenty, suffering from hunger and thirst, for eternity. From the name Tartaros, we get the word "tantalize".

Anyway, I hope you figure a way to penetrate a set...

or ambush a girl who is alone and bored.... (like a shop girl with no-one to talk to)

or attract girls to come to you - more "trapper" than "hunter"... One guy we know does that via "busking", playing music on the street...

Re: Queretaro Mexico Trip Report

Posted: March 20th, 2015, 6:37 pm
by xiongmao
I read that you find it hard to read girls. If so then check out and find out your personality type. As an INFJ I find it very easy to read people, but only from afar. If you want lots of girlfriends the best thing to do is work on your personality and take on an ESTP persona. The successful guys I know just talk to everyone they meet, and it does pay off.

If you're an INTJ then that's gonna be hard, but the best bet here is to find an INTJ girl - there are plenty around but you won't often find them in bars.

Alternatively... I was talking to a guy I met in China, he and I agree that psychoanalysing girls with problems is a good way to seducing them... well you'll never run out of girls with problems, they're everywhere.

Re: Queretaro Mexico Trip Report

Posted: March 20th, 2015, 6:54 pm
by droid
thats interesting xiongmao, but who are you addressing? sorry it doesnt seem clear.

Re: Queretaro Mexico Trip Report

Posted: March 28th, 2015, 7:58 am
by Seeker
I enjoyed reading your report but it's obvious why you failed.
I will approach only the top 1% of women
So you were a lone foreign male cold approaching only the best looking women in public places, while speaking broken Spanish. This strategy is a dicey one even for good looking men, how could you even think that success here was realistic?

You also have a strange view about people in poorer countries, "Then I may go to a cinema. I don’t want to watch movies but most cinemas here cost $5 usd per ticket. Since it costs a lot maybe only middle class white girls will be there." China and the Philippines are a fair bit poorer than Mexico but the cinemas are full of ordinary people, you honestly think $5 (which is around 200 Philippine pesos or 30 RMB) is a lot to people in Mexico? It's almost as if you think just being an American makes a guy a catch or "wealthy", it really doesn't mean much anymore, especially in a place like Mexico which Americans visit all the time, not to mention all the Mexican families that have members in America.

You seem to be trying to replicate what fschmidt did in the 1980s, I don't think he could have done it today.

Re: Queretaro Mexico Trip Report

Posted: March 28th, 2015, 6:50 pm
by E Irizarry R&B Singer
drealm wrote:Day 1

I arrived in Queretaro at 1am on a Saturday night. The town is dead at this hour, most restaurants are closed. Only a few clubs are open. The nightlife is a lot less than Tijuana. I can read this two different ways. The first is that all the good girls stay home at night. The second is that there’s no night life good or bad. I’m not planning to find a wife at 1am in the morning but a little more activity would of been reassuring. I’ll see what the daylight holds for this city.

Day 2

I woke up today and found the streets packed, so there’s no shortage of people to meet on sidewalks. I spent the first part of the day sitting in parks and watching women walk by. There are plenty of women that look nice, especially to someone who’s starving for companionship. But I felt I would not be doing myself justice by picking the first woman who smiles at me. I feel that I can always start with a higher standard and then lower it. Most of the women here are mayan or mestiza looking. My first choice would be a light skinned looking wife with European features. Most light skinned women that I do see are very average or fat. A good looking light skinned Mexicana is rare.

After observing the park for a while the conclusion came to me that mayans go to parks and plazas because this is where free entertainment is. To avoid this group I went to a very upscale mall where you need to pay to get in. The mall is called Antea Lifestyle Center. Antea was built in 2014 and it’s the second largest mall in Mexico. It has many upscale brands such as Armani, Victorias Secret, Mac, etc. The mall has more middle class, whiter, prettier looking, better dressed women. I’m guessing these women don’t like rubbing shoulders with the poor and that’s why they come here. So it’s unlikely you’ll ever see the same women in the mall as in the parks. It’s unfortunate that after carefully picking a city in Mexico with beautiful 400 year old plazas and parks I will need to avoid these beautiful spaces in favor of a sterile commercial mall built in 2014.

Once I got to the Antea mall I did my first female approach in my life. I’m 28 years old and I have never approached a woman so this was a new experience. She was extremely attractive. I googled her name later and found out she was in some contest called Mexico Miss Universe. At the end of our short conversation she reluctantly gave me her facebook and phone number.

When I called her later it turned out to be a fake number. I also sent a message on facebook but got no response. I learned from this exchange that I’m not good at approaching or reading women. Some men have lots of experience with this, but I don’t. My body physically reacts to approaching women by causing my hands to shake uncontrollably. I lost a lot of confidence with her rebuffing me. She also pissed me off. I wanted to go to a bull fight and visualize her as a bull being slaughtered.

I’m not sure what my other options are at this point besides directly approaching women. I can meet someone through a friend or use a dating website. My self imposed problem is that I want an above average looking woman. Above average looking women don’t use dating websites. I also don’t have any local friends.

Since there are no other options besides directly approaching women I will do the same thing I did today. I will sit in the mall and when I see an above average light skinned Mexican woman I will approach her. I will approach only the top 1% of women. There is no point in going through the traveling cost, learning a language and the pain of approaching and hurting my confidence for a small prize.

I have no interest in the act of approaching itself as a skill that has intrinsic value. This is something I want to do once for a specific purpose of finding a wife and then never do again. When I approach women I will not use any techniques, or scripts or put a lot of thought into it. I will open my mouth, words will come out, I will use direct questions, women will respond. I will not fight their response. They accept me or they don’t and that is it. I will quickly move on after each rejection and hopefully there won’t be too many. I will aim to approach 3 women a day for the remainder of my trip. I will adjust the quota as needed.

Day 3

Today is Monday. Weekdays suck in Queretaro. I went back to the Antea mall today with the idea of approaching women all day. But there were no people there. I saw over 1000 people on Sunday but less than 50 today. A security guard said this is how it is everyday except Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

When I didn’t see any customers I decided to look for pretty sales girls and act like I was buying something. Strangely almost every sales person was a man. Even the Victoria’s Secret store was run by a man. So I gave up and left the mall.
I went back to the hotel and brainstormed places to meet women. I decided to try Starbucks because for whatever reason this seems to be a status symbol in the third world. I went to two different Starbucks. The first had no women the second had more. But none of them were attractive enough to approach.

Later I went looking for a restaurant. Everything closes around 10pm here. This is a very sleepy town. I eventually find a restaurant. The waiter starts chatting with me and tells me where he’s from. He’s a mayan looking waiter from somewhere down south. He said he came to Queretaro for jobs because it’s a rich state and that’s also what a lot of other Mayan people do. So the corollary here is don’t choose a growing city that needs cheap labor, because most of the population will be ugly poor people.

Tomorrow I will try two new places. I need to exchange dollars for pesos. So I will try finding a bank with pretty female tellers to flash a lot of money in front of. Then I may go to a cinema. I don’t want to watch movies but most cinemas here cost $5 usd per ticket. Since it costs a lot maybe only middle class white girls will be there.

Day 4

I spent the first part of the day going to every bank in the city to find pretty tellers. This took up the bulk of my day and I didn’t find any. Then I went back to Starbucks. Again I didn’t see anyone. Then I strolled through the UAM university to look at the female students but didn’t see anyone. I didn’t get around to going to a cinema, but I don’t think it’s a good hunting ground anyways. I’m out of options at this point.

I ate dinner at another restaurant and another waiter enlightened me about the demographics of Queretaro. He said that 80% of the population is from other states. This is apparently a recent development due to economic growth and safety. So this is another confirmation that Queretaro was once whiter but has only recently become more native.

If I was to reevaluate the genetic break down I would say 95% of the women in the streets are native or mestiza. Only 5% look very light skinned. The 5% that do look light skinned are fairly average looking. Only 1 out of 500 women in the streets are attractive light skinned women. In most cases these women are already taken by a light skinned guy. So there’s high competition.

In the high end Antea mall 80% are native or mestiza with the bulk of that number being mestiza. The remaining 20% are light skinned. So the mall is definitely an improvement over the city streets, but it’s busy only three days of the week. The rest of the time it’s a ghost town. At peak times in the mall I would say 1 out of 100 women are attractive.

Since nothing is working, tomorrow I’ll do non-dating activities. I may visit the mall in the evening to see if it has any more people after working hours.

Day 5

I didn’t do any dating activities today. I just explored rural areas outside the city.

Day 6

I walked around the streets all day. I know at this point it’s unlikely that I’ll find a women who meets my perfect criteria, but it is still a nice place to walk around. I can’t imagine walking around any city in the USA aimlessly for the sake of it. Here in Queretaro there’s an endless amount of picturesque walk ways around every corner. In every park you see families and young couples late into the evening. Romantic scenes like those you see in movies where lovers are kissing in a park at night are a normal and casual occurrence here. Of course people should restrain themselves more in public but I say this just to show that the whole place exudes warmth. Talking to shop keepers is an enjoyable exchange instead of a painful. Every Mexican woman regardless of how she looks still beats American women on personality. The difficulty is in trying to find someone with the whole package. I just got back from sitting in a plaza for a few hours and listening to live music. Where does it happen in America that people spontaneously play music and socialize in parks till 10pm at night on a week day?

Day 7

I walked along a river today that borders the north side of the city. At one point I saw something I would never see in America. There was a stop light and whenever it turned red this native looking girl in tight fitting clothing would walk into the street and do a sexy hulu hoop dance to sell hula hoops. While I don’t approve of this since it’s immodest, this does show how much better guys have it in Mexico.

After I was done with the river I went back to Starbucks for a third time. This time there were some white Mexican girls but they were heavily guarded by pretentious white Mexican guys.

I then went to go sit in a plaza for a few hours. It was a nice experience and even though I was alone I didn’t feel that lonely. I noticed a lot of people sit by themselves in the parks just to pass time. There’s always an endless amount of activity surrounding you. Several beggars will come up to you. People try to sell things. There are impromptu bands that play music. There are clowns and other entertainers hustling around. There’s no shame in sitting alone like there is in America.

The weather here really sucks. This is supposed to least wet month of the year but it has been cold and rainy the whole time. Everyone has been saying this is extremely odd for this time of the year. In other news I’ve caught some virus that’s made my throat really sore so I retired early for the night. After I got to my hotel it started raining heavily. My last full day is tomorrow. I’ll probably just rest.

Day 8

It’s been raining heavily since I woke up and I hear thunder. I also feel very sick. So today I just rested in my hotel room and reflected on my time here. I leave tomorrow.

Day 9

Today I leave Queretaro. I woke up early and had my last breakfast in the hotel. While I was waiting for a taxi I talked with the girl at the front desk. She’s the girl I’ve talked to most here and I enjoy talking to her. She has a nice personality but she is not my type. If I was physically attracted to her I would of asked her on a date. She seems to enjoy talking to me so I think she would of been receptive. Once I arrived at the airport for my flight home I found that going through the checkout was a breeze and almost pleasant. The security people in the airport are not assholes who dropped out of the military and can’t do anything better like in America.


Queretaro has some of the nicest plazas you will see in Mexico. It’s also one of the cleanest cities you’ll find in Mexico. There are people who sweep the streets 24/7. Every 20 feet is a trash can for disposing of anything. Many of the locals take pride in having such a clean city. The architecture is old as you would expect. Unfortunately the food doesn’t match the quality of the architecture. There aren’t really any special cuisines for this region. You only have the Mexican basics that you can get anywhere else. Of course the food is still better and more available than the US but I felt it was bland by Mexican standards.

As an American here I didn’t get too many second looks except from the native girls in a poorer part of town, who were professional beggars sizing everyone up. I get the impression that about half the population think I’m just a white Mexican while the other half may notice something off but can't put their finger on it. I say this because waiters and shop keepers only speak Spanish to me and then are surprised when I try using broken Spanish. Another possibility is that they think I’m a European tourist, and unlike most Americans, Europeans actually try learning Spanish. So you may not get much status here. In my case if I want to show that I’m from elsewhere I feel I need to talk in public to grab people’s attention.

I would conclude by saying Queretaro would be a great city for finding a traditional small town girl. The pace of life is slower here and to me it’s more enjoyable and natural to meet someone in a plaza than in a club. I don’t sense any sort of American stigma like I feel in Tijuana with being associated with sex tourists. For me the mestiza or native look of central Mexico isn’t my first choice though so I would like to continue my search elsewhere.
Dude, what the fcuk is up? You couldn't go to a w.horehouse and get your d.ick wet so that it would sharpen your "day game"? Oh you are anti-non-light-skinned women because I'm sure that most of the w.hores in those places were mestiza and not hot as for looks. Typical American male snob. I know I said in a post from last year that I don't want mestiza women, but dude, you are White...ruler of the Western Hemisphere among other places....upper of the echelons.....alabaster buttermilk DNA skin that a lot of non-Whites fawn could have had your cake, their cake, any cake and eat it too.

Re: Queretaro Mexico Trip Report

Posted: March 28th, 2015, 11:09 pm
by drealm
Seeker wrote:So you were a lone foreign male cold approaching only the best looking women in public places, while speaking broken Spanish. This strategy is a dicey one even for good looking men, how could you even think that success here was realistic?
What are your suggestions besides improving Spanish (which I plan to do).
Seeker wrote:You also have a strange view about people in poorer countries, "Then I may go to a cinema. I don’t want to watch movies but most cinemas here cost $5 usd per ticket. Since it costs a lot maybe only middle class white girls will be there." China and the Philippines are a fair bit poorer than Mexico but the cinemas are full of ordinary people, you honestly think $5 (which is around 200 Philippine pesos or 30 RMB) is a lot to people in Mexico?
According to this article the Mexican daily wage is around $5 USD per a day. The federal minimum wage in the US according to this article is $7.25. If we multiply the federal minimum wage x eight hours this equals $58 USD, which would give relative idea of the cost of going to a cinema in Mexico. A factual observation I would reiterate was that the mall, which I did attend, had a gated entrance fee and there was a noticeably different population there. Based on these two pieces of information I think I'm right and you're wrong.
Seeker wrote:It's almost as if you think just being an American makes a guy a catch or "wealthy", it really doesn't mean much anymore, especially in a place like Mexico which Americans visit all the time, not to mention all the Mexican families that have members in America.
I don't know what goes on inside a woman's head. I don't think being an American automatically makes me "wealthy". I do think having an above average US income or networth should make a guy a "catch" though.