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Have any of you had any Paranormal Experiences?

Posted: October 24th, 2015, 11:32 am
by jamesbond
Since we are getting close to Halloween, I was wondering if any members here had any paranormal experiences. For example, has anyone seen a ghost or a deceased loved one? Has anyone lived in a house that they think might of been haunted?

Re: Has Anyone Had Any Paranormal Experiences?

Posted: October 24th, 2015, 6:20 pm
by Hero
The morning my dad died, I had a dream about him. In the dream, I was back in my parents' house and was surprised to find my dad there still alive. He spoke to me and I can't remember the exact words, but the gist of it was "I'm not quite dead yet."

Re: Has Anyone Had Any Paranormal Experiences?

Posted: October 24th, 2015, 9:41 pm
by Adama
jamesbond wrote:Since we are getting close to Halloween, I was wondering if any members here had any paranormal experiences. For example, has anyone seen a ghost or a deceased loved one? Has anyone lived in a house that they think might of been haunted?
There's no such thing as either one of those. You shouldnt ever have live visions of anything without a body. You can never see your loved one again while you're alive.

I dont think there are such things as ghosts. What is at work is demonic possession.

Those psychics who know everything about you? That's because that woman has a demon who is attached to her, which either whispers in her ear or outright possesses her. The same is true with wizards/magicians too.

If you see the ghost, that means you're probably possessed. How did you get possessed? Maybe you sang along to some evil rap / rock lyrics too many times, which is chanting, which summons demons. Maybe you practiced with your ouija boards, visited a psychic, cast a spell, practiced yoga or deep meditation or deep trance states, taken drugs and alcohol to the point of blacking out, or maybe you were spiritually/psychologically injured as a child. All these weaken your defenses, opening the door. Once that door is opened, you can not close it yourself. You'll likely never be your own person again.

Posted: October 26th, 2015, 4:22 am
by Ghost

Re: Has Anyone Had Any Paranormal Experiences?

Posted: October 29th, 2015, 2:02 pm
by xiongmao
Last year I was on a train coming back from a job interview and the girl opposite me had her ticket on the table. I took a look at it - I noticed she had travelled all the way from Wales.

The next day I was walking in Leicester Square in central London and I was drawn to a train ticket blowing past. I picked it up, and discovered it was the girl's train ticket.

That freaked me out so much.

Explanation 1: She dropped it, and I picked it up. A huge coincidence, but entirely possible.
Explanation 2: The ticket got stuck to my shoe or clothing for nearly 24 hours then fell off. Possible but I wore a different coat and if it had stuck to the bottom of my shoe it would have had to have stuck on there for 2-3 miles of walking. And how did it get stuck to me in the first place (UK train tickets are credit card sized pieces of card)?
Explanation 3: Different ticket. Unlikely as it was dated for that specific train, and the train wasn't that long.

There was actually something of the supernatural about the girl.

Re: Has Anyone Had Any Paranormal Experiences?

Posted: October 30th, 2015, 6:41 am
by jamesbond
xiongmao wrote:There was actually something of the supernatural about the girl.
In what way xiongmao?

Re: Has Anyone Had Any Paranormal Experiences?

Posted: November 1st, 2015, 11:15 am
by xiongmao
jamesbond wrote:
xiongmao wrote:There was actually something of the supernatural about the girl.
In what way xiongmao?
She had an aura about her. Ah, the whole episode is just too weird to comprehend.

Re: Has Anyone Had Any Paranormal Experiences?

Posted: November 1st, 2015, 5:16 pm
by Hero
xiongmao wrote:There was actually something of the supernatural about the girl.
Raven hair and ruby lips
sparks fly from her finger tips
Echoed voices in the night
she's a restless spirit on an endless flight
wooo hooo witchy woman,
see how high she flies
woo hoo witchy woman she got
the moon in her eyes

She held me spellbound in the night
dancing shadows and firelight
crazy laughter in another room
and she drove herself to madness with a silver spoon
woo hoo witchy woman see how high she flies
woo hoo witchy woman she got the moon in her eyes

Well I know you want a lover,
let me tell your brother,
she's been sleeping in the Devil's bed.
And there's some rumors going round
someone's underground
she can rock you in the nighttime
'til your skin turns red
woo hoo witchy woman
see how high she flies
woo hoo witchy woman
she got the moon in her eyes

Re: Have any of you had any Paranormal Experiences?

Posted: October 8th, 2016, 6:05 pm
by Winston
Rock has a scary paranormal story. I hope he doesn't mind me telling it here. But it involves his dad. He said that when his dad went to his grandma's funeral, after the funeral, when his dad came home, all of a sudden the phone rang. When he picked it up, it was the voice of his deceased mother that just passed away! Startled and frightened and freaked out, he hung up the phone. What a pity. He should have tried to talk to her to see what she would have said. No he will never know. That story is the kind that runs a chill up your spine. Can you imagine that happening to you? Wouldn't you be freaked out too?

In Angeles City, me and Dianne experienced a haunting once. Right after our landlord's husband passed away, weird things began happening. First the doorknob to our bedroom turned by itself and snapped back while I was in the room alone. It was loud and clear. I think I saw the knob turn too. I was startled but realized it was harmless so it was ok. But then when Dianne came back, I told her what happened in the kitchen. As I was telling her about it, suddenly we heard loud tapping on the wall in front of us. It was like someone with a stick was tapping the wall in front of us but from INSIDE the house, not outside. It was very loud and clear. Dianne freaked out and made us go to a hotel that night. She would send a Catholic priest the next day to bless the house with holy water before we came back.

I wrote about it in another thread here:


Dianne has an even scarier tale than that involving her family if any of you want to hear it. It would make a good short story horror tale, but she claims it's true. I'll ask her if I can post about it.

Re: Have any of you had any Paranormal Experiences?

Posted: October 8th, 2016, 7:09 pm
by TheLight954
See the 2 cases of precognitive dreams in my family: ... =15&t=3669

Re: Have any of you had any Paranormal Experiences?

Posted: June 9th, 2021, 12:44 pm
by Winston
Have any of you experienced this before? I've noticed several times that when following girls around the block to cold approach them, that sometimes when they turn around a corner on a city street, they disappear and vanish without a trace from all directions? Even when I check all nearby doors and buildings, they are gone too. Very weird. Things like that make me wonder if some people are just programs and the matrix deletes them to conserve power when they aren't needed, like a computer does in a video game when your character isn't viewing NPCs (non-player characters) in the game, the computer deletes them to save memory because they aren't needed if the real players aren't looking at them. lol.

This happened a few times in China, where most people are just bots. One time I followed a girl and she went underground into Walmart but never came up the other side. Knowing that Chinese always follow the rules and would only exist from below using the ascending escalators at the exit, I went down the stairs on the exit end because that's where she would have to come up from. Down inside the Walmart she was nowhere to be seen. I figured maybe she was a staff or janitor and went into the backroom. However, the janitor door looked like a small closet door. She never emerged with any staff uniforms either. And there was no parking garage. She was just gone. No matter how long I waited, she never reappeared. Strange.

Re: Have any of you had any Paranormal Experiences?

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 4:52 am
by Cornfed
Winston wrote:
June 9th, 2021, 12:44 pm
Have any of you experienced this before? I've noticed several times that when following girls around the block to cold approach them, that sometimes when they turn around a corner on a city street, they disappear and vanish without a trace from all directions? Even when I check all nearby doors and buildings, they are gone too. Very weird. Things like that make me wonder if some people are just programs and the matrix deletes them to conserve power when they aren't needed, like a computer does in a video game when your character isn't viewing NPCs (non-player characters) in the game, the computer deletes them to save memory because they aren't needed if the real players aren't looking at them. lol.

This happened a few times in China, where most people are just bots. One time I followed a girl and she went underground into Walmart but never came up the other side. Knowing that Chinese always follow the rules and would only exist from below using the ascending escalators at the exit, I went down the stairs on the exit end because that's where she would have to come up from. Down inside the Walmart she was nowhere to be seen. I figured maybe she was a staff or janitor and went into the backroom. However, the janitor door looked like a small closet door. She never emerged with any staff uniforms either. And there was no parking garage. She was just gone. No matter how long I waited, she never reappeared. Strange.
Maybe it is something supernatural, but maybe they have just developed a strategy do get away from guys like you, lol. I know it is probably not true, but the way you have written this you make yourself seem like a sexual predator.

Re: Have any of you had any Paranormal Experiences?

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 5:08 am
by Winston
Only a paranoid mindset sees things in terms of "sexual predator". As for me, if I see a girl I like then I want to meet her and get to know her. Nothing wrong with that. Why should I let an opportunity pass by and never know what would have happened? As they say, you regret more what you didn't do then what you did. Why should you let a girl you like walk by and disappear forever? Why not try to see if destiny will let you meet her? I did this hundreds of times in Russia and Eastern Europe and it was seen as normal and cool and natural.

Regardless, it's impossible for a girl to pull a vanishing act like that. Especially if she just turned a corner. Even if she went inside a building, you could see her in there, but in this case, you can't, or there are no doors or alleyways to run to that are nearby. Hence it's inexplicable.

Keep in mind that people have vanished before, or disappeared without a trace, leaving a cold case for detectives. People vanish every year in National Parks too. There are thousands of documented cases of people vanishing without a trace. Hence my experience is more plausible than you might think. People have also seen other people materialize or dematerialize in front of their faces. If you watch true paranormal stories and documentaries, they cite such cases. If people can disappear or appear out of thin air, in front of witnesses, even in a public bathroom like I saw on one documentary, then what I say above could be plausible after all.

Re: Have any of you had any Paranormal Experiences?

Posted: November 12th, 2023, 3:03 am
by Winston
Hi all,
I forgot to tell you all that I had another unusual rare paranormal experience in Las Vegas at the beginning of the year. When I was home alone at our house in Las Vegas, one afternoon the doorbell rang twice. It was a long ring as if someone held the doorbell pressed for a few seconds. I also heard a voice behind the door too. I thought it was my aunt and immediately got to the door in 3 seconds since it is a small house. I was shocked though because when I opened the door no one was there. I looked around the corner and on the street. No one was there, except for a kid playing in the distance and talking to his friend, but he was too far away to have rung the doorbell and run all the way there in a few seconds. I looked around the corner wall of the house too. No one was there. I was perplexed. It was very spooky. It was impossible to explain.

At first I thought it was kids pulling a prank. But if that was so I would have heard footsteps running when I opened the door or the sound of kids running away. But I didn't. Also the kids in that neighborhood are very reserved and keep to themselves since people don't talk to strangers in Las Vegas neighborhoods. The kids today aren't like in the 80s when kids would pull more pranks like that. Today's kids are more repressed and afraid to do stuff like that. You don't even see kids tipeeing houses anymore, which means putting toilet paper all over a house as a prank. They don't even say hi to me. So it's unlikely to have been kids, even though that's the most logical explanation. I also looked around the street for delivery trucks, but none were there. If someone rang the doorbell by mistake they wouldn't run away at super speed, they would simply walk away and apologize when I opened the door.

Have any of you experienced anything like this before? I talked to @Mr S about this and he thinks it could either be kids or entities from a higher dimension, because ghosts are usually temporary fragments of a deceased person's ego and don't linger around that long.

However, I do have one other explanation. I had gone to a Goodwill store a few days earlier and bought a few shirts I liked there that looked very nice and were very cheap. The store staff told me that the clothes there are donated by living people and not from deceased people. However, if they are wrong, then it could be that the clothes belonged to a deceased person and that person's ghost or spirit came to look for its clothes and felt like being polite so it rang my doorbell first? Who knows. But it's very spooky. I know now why Indian spiritual gurus like Sadhguru say not to wear someone else's clothes because their energy is attached to them.

What do you all think? Have any of you had any weird paranormal experiences like this with no explanation?

Btw I found some articles about doorbells ringing with no one there. See below. They sound very New Agey.

https://www.mysticalspiritualpathfinder ... nging.html ... es-no-one/ ... one-there/ ... one-there/ ... -is-there/

Re: Have any of you had any Paranormal Experiences?

Posted: November 12th, 2023, 3:26 am
by Moretorque
Winston wrote:
November 12th, 2023, 3:03 am
Hi all,
I forgot to tell you all that I had another unusual rare paranormal experience in Las Vegas at the beginning of the year. When I was home alone at our house in Las Vegas, one afternoon the doorbell rang twice. It was a long ring as if someone held the doorbell pressed for a few seconds. I also heard a voice behind the door too. I thought it was my aunt and immediately got to the door in 3 seconds since it is a small house. I was shocked though because when I opened the door no one was there. I looked around the corner and on the street. No one was there, except for a kid playing in the distance and talking to his friend, but he was too far away to have rung the doorbell and run all the way there in a few seconds. I looked around the corner wall of the house too. No one was there. I was perplexed. It was very spooky. It was impossible to explain.

At first I thought it was kids pulling a prank. But if that was so I would have heard footsteps running when I opened the door or the sound of kids running away. But I didn't. Also the kids in that neighborhood are very reserved and keep to themselves since people don't talk to strangers in Las Vegas neighborhoods. The kids today aren't like in the 80s when kids would pull more pranks like that. Today's kids are more repressed and afraid to do stuff like that. You don't even see kids tipeeing houses anymore, which means putting toilet paper all over a house as a prank. They don't even say hi to me. So it's unlikely to have been kids, even though that's the most logical explanation. I also looked around the street for delivery trucks, but none were there. If someone rang the doorbell by mistake they wouldn't run away at super speed, they would simply walk away and apologize when I opened the door.

Have any of you experienced anything like this before? I talked to @Mr S about this and he thinks it could either be kids or entities from a higher dimension, because ghosts are usually temporary fragments of a deceased person's ego and don't linger around that long.

However, I do have one other explanation. I had gone to a Goodwill store a few days earlier and bought a few shirts I liked there that looked very nice and were very cheap. The store staff told me that the clothes there are donated by living people and not from deceased people. However, if they are wrong, then it could be that the clothes belonged to a deceased person and that person's ghost or spirit came to look for its clothes and felt like being polite so it rang my doorbell first? Who knows. But it's very spooky. I know now why Indian spiritual gurus like Sadhguru say not to wear someone else's clothes because their energy is attached to them.

What do you all think? Have any of you had any weird paranormal experiences like this with no explanation?

Btw I found some articles about doorbells ringing with no one there. See below. They sound very New Agey.

https://www.mysticalspiritualpathfinder ... nging.html ... es-no-one/ ... one-there/ ... one-there/ ... -is-there/

I have recently as well, actually it happens when I watch your singing video's. Completely Otherworldly!