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Adam Green takes down Nick Fuentes and the Groyper cult

Posted: April 10th, 2024, 3:47 pm
by Lucas88
Adam Green of Know More News exposes the idiocy of grifter Nick Fuentes and his "Christian Nationalist" incel virgin Groyper cult.

Starts around the 42:30 mark:


This pathetic little goblin has to be doing this as a grift. No genuine person could be that stupid. This clown goes on hysterical rants about how he wants to exterminate all non-Christians, has his incel virgin fanbase chant that they will "kill, rape and die" for him, claims to serve Christ as a virgin eunuch even though he's probably just a closet homo, and then while claiming to be an anti-Zionist urges support for Zionist puppet Trump. :roll:

If I were to speculate, I'd say that Fuentes is probably a controlled opposition plant put there to make legitimate anti-Zionists look bad.

Fuentes, the Groyper cult and most of the alt-right are a bad joke. No serious anti-Zionist would ever want to be associated with them.