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"Mental illness" = Demonic Possession?

Posted: January 27th, 2014, 2:56 am
by Mr_Truth
Here is a "60 Minutes" video on so-called "mental illness." Last November, Virginia state senator Creigh Deeds (Democratic nominee for governor in 2009) was violently stabbed by his son, who then shot himself to death.

The flaw with this report is its worldliness. It assumes that "mental illness" is a medical problem, cured only by medical means.

What is known as "mental illness" is in reality demonic possession. A person invites a demon inside his/her body, usually by committing mortal sins like taking drugs, getting drunk, watching pornography, or practicing witchcraft or other occult practices. Emotional trauma, such as child sexual abuse, also provides demons an entrance into the body.

When people say they hear voices inside their heads, they're not lying. Those voices come from demons telling them to hurt others and themselves.

You can't cure "mental illness" with modern medicine, or hospitalization. You can only cure it by:

- praying the Rosary everyday
- believing in the teachings of the traditional Catholic faith
- giving up mortal sins and resolving never to commit them again.

Demons are real. They enter people's souls, and create havoc.

God is real too. And only He can remove the demons.

Posted: January 27th, 2014, 12:43 pm
by tre
Strongly disagree. Mental illness is often a symptom of a physical cause. There are plenty of "religious" people that are mentally ill. I don't believe that anti-depressants are the answer, but prayer isn't going to fix every case of mental illness...not by a long shot.

Posted: January 27th, 2014, 3:33 pm
by Mr_Truth
There is no salvation outside the traditional Catholic faith. Anything outside the traditional Catholic faith is a false religion, and therefore demonic. Small wonder then, that many of these "religious" people behave in ways we associate with the mentally ill.

Daily prayer, avoidance of mortal sin, and faithfulness to the traditional Catholic Church will stave off the demons. For some extreme cases, a priest might have to perform an exorcism.

All those victims of demonic possession in the "60 Minutes" video lacked God in their lives. And so did their family members. That is why they are blinded by their worldliness, by their reliance on modern medicine to cure a spiritual disorder. Which leads to disappointment and despair in families, not to mention waste and fraud in the health care system, in government, and in the economy (which is God's punishment).

These people don't want to admit that the problem is not medical, but spiritual. They don't want to admit that they need God. Because they don't want God. They don't want anyone telling them how to run their lives, even God. So they reject Him, and blindly stumble in the dark, searching haplessly for man-made solutions, or other spiritual (i.e., demonic) avenues. The main thing for them is to retain their freedom not to be submissive or obedient.

Poor Creigh Deeds doesn't yet realize his efforts at a solution will be in vain. Like his son, he did not embrace the traditional Catholic faith. He chose to rely on hospitals and medicine rather than on God, just like the father of the young UPenn girl who committed suicide.

Posted: January 27th, 2014, 4:16 pm
by magnum
Good thing the salvation for Catholics is a offering plate, never thought the fuel for salvation would be the root of all evil, the lust for money!

Plus I love the ultimate forum of idol worship, countless feminists worship marry everyday, gee I'm glad I can properly worship a woman without the American Media having to brain wash me in to doing so first.

And if all that fails, I'll confess my sin to another fallen mortal on the other side of a blanket, because somehow that makes my sins go away.

*end of sarcasm*

Oh, you mean the Christian bible *coff not modern bibles* is reality.

I can't wait until you try to take this the judaism/jewish rout!

As for demons, Lucifer hardly had to tempt us in the garden and that was two saved people, most people will never need direct possession, not to mention to fail fall and commit sin.

Possession is a real thing, but a lot of these people suffer from disorders caused by a lot more then demonic possession, the medications to help you with these "problems" often cause 5 more mental problems and would make even my self go insane, I've known a guy who on top of being addicted to drinking and drugs was taking a anti psychotic, nice mix of chemicals to keep you well "balanced" or unbalanced

Posted: January 29th, 2014, 3:03 pm
by Mr_Truth
Catholics do not worship Mary. She is the holiest of humans, because she was born without sin. But she is still only a human. She is not God. We venerate and ask her to intercede on our behalf. She is like a mediator.

Feminists hate Mary and all that she stands for. They have defied God, and are hell bound unless they repent and confess their sins. Likewise, Jews have rejected Jesus and worship a false religion, so they too are Hell bound unless they convert.

Actually, Catholicism teaches one to shun riches and embrace poverty. No, it doesn't mean we should live in filth and squalor, but rather that worldly riches mean nothing in the end. If we lack charity, we will condemn our souls for eternity, and no amount of wealth will save us. Here is a story in Luke 16 about Lazarus and the rich man:

19 There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and feasted sumptuously every day.
20 And there was a certain beggar, named Lazarus, who lay at his gate, full of sores,
21 Desiring to be filled with the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table. And no one did give him: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 And it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom. And the rich man also died: and he was buried in hell.
23 And lifting up his eyes when he was in torments, he saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom:
24 And he cried and said: Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water to cool my tongue: for I am tormented in this flame.
25 And Abraham said to him: Son, remember that thou didst receive good things in thy lifetime, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted and thou art tormented.
26 And besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos: so that they who would pass from hence to you cannot, nor from thence come hither.
27 And he said: Then, father, I beseech thee that thou wouldst send him to my father’s house, for I have five brethren,
28 That he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torments.
29 And Abraham said to him: They have Moses and the prophets. Let them hear them.
30 But he said: No, father Abraham: but if one went to them from the dead, they will do penance.
31 And he said to him: If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they believe, if one rise again from the dead.
It was Lucifer who tempted Eve, who in turn caused Adam to sin. And what is called "mental illness" is in fact a spiritual disorder, due to the person's stubborn refusal to allow God into his life. God then allows demons to fill the void, and torment the person.

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 12:21 am
by magnum
I think I'll retort with this link.

If you insist on defending your cult, go for it.

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 2:04 am
by Dragon

You are wrong. It's not demonic possession. Such mental illness is a result of certain structures of the brain being open to manifestations of higher planes of existence. These higher planes of existence are controlled by none other than Lord Xenu himself. His intergalatic and interdimensional excellency, Lord Xenu the Great, reaches out to these special individuals to prime them for the coming rapture. Sometimes the contact with our most well-endowed and wise Space Father (TM) is too much for a human brain to take it overwhelms the person in question. Thus, what you get is tragedies such as what happened to the Senator and his son.

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 12:00 am
by tre
There is some weird stuff in this thread. Brainwashing anyone?

Religion is just fine and I am happy for those that get comfort and direction out of it. However, there are those that just go WAY too far with it. It really seems like some lose a bit (or ALOT) of their sanity along with it.

Living the Golden Rule is a good way to live. Telling others that they are possessed or going to hell simply due to a different belief/religion is going off the deep end....

Posted: March 5th, 2014, 6:31 am
by Renata
If this is really Demonic possession, Why doesn't the church be charitable and open a rehab & do exorcisms en mas?

Why don't they advertise that they have the cure for Mental illness?

Posted: March 5th, 2014, 9:30 pm
by C.J.
Renata wrote:If this is really Demonic possession, Why doesn't the church be charitable and open a rehab & do exorcisms en mas?

Why don't they advertise that they have the cure for Mental illness?
Actually, the satanist scum are trying to bury ALL forms of exorcism around the world. There very few places around the world where one can consult a true/skilled exorcist. And only a few races of people can actually get it free nowadays.

People think of demons as human-like entities with the same power of space-time. However, it's much more accurate to think of them as "thought-generators". For example, a demonic entity can generate thoughts of overspending in the host's mind. Eventually, these thoughts build up and eventually persuade the human to overspend. The more they do it, the easier it is for demonic entities to persuade the human host to commit this act.

They cannot force you to do everything they command, however they can persuade you through various mental and physical weaknesses. The more power they have over you, the more damage they can do. This is why there are very few mentally/physically adept humans in the world(monks, priests etc.)

They can enter you through just about any medium nowadays. For example, western babies are damaged through having their umbilical cords severed prematurely. Circumcision. IVs. The mental trauma from these events. Masturbation. Physical/emotional abuse from terrible parents. Ever wanted someone who could understand you, comfort you in those hard times that you experience? These are all doors that demons can enter through. All it takes is one time. This is why I don't advocate drinking, drugs, surgery or sex. All too easy to become infected with stupidity. I see it all often - someone tries any of those, they keep doing it, they keep being stupid, they eventually corner themselves in between insanity and retardedness. You gotta pay attention.

People make tons of decisions throughout their lives, but very few people actually realize that their thoughts weren't theirs at all. This is how westerners operate - they're mostly driven by their mental and physical dysfunction through the conditioning of their parents and ancestors. Strong-willed westerners(some call these people racial supremacists) are almost extinct. When a country is taken over and inseminated with so-called "democracy", this is exactly the kind of slave the western governments want to create.

So, why would the western governments wanna stop this? They don't. It's their source of power and control.

Re: "Mental illness" = demonic possession

Posted: March 6th, 2014, 2:32 am
by nicho12
Mr_Truth wrote:Here is a "60 Minutes" video on so-called "mental illness." Last November, Virginia state senator Creigh Deeds (Democratic nominee for governor in 2009) was violently stabbed by his son, who then shot himself to death.

[youtube] ... yjJRNF12cw[/youtube]

The flaw with this report is its worldliness. It assumes that "mental illness" is a medical problem, cured only by medical means.

What is known as "mental illness" is in reality demonic possession. A person invites a demon inside his/her body, usually by committing mortal sins like taking drugs, getting drunk, watching p***, or practicing witchcraft or other occult practices. Emotional trauma, such as child sexual abuse, also provides demons an entrance into the body.

When people say they hear voices inside their heads, they're not lying. Those voices come from demons telling them to hurt others and themselves.

You can't cure "mental illness" with modern medicine, or hospitalization. You can only cure it by:

- praying the Rosary everyday
- believing in the teachings of the traditional Catholic faith
- giving up mortal sins and resolving never to commit them again.

Demons are real. They enter people's souls, and create havoc.

God is real too. And only He can remove the demons.
This guy is a moron, mental illness is caused by the current un-naturalness of this society. The society is so artificial which is contrary to our natural instincts and that's what causes mental illness

Posted: March 9th, 2014, 5:52 pm
by Renata
Mental illness can also be food related, people eat so much processed nastyness & chemicals, I bet half of the cases are parasitic infestation leading to dementia, neurological & skitso behaviour. Slow poisionng.

Posted: September 19th, 2014, 4:21 am
by Winston
If any of you doubt the phenomenon of demon possession, this might change your mind.

Listen to this interview by Robert Stanley with a psychiatrist who, after years of working with schizophrenics, concluded that they are demon possessed. He gives many good reasons for this. When you listen to it, you will be a lot more convinced than you were before.

The psychiatrist says that this explains why nearly all hallucinations of the mentally ill are NEGATIVE and self-destructive. Random hallucinations should be a mix of positive and negative thoughts, not all negative. Psychiatry can't explain why. But the demon possession hypothesis can.

But the mentally ill aren't the only ones that are demon possessed or demon influenced. We all are to some extent, because these demons feed off of negativity and fear. They are drawn to negative thoughts and attitudes, and will enhance them further. This probably applies to most of us, since the negativity and anger here is extreme and addictive.

One interesting thing they say is that the way to know whether your thoughts are your own, or from demons and archons, is this: What is your intent? Are your thoughts and actions going with your intent, or against your intent? If the latter, then your thoughts are likely coming from demons or archons.

That definitely applies to me. My INTENT was to leave here 12 months ago, yet my thoughts and actions refuse to let me and have gone AGAINST my intent. Therefore, by this rule, demons and archons are what's blocking me and stopping me from leaving. That's why I've been complaining about my mind going against me and BLOCKING my intent. Plus, Las Vegas is very demonic so it has a very high number of demons.

It makes a lot of sense when you look at the evidence from clinical psychiatry. Listen to the interview above and you will see what I mean, that there's probably something very real to it.

Why didn't any of you tell me to use prayers, spells or meditations before? Sheesh. You guys are too practical and left-brained to consider these things.

You guys should have recommended a book like this to me:

Prayers That Rout Demons: Prayers for Defeating Demons and Overthrowing the Powers of Darkness

Maybe these will help too.

Prayers That Break Curses: Prayers for Breaking Demonic Influences so You Can Walk in God's Promises

Identifying And Breaking Curses

Posted: September 19th, 2014, 5:59 am
by starchild5
Winston wrote:If any of you doubt the phenomenon of demon possession, this might change your mind.

Listen to this interview by Robert Stanley with a psychiatrist who, after years of working with schizophrenics, concluded that they are demon possessed. He gives many good reasons for this. When you listen to it, you will be a lot more convinced than you were before.
As we know, India is the land for these kinds of stuff. One of the Guru's I met in India, told me some years back that, soon I will be able to see ghosts, demons etc. After some months of the meeting with the Guru. I landed a new job and met with few new work colleagues and one of the guy was extremely possessed. He had at-least a 5000 year old demon. It was so extreme that as soon as he came near me, My heart starts to palpitate, my whole area around heart felt extreme pain, my mind stopped working and I was sweating buckets and shivering. I have never encountered anything like it before.

I wanted to understand it further and soon I was able to shield myself to the demons power by will for sometime. I asked the guy, did he go to any rough places lately. Apparently, few weeks back, he had gone to a cemetery at the middle of the night with a friend and drank Alcohol as a challenge. As people told him, if he drinks at a Cemetery, he could see ghost. The guy did not knew much about spirituality, he did not had shields and he got possessed by the dark energy instead. I told him to go to temples and wear prayer beads etc but his inner dark energy would not allow it. After few weeks, I left the job, did not know what happened to the guy, after few contacts i tried. That was my first real encounter with demons, dark energy.

Since, then I have come a long long way and have researched, experienced everything related to demons, ghosts etc etc


Some demons are Aliens, Archons, some of them humans gone to the dark side. Know that, lower level of possession always happens in the opposite. The guru I met, he told me that. A women demon, ghost possesses a male body and vice versa. This is very important to know. 70 to 80% of possession in human body are of male in female and female in male kinds.

Sometimes, a single human body can possess over 100,000 demons...Not a typo....In India some people are possessed by 1000s of demons. When one demon takes over your body, it invites others to it. Then it becomes extremely hard to perform exorcism as the demons gain energy as shown in some movies, people gaining super human strengths etc.


Unfortunately, These kinds of incidences have increased manifold now a days and darkness is controlling everyone around and letting these demons come into many humans. The situation all over the world has become worse than before.

people who are highly sensitive, highly evolved are been attacked more than before and they are feeling it.

Make no mistake...These guys are extremely powerful and evil....we need a way to shield ourselves from them. Again, these guys are extremely coordinated, smart, and have darker agendas. DO NOT underestimate them.


I just saw the book you refereed and read few paragraphs and sorry, I did not get a positive vibe from it. The author comes from a Ministry.

First, The book cover itself sends a dark vibe with Red, Black and White colors which as we know are for free-masonic ritual sacrifices. Somehow, I did not feel a good vibe. If someone really wanted to get rid of demons, he would put the cover with few flowers, oceans and smile to send good vibe around.

BE VERY CAREFUL...Some times the book you read will enable the dark energy to posses you even faster. Even Yoga and Meditation are very very dangerous. Most of the prayers and yoga techniques we have today have been Infiltrated by these demons. so some words and pose are included which you will unknowingly chant and open your chakras to be taken over.

Demonic Possession is nothing but control of your Chakras. The more Chakras they control, the more possession a human being has. All prayers, chanting, beads, are essentially to strengthen your chakras.


Chakras are energy points in our body aka Vortex of energies. Everyone wants to control it. Most of humanity does not have control over their own chakras. so they get possessed.


I had written about demonic possession some years back based on my experiences in India in David Icke forum and I got few Americans and Europeans contacting me as they felt extremely possessed by dark energy and the solution I gave them seems to ease their pain a lot.

1. The first is power of your Name. Your name is incredibly powerful. When you feel you are in trouble or feeling weak. Repeat your name ..For example...I'm Chris Jacob and I'm powerful and Nobody can touch me etc....Reminding ourselves who we are with positive encouraging words, sometimes we loose track of ourselves.

2. This Guru in India is very powerful and is said to ward off demons and dark energy. I send this picture to the American guy and he told me, he had incredibly relief.

If you feel the dark energy is attacking you continuously. Put this picture in your bedroom, work place etc. Many people get a positive vibe just by looking at the picture.


also, use this


He is the old demon slayer of India. Ayyappa.

3. For protecting your chakras and strengthening your shield.

Listen to this song..Its called Shanmuka Kavacham - A spiritual shield song written in one of the oldest languages in the world Tamil.

and this song on Tuesdays and Saturdays

The songs even if you do not understand has effect on your chakras.

4. The other remedy is to do fasting on Saturdays. It incredibly effective.

Do not eat anything on Saturdays except water, fruit juice and eat only vegetarian food after sunset. The more days you remain in fast like on Tuesdays or Fridays, the more it strengthens your chakra fields.

5. We need to believe in ourselves more than ever. We need to trust ourselfs more than ever. Dig Deeper and Deeper to our innermost self and know how incredibly powerful we are. This is the best mantra and chant. Discovering ourselves.

6. I have also found Feng Shui to give a positive effect on our surroundings...Try that as well


Know that, this force is very powerful and it will find a way to distract us from our goals, so we need to be alert all the time on whatever we are doing. Even the short time feel good factor we get after prayers, chanting etc is a trick by the darkness to make us believe that whatever we are doing is working. We need to be FULLY AWARE of ourselves and effect should be permanent.

We have gone way past the "debate" stage on whether demons exists or not, or Aliens are real or not ..We will live those questions to the "smart ones" who always need "proof" before anything can be "believed" crowd.

Posted: September 25th, 2014, 6:37 am
by tamdrin12
Demonic possession can exist.. But not all mental illness are from demonic possession. It's a fact that it has to do with the chemicals in your brain which is why many people with mental illness do experience improvement through psychiatric medicine.