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Matthew 5:32 (Bible) is a perfect reason for guys to NEVER marry an American woman!

Posted: April 13th, 2021, 4:20 pm
by Mercury
Matthew 5:31; It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement. 32; But I say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery, and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.

American women are nothing but a divorce just waiting to happen. American women are nothing but spoiled, hateful, selfish, greedy, they don't marry for love. They marry for money. They marry for mammon. They don't mature past 8th Grade anymore. They will divorce you if you lose your job. They will divorce you if your paycheck gets reduced. They will divorce you if they meet a richer man with more money. They will even divorce you for being friendly and down-to-Earth. Again, the extreme vast majority of millennial and post-millennial American women are in gangs. And they are even raised from childhood to go exclusively for the highest bidder. American women have the devil in them.

And Matthew 5:32 in the Bible not only means men who divorce their wives, it also means women who divorce their husbands. God hates divorce, without a doubt. Divorce is a sin. And clearly, it's no wonder America is a culture of nothing but sin. Divorce is a sin. Marrying someone else after divorcing is a sin. Homosexuality is a sin. Gay/lesbian marriage is a sin. Calling a lone guy a loser or lunatic is a sin. Default alienation of a stranger is a sin. America is even the devil's dungeon.

Matthew 5:32 and the thought that the eternal Lake of Fire awaits any man that gets divorced by a gold digger wife and marries someone else because his original wife ran off with another man and he can't handle being single really should cause a massive surge of guys out of the United States and into foreign countries and a huge surge of single (never married) American men marrying foreign women.

Now sometimes the man is the suspect/perpetrator when a divorce happens. The reason for that; obesity, usually on the woman's side. Obesity is a pandemic in America, no doubt. American food is mixed with toxic chemicals that can and will destroy the body's glandular system, causing glandular problems resulting in runaway obesity. Americans are lazy, they don't leave the house except for work, American women especially, they don't even like to leave the house, not even to walk the dog, go swimming at the local public pool or beach, have dinner or play bingo at a local bar, they just like sitting in the living room, watching television, shoveling unhealthy junk food into their mouths while the man breaks his back doing all the work, and then wonder why he's cheating on him with another woman. Because she has become morbidly obese, and her expanding, tremendous girth is pushing her husband away!