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Why I'm a Satanist

Posted: January 4th, 2024, 3:59 am
by The Wily Fox
When I think of the Abrahamic faith I think of slaughtering, burnings and other such acts of horror, all committed in the name of God. Even though I was raised in a Christian household I never really gravitated towards the mindlessly collectivist mindset.

Personally, I would never worship a God that would send someone to an eternal lake of fire to be burned forever for the simple fact of non belief, when that deity knows what it would take to convince every single person on this planet. That is cruel, it is inhumane, it is not kind, it is not generous and that is not a God worthy of worship.

Some people might gravitate towards the lie of Christianity because they faith to make them feel like all of this is worth it. But does higher purpose in life really necessitate the belief in such a deity. We find higher purpose from love and the pursuit of pleasure. Besides, the term "higher purpose" is such a loaded phrase which Christians use as an excuse so that we have some reason to bind under some divinely ordained set of principles and rules. I disagree and see no need for having prescriptive purpose. I'm struggling to even see the value in saying that we have a "higher purpose".

I believe that one should take care of one's self and enjoy life to the fullest extent possible through the pursuit of hedonistic pleasure. There is no need for a higher purpose to do that. Just because someone believes in looking after themselves doesn't mean that we will devolve into anarchy and mayhem without the guidelines set in the Bible.

I do believe in right and wrong, but the problem is that what is right and wrong has changed so much throughout history. There is no way of knowing whether the actions we do today will be considered evil in the future. So there is this grey area to what is considered right and wrong which is decided by the vast majority. I don't believe in a red demon with horns and a pitchfork being responsible for all the wrong in the world. We are responsible for our own actions and what's more is that if you were to ask anyone throughout history they would all say that they're the hero of the story.

Satan himself is just a symbol of freedom and liberty. If people perform evil acts in his name, then that is wrong. But Satan himself is not actually evil and even if we read the Bible itself we can see no proof of Satan's supposed evil, where the evidence of God's evil is demonstrated consistently throughout.

Satan to me is also a symbol that we should thirst for knowledge and understanding. It's important to understand that human beings are merely animals. Sometimes they can be much worse than animals....

Religion has caused a lot of harm. Is it the ultimate source of evil, no! Ultimately people make their own decisions, but we talk about crusades and witch trials and that God hates fags and snake handlers, science, the arts. The list goes on and on. Can anyone tell me of a major war that hasn't been fuelled by religion? Religion is a tool used for power and it reveals the worst in humanity.

Re: Why I'm a Satanist

Posted: January 4th, 2024, 9:16 am
by publicduende
Satan, indeed Lucifer, is what Christianity made of the gnostic figure of the Demiurge, or Prometheus.

No system of mass control would have ever worked if people had been exposed to a narrative that includes the notion that we men are all created with a divine essence and can reach God by means of spiritual development, without any church or priest acting as intermediary. The famous metaphor used in the Gnosis is that of every man being the splinter of a mirror, still capable to reflect the Wholeness of God, no matter how tiny.

Far more than the suppression of the female essence (from Lilith to Mary Magdalene), the damage Christian theology did was to write off the divine element. In the myth, Prometheus was punished by the Gods because he gave mankind the key to reach God. For the Church, Lucifer is punished for keeping mankind from reaching God. A pretty big difference.

Re: Why I'm a Satanist

Posted: January 4th, 2024, 9:42 am
by Natural_Born_Cynic
Everything is relative....

Re: Why I'm a Satanist

Posted: January 4th, 2024, 10:03 am
by galii
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 4th, 2024, 9:42 am
Everything is relative....
It is just atoms doing their thang.... :lol: