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Adult Friend Finder wont pay my commissions or answer emails

Posted: January 2nd, 2009, 10:11 pm
by Winston
Hi all,
Adult Friend Finder won't pay my $137 in commissions, which is over a month due according to their own policies (see below), and won't answer my emails about it. I've emailed them 7 times including through their online contact form, and called them about it too, only to get a bogus answer. As of now, they do not answer any further emails about it, nor have they sent my overdue $137 check. Yet it still remains in my affiliate stats.

See the screen shots below for proof.

What can I do about this? Who do I report internet fraud to? I've already written AFF and said that if they don't answer my emails, I will report them as fraud to the FTC and put up a webpage on my own site exposing them as well. Yet they continue to ignore me. I've done nothing wrong here other than ask for my commission check.

Does the FTC have a site that I can report internet fraud at? Where do I report this to?

Fortunately, I've saved a screen shot of my earnings with them, so if they ever remove them, I have proof that they were there. See below. In the 2nd screen shot below, you will see AFF's FAQ saying that they cut checks twice a month with a $50 minimum, so I was due to be paid long ago. Yet no explanation on their end.




Posted: January 16th, 2009, 4:48 am
by Winston
Hi folks,
I finally got a response from AFF about my unpaid commissions. As you can see, it sounds totally bogus, fishy and evasive, as though they have something to hide. This, despite what others who say they have no problem with AFF payments, is pretty much the smoking gun proof that says it all.

"Hi Winston,

Thank you for your recent email. Upon reviewing your account I've noticed that your traffic needs to be further reviewed. It seems as though your traffic is not showing abnormal member activity.

We will hold the payment until it is proven that the members that have purchased memberships on your Affiliate account are not fraudulent.

I hope this information helps.

Thank you,

Porscha T.
Affiliate Marketing Friend Finder INC."

W: You see, nothing in the letter even make sense and is not even relevant to anything. If my traffic is "not abnormal" then it's normal, so isn't that a good thing? It's not even clear what they are talking about.

Even if they decide to convert me to a percentage plan now, their check to me is still a month overdue, and was due when I was on a per order plan, so technically, they still owe it to me either way.

I didn't know there were still scams like this in the US.


Posted: March 1st, 2009, 7:49 am
by Kris
I've never used this site but it has always looked like scam to me

I typed adult friend finder affiliate scam into Google and got loads of links about scams ... am&spell=1

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 1:16 pm
by Winston
Well, Adult Friend Finder changed my membership to the percentage system. Then it said that the new system was retroactive and erased half my earnings, and that they would pay me only $52 instead of the $137 they owed me.

After a while I said, ok, so where's my $52? They didn't answer me. Then when I asked them again, I got a message saying they banned me.

Fricking low life scums.

Here is their message in their own words.
Dear Webmaster,

Thank you for having contacted us.

Your account was retroactively converted for not meeting the "Pay Per Order" Program's ratios. Your traffic produced 1 total members.

Current Balance $52.59 will be send next pay period of February 16,2009.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Thank you,

Carlos S.

Affiliate Operations
FriendFinder Networks
So they promised to pay $52.59 but they didn't. When I asked about it next, they said:
Dear Winston,

Thank you for contacting us.

We pay out commissions on earned revenue every 2 weeks, shortly following approval on the 1st and 16th of every month.

Our records indicate that your account has been Banned, and the Abuse Dept. is now in charge of your account.

If you wish to resolve the issue, you should contact

If you have more questions, they will be able to help you.

Best Regards,

Robson V.
Affiliate Marketing Coordinator
Friend Finder Net Work

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 11:21 am
by cutehumor
what happened? did you ever get paid?


Posted: June 22nd, 2009, 11:32 am
by polya
Adult Friend Finder (AFF) is a total scam. Your as likely to meet a wife on this site as you are to eat pork ribs at a synagogue. I've deleted all my profiles on all such sites as they are a total SCAM - after joining I get Nigerian letter type emails, I get winks from members with hot photos, and when I pay money so I can reply I get ignored (obviously it was the owner posing as a hot girl).... I could write a novel about these scams.

Guys, internet dating, speed dating, sms dating, personal ads only work if you look like Brad Pitt. The answer is to leave America and go somewhere where girls aren't selfish gold-diggers only interested in boosting their self esteem by rejecting as many guys as possible.

Posted: July 8th, 2009, 6:13 pm
by Winston
cutehumor wrote:what happened? did you ever get paid?
Didn't you read what happened? They refused to pay me and then promised to pay half, and then claimed that my account had been banned.

Re: Adult Friend Finder wont pay my commissions or answer em

Posted: February 7th, 2017, 9:58 am
by GregAdams
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