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Ways to make money with your website

Posted: March 11th, 2008, 10:36 am
by Winston

Panhandling can also be an option....

Posted: July 27th, 2008, 3:36 am
by ErthernetGuy
You can also earn money on the Internet by begging. If you have got a convincing story, it can bring in a lot of money. ... html?cat=3

example of convincing story:
I am a US american. I was on vacation in the Philipinnes. My luggage, my passport, and my money was stolen in a mugging. My GF was also killed in the mugging. I have only got 89.23US$ left. I deseperatly need 1000US$ to get a ticket back to Los Angeles California. The US Amabasy won't pay for my ticket and asks for 500US$ to give me a new passoport. I have already sold my Rolex and my GF engagement ring. I am desesperate. Please help me get back to america and pay for a decend funeral for my girlfriend.
For the time beeing, I am staying in Angeles City. A Guest Relationship Officier (GRO) has been kind enough to accomodate me in her room. But she says that she will need the bed for a sick grand mother. She offers me a job as a takoï in a gogobar in Thaïland. But I don't want to do this job because I have got hemoroïds. :lol:

Send a donation through PayPal. God bless you all.


Re: Ways to make money with your website

Posted: May 31st, 2020, 4:03 pm
by Winston

Re: Ways to make money with your website

Posted: July 9th, 2020, 9:53 am
by Pinayhunter
What about niche blogging? I’ve been following these guys called Income School on YouTube. They’re two chubby and charming midwestern guys who make you go “aww shucks”. I trust them more than the typical gurus flashing their lambos.

Their method is basically to write long articles for low competition search terms. They focus on writing quality content that actually answers peoples’ questions. No fancy SEO or backlinking. No pushy sales tactics.

The only problem is you’d have to be somewhat of an expert on a topic to write about it everyday, wouldn’t you?
What if you’re just a typical office worker, and you haven’t had time to learn a skill like beekeeping or woodworking?

Anyway, just food for thought. This is probably something I’ll try. I don’t have any better ideas for making money online.