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Posted: March 7th, 2011, 11:59 am
by walrusface
Winston wrote: No I live in the Philippines. Have you seen my photo collage? Click the "Photos" link at the top and also see the Approachable Faces Gallery from there. You already saw all parts of the film?
Yeah saw the photos, and watched most if not all of the videos, it was very inspiring.

Posted: March 7th, 2011, 2:11 pm
by globetrotter

Posted: March 9th, 2011, 10:17 am
by xiongmao
Hi from a fellow Brit!

I'm a bit older than you but I've left it late to find a female. Actually I've been so busy up to now I'm not sure I've wanted one. I was also the shyest person on earth when I was in my 20's. Chicks don't like that so much. The good news is that the older you get the more in demand you are. Wow, my 89 year old grandfather, he is like a rock star!

Anyway in 2009 I took the plunge and signed up to an Asian dating site. 3 months later and I was on a plane to China to meet a stunning girl. Our relationship didn't work out, but then we'd both never dated anyone before. These things take time. I was also setting my sights high... very high.

I'm off to China again next month. If you want a devoted wife and loads of kids, go to the Philippines. If you like alpha females, head to China or Japan. :)

Posted: March 9th, 2011, 3:39 pm
by walrusface
Hi xiongmao,
I'm not sure I want to wait till I'm 89, I probably won't make it that long haha.
How did your relationship work? Did you move over there? and was there a language problem?
I've never really wanted kids, so that's another issue I have seeing as most women want them. I quite like the look of some Japanese women, and I've heard good things about them. What do you actually mean by alpha female, do they differ much from the Phillippines?

Posted: March 21st, 2011, 4:17 am
by xiongmao
Hi walrusface,

Wow, are you from Devon? I was born in Plymouth and lived there for a few years, now I'm in the London area.

There are some strange women in Devon lol. I've never met women in clubs, but I don't think I'd like to find a wife who hung around in bars.

Japanese women are good, but they tend to like confident men, so if you're more of a submissive type it wouldn't work as you’d never be able to decide anything (I had problems with this!). Japan is also eye wateringly expensive and few Japanese women like living overseas.

Filipinas can make great wives, especially if you want a young wife, but sorting the decent women from the scammers takes some effort. Best thing is to live out there for a while (I’m sure the other board members would back me up on this).

Thais are another option, but I know very little about Thailand.

I like Chinese women the best – they have many of the characteristics of Japanese women, but tend to be much more confident. The previous Chinese girl I met liked me but I got put in the friend zone. I also made a mistake by choosing an expensive pay per letter dating site. Now I’m on Chinese Love Links and you can chat to as many women as you can handle.

A mistake many men make is thinking Chinese women are poorly educated shy and submissive mail order brides. On the whole they’re not. In fact Chinese women on CLL and other sites tend to be highly educated – these types of ladies find it hard to find men in China, because Chinese men prefer housewives. I’m defining alpha female as a woman who is educated (maybe with an overseas first or second degree), has a good job, has travelled overseas before, and doesn’t need a man to support her. Of course if you want a housewife then these ladies aren’t a good choice!

There are plenty of English speakers on CLL and other sites which gets round the communication barrier. But they tend to be alpha females and these girls can be very choosy.

And yes, the cultural and language differences are immense but if you want an extraordinary wife you have to make an extraordinary effort. Finding an Asian wife isn’t the easy option at all.

Most men usually have a good idea of what Asian country they want to find a wife from. I’m off to China to visit some ladies next week. I’ve found a sales woman, a woman with an MA from a UK university, a healthcare worker and a woman who is just extremely hot. If that doesn’t work out then maybe I’ll visit the Philippines in August – AFA have a Cebu romance trip scheduled and if you look at the photos from previous trips I think you’ll agree it would be awesome!

Posted: March 31st, 2011, 11:38 am
by walrusface
xiongmao wrote:Hi walrusface,

Wow, are you from Devon? I was born in Plymouth and lived there for a few years, now I'm in the London area.
There are some strange women in Devon lol. I've never met women in clubs, but I don't think I'd like to find a wife who hung around in bars.
Haha, small world! I was born in Plymouth as well but moved to Exeter a few years back. Where in London are you living? Yes you are right, there definitely are some strange women in Devon...especially Plymouth lol. They are not my cup of tea really. They are mostly scowling chavettes.
Japanese women are good, but they tend to like confident men, so if you're more of a submissive type it wouldn't work as you’d never be able to decide anything (I had problems with this!). Japan is also eye wateringly expensive and few Japanese women like living overseas.
Filipinas can make great wives, especially if you want a young wife, but sorting the decent women from the scammers takes some effort. Best thing is to live out there for a while (I’m sure the other board members would back me up on this).
I've been on Date in Asia for a couple of weeks and have had a lot of messenges from Filipinas. They seem really nice and would like me to go and see them. Also had messages from Thais and a few from Indonesia. I hope they are not scammers haha, I'd like to think I would be able to spot them. I would like to go over there soon if I can.

Most men usually have a good idea of what Asian country they want to find a wife from. I’m off to China to visit some ladies next week. I’ve found a sales woman, a woman with an MA from a UK university, a healthcare worker and a woman who is just extremely hot. If that doesn’t work out then maybe I’ll visit the Philippines in August – AFA have a Cebu romance trip scheduled and if you look at the photos from previous trips I think you’ll agree it would be awesome!
How did the trip to China go? Or how is it going, if you're still there. If it doesn't work out or whatever and if you are still up for going to the Philippines then I wouldn't mind joining you :) I wouldn't have enough for those romance tours things though, I speak to quite a few online though who I could arrange to meet up with.