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Hi Everyone!

Posted: April 19th, 2024, 11:41 pm
by ingridguerci12
My name is Ingrid Guerci, I'm a 31 year old guy living in the DC area. I'm pretty tall, am decent looking enough and in pretty good shape, and am doing for the most part pretty well in life. Going to graduate with a cs degree, have a job and a little bit of money saved up, and not a lot of debt from school.

Despite everything, I've never had much luck with girls here. I don't want go too much into the life story stuff, but over the years I've come to the same conclusion as a lot of people here.

Anyway, I'm looking to get away from all this. I don't want to waste my time here where I'm unhappy, when there are better options. Just trying to find my way to where I want to go while I continue to work towards being ready to go there.