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Vancouver, Canada is a depressing Hellhole

Posted: January 18th, 2013, 5:46 pm
by Will N. Dowd
I have lived in Vancouver since 1991, and now hate the place with a passion. I wish I had left earlier, but my job and my apartment keep me stuck here. Since I got rid of my job last summer, I only have to get rid of my apartment and then I am gone. My apartment just listed this week on the Canadian website, so it's just a matter of time. I'm getting super excited to being happier abroad by this summer as a realistic goal.

If you google Vancouver sucks or I hate Vancouver, you get lots of results, and it seems a lot of people hate the place as much as I do. I try to stay at home as much as possible these days and not even look out the window and remind myself of where I am.

The reason seems pretty consistent with everyone online:

Horrific materialistic girls that are the worst in Canada and that's saying something since standards of Women here are so low to begin with.
Expensive real estate that is so absurd you think it's a joke.
Low pay relative to cost of living.
Terrible weather, but ironically the most mild climate in Canada. Shows that Canadian standards of weather are rock bottom.
Rain, rain, and even more rain anytime of the year.
Awful, self indulgent, rude and ignorant people that think Vancouver is amazing because the news say it is.
Too many homeless people that come from all over the country to beg here since they won't freeze to death like you would anywhere else in Canada on the street.
The Canadian equivalent of the Seattle Freeze.

I'm looking for other local input and if they plane to escape like I do ASAP.

Posted: January 18th, 2013, 6:12 pm
by Globus
I live close to Toronto but I have read online that Vancouver is a terrible place. Most common complaints like you mention were: cold cliquish materialistic boring people, awful women, really expensive housing. I also read that it is nearly impossible to get women or a date in Vancouver. I dont know but somehow Vancouver always gets rated as one of the best 5 cities in the world to live in. Yeah right. I call BS on that one. You should probably get out of that hellhole because life is too precious to be wasted.

Posted: January 18th, 2013, 6:15 pm
by gsjackson
Sell as soon as possible, and I wouldn't be too picky about offers that are in the ballpark. The Canadian housing bubble has already started to burst. In a year your condo could be worth 20 percent less.

Re: Vancouver, Canada is a depressing Hellhole

Posted: January 24th, 2013, 6:30 pm
by royalism
Will N. Dowd wrote:Horrific materialistic girls that are the worst in Canada and that's saying something since standards of Women here are so low to begin with.
That's too big of an exaggeration. I have lived in Vancouver since 1990 (longer than you by 1 year). Actually I grew up here. Not all girls are materialistic. But I would say that the dating scene is a bit awkward.
Will N. Dowd wrote: Expensive real estate that is so absurd you think it's a joke.
Yes. That's why i rent.
Will N. Dowd wrote:Low pay relative to cost of living.
True dat. But we are better off than LA or New york. But the trade off is that there are less things to do. Vancouver is not really an urban type city.
Will N. Dowd wrote:Terrible weather, but ironically the most mild climate in Canada. Shows that Canadian standards of weather are rock bottom.
Rain, rain, and even more rain anytime of the year.
The rain is not so bad. It's the CONSTANT OVERCAST that makes me want to leave this city. We could go for weeks and weeks without seeing the sky.
Will N. Dowd wrote:Awful, self indulgent, rude and ignorant people that think Vancouver is amazing because the news say it is.
What news are you reading or watching? The local news is always negative like any other North american city. Full of killers, crime, gang violence, serial rapists, homeless people, etc etc. Some people like Vancouver because they grew up in the Vancouver.

I don't know what do you mean about awful, self indulgent, rude and ignorant people. Most people I talk to are okay. No rude people unless they are drunks or down trodden people. But people generally treat me like how I want to be treated. I don't have any problems with vancouver people. Maybe some certain demographic of people are rude, but I stay clear of these people anyways.
Will N. Dowd wrote:Too many homeless people that come from all over the country to beg here since they won't freeze to death like you would anywhere else in Canada on the street.
Yes this is true. And you forgot to mention that they are on drugs.
Will N. Dowd wrote:The Canadian equivalent of the Seattle Freeze.
No, not at all. There is no Vancouver Freeze. I find that most Vancouverites are more interested in other people's culture than their own. that's because vancouver doesn't really have a culture of its own. And add to the fact that there are immigrants coming into the country from all different parts of the world it becomes weirder and weirder to find out who the hell we are.

Me personally I'm a bit bored of Vancouver. There are many things I like about the city such as fresh air and good chinese food, but things such as the overcast and nothing really exciting about the city makes me want to live some other place for a while and to gather new inspiration from another country or culture.

Posted: June 20th, 2013, 7:45 pm
by Taco
You might find this interesting.

Vancouver: Beautiful Setting Sinister Society ... ty%20.html