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C S Lewis lectures

Posted: November 14th, 2021, 1:04 pm
by Cornfed
This Youtube channel contains narrated essays and lectures written by C S Lewis in the 40s. They are excerps from a book for sale on Amazon. I have disagreements with some of what he said, but in general the words of an educated Englishman from that time as read by someone with a similar accent are so superior to anything you are likely to find now as to seemingly come from a separate, more advanced species. @Winston might like to listen to some of his explanations of Christianity. ... VNA/videos

Re: C S Lewis lectures

Posted: November 14th, 2021, 2:59 pm
by gsjackson
You won't believe this, but he was on the cover of Time Magazine, circa 1949. Utterly inconceivable today, though I guess physical magazines themselves are becoming inconceivable as well. They were a big deal back then, and I mean literally -- weekly news magazines like Time could run as much as 250 pages. They had actual news, from all over the world. They actually paid foreign correspondents to go hither and yon.

Lewis was rediscovered by the American evangelical movement in the '70s, which was a reaction against the cultural dislocation of the '60s, and of course he always had a separate following for the Narnia childrens' stories. He was the go-to apologist for evangelicals of an intellectual bent. They also seemed to like Francis Schaeffer, an American, who never struck me as in the league of Lewis and Chesterton as an intellect or writer.

I don't know whether to pity or envy those not old enough to remember when the West was not just fit for human habitation, but for literacy and thought as well. Which is just about everybody now.