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Gallstones in gallbladder - What can I do about them?

Posted: April 18th, 2011, 4:42 pm
by Winston
Hi all,
My last ultrasound in Taiwan revealed that I had gallstones. But the doctors didn't say I had to do anything about them. Yesterday I told my doctor in the Philippines about this and she suggested that I get surgery to have them removed. I don't understand why though. Usually if they don't cause any symptoms, you don't have to do anything about them right? Could it be that the doctor gets some kind of kickback for ordering such surgeries?

Even if I wanted to have such a surgery done, I'd rather do it in Taiwan, where I have health insurance. And plus, surgeries in the Philippines tends to result in bad scars on the skin afterward, unless you're doing it at the most expensive hospital of course.

What do you all think? Do any of you have gallstones? When do they become a problem? Is there any medicine you can take to dissolve them without surgery?


Posted: April 18th, 2011, 4:51 pm
by momopi
Ask the doctor what type of gallstone and what size, then post your question on

Posted: May 20th, 2011, 8:13 pm
by Winston
Here is something suspicious about the doctor I saw and her husband who is a surgeon.

Both of them suggested that I get my gallbladder removed on the basis of me saying "I have gallstones" only. The ultrasound results were inconclusive he said. Isn't that odd, to suggest surgery to remove an organ, based on what I told them, without physical scientific evidence? They also seemed to imply that I ought to get my gallbladder removed as a preventative measure against the gallstones growing larger! WTF?

Furthermore, he told me that in my next ultrasound, he wants me to see a specific ultrasound technician that he knows in the hospital, because he trusts that person's judgment more than others. Now I might be paranoid, but could that be because he and that particular ultrasound technician have conspired to make bogus interpretations of ultrasound results, in order to trick patients into doing unnecessary surgeries, so they can get a kickback from it?

We are living in a corrupt third world country after all...

None of the medical websites I read said that a gallbladder should be removed as a "preventive" measure against gallstones growing bigger in the future, which is what the doctor and her surgeon husband implied to me. That is very strange, suspicious and smells fishy, don't you think? But he seemed like an honest sincere person though.

Posted: May 20th, 2011, 11:11 pm
by fschmidt
My wife had gallstones many years ago. So I studied the issue and found a link between insulin and gallstone formation. (I forget the chemical sequence of events.) I suggest you go low-carb for while and then do another ultrasound. Doctors can't be trusted in any country because they just do what they are taught which is usually optimized to make money for someone or other instead of optimized for health.

Posted: May 20th, 2011, 11:24 pm
by odbo
Winston wrote:But he seemed like an honest sincere person though.
becoming a doctor all too often means becoming jewish. in other words, you can trust these snakes about as far as you can piss. DON'T DRINK THE COOL-AID.

Posted: May 20th, 2011, 11:40 pm
by zboy1
Winston wrote:Here is something suspicious about the doctor I saw and her husband who is a surgeon.

Both of them suggested that I get my gallbladder removed on the basis of me saying "I have gallstones" only. The ultrasound results were inconclusive he said. Isn't that odd, to suggest surgery to remove an organ, based on what I told them, without physical scientific evidence? They also seemed to imply that I ought to get my gallbladder removed as a preventative measure against the gallstones growing larger! WTF?

Furthermore, he told me that in my next ultrasound, he wants me to see a specific ultrasound technician that he knows in the hospital, because he trusts that person's judgment more than others. Now I might be paranoid, but could that be because he and that particular ultrasound technician have conspired to make bogus interpretations of ultrasound results, in order to trick patients into doing unnecessary surgeries, so they can get a kickback from it?

We are living in a corrupt third world country after all...

None of the medical websites I read said that a gallbladder should be removed as a "preventive" measure against gallstones growing bigger in the future, which is what the doctor and her surgeon husband implied to me. That is very strange, suspicious and smells fishy, don't you think? But he seemed like an honest sincere person though.
I'm an x-ray tech, so I know some things about ultrasounds and gallbladders. The ultrasound was probably inconclusive, so they want another ultrasound done to verify findings. And no, it is not unusual for doctors to suggest removal of the gallbladder if the stones are very big and or the patient continues to develop stones after surgery and or develops gallbladder disease or inflammation. So, in my opinion I would get a second opinion and another ultrasound to make sure it is gallstones. Gallbladder surgery is pretty common, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Posted: May 21st, 2011, 4:06 am
by Winston
zboy, but the doctor was suggesting gallbladder removal on the basis of my word that I had gallstones, not on any scientific evidence! Isn't that criminal recklessness?

Also, why does he want me to see a specific ultrasound technician? Isn't that fishy? Are they conspiring together?

I have no symptoms and there is no evidence that my stones are too big either. So their urging me to get it removed is unnecessary.

Isn't that criminal, to remove someone's organs without cause?

Posted: May 21st, 2011, 4:46 pm
by Winston
Here's what a wise woman I know told me. Does it make sense?
Well now, you have quite a quandy here.

Let's take the sugar situation first: One meal a day is no good for anyone. 4 to 5 very small meals is much easier for your body to process the carbs and sugars in your foods. One big meal makes it hard for your body to process the food efficiently.

As for the gallbladder, it does have a purpose. It helps to process the fats that you eat. One of the reasons eating bacon or heavy dairy products can bring on an attack. We can live without it but without good cause, I'd keep it around. I'd also get a second or a third opinion if possible but I'm from the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" side of the fence with medical decisions.

As for the pollution and the illness, a change in diet might help a bit. Cutting down on fatty foods and carbs would be a start since you already know about the higher sugar and the gallbladder. Fruit is great but it is high in natural sugar so you might want to do cantelope, watermelon and strawberries as those are generally better than other fruits. Blueberries are also excellent but I don't know about their sugar content. The melons are a good source of potassium and most people can use some of that expecially if you cut out carbs like potatoes. Mushrooms are also a good source of potassium and have very little calories. Of course don't cook them up in

I've been on a summer squash kick. Zuccini and yellow crook neck squash cooked on the BBQ grill are my favorites and I have a bumper crop of both right now. Both are a good source of nurishment.

I hope this helps. I'd switch my diet around and go back in about 2 months for new tests to see if they look better. The occassional yearly exam doesn't exactly give you the full idea of what's going on with your body. Especially as you get older. Hope you feel better. Let me know how it goes.

Posted: May 21st, 2011, 4:59 pm
by odbo
That lady is full of shit, we are night eaters. The nervous system can't handle full meals during the day or it switches into nighttime mode and you get really sluggish and sleepy. Eating only dinner is a hell of a lot healthier than 4-5 meals a day. Simply eat raw food. If you cook food you might as well be eating the soles of your shoes like they did during WWII.
Winston wrote:Here's what a wise woman I know told me. Does it make sense?
A wise man (via random comment on youtube) once told me:
"Never take advice from a woman."

Enough said

Posted: May 21st, 2011, 6:13 pm
by Winston
Night eaters? Didn't someone here mention that when eating snacks and carbs, you should eat them during the afternoon, because that's when your body burns up carbs the best?

All the wisdom in Asia says that you get fat if you eat snacks at night cause your body burns carbs slower.

Don't you have it backwards Odbo?

That lady I quoted is very wise and credible.

Posted: May 22nd, 2011, 2:03 am
by odbo
yes to avoid putting on weight you're supposed to eat protein late at night not carbs like bread or fruit. but if you're on one-meal a day it doesn't matter much as you'll burn the fat off the next day.
the "wisdom" you speak of is when people eat all day.. and their body never really burns stored fat. then yes, you better not eat within 3 hours of bedtime especially "empty calorie" snacks.

Posted: August 10th, 2011, 2:14 pm
by kelvinman
You should go to an ultrasound technician and get that gallstone in your bladder checked out.