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Tony Bochene exposes the romance tour industry

Posted: February 29th, 2012, 12:08 pm
by MrPeabody
A man who says that he has worked for both Anastasia and A Foreign Affair has put several videos on youtube exposing the ugly secrets of the international dating industry. The videos are very informative and he plans on putting out more videos in the future to give men help on doing it themselves.

Part 1 Pretty Girls/ Ugly Industry International Dating Industry Secrets from Tony Bochene

Part 2

Part 3

Angry AFA tour customer recounts his experience.

This shows what will happen to you if you take a tour.

Posted: February 29th, 2012, 12:14 pm
by zboy1
I don't think most people will be surprised by this. This is why its better to go alone or go with friends to foreign countries rather than go with tour groups or dating agencies because most of them are scams. They don't have a very good reputation for the most part--maybe with some exceptions.

Posted: February 29th, 2012, 12:46 pm
by pete98146
Much of this is just common sense guys! Whether you go online or on a matchmaking trip, the same concepts will apply. As a general rule, if it seems too easy to meet them, step away! Let's analyze that comment shall we? Let's say you sign up for Cherry Blossoms or Asian Hearts. The next day you magically receive 150 emails from interested girls. Guess what? Those are the ones that are the most desperate (for whatever reason). A warning siren should be going off in your head. Avoid them at all costs.

But don't let the untruthful or scamming girls get you down because good quality women do exist but you'll have to go on the offensive to find them. The women that you want to chat with don't have time to sit in the internet cafe all day chasing men. Why? Because they have good jobs and they are working!

So again, go ahead and sign up, use your advanced search features and find a list of women that strike your fancy. Pair your list down to your Top 25 and then YOU start sending emails to her. If you are lucky like I was, you'll get a few responses from the gems. I'm right in the middle of watching Alaska Gold Rush. Great tv show. Moral of what I'm saying is that you have to run a lot of dirt thru the equipment to get a few pieces of gold. Same thing with international dating.

So many guys think dozens of hot, nice, good, educated girls will magically fall in their laps. Nothing could be further from the truth. Finding these women is hard work!!!! I spend countless hours before I found my wife.

Many guys will read this and throw in the towel saying, "oh it's not worth it." WRONG! It is worth it x1000. Meeting my wife was the best thing that ever happened to me. Take if from me, if I can do it so can you :)

Posted: February 29th, 2012, 2:27 pm
by MrPeabody
pete98146 wrote:Much of this is just common sense guys! Whether you go online or on a matchmaking trip, the same concepts will apply. As a general rule, if it seems too easy to meet them, step away! Let's analyze that comment shall we? Let's say you sign up for Cherry Blossoms or Asian Hearts. The next day you magically receive 150 emails from interested girls. Guess what? Those are the ones that are the most desperate (for whatever reason). A warning siren should be going off in your head. Avoid them at all costs.

But don't let the untruthful or scamming girls get you down because good quality women do exist but you'll have to go on the offensive to find them. The women that you want to chat with don't have time to sit in the internet cafe all day chasing men. Why? Because they have good jobs and they are working!

So again, go ahead and sign up, use your advanced search features and find a list of women that strike your fancy. Pair your list down to your Top 25 and then YOU start sending emails to her. If you are lucky like I was, you'll get a few responses from the gems. I'm right in the middle of watching Alaska Gold Rush. Great tv show. Moral of what I'm saying is that you have to run a lot of dirt thru the equipment to get a few pieces of gold. Same thing with international dating.

So many guys think dozens of hot, nice, good, educated girls will magically fall in their laps. Nothing could be further from the truth. Finding these women is hard work!!!! I spend countless hours before I found my wife.

Many guys will read this and throw in the towel saying, "oh it's not worth it." WRONG! It is worth it x1000. Meeting my wife was the best thing that ever happened to me. Take if from me, if I can do it so can you :)
That's true for the sites you mentioned, but Foreign Affairs and Anastasia runs on a different model where they make money by charging $10 per letter and you have to use their internal mail system. He claims many of these letters are computer generated and the women never receive them. He also says that this is how the main money is made and they actually don't make much money off of the tours.

Here is more information

Posted: February 29th, 2012, 2:36 pm
by pete98146
Yes, that is a TOTAL rip off then. No need to spend more than $30 per quarter to meet quality women.....

Posted: February 29th, 2012, 3:55 pm
by davewe
pete98146 wrote:Much of this is just common sense guys! Whether you go online or on a matchmaking trip, the same concepts will apply. As a general rule, if it seems too easy to meet them, step away! Let's analyze that comment shall we? Let's say you sign up for Cherry Blossoms or Asian Hearts. The next day you magically receive 150 emails from interested girls. Guess what? Those are the ones that are the most desperate (for whatever reason). A warning siren should be going off in your head. Avoid them at all costs.

But don't let the untruthful or scamming girls get you down because good quality women do exist but you'll have to go on the offensive to find them. The women that you want to chat with don't have time to sit in the internet cafe all day chasing men. Why? Because they have good jobs and they are working!

So again, go ahead and sign up, use your advanced search features and find a list of women that strike your fancy. Pair your list down to your Top 25 and then YOU start sending emails to her. If you are lucky like I was, you'll get a few responses from the gems. I'm right in the middle of watching Alaska Gold Rush. Great tv show. Moral of what I'm saying is that you have to run a lot of dirt thru the equipment to get a few pieces of gold. Same thing with international dating.

So many guys think dozens of hot, nice, good, educated girls will magically fall in their laps. Nothing could be further from the truth. Finding these women is hard work!!!! I spend countless hours before I found my wife.

Many guys will read this and throw in the towel saying, "oh it's not worth it." WRONG! It is worth it x1000. Meeting my wife was the best thing that ever happened to me. Take if from me, if I can do it so can you :)
Pete knows that I subscribe to his methodology but I have a few things to add. First the hours of "hard work" can be a lot of fun. Chatting with cute, interested girls can be compelling. Hell, even the ones that are scammers can be interesting. You'll learn alot about the culture you are interested in. In my case I made friends besides the girls I was interested in.

And while I will agree that many of the girls who contact you are more desperate, and therefore taking charge yourself is a better strategy, I also found that many nice, attractive non-scammers did contact me. My guess is that just as Internet dating has become more accepted in the U.S. so it is in other countries. So not everyone who contacts you should be avoided. For one thing on a website like Cherry Blossoms you have the ability to define who you will allow to contact you; so if you are only interested in college educated, non-smokers with no kids, then you can set that up so that only those girls can send you an email! It's a fantastic tool.

The real talent is how to develop the skill and wisdom to determine who is and who is not a girl worthy of your time and attention. That for me is where the hard work comes in. You will get fooled a time or three but you will eventually learn. And you will definitely have fun in the process!

Posted: February 29th, 2012, 4:22 pm
by Introvert
davewe wrote: The real talent is how to develop the skill and wisdom to determine who is and who is not a girl worthy of your time and attention. That for me is where the hard work comes in. You will get fooled a time or three but you will eventually learn. And you will definitely have fun in the process!
Nail on the head in bold. It has taken me a long time to get to the point of being able to admit to myself that the girls that I used to pine for in the past simply were not good matches for me. In essence, I was a terrible judge of character.

Foreign affair

Posted: March 2nd, 2012, 12:26 pm
by steve55
That's true for the sites you mentioned, but Foreign Affairs and Anastasia runs on a different model where they make money by charging $10 per letter and you have to use their internal mail system. He claims many of these letters are computer generated and the women never receive them. He also says that this is how the main money is made and they actually don't make much money off of the tours.
Wouldnt surprise me. I tried foreign affair for a few months and had zero luck with it. Mostly no replies. Was a waste of time and money for me but maybe I was just unlucky. My favorite continues to be cherry blossoms. Great results there. Most guys I personally know who found wives on the net were from using cherry. I plan to highly promote cherry on my soon to be finished site. I also think cherry is the best run, best presented, most functional user freindly site of them all.

Re: Foreign affair

Posted: March 2nd, 2012, 2:09 pm
by davewe
steve55 wrote:
That's true for the sites you mentioned, but Foreign Affairs and Anastasia runs on a different model where they make money by charging $10 per letter and you have to use their internal mail system. He claims many of these letters are computer generated and the women never receive them. He also says that this is how the main money is made and they actually don't make much money off of the tours.
Wouldnt surprise me. I tried it for a few months and had zero luck with it. Mostly no replies. Was a waste of time and money for me. My favorite continues to be cherry blossoms. Great results there. Most guys I personally know who found wives on the net were from using cherry. I plan to highly promote cherry on my soon to be finished site. I also think cherry is the best run, best presented, most functional user freindly site of them all.
Looking forward to seeing your website.