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Does going to the Philippines work in practice?

Posted: August 17th, 2012, 2:04 am
by jagulep
Can you really find a good wife in the Philippines (or a similar country)?

This site describes Winston Wu as the main person to look to. As far as I can tell, Winston found USA's women unappealing and he tried hard to make relationships work in USA and they fell through. So he travelled the world and eventually found Dianne in the Philippines who he felt more at ease with than anyone before. They had a child. They lived together and she drove him mad like any Western woman would and he cheated on her, probably because he didn't feel that close to her because of her nagging. He now travels to Taiwan and struggles to pick up.

In other words, the Philippines was a fail for him. He had to relocate - the beacon of this website. Yet, inexplicably he continues to claim foreign women are DEFINITELY better than US women. Are they or aren't they? Experience must back up theory.

I placed a blog on here : viewtopic.php?t=13246&highlight= , not written by me, but claiming that u r no better off with foreign women than Western women. I asked Winston's opinion and got no response. Total number of intelligent responses from other readers of this forum: zero. Almost unimaginably, Winston went to the original link i got that blog from and posted that the author of it was totally wrong and that foreign women and wayyyyy better than Western women.

How can someone claim something and then their experience supports the EXACT OPPOSITE claim.

Winston's lack of success in the Philippines (big failure:now he's got some broken relationship in a broke country, yes?) supports the opinion that it won't work for us, yes? I'm stating this coz I don't want to waste money (or other people at this site wasting their money) trying an experiment that currently is not working. It's not to insult Winston. His work is pioneering. I read his entire "Happier Abroad" book that looked so insightful, yet his comments on this blog are much less insightful, sometimes they are illogical. I have been an utter failure with women in Australia but I am at least consistent and admit it. Making the claim "Yeh, going overseas to find a suitable, faithful lady definitely totally works but it never has worked for me and isn't working now" is illogical.

Did going to the Philippines work for Winston?

Posted: August 17th, 2012, 2:21 am
by ***JP***
Well remember that most experiences are different. Maybe you will succeed or maybe not. In a way it's up to you and as in every place you go you need to keep your eyes open. Even though I haven't been to the philippines. My fiancee is from europe and from my experience I can tell you that she's way better than any AW. Maybe the philippines was a fail for Winston but then again he might find happiness elsewhere. Maybe not in Taiwan but maybe in China or another country. We all have to take the risks at times. I took a risk by going my fiancee's country cause the first time I was in her country seeing someone else at the time I got burned badly. A few years later she showed up and pretty much won my heart.

Posted: August 17th, 2012, 3:27 am
by xiongmao
It can work. I've been to Japan once and China three times in search of a wife.

For me it was a fail though. I can't decide if I like a woman after just a week. Heck, my brother's still not married his gf of 6 years. So I'm gonna live in China for 2-3 years, and let my relationships proceed at a more normal pace.

I did meet some very high quality women through online dating sites though. Most spoke fluent English. Their families were pretty wealthy, and only 1 was obviously marrying for money. 5 (maybe more) were virgins. Most wanted a Western husband because the local men didn't think they were thin/tall/white enough. Of course a couple were pretty toxic and it was obvious the local men wouldn't go anywhere near them. Sometimes these girls do make good wives for foreigners though. My first Chinese gf is now married to an American - she has money for a house full of iPhones and he's got a wife who looks like a model compared to the whale women in his mid West town!

When I get to China I'll get Winston's ass over there and find him a good woman!

Posted: August 17th, 2012, 3:57 am
by eurobrat

Posted: August 17th, 2012, 4:15 am
by ***JP***
Everyone has their own unique experience so what Winston experienced doesn't mean others will have the same experience. Just take the risk and see for yourself. It's always good experience new places. :)

Re: Does going to the Philippines work in practice?

Posted: August 17th, 2012, 6:50 am
by polya
Foreign women are only a little better than AW - they'll talk to you, sleep with you but not many will marry & stay with a foreign man - especially if you bring them to the USA - within 2 years they'll be Joan Rivers.

Posted: August 17th, 2012, 7:09 am
by C.J.
You can take the westerner out of the west, but not the west out of the westerner.

For Winston and most westerners, it's a case of a person's brain not matching the location. They've moved from a f***ed up place, but their brain is STILL in a f***ed up place! Being Happier Abroad is good, but if you aren't Happier Within, things won't work out as well as they should.

Going to the Philippines has worked for many people, and it hasn't for many more. I say that if your mind's in the right place, it won't matter whether it's going to work for you or not, because you'll eventually find something that will work for you.

Re: Does going to the Philippines work in practice?

Posted: August 17th, 2012, 8:43 am
by OutWest
jagulep wrote:Can you really find a good wife in the Philippines (or a similar country)?

This site describes Winston Wu as the main person to look to. As far as I can tell, Winston found USA's women unappealing and he tried hard to make relationships work in USA and they fell through. So he travelled the world and eventually found Dianne in the Philippines who he felt more at ease with than anyone before. They had a child. They lived together and she drove him mad like any Western woman would and he cheated on her, probably because he didn't feel that close to her because of her nagging. He now travels to Taiwan and struggles to pick up.

In other words, the Philippines was a fail for him. He had to relocate - the beacon of this website. Yet, inexplicably he continues to claim foreign women are DEFINITELY better than US women. Are they or aren't they? Experience must back up theory.

I placed a blog on here : viewtopic.php?t=13246&highlight= , not written by me, but claiming that u r no better off with foreign women than Western women. I asked Winston's opinion and got no response. Total number of intelligent responses from other readers of this forum: zero. Almost unimaginably, Winston went to the original link i got that blog from and posted that the author of it was totally wrong and that foreign women and wayyyyy better than Western women.

How can someone claim something and then their experience supports the EXACT OPPOSITE claim.

Winston's lack of success in the Philippines (big failure:now he's got some broken relationship in a broke country, yes?) supports the opinion that it won't work for us, yes? I'm stating this coz I don't want to waste money (or other people at this site wasting their money) trying an experiment that currently is not working. It's not to insult Winston. His work is pioneering. I read his entire "Happier Abroad" book that looked so insightful, yet his comments on this blog are much less insightful, sometimes they are illogical. I have been an utter failure with women in Australia but I am at least consistent and admit it. Making the claim "Yeh, going overseas to find a suitable, faithful lady definitely totally works but it never has worked for me and isn't working now" is illogical.

Did going to the Philippines work for Winston?
As you should know, Winston is not at all interested in being married or being "tied down", so why would you pick his experience as an indicator of anything?

As should be obvious anyway, this forum is not primarily about being married and having a wife and family overseas- there are other forums for that. This forum is more about complaining and a kind of activism and random experiences as well other assorted experiences, some of them "overseas".

There are a few posters here such as myself who are married and living away from the US, and typically we have better things to do than spend all our time complaining about American women, but then again, there are not many American women in Mindanao.


Posted: August 17th, 2012, 10:10 am
by pete98146
I'll echo OutWest's thoughts on this subject. Very few of the guys who post here are actively pursuing a foreign wife. Many like the idea but for various reasons aren't in a position to do so at the time.

But if you are ready, Phillipines can be a GOLD MINE if you are patient and go about doing things the proper way. But beware, it's very similar to mining gold ie the miners just don't go into the mines and gold starts falling off the walls. It takes a lot of time and effort to find the nuggets. International dating isn't much different.

I'm one of the guys here who did marry a filipina. I think the outcome was worth the effort. If I can help you devise a strategy to succeed, feel free to shoot me an private message.

Posted: August 17th, 2012, 10:52 am
by davewe
pete98146 wrote:I'll echo OutWest's thoughts on this subject. Very few of the guys who post here are actively pursuing a foreign wife. Many like the idea but for various reasons aren't in a position to do so at the time.

But if you are ready, Phillipines can be a GOLD MINE if you are patient and go about doing things the proper way. But beware, it's very similar to mining gold ie the miners just don't go into the mines and gold starts falling off the walls. It takes a lot of time and effort to find the nuggets. International dating isn't much different.

I'm one of the guys here who did marry a filipina. I think the outcome was worth the effort. If I can help you devise a strategy to succeed, feel free to shoot me an private message.
Pete's been very helpful to me, so ping him and he will help.

I have said often that there are multiple possible scenarios that guys pursue and the strategies are totally different: p4p, finding casual but free sex, a gf or a wife. Even in the wife category there is a huge difference between meeting a girl to bring over to your home country (as did Pete) or expatting and marrying a girl (as did Outwest).

I am in the middle of the process, in that I have visited PI multiple times, met great girls and had tons of fun but am still looking for the one for me. No doubt it is infinitely easier if you are living there or even if you have a large chunk of time to go there. At this point in my life I don't, so I make multoiple shorter trips. One thing I am sure of - a Pinay is in my future somehow.