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Step By Step: How I Crush It On International Dating Sites

Posted: March 19th, 2014, 7:50 pm
by jmbPtforlife
Nothing to sell here. I am going to give you everything I do. I got some of it from a friend who used to f**k 3 to 5 new girls a week off Colombian Cupid when I lived with him. Another friend (this one without a sex addiction hahaha) used it to absolutely crush it also. This will work and it’s not really too much work. I am not saying it’s the best system but it’s step by step, will work and is free. Also it doesn’t require you to lie to women and lets you be an honest dude the whole time (You can lie if you want but it is not required). BTW I don’t really like to proofread so deal with the errors and I curse an unacceptable amount. Deal with it

A little about me and why I do it like this: I don’t like cold approaching people on the street. Sure it might work better but I am not going to do it so this approach has none of that. I am not a great looking dude. I am probably a 5 or a 6. I have glasses (which is not cool in Colombia) and sometimes when I see photos of me I think I look like a rather handsome lesbian. Oh and my photos look ok but in person I am a little chubby in a way that really isn’t that cute. I am not model hot by anyone’s standards but this has not stopped me from dating hot women while I lived overseas. I also am possibly the most sarcastic person you will ever meet and at best a little charming on a good. On a bad day I am just a prick and not in the way that makes women think I am a bad boy and want to get with me. I have never meet a girl who I later slept with out at a bar or club (I know it’s sad). Before online dating it was usually from friend gatherings or networking events I did in the US. In summary I am not any better at anything than you are in regards to being good at dating.

I am a damn good online marketer and am decent at figuring out marketing systems and growing them to make serious cash. I applied this to dating and I am writing it out here so some of you can have a simplier, better and stress free dating life. I used to do some marketing for pickup dudes and have no interest in profiting from this info or working in that industry ever again. I just want to help some guys meet girls.

Ok so I have done this in Medellin, Colombia and I am presently setting this up for my arrival in Bangkok in a few weeks. If you follow this I promise you will get dates. And if you have even the slightest social skills you will get laid and can have long term relationships. For my friends and I, for every girl we go on 1 to 3 dates with we probably sleep with half of them (not including my friend with the sex addiction who does much better). The majority of the other half are usually girls we just didn’t like spending time with but would probably be happy to go on more dates with us but we just don’t want to see again. This shit isn’t a magic wand however so if you are 300 pounds and can barely hold a conversation this shit will definitely help but maybe you should loss weight and memorize at least a few talking points.

Ok onto the process.

Pick the most popular site to start with in your target country. Look at the traffic rankings of the site at if you need help figuring it out. In Colombia I used Colombian Cupid and in Thailand I am using ThaiFriendly . There are some other options but in these two countries I really think these two are the best.

Both have a women don’t have to pay to be able to message you model and dudes have to pay over 20 bucks. This is awesome for you because no local dude is going to pay so it pretty much just attracts girls who want foreigners.

So sign up and create your profile. Fill out all the stuff and maybe make a girl account first and look at some dudes profiles to see what things people write that are decent. Plus later on you can look and see if any write any good subject lines or messages to you that you want to try. This really isn’t important as long as you don’t write anything super douchy. Just find a profile that seems like you, isn’t about your dick or six pack , and tweek it for you. I think mine is just about how I want to meet a nice girl to help me with my Spanish / thai. Girls get so many messages I am pretty sure they just read the message and aren’t reading your profile. Keep it short

PHOTO: this is important. You don’t know what photo is good. So let split testing tell you. Okcupid has a tool called my best face. Put up all the photos you think are good and take the top two to three winners. No more. Don’t put up any picture you look stupid in. Just enough to look good and that is all. YOU MUST PUT UP PHOTOS. You wouldn’t talk to a girl who won’t show you a photo. Vice versa is true. Don’t put up fake photos and if you really are the ugliest dude in the world maybe don’t put up the one magic photo. I am against photos that looks a lot more amazing than who you really are. Don’t let your ugliness be a surprise on date one. Put up photos that my best face rates well and look like you.

Why we are only doing one site: Most people sign up for many. With this method I promise you will probably be overwhelmed with people to talk to in a few days. So unless you are an ogger or you picked a site with few members just stick with one for the first week.

Posted: March 19th, 2014, 7:52 pm
by jmbPtforlife
Ok we are done with our profile and have some photos up. Its time to start messaging.

NOTE: I don’t do the inhouse messaging in either of these sites. Maybe in some other site they work but for the most part they are cumbersome and you will do better pushing them to something like facebook, LINE, Whatsapp or Skype. This might be different for some other site but for all the cupid network and thaifriendly I have not had shit for good interactions using their in house chat. One guy I know uses the cupid network chat on his iphone because its better on iphone then one a computer. However he still still pushes to whatsapp or facebook.

We are going to use the mail / message feature over in dating site chat. We also are going to use the same message for everyone and won’t be reading one f***ing profile EVER. You can but it’s a waste of time and I can get you more responses from girls in 20 minutes of mass messaging with a good general message than I can with 20 minutes of you writing a personal message about how much you love that band tshirt she is wearing in a photo. I don’t even look at any other picture than there initial one. If I like that picture I send them a message. I’ll decide later if she is really that cute or someone I want to go on a date with.

Ok so what are we going to write. Here is something close to my message I send out. The whole goal is to ask a somewhat normal question that isn’t about “how did God make such a beautiful creatureâ€￾. Also make it about something everyone can say something about. Mine is about food. Don’t make it something most girls haven’t done a lot of like rock climbing. So here is a tweaked version of mine so all of you don’t pollute the web with an exact copy of mine.

Hello, how are you? I read your profile and you seem (blah blah blah generalization not about looks), but I want to know more. I really like ( ... xyz food, xyz outdoor common activity, XYZ common cultural activity of that country). Like I really love it and try to do it almost chance I get and it’s a main reason I love XYZ country.
But with so many option of (XYZ) its hard to pick my favorite. What is your favorite type of (XYZ)?

I can be messaged here or on skype at INSERTSKYPE or ONE OR TWO OTHER CHAT SERVICES . Talk soon.

That is it. Nothing magic but its not about them being pretty or their looks, it tells them how much you love their country and you seem like a normal person who isn’t going to drag them into an alley on your first date.

Note In this and every other message I am trying to push to another place where I can get to know them. In Colombia its Whatsapp or Facebook. In Thailand its Line. Facebook is cool because you can see more pictures but you are going to look like a whore because half will check and see you have added like 60 girls in the last week (this number isn’t a joke) and they might think you are a whore.

In Colombia actually I didn’t put any other contact info at first. I think this was a mistake and have changed it so it has my top two contact options are there for my messages for Thailand.

HOW MANY DO I SEND: I used to send like 40 a day. I would hit new members first and then the recently logged in. Only with pictures and no kids on platforms where you can search for that. Do as you please for this. That 40 a day will get me often 3 to 5 a day on facebook in Colombia and has been doing like 10 a day in Thailand. You soon will be overwhelmed with first dates (usually a first date in your first 5 days) to even do 40 a day.

For 80% of your replies this is going to be enough to get them to add you or send you their info so you can add them. For the rest of the girls I answer any questions they asked, maybe ask them a second question which I will give you below (I cut and paste this also and never use anything else) and then state how it is so hard to message on the inhouse system and its better to use XYZ. Here is an example NOTE: You can use this in Colombia where no girls writes shit about themselves but don’t use this in Thailand because most girls write an essay.

Your profile doesn't say much about you. Tell me something interesting about you.
It’s not easy to talk on this site. Do you have XYZ or ABC service? You can message me there at ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Talk To You Soon.

Posted: March 19th, 2014, 7:54 pm
by jmbPtforlife
I actually have a 3rd message I used to use but never use it now. If I girl wont’ give me a way to contact here off the site I just forget it. I usually have 10 other girls every day added.

LANGUAGE: In Colombia you really must know some Spanish. Even basic pimsluer or Michel Thomas is a start. I really like the first 8 lessons of Michel Thomas for Spanish and the advanced isn’t bad. For Thailand I have only used English and no girl has really brought up thai or tried to speak to me in it. I think two girls asked me if I planned to learn it.

HOW LONG WILL YOU BE SPENDING IN THEIR COUNTRY: So I have always planned on living in the place at least 6 months and have always told girls that and that I might stay a long time if I love it because my job allows me to live where I want. This is 100% true. I don’t know what to say or how to frame it if you are doing a one week exploration trip and you have no clue how you would ever be able to move there permanently. I always recommend honesty. Probably just don’t bring it up.

NEXT STEP OFF DATING SITE CHAT: I don’t call girls. My phone Spanish is shit and some of these gorgeous broke ass hood rates speak such awful Spanish I can barely understand them in person. I don’t know one gringo who enjoys the phone with these girls and only does it if the girl really is hesitant to meet. If this is the case and you can speak the local language give them a call. This is a great way to make them feel comfortable but not something I regularly do. Thai girls sometimes want to skype in English. I am ok with this especially since many are on line and I haven’t gotten to see many photos.

Ok so now we have them on Whatsapp, Line, Skype or Facebook. DO NOT TRY AND SHOW THEM YOUR DICK OR ASK THEM FOR SEXY CAM TIME. I feel I have to say this because so many girls tell me this is what dudes often due. I have no f***ing clue who thinks this is how you effectively chat with women but it isn’t. Here is the simple shit you are going to say to get your first date with them on the first chat. Yes these are sorta interview question but honestly I have looked and haven’t found anything more magical. Try asking a girl what her deepest fear and goal in life is as the first question. Yeah you seem weird as f**k. My format

Hey this is Rick from Cupid. (they respond saying hi)

How are you? (they respond good or something more elaborate. If they say something longer then you say something like “Cool I’m having a great day alsoâ€￾)

What do you do for fun? (She says some shit. If there is anything she says that is interesting talk about it and ask a few questions. Whether or not she asks answer the questions for yourself after she does)

Do you have a job or are you still in school? (same as the what do you do for fun above)

That sounds really cool are you from XYZ city that she is presently in? (same as above. Ask about her family and if she spends time with them. Makes you seem more human and not like a creep on a computer.)

Cool do you know any cool bars or cafes in XYZ area? (same as above. Talk about places you like. Don’t try and be some flash dick and talk about how you like buying bottles of grey goose.)

Hey I gotta get going and get some work done. Do you want to meet for coffee on Friday (try to do it in the next 2 or 3 days)?

Ok cool does 3pm work at Juan Valdez in parque Lleras?

No. ok how about 7 once your job is over?

Greet Ill confirm with you on whatsapp at like 5 on Friday to make sure we can both make it.
That’s it. I ask a few questions and dive in deep if I can and no matter what (even she gives the shittiest answers) I will ask for the date. And this will work like 70% of the time. Sometimes they want to talk more. In which I say cool I gotta go and then I ping them in a few days again and ask some other 3 questions or talk about something I did that was cool recently and then ask for the same date. If they still say no or need more time I just never message them again. If they message me again I will once again do the same small talk and ask for the date. Your frame is that you are busy and don’t have time for this useless chatter. You aren’t in this to have a penpal. You want to meet girls, have sex and maybe some long term relationships.

Posted: March 19th, 2014, 7:56 pm
by jmbPtforlife
If you schedule the date in 2 or 3 days I will not initiate any new chat with them before the date besides the confirmation chat. If they message me again before the date I will chat a bit but not much and say I have to go. At the end of the message I will say something about looking forward to seeing them and reiterate when I will do my confirmation. Its weird if you don’t mention it and a lot of girls will ask if you forgot about it if you go without mentioning it. But don’t be a needy bitch and ask something like “You still want to go on the date right?â€￾ Just say “Hey I’ll see you at the café on Friday. I’ll ping you Friday at 5 to confirm. “

Ok so now at Friday at 5 you confirm. If it’s a Colombian girl expect here to be late and about 25% of the time she won’t show up. This is the norm. And I usually bring something on my ebook or pda to read because they are often late and you don’t want to be a bitch about them being late. Be cool with whatever.

DAYS OF THE WEEK TO SHEDULE DATE: I don’t care. It’s a short bar date. All days are good. Don’t do holidays. Don’t not do weekends because some girls that is the only time they are free. Just pick 2 to 3 days out . If it’s a Friday or Saturday a little earlier can be better because she can still go out with friends later that night. Right after work or her school is the best time of day.

Ok so I have a subscription to theplace and bacially have got to read a good chunk of these how to date books looking not for some magic NLP script to make her my sex slave but just good date sequences. Once dude who writes plenty of stupid shit is a dude who goes by the name Blackdragon. Yeah it is a stupid name and some of his book are kinda lame however his one ebook : Volume Two Getting To Sex As Quickly As Possible is pretty damn good. I am going to give a summation and how I apply it but it wouldn’t be a waste of money if you got a copy of your own as he touches on some other points.

Basically it’s a 2 or 3 date to sex plan. If you want to f**k on the first date I don’t have anything to tell you (Sex addict friend does my coffee or bar date below and then says he needs to check email and invite her back to his place. Maybe try that) However if you follow this plan you will have sex with over 50% of the girls you make it to the 2nd or 3rd date with. I do a lot better than 50% and honestly I don’t if there was a girl I had a second date with who I didn’t eventually sleep with when I was in Colombia. I think one took like 4 dates but otherwise pretty much if we had a good date one we eventually had sex. Most of these girls I either tried or had a long term relationship with because I like dating but it is up to you. This system doesn’t make a girl feel dirty (at least how I do it). You kinda have to figure out how you are going to do that. If two or three dates is too much for you to wait well then try something else.

DATE 1: Meet at a nice bar or café. You are limiting yourself to one drink. If she wants a second one fine but you are not initiating a second drink. You are limiting this to 90 minutes at most. Any longer and it’s just f***ing boring. Remember you are a busy person. Its ok to have another date planned with a girl after this date to maximize how many date you can do in your free time. You can do some light touching if it makes sense and that is your thing but no kissing or more. She doesn’t feel like a whore and you had a nice time. This should be a nice bar or cafe. Not some shit sports bar or shit café. The cooler the better. Look nice and well groomed and be f***ing calm. This isn’t your first rodeo.

NOTE: It’s ok if you suck at this at first. Just keep at it. If you really hit this hard you can have 5 of these first dates every week. Relax and remember that women in your life will forever be abundant.

Always make her travel over you traveling to date because these girls don’t show up or are super late. If you can do something like a block away that is perfect because I often have girls tell me when they are 10 minutes out. I don’t like to wait in a cafe. Remember you are important and busy and have other shit in your life.

Google “online dating talking pointsâ€￾ or “date questionsâ€￾ to talk about if you aren’t good at small talk. This is one reason we keep the online chats short. Still plenty of shit to talk about. Review those online chats before the date and dive in about how she loves golden retrievers. Talk about your family in a good way no matter how good or terrible they are.

Always shot for a bar thing over a café because if you can show you are cool in not trying to bang her in a bathroom at a nice bar it will make her feel more comfortable but if she is anti bar then do a café.

I am assuming you don’t have a car and people will be taking buses or trains or taxis. In Colombia you can pay for this shit if they ask. Or not if you don’t like the precedent. Not sure yet on best practice for Thailand. Don’t be a dick busting her balls about her asking. Some of these girls work hard and make like 13$ a day (Colombian minimum wage) so if its 5 bucks each way to see you in a taxi don’t be a dick.

DON’T site at a table or make it look like you are doing dinner. Make it clear this is a drink and talk time. Dinner is awkward. If she orders or ask if she can order say yes but no food for you. Eat before you go and don’t be starving.

Don’t talk about past relationships of yours EVER. If she asks say something neutral and ask her the same question. It’s great for her to tell you about what she likes in men or hates. You are not allowed to talk about how your ex cheated on you and how you can never love again. Don’t talk about how pretty she is. Try and make her laugh ever few minutes. Keep it relaxed. Don’t worry about how the date is going. You will be having plenty of these. Smile and try and tell some fun stories if you have them. If you must use the word KINO and you want to use it then fine. Don’t be a creep.

If you can get her to talk about sex then by all means please do. Ask something like “Have you been dating a lot or a little lately?â€￾ Keep going along these lines. Don’t get to graphic with the sex talk unless it somehow makes sense to. Segue from “her past datingâ€￾ to “men/women relationships in generalâ€￾ to “sexâ€￾. Don’t freak out if she is timid about talking about it. Don’t think she is a whore if she isn’t timid at all.

It is ok to subtly communicate you have an active dating life and aren’t hard up for this date. Don’t give specifics but just be clear your dating life has been really fun and you enjoy it. She should be doing 85% of the talking if possible.

Pay the f***ing bill. No dutch in the 3rd world.

It’s more smooth if you mention halfway through the date you have plans with a friend later so its not spur of the moment this date is going to be 60 to 90 minutes. Some of these do nothing all day and are more than happy to make this date 90+ minutes. Don’t do it. It makes the next dates harder because you run out of shit to talk about and it kills the mood. Short is good.

I also mention on date 1 something about a second date. Something like “Or maybe we can do that on date 2â€￾. You have no idea how honest and insecure some of these girls are. (It could be because I am a sarcastic dick and they don’t think I like them) But so many girls will say “Really you like me? I didn’t know if you wanted to see me again!â€￾ This is after I thought we connected amazingly. So I think it’s a great idea to mention your interest. But mention it as your intention to do it. Don’t ask like a whiny bitch for date 2. You are telling her you think it will be fun and do it briefly. This will get easier when you have tons of dates because you stop giving a shit and just have fun knowing you have tons of options in the coming weeks.

Posted: March 19th, 2014, 7:56 pm
by jmbPtforlife
DATE 2: ok so date 1 went well and you want to see her again. So 2 days after send her a message saying you had a good time however you communicated before. If she pings you before you ping her this is good and go ahead and ask for date 2. I am still not calling and only using online. Talk a little about whatever if you can and then ask for date 2 in the next two to three days or sooner if it comes up and makes sense to do it.

This is the sex date if you can make it happen. You want this date asap after the first. The longer you wait the more things can fizzle out.

Primary choose of location is your place. Either to watch a movie or you cooking a meal (not ordering in because then why not a restaurant). It can be playing something like wii (but the body motion stuff not some first person shooter or Madden). Or think of something else fun that needs to be at your place. More than likely she will say yes and this pretty much means if you play your shit right you can have some sexy time (Get the Jimmy Hats ready.) If she isn’t down with this then you do another fancy bar or café. A really suggest bar over café though at this point. This time you can have a few more drinks and ask if you want to go and do the movie / dinner at your place afterwards. Make sure to pick a time early enough to accommodate this if you are doing it on a week night.

Do not do a long chat in between these dates. Minimum time spent until sex.

If the date has to be at a bar its ok to kiss. Its ok to have a few drinks but don’t get tipsy. She maybe can but you don’t get to be a slobbering drunk. Talk about sex a lot if you can. Touch a lot if you can. Kiss her if you can. Kiss her again. You can touch ass and boobs if you are somewhere private and that’s your thing. Probably not ok if you are at Starbucks. You can even try for sex in public if its working and that’s your thing. Not so much my thing but hell I know guys who pull it off.

Try and have a reason to go back to your place. I often say I need to go back and do a short work email and she can come with. It can be to see your dog who can do backflips or your new fishtank. Anything that seems interesting is worth a shot. Ok yeah this might be a little lie about the email but I do go home and fiddle with email for a second. Then I get to the wine and go from there. I don’t try and put on a movie unless there is a slow down. I try and be touchy and make out. I usually live with roomates so I often try and watch a movie on my computer in my room. If she is nervous about the room thing. I tell her I will keep a foot on the floor the whole time and actually sit on the bed with a foot on the floor. They usually think it’s too conservative and tell me come closer.

Before she comes back to your place she knows you are going to have sex. She isn’t stupid. She just doesn’t want to feel or look like a slut. Nothing wrong with this.

The goal is to get as close to sex as you can or to have sex. If you don’t get to sex she at least knows that is where thing are going and that you are a sexual person. None of this maybe just friends shit.

If you didn’t have to do the bar or café and she initially came over then great. Eat the food and eventually try and transition to a movie. You had plenty of time to talk about what kind she likes so have one of those movies available. Have subtitles for her also. Even if she speaks perfect English she probably can’t understand 100% without subtitles in her language or English if you can’t find her language subtitles.

Try and incorporate drinking at this time with wine or whatever she wants. You don’t get to get drunk but she can’t drink what she wants. Don’t try and get her sloppy drunk. Do everything I said before about the second bar date and keep getting sexual.

HOME PREP: You place needs to look really clean even if you are a slob. Just make it happen. Especially your bathroom. Hire someone if you need to. Don’t try and make it girl friendly. She is just going to imagine how she could make it perfect but throw the used condoms away. However have fresh ones available so you don’t have to perform a 30 minute search when the time is right.

Have some music on when there isn’t a movie on. It is relaxing and makes it easier if there are quite moments. Let her change the music if she wants. Download off thepiratebay the 2013 billboard top 100 if you need help with stuff women will like.

Be a leader during sexual escalation. Move forward and be cool with rinse and repeating if she slows you a bit. It’s a dance. No does mean no though. NEVER f***ing BEG OR GET MAD AT HER for slowing stuff down. If she stops you its not a problem. Freeze her out for a bit start and then start kissing again and keep freezing and repeating as needed. No means no but it also mean you can try again in a few minutes. More than likely this won’t happen because you will be a guy she enjoys and wants to sleep with.


There is only one option for this and that is at your house. If she still wont come then I say move on. You should have a full schedule anyways. If you really like this girl then think of something. Maybe a picnic somewhere secluded where you can make out a lot. But it needs to be someplace you can be physical.

But otherwise follow what I said above.


If she reschedules: I allow one reschedule. I tell them after we reschedule that if they can’t make it this time I won’t reschedule again. She might be super cool but I am too busy. I only break this if they reschedule again and reach out to me and beg and I have some free time.

If she says she isn’t interested in date 2 or is unresponsive after date 2: She doesn’t like you. Move on you should have more. I don’t care if you picked out baby names in your head. Move on. Blackdragon guy says on average half the girls he goes on first dates don’t want a second one. I always did a lot better and so did my friends but maybe that is because he dates like 20 somethings and he’s late 30’s and he is doing it in the US. But I guess its possible. Move on! This is all about you having a line of women to date.

If she doesn’t kiss on date 2: If you are just starting to date it might be you and something you will get better at with time. It’s not a show stopper. If you have really gotten this down and have always gotten a second date kiss then consider this a red flag and possibly move on. It’s up to you.

If you get sexual on date 3 and she won’t have sex: Yeah unless she has her period I would probably not talk to her anymore. If she pings you apologizes and talks about wanting to have sex then I will see here again. I have had that happen before but they need to sell me on date 4 at that point. If it doesn’t happen on date 4 then 100% move on.

What do I do after the sex date: This just always fell into place for me and I just start dating her until we don’t want to. If you have some questions ask below but just keep talking to here and have her come over a lot to hang out and have sex and then do some other activities together. Always make sure you are having sex most times you see each other. Blackdragon talks about building a harem and shit like that. Buy his stuff if you are interested.

Feel free to ask me any questions. I am super tired from writing this how to in one spurt. I might have more to add but for now just ask some questions or tell me how I am an idiot and how it should be done. I am sure there are better ways but nothing as step by step as this that works for your average dude and costs you nothing.

I am not yet to Thailand. I have used this in the last 10 days to move around 100 girls to some sort of chat/facebook thing (mostly LINE) . When I get there in a few weeks Illl go into detail how I repinged all these girls I have done the initial chat with but couldn’t ask on a date and let you all know how it works. Already I have girls who message me daily and want to talk for hours. I keep it short and nice but know I’ll find a nice way to ping all them with something that gets tons of them on a date with me when I arrive.

Posted: March 19th, 2014, 8:12 pm
by ChampionKaji
Step 1: Don't be Black, bonus points if you're White. That's all it takes, really.

Posted: March 19th, 2014, 8:16 pm
by jmbPtforlife
Well yeah thats a start. However at least you have to do something to introduce yourself and I have meet plenty of cool guys who still struggle overseas. Girls won't walk up to you and say "Hi I noticed you where not black. Do you want to go f**k? " If they did I wouldn't have written this.

Posted: March 19th, 2014, 10:27 pm
by innovatorsclub
genious dialogue ....."how are you?" never heard that before
but you are late to the party..the "secret strategies" are being used by thousands maybe make it a little more crowded good job..maybe you will get a pat on the back in exchange for making girls get 3,200 emails a month instead of 3,000 so they get even more picky

meanwhile in San Francisco
another day ..another night another 14 to 1 guy to girl ratio in starbucks of dateless guys in the matrix ... b6c7a1a84b

Posted: March 20th, 2014, 2:50 am
by jamesbond
innovatorsclub wrote:genious dialogue ....."how are you?" never heard that before
but you are late to the party..the "secret strategies" are being used by thousands maybe make it a little more crowded good job..maybe you will get a pat on the back in exchange for making girls get 3,200 emails a month instead of 3,000 so they get even more picky

meanwhile in San Francisco
another day ..another night another 14 to 1 guy to girl ratio in starbucks of dateless guys in the matrix ... b6c7a1a84b
How true that picture is, the male to female ratios in the US are some of the worst in the world.

I read a statistic that said, in America, 75% of people who use online dating are men and only 25% are women! Holy dog shit, no wonder why women in the US are so picky about what guys they go out with, they have ton's of guys to choose from! :shock:

I know guys who have tried online dating and have gotten no responses at all, even though these guys are good looking, in great shape and make good money. Internet dating is a complete waste of time for men, it's only good for women (and it's good at building up women's ego's).

Posted: March 20th, 2014, 5:14 am
by jmbPtforlife
I don't think internationally that that guy would have any problems. This may be the case the US but its pretty easy to reach and date women online when you do it outside of the US.

Maybe you just shouldn't live in the US. Isn't that the point of this forum?

Posted: March 20th, 2014, 7:26 am
by Rock

Fantastic simple easy no-frills guide with no drama or hype! Much appreciated. So tired of snake-oil salesman PU artist wanna bes trying to squeeze more dimes outta their bros.

What you have said here about Colombia pretty much applied to me before in Taiwan except that I built-up my contacts mainly through cold-approaches which makes the initial stage a lot more challenging and gut-wrenching lol.

Your post is full of great suggestions with built in flexibility to fit readers personal tastes and biases. But as many times as I've been to Thailand, I've not tried the online game there. I sure hope you will follow-up and let us know how it pans out.

Posted: March 20th, 2014, 7:34 am
by Rock
jmbPtforlife wrote:I don't think internationally that that guy would have any problems. This may be the case the US but its pretty easy to reach and date women online when you do it outside of the US.

Maybe you just shouldn't live in the US. Isn't that the point of this forum?
Never mind him. He's just some friend of Winston's who claims to have netted 100s of thousands of dollars trading with a fool proof system yet he can't even afford to get over to Asia.

Posted: March 20th, 2014, 10:38 am
by jmbPtforlife
Thanks I met plenty of guys who you would never think would have a problem meeting girls in Colombia with cold approaching and they do. I am all for the cold approach if its your thing. I know a guy or two who do it and do well. However I know more guys who struggle to do it and finally when they do and finally get a girl they won´t leave her no matter what because all they think about is how awful its going be to start dating again.

Doing what I am showing makes dating a lot more fun. At times its a little ground hog dayish doing the same bar first day small talk bullshit but I still really enjoy it.

I will keep the board posted on how it goes in Thailand and things I think I need to do differently and be brutally honest of how I f**k up parts of it.

Rock wrote:jmbPtforlife

Fantastic simple easy no-frills guide with no drama or hype! Much appreciated. So tired of snake-oil salesman PU artist wanna bes trying to squeeze more dimes outta their bros.

What you have said here about Colombia pretty much applied to me before in Taiwan except that I built-up my contacts mainly through cold-approaches which makes the initial stage a lot more challenging and gut-wrenching lol.

Your post is full of great suggestions with built in flexibility to fit readers personal tastes and biases. But as many times as I've been to Thailand, I've not tried the online game there. I sure hope you will follow-up and let us know how it pans out.

Posted: March 20th, 2014, 7:13 pm
by zboy1
As someone that is currently living in China, I can tell you that cold approaching won't work very well in China. Of course, you will have some guys be successful at it, but Chinese girls, for the most part, feel very uncomfortable by men approaching them that way. (Trust me, I've tried and have seen many foreign men fail at it as well...)

The only time it may work would be somewhere in an expat bar filled with Chinese girls looking for foreign men, but otherwise, I would advise against it.

The better approach is to be introduced through friends, family or acquaintances. Another good approach is to use dating websites like ChineseLoveLinks to find Chinese women. Or use contacts to help you find single and unmarried girls looking to date men.

Posted: March 20th, 2014, 8:37 pm
by droid
innovatorsclub wrote:another day ..another night another 14 to 1 guy to girl ratio in starbucks of dateless guys in the matrix ... b6c7a1a84b
Exactly, interchange 'Starbucks' with 'grocery store', 'club', 'bar', 'sporting event', 'salsa clases' etc etc