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A note about porn consumption rates between countries

Posted: May 12th, 2017, 4:50 pm
by mattyman
Hola Que tal?

There is evidence to suggest that English-speaking countries have relatively high rates of porn consumption. What I want to comment on is this; ... w_rdxW2puj.
This article looks at many metrics of online traffic, I'm most concerned more about the consumption of adult sites. What caught my eye was this quote in the conclusion of the article regarding adult sites;
Based on the sheer size of the US, the amount of traffic flow per capita is actually not as substantial when compared to much smaller countries also driving traffic to adult sites (like the UK, for example).
That countries like the UK are driving traffic, did you notice that per capita?

I can tell you that women from Spain and Poland are a lot more chilled out, easier to talk to and don't have the paranoid 'what does this guy want, why is he talking to me' vibe that a lot of local girls do. More importantly, there is simply not that much opportunity to mix, mingle and have a dance with new people. Guy friends who are older than me have said the same thing, girls used to be laidback in the past and willing to have a dance with people they perhaps don't know that well, but not anymore. Things like that, just lack of even basic social interaction with women one's own age, could this be a big driver of porn consumption? I ask the question, does this have any bearing?

Girls from Spain and Poland are significantly easier to talk and more laid-back, easier to get to know, don't react like 'why's this guy talking to me, what does he want?' (if it's not common-enough knowledge to own the PC she-men, then we really have got a problem).

What I've said cannot get the discussion it deserves because of politically-correct f**k-faces who are more concerned about policing the language that we use, or blaming men for everything, rather than engaging in discussion. This is a valid point that deserves discussion in the public sphere and in the mental health profession.

Re: A note about porn consumption rates between countries

Posted: May 13th, 2017, 6:15 am
by Zambales
This thread has reminded me of what happened to a guy I know through work. I have no sympathy for him.

He's been working a cushy job for the past fourteen years and then decides to dial sex lines on his company mobile phone.

His company found out and he was subsequently fired.


Re: A note about porn consumption rates between countries

Posted: May 15th, 2017, 11:56 pm
by TravisIBriggs

Re: A note about porn consumption rates between countries

Posted: June 1st, 2017, 7:42 pm
by nomadphilippines
i think those same countries probably lead in just about everything when it comes to visiting any site online

Re: A note about porn consumption rates between countries

Posted: June 2nd, 2017, 5:40 pm
by mattyman
"I can tell you that women from Spain and Poland are a lot more chilled out, easier to talk to and don't have the paranoid 'what does this guy want, why is he talking to me' vibe that a lot of local girls do. More importantly, there is simply not that much opportunity to mix, mingle and have a dance with new people. Guy friends who are older than me have said the same thing, girls used to be laidback in the past and willing to have a dance with people they perhaps don't know that well, but not anymore. Things like that, just lack of even basic social interaction with women one's own age, could this be a big driver of porn consumption? I ask the question, does this have any bearing?"

Don't you see that the root cause of the problem is a) good opportunities to meet new women and b) a lack of good women? WHY ISN'T THAT BEING TALKED ABOUT OPENLY!?

I think that it's wrong that it's politically incorrect to talk about these points.

EVIDENCE; various Polish girls I've met, who I've brought up the differences of the UK vs. home have all said they're shocked by how drunk local (uk) girls get and how horrid their attitudes. Spanish women, and men, have mentioned the stuck-up nature of English women.

Why can't the truth be talked about openly without fear of the PC brigade looking for an excuse to label you as a women hater or mysognist just for asking questions and making hypotheses as to why? This is what makes me so cross.

Re: A note about porn consumption rates between countries

Posted: June 2nd, 2017, 5:55 pm
by mattyman
"This thread has reminded me of what happened to a guy I know through work. I have no sympathy for him.

He's been working a cushy job for the past fourteen years and then decides to dial sex lines on his company mobile phone."

Did you know anything about this guy's dating life, how long he had been single for, or whether he felt trapped in his situation? A 'cushy job' is no guardian against loneliness that might drive such behaviour.

Rather than criticising individuals, we should be thinking about what motivates such beaviour, which is why I brought-up the thread with the hope of stimulating such discussion.