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Check this out now you can hire women to help you meet women

Posted: March 15th, 2008, 6:20 am
by jamesbond
There now is a company called Venus Allure, that will help you meet women. For $ 50 an hour, you can hire a "wingwomen" who will go with you to either a bar, nighclub or party and introduce you to women. She is the one who "breaks the ice" between you and a stranger to make it easier to talk to a women. Here is the link for their website. It looks interesting, there must be a need for it. They have been in the news and so far lots of guys have used their services.

Posted: March 15th, 2008, 1:23 pm
by Winston
LOL, for one dollar an hour, I can help you meet lots of hot women here in the Philippines!

It is true though that even in the US, women will check you out more if you are with a hot girl. That happens to me A LOT when I walk with Dianne.

Posted: April 4th, 2008, 11:57 pm
by jamesbond
I might actually use their services and see how well they work. The company is called Venus Allure and they have wingwomen a guy can hire to help him meet women at bars, clubs, parties and wedding receptions or anywhere else for that matter. They have locations in Washington DC, Chicago and Orlando so far.

There is another wingwoman company called US wingladies they have locations in just about every large and medium size city in America. They charge the same rate as Venus Allure does. It gives a guy a leg up on the competition when it comes to meeting women. The wingwomen acts like the guys flirty female friend and introduces him to as many women as he has time to meet. Here is the link for US wingladies.

Posted: April 5th, 2008, 5:07 am
by Grunt
Here, I got a better idea. I give you this chunk of blood soaked meat then toss you in a pool filled with hungry sharks.

The idea is no less insane then actually chasing after American females.

Posted: April 5th, 2008, 1:00 pm
by gmm567
She wants 50 bucks an hour, and in Germany, where prostitution is legal, I can get a p***y GUARANTEED for $40 per session.

Like why the f**k should I go through all those hours at some bar?

Posted: April 5th, 2008, 10:13 pm
by Jackal
I can understand what the "wingwomen" are trying to accomplish, but it would require a girl with exactly the right personality to actually make it work. I would think that most of the time it would be yet another way for women to emasculate men. I could see your bitchy wingwoman and the girl you want to pick-up just chatting and ignoring you or exchanging rude comments about you. "Oh, his shoes are terrible, aren't they." "Quiet Dave, we're talking here!"

In Saudi Arabia, women aren't allowed to go many places without a male companion. In the US, it seems like a similar thing is happening to men: Feminism has made the rules of dating here so complex that now it's driven the demand for a whole new industry of feminist amazon guides to lead us safely through their own perilous home territory, "the dating jungle".

I don't know if they're as dangerous as sharks though. I haven't seen any men return from modern dating with flesh wounds, but a wounded ego can hurt almost as badly.

Posted: April 6th, 2008, 12:42 am
by jamesbond
Your right, the only apprehension I have is what kind of personality will my wingwoman have? Will she be friendly or unfriendly? Will she do a good job of introducing me to lot's of women or just do the bare minimum and talk on her cell phone while she's out with me. It's come to this in America, hiring women to help you meet women! Only in America!

Posted: April 14th, 2008, 1:15 pm
by sephardic-male
gmm567 wrote:She wants 50 bucks an hour, and in Germany, where prostitution is legal, I can get a p***y GUARANTEED for $40 per session.

Like why the f**k should I go through all those hours at some bar?

in Canada it is the same prostitution is legal since confederation