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Fox Jews company caught giving $$$ to far-left groups

Posted: July 21st, 2023, 7:16 pm
by WilliamSmith
In case any of the forum's cuckservatives still have their head planted so hard "where the sun doesn't shine" that they still don't get the fact jews are the problem, check this out:

The Fox Jews network has apparently been outed by whistleblowers for "matching employee donations to the Satanic Temple, far-left LGBT activist organization The Trevor Project, Planned Parenthood, and the SPLC." (The last being a jewish hate group that at times has been headed by registered homosexual sex offenders who even sexually assaulted their own SPLC employees.) ... -charities

You might have taken the hint from when the Fox network started promoting child transgenderism, but now their facade of having Fox Jews being the voice of cuckservatism is wearing pretty thin here, firing Tucker Carlson being only the tip of the iceberg. :wink:

A few excerpts from the Blaze article about the groups they were giving matching donations to:
The Satanic Temple is an atheistic leftist organization that has distributed satanic literature to children; publicly performed "unbaptisms"; sought to ensure that women can legally have their unborn children killed by way of their "religious abortion ritual"; and erected statues of Baphomet on government property.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a leftist grievance organization that tends to characterize conservatives, parental rights groups, constitutionalists, and those critical of big government as extremists and bigots. For instance, last month, the SPLC deemed Moms for Liberty an "anti-government extremist group." Fox, which the SPLC previously called a "megaphone" for far-right extremist groups, has even written up some of the SPLC's various scandals in the past, including the 2012 incident when a gunman attacked the Family Research Council, which he noted he had seen on the SPLC's "hate map."

The Trevor Project is an activist group that purportedly seeks to “end suicide among LGBTQ young people,” but actively promotes gender ideology and woke propaganda. The group claims that “gender is a social construct” and holds fast to the notion that sex-change mutilations and cross-sex hormone therapies can be meaningful remedies for at-risk teens.

Planned Parenthood is not just in the business of exterminating the unborn, having executed nearly 9 million babies in its abattoirs since 1970, but is among the second-largest provider of cross-sex hormone therapy in the nation. The organization has battled Republicans' pro-life legislation around the country and has long supported Democratic candidates.

At one time or another, Fox News has appeared critical of these groups and/or the agendas they help advance — those that revile Christianity, characterize conservative mothers as extremists, kill the unborn, and promote child sex-change mutilations.

However, according to two current Fox News employees and one former Fox News producer, all three of whom spoke to TheBlaze on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals from the company, these same groups have ostensibly been eligible for a charitable top-up from Fox.

One source provided screenshots confirming the allegations, and two sources provided corroborating testimony.

A Fox employee personally took Rikki Ratliff-Fellman, director of programming at Blaze Media, through the company portal and showed her some of the donation matches seen in the screenshots.

Ratliff-Fellman said, "I watched this source physically log in to their company portal at to confirm the giving app and to see some of the questionable charities and the donation match option for myself to verify nothing was photoshopped."
There's screencaps of what they're referring to in the original article + a lot more info, but I'll sign off here.