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Posted: January 1st, 2013, 7:48 pm
by geola
I wouldn't have mixed kids, I love being white why wouldn't I want my kids to be white? I want my kids to look like me and want to preserve my race not destroy it.

Re: Would you have mixed interracial kids?

Posted: March 22nd, 2015, 9:15 pm
by Jester
Friends of mine, a mixed couple, who know me pretty well, challenged me to marry someone "big-boned" like me, not an Asian. hey felt it would make better looking kids.

Of course they do have a vested interest in keeping me in Mexico...

Anyway it got me thinking tonight, I googled for ugly and beautiful mixed-race people, this is one page I found ... nd-people/

PS to all -- IMO this is a great thread, because it is not one-sided... it addresses hard issues many of us have faced or will face...

I think it is ABCDavid above who raised the issue of what kind of community kids will have... Ladislav discusses how mixes are treated well by other kids in LA and the Phils...

This is important stuff. We are not (most of us anyway) going to live life as solitary backpackers. Our actions affect others.

So, back to what got me to re-read this thread... are there combinations that dont turn out so well? Or that usually do well?

Re: Would you have mixed interracial kids?

Posted: March 22nd, 2015, 10:39 pm
by OutWest
Jester wrote:Friends of mine, a mixed couple, who know me pretty well, challenged me to marry someone "big-boned" like me, not an Asian. hey felt it would make better looking kids.

Of course they do have a vested interest in keeping me in Mexico...

Anyway it got me thinking tonight, I googled for ugly and beautiful mixed-race people, this is one page I found ... nd-people/

PS to all -- IMO this is a great thread, because it is not one-sided... it addresses hard issues many of us have faced or will face...

I think it is ABCDavid above who raised the issue of what kind of community kids will have... Ladislav discusses how mixes are treated well by other kids in LA and the Phils...

This is important stuff. We are not (most of us anyway) going to live life as solitary backpackers. Our actions affect others.

So, back to what got me to re-read this thread... are there combinations that dont turn out so well? Or that usually do well?
I have three Eurasian children. Its fine....and for most, its a very good combination.


Posted: March 22nd, 2015, 10:40 pm
by fschmidt
Jester wrote:I have known a few couples that fit this perfectly... cute girl + Jewish man...
Not a bad combo, that's Paul Newman's parents, and that's my wife and me.

Re: Would you have mixed interracial kids?

Posted: March 23rd, 2015, 3:04 am
by MrMan
Yes, I would. I do already. I'm white and my wife is Asian. When we have kids, they are interracial. That's just the way it works.

Re: Would you have mixed interracial kids?

Posted: March 23rd, 2015, 8:30 am
by Yohan
Yes, we have already 2 mixed race daughters, I am white, my wife is Asian. Race means nothing for us.

Re: Would you have mixed interracial kids?

Posted: March 23rd, 2015, 12:41 pm
by Jester

I thought the concern was odd.

Re: Would you have mixed interracial kids?

Posted: June 1st, 2017, 10:42 am
by Winston
Here Adolf Hitler talks about why different races should not mix and procreate, and why racial preservation matters and why Jews want racial degeneration and destruction. His arguments and points are very true and accurate from a logical perspective, but very taboo and anathema to liberals from an emotional perspective.


Re: Would you have mixed interracial kids?

Posted: June 1st, 2017, 11:36 am
by Contrarian Expatriate
Any talk of racial purity is not based on science at all, but on social group perceptions.

No one in the world is racially "pure," but those who come closest to that standard suffer a heavy price from ailments scientists call Medelian disorders or "founder effect" due to a lack of sufficient genetic corrections, essentially inbreeding.

Ashkenashi Jews, Roma, French Canadians, and I would argue even white Americans if we believe that Autism is genetically based.

Finally, white Americans are the least "racially pure" whites in the world. The average white American has nearly 1% of African ancestry, 3% of Native American ancestry and is mixed with different "White" haplogroup DNA (Mediterranean, Western European, Northern Slavic, Southern Slavic, Turkic, North Africa, Nordic, Romani Gypsy, Dacian, Illyrian, etc.)

So perhaps it is these "whites" themselves who cannot stop breeding themselves into "impurity," so stop blaming Blacks, Jews, Asians, and others for what you have done to yourselves.

Re: Would you have mixed interracial kids?

Posted: June 5th, 2017, 6:29 pm
by IraqVet2003
If I were to decide to have any children, I wouldn't care if they're racially mixed. I am very open to interracial and/or marrying a beautiful woman from another country/culture.

Re: Would you have mixed interracial kids?

Posted: September 3rd, 2017, 9:06 pm
by Ralph in Miami
In the perfect world I would have children with a White non Jewish Spanish speaking woman. We don't live in a dream world, you must adapt. I've dated both foreign black and spanish speaking indian/meszito women before. There is an agenda to demonize racial purity among whites, but this is mostly media based. The media is run by an International Jewish, Freemasonic, and Vatican elite. Indviduals left to their devices tend to stick to their own and without media hype most people are too self centered to care where another man or woman swirls.

Re: Would you have mixed interracial kids?

Posted: June 30th, 2018, 8:09 am
by Winston
But I heard that mixed race kids usually have identity issues and mental problems to the extreme. Is that true?

I have two cousins that are half white and half asian named Tina and Lisa, and they sure seem messed up and weird and worn out, as if they are worn out by a lifetime of arguing and yelling. But that could be because their white dad, Uncle George Lawson, was an asshole and abusive with a very bad temper who explodes over trivial things too. I know because he yelled at me when I was a kid and stayed over at their house, over very trivial things. It was very scary. One time he twisted my arm like a prisoner just because I accidentally flipped some switches inside an electric panel. Instead of just telling me not to do that, he treated me like a prisoner of war. Perhaps because he was in the US Navy, and that's how he met my mom's sister and was able to petition my family to go to America. lol

Re: Would you have mixed interracial kids?

Posted: June 30th, 2018, 8:35 am
by snede
When it comes to mixed race kids, I have to say that oriental/anglo mixes tend to be better looking than average. Not so much up into supermodel territory, but just good looking.

Re: Would you have mixed interracial kids?

Posted: June 30th, 2018, 11:25 am
by Light
Ideally, I would never have interracial children. Assuming I did end up marrying an Asian girl instead of a White girl, that is the only combination I'd accept for mixed race children (White/Asian). But even then I would still pay a white girl in a place like Russia that is in need of money to be a surrogate and undergo IVF so I can have my own White children because I want the European ethnic lineage to continue, and maybe adopt some additional White children.

Re: Would you have mixed interracial kids?

Posted: June 30th, 2018, 2:13 pm
by Contrarian Expatriate
It really depends on the other race. If Japanese, Slavic, Jewish, or one of the many races of the Balkan and Caucasus regions, then yes.

If Northern European, Western European, American White Admixture, Indigenous Latin American, African, or non-Japanese Asian then I'd have to say no.

My current girlfriend is part Russian, Ukrainian, Azeri, Central Asian, with a smidgeon of Jewish. She resembles a 22 y/o, thinner, Cher. Yes, I would have her squeeze out pups with her particular combination of international zygotes and high IQ.