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Re: Racial pride: Ideology for losers?

Posted: August 23rd, 2017, 6:30 am
by Contrarian Expatriate
Justified pride comes from ACCOMPLISHMENTS, not things that are accidents of birth. For example, I am 6'4" (190 cm) tall but I draw no pride whatsoever from being tall since I was born that way. However, as a 50 year old, I am very proud of being as muscular and cut as a 30 year old due to the hours and effort I put in the gym to achieve that.

The same goes for my race. I did not ACHIEVE the race that I am, I was born that way. So why should I draw pride from something over which I had no control?

So with regard to those who are racial supremacists, I think they are simply expressing that since there are no ACCOMPLISHMENTS in their lives to draw pride from, they have to reach for things akin to "supremacy of the tall people" using platitudes such as, "Tall people have higher average IQs, earn more money on average, and assume greater leadership positions than short people."

But all of this should be obvious when you look at people who are racial supremacists. They are actually quite unimpressive in genetic terms of fitness markers but so long as they can point to something from which to draw fake pride, I just let them wallow in their delusions.

I call on our friend Cornfed to post a real photo of his "racially superior" self to prove my point!

Re: Racial pride: Ideology for losers?

Posted: August 23rd, 2017, 7:10 am
by Jonny Law
MarcosZeitola wrote:Steve Bannon describes White Nationalists and other White Pride folks as "losers". I agree with him, it really is an ideology for losers. You see when I was a teenager, in high school, with not much going on in my life, not the best of grades, not the highest of motivation, I felt the appeal of such ideologies. Even if my education or future career wouldn't really take off... well, at least I still had the notion of "belonging to a superior race". A few more years down the line and I snapped out of it. I realized it was a crutch - my own perceived superiority was based only on my heritage, and on accomplishments of my ancestors. It wasn't based on any personal achievements. All I was doing was justifying the fact that I was, in fact, a loser. Because you can look good and be smart and get girls, and still be a loser if your life isn't going anywhere and you're essentially nothing but a leech of society. And I noticed there were men of other races who accomplished more then me. Their grades were better. They were fitter. They traveled and had fun. They applied themselves, and enjoyed the benefits of their hard work.

Likewise I saw losers in other races. They weren't losers because they were black, Muslim, asian, but because they had the mindset of a loser. The same mindset I once, briefly, had. The belief that everything would somehow work out, that things would fall into place randomly, even if I didn't work hard. And they, like me, applied the same faulty logic: that someone, the man, the system, the Jew, was somehow out to get them. For them, it was "the white man", the white devil, for me it was "the eternal Jew", ZOG, that sort of bullshit. But how could a Jew keep you down, when you are already doing his work for him, by blaming all your lack of success on others while never taking a good critical look in the mirror at your own failings, your own laziness? You reap, what you sow. You won't succeed by the virtue of your race alone, that's not how it works. I realized that, and it changed me for the better. It opened my eyes to the truth: you decide your own destiny.

Anyway, I can see the appeal of Racial Pride movements. But as I understand it, the bulk of their following comes from people who are just down right lazy. It's not just White Pride, Black Pride, Afro-Centralist people aren't any better. I've seen this show where Louis Theroux interviewed a bunch of lazy black dudes, I think they were from the Nation of Islam, and they were claiming various historical figures including Beethoven (!) and various British monarchs as having been "secretly black". Their own lives weren't going anywhere, but "Cleopatra!!!", that sort of people. It's exactly the same on sites like Stormfront or the Daily Stormer - all these members who have avatars of muscular, bearded Vikings and armed crusaders charging on horseback, when the man behind the screen is a flabby, pale, out-of-shape nobody who looks nothing like his avatar and only shames his ancestors with his pathetic appearance and self-delusions.

Spoiler alert: it doesn't matter if you think your race is superior, if you yourself are an inferior human being by any race's standards. Simply belonging to a race you consider successful in sports, science, the arts, means nothing when you excel in none of those fields. And the greatness of your ancestors does not excuse you from applying yourself. All you are doing, is making your ancestors turn in their graves. If the Alt Right is the pinnacle of modern white masculinity, if for one would be terribly ashamed for my descendants as you, their ancestors, are nothing to write home about.
You say: "describes White Nationalists and other White Pride folks as "losers". I agree with him,"
Meanwhile here in Thailand
All the Expat Whites gather in their own groups(this is ironic because the Lib-Tard Whites are the first to bitch about racism and only interact with other Whites).
All the Chinese gather in their own groups.
All the Africans gather in the own tribal areas.
WHEREVER YOU GO "Birds of a feather flock together. They gather to feel comfortable. They gather because of strength in numbers.

Re: Racial pride: Ideology for losers?

Posted: August 23rd, 2017, 8:49 am
by Zambales
I concur. Pride should be coupled with personal achievements although being proud of your kids for instance is perfectly acceptable. Displaying pride for skin colour or nationality amounts to the same as showing pride for being a human-being IMO. Neither warrants any praise and I really don't get why people do this seeing there are millions of others just like them. It doesn't impress me at all.

Re: Racial pride: Ideology for losers?

Posted: August 23rd, 2017, 9:33 am
by Contrarian Expatriate
Zambales wrote:I concur. Pride should be coupled with personal achievements although being proud of your kids for instance is perfectly acceptable.
I think parents have a DIRECT affect on the achievements of their children. So the pride in their children's successes is completely justified.

The exception would be the parent who did not raise the child and simply served as the biological parent. Any success of the offspring was through no effort of this type of parent.

Re: Racial pride: Ideology for losers?

Posted: August 23rd, 2017, 10:23 am
by Yohan
For me 'race' means nothing. I am white, interracial marriage, children of mixed race, my children also married with 'pure' Asian men, even grandfather now, Filipina foster daughter and most people around me, wherever I go and whatever I do, job or vacation, are Japanese, Chinese, Filipinos, Thai...most time I am not using my native language and this all since over 40 years.

I think, it has something to do with your individual life and upbringing. If you, like it happened to me, already as a child, have been always treated badly by people of your own race, but treated kindly by people of other races, you will feel comfortably with people of other races. I moved over to Asia. I left Europe for always.

Racial pride, I can only laugh about it, I am living among Asians, to be proud of what?

I also found that this strong racist feeling is mainly a part out of the past of UK and its British colonies, for example USA, South Africa - other colonies, like those of France never had any race discrimination in their laws. French people for example were never restricted to socialize with people of other races in their colonies in Africa and Asia.

Re: Racial pride: Ideology for losers?

Posted: August 23rd, 2017, 10:49 am
by Yohan
MarcosZeitola wrote:Steve Bannon describes White Nationalists and other White Pride folks as "losers". I agree with him, it really is an ideology for losers.
We have to see both sides and listen to both sides.

I am not so sure if this is correct.

Many of these 'white losers' are doing remarkably well, so well that others of different race, obviously envy their economic success.
But when they take over from 'white losers' I see very little progress, often they fail.
The question is who is the 'loser'.
For example, independent countries in Africa are now worse off than before as colony.
White people were forced to leave, to give up their businesses in former British colonies and the locals who took over from the white people failed even to continue already such existing businesses. I cannot blame such white people in such a situation that they feel to be superior to other races.

Re: Racial pride: Ideology for losers?

Posted: August 23rd, 2017, 11:57 am
by Adama
A religion of pride for proud persons. It is just another reason to exalt themselves. It is not so different from those people who would assault you for speaking up against the techniques of their favorite ball player.

I remember going to a Yankees game and the dude I was with had a big mouth, speaking against the Yankees and was about to get his butt kicked.

I also remember having a friend who would petition other drivers of his team's rivals (from observing bumper stickers), just to boast about how his team kicked their team's butt.

See, somehow people never figured this out, it's just vain glory.

God forbid that I should glory in men. He that glories, let him glory in the Lord.

Re: Racial pride: Ideology for losers?

Posted: August 23rd, 2017, 12:26 pm
by fschmidt
The issue isn't pride, it's identity. Humans are tribal and so we are wired to identify with some kind of tribe. When cultures decline, the identity of members of that culture becomes confused and they tend to identify as individuals inside a global human tribe. This is actually the worst ideology producing the biggest losers. Such cultures inevitably fall to other cultures with a stronger tribal identity.

The idea of genetic (blood) identity is old and was mostly seen in clans. Racism is just an extended form of clan identity. History shows this kind of identity to be superior to individualism but inferior to strong religions. All successful cultures in the West in the last 3000 years that I can think of were based on religious/cultural identity.

I see nothing wrong with associating pride with identity. What is most important is wisely choosing one's identity. The worst choice (the biggest losers) are the individualists who make up the majority of this forum. Equally bad are members of degenerate religions like modern Christianity. The racists are actually a step above these people. The best choice is identifying with a sound religion and, as far as I know, I am the only one here doing that.

Re: Racial pride: Ideology for losers?

Posted: August 23rd, 2017, 12:35 pm
by Contrarian Expatriate
fschmidt wrote:The issue isn't pride, it's identity. Humans are tribal and so we are wired to identify with some kind of tribe. When cultures decline, the identity of members of that culture becomes confused and they tend to identify as individuals inside a global human tribe. This is actually the worst ideology producing the biggest losers. Such cultures inevitably fall to other cultures with a stronger tribal identity.

The idea of genetic (blood) identity is old and was mostly seen in clans. Racism is just an extended form of clan identity. History shows this kind of identity to be superior to individualism but inferior to strong religions. All successful cultures in the West in the last 3000 years that I can think of were based on religious/cultural identity.

I see nothing wrong with associating pride with identity. What is most important is wisely choosing one's identity. The worst choice (the biggest losers) are the individualists who make up the majority of this forum. Equally bad are members of degenerate religions like modern Christianity. The racists are actually a step above these people. The best choice is identifying with a sound religion, and as far as I know, I am the only one here doing that.
Some people obtain their identity from how they see themselves, others by how society sees them.

Tribal or clan association is weakest with regard to race. My tribes of choice are MGTOW, freethinkers, minimalists, and perpetual travelers. Race has no part of my "clan" associations as you call them as I have far too little in common with those of my race, not to mention those of my country.

Re: Racial pride: Ideology for losers?

Posted: August 23rd, 2017, 12:57 pm
by Adama
fschmidt wrote:The issue isn't pride, it's identity. Humans are tribal and so we are wired to identify with some kind of tribe. When cultures decline, the identity of members of that culture becomes confused and they tend to identify as individuals inside a global human tribe. This is actually the worst ideology producing the biggest losers. Such cultures inevitably fall to other cultures with a stronger tribal identity.

The idea of genetic (blood) identity is old and was mostly seen in clans. Racism is just an extended form of clan identity. History shows this kind of identity to be superior to individualism but inferior to strong religions. All successful cultures in the West in the last 3000 years that I can think of were based on religious/cultural identity.

I see nothing wrong with associating pride with identity. What is most important is wisely choosing one's identity. The worst choice (the biggest losers) are the individualists who make up the majority of this forum. Equally bad are members of degenerate religions like modern Christianity. The racists are actually a step above these people. The best choice is identifying with a sound religion and, as far as I know, I am the only one here doing that.
It's quite obvious to me as a Christian, that the writer of these statements has absolutely no knowledge of God and neither does the writer fear the Lord.
The worst choice (the biggest losers) are the individualists who make up the majority of this forum.
Some people might say statements such as this are condemnation, which is a means of self exaltation.
Equally bad are members of degenerate religions like modern Christianity.
To some people, that might sound like condemnation of the righteous, in order for the speaker to exalt himself as better than them.
The racists are actually a step above these people.
Some people might say that this is both condemning the just and innocent and justifying the wicked.
The best choice is identifying with a sound religion and, as far as I know, I am the only one here doing that.
This reminds me of when I hear a woman say, "I'm pretty."

Boasting is self-praise, and self praise is really self-worship which is idolatry. That's one of the mistakes of proud people. Another is that they speak verbal murder by insulting and condemning people who are innocent, which is also self exaltation as a judge.

Re: Racial pride: Ideology for losers?

Posted: August 23rd, 2017, 1:29 pm
by UpWithTheWu
It's called race realism. If you can't respect that you are ignorant and disgracing nature. In early Islam, not the malformed beast it is today, Mohamed was described repeatedly as white as the driven snow while Ethiopians were referred to as raisin-headed slaves. And you self-proclaimed ignorants think the caste system was no big deal, also? It was an order that lasted much longer than this dilapidated culture.

Re: Racial pride: Ideology for losers?

Posted: August 23rd, 2017, 1:30 pm
by UpWithTheWu
It's called race realism. If you can't respect that you are ignorant and disgracing nature. In early Islam, not the malformed beast it is today, Mohamed was described repeatedly as white as the driven snow while Ethiopians were referred to as raisin-headed slaves. And you self-proclaimed ignorants think the caste system was no big deal, also? It was an order that lasted much longer than this dilapidated culture.

Re: Racial pride: Ideology for losers?

Posted: August 23rd, 2017, 1:30 pm
by UpWithTheWu
It's called race realism. If you can't respect that you are ignorant and disgracing nature. In early Islam, not the malformed beast it is today, Mohamed was described repeatedly as white as the driven snow while Ethiopians were referred to as raisin-headed slaves. And you self-proclaimed ignorants think the caste system was no big deal, also? It was an order that lasted much longer than this dilapidated culture.

Re: Racial pride: Ideology for losers?

Posted: August 23rd, 2017, 3:03 pm
by fschmidt
UpWithTheWu wrote:In early Islam, not the malformed beast it is today, Mohamed was described repeatedly as white as the driven snow while Ethiopians were referred to as raisin-headed slaves.

Re: Racial pride: Ideology for losers?

Posted: August 23rd, 2017, 3:45 pm
by Contrarian Expatriate
UpWithTheWu wrote:It's called race realism. If you can't respect that you are ignorant and disgracing nature. In early Islam, not the malformed beast it is today, Mohamed was described repeatedly as white as the driven snow while Ethiopians were referred to as raisin-headed slaves. And you self-proclaimed ignorants think the caste system was no big deal, also? It was an order that lasted much longer than this dilapidated culture.
Cornfed, we all know this is one of your sock accounts. You are not fooling anyone. You also need to get your facts straight because:

The description given in Muhammad al-Bukhari's book Sahih al-Bukhari, in Chapter 61, Hadith 57 & Hadith 60,[221][222] is depicted by two of his companions as:

Allah's Messenger was neither very tall nor short, neither absolutely white nor deep brown. His hair was neither curly nor lank. Allah sent him (as an Apostle) when he was forty years old. Afterwards he resided in Mecca for ten years and in Medina for ten more years. When Allah took him unto Him, there was scarcely twenty white hairs in his head and beard.

Finally, I'm not sure the teachings of a 6th century, desert-dwelling pedophile is someone we should look to for practical advice for the modern world.

Better luck next time.....