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Re: The myth of gender equality and equality itself

Posted: August 4th, 2016, 8:20 am
by Winston
I don't understand something. We all know that:

Some people are smarter and wiser than others. Some people are richer and wealthier than others. Some people are stronger than others. Some people have more power than others. Some people are more attractive than others. Some people are more successful than others. Some people are healthier than others. Some people have more morals and virtues than others. Some people are taller than others. Some people are more likable and charming than others. Some people are better skilled in particular areas than others. Some people have more knowledge in a particular areas than others. Some people are more athletic than others. Some people are more refined and civilized than others. Some people are more educated than others. Some people are even above the law, such as powerful people. Etc. Etc.

And as we all know, we do not like everyone equally. No one does. Not even the most staunch liberals do. We all like some people better than others. We all like our friends more than our non-friends. No one denies this.

So how then is, "Everyone EQUAL" as Americans always claim? Where is the equality in all this??? Why are Americans and Westerners always obsessed with this word "equality' when it is clear that it does NOT EXIST anywhere in nature or reality, either in the animal kingdom or human society?! If it is totally nonexistent, then why do mainstream people treat it like a universal gospel truth and religion?! It's 100 percent ILLOGICAL!

Yet even the New Age movement and the Conspiracy/Truther movement adhere to the "gospel of equality" by constantly saying in their teachings that "No one is better than anyone else. No one is superior to anyone else, nor is anyone inferior to anyone else." which implies that they believe that everyone is equal too, along with liberal Americans.

Why is the American mainstream along with its alternative counterculture movements, so obsessed with a word that has no existence anywhere in reality? So weird and illogical. Totally irrational and downright delusional too, yet most people buy into it. Why?

Also, if men and women are "equal" in every way, as liberals and politically correct Western women demand, then:

1. How come in professional sports, they don't put teams of men and women together? Or an all male team vs. an all female team, if they are all "equal" as alleged? How come in professional tennis, they only have mixed doubles, or same sex doubles, but they don't have a team of two men vs. two women, if both genders are allegedly "equal"?
2. Why are women hardwired by nature to want a taller and stronger man than them? And usually one that makes more money than them too? Why don't they seek a man of equal height and strength and income, if both genders are "equal"?
3. If women can do anything men can do, then why can't they win any great military battles? For instance, why can't an army of women storm the beach of Normandy on D-Day like men did? We all know that an army of women would never be able to take the beachhead at Normandy from its German defenders, with their machine guns and cannons. And in fact, they would not be able to win any battles against armies of men. So how are women "equal" in every way, as liberals and social justice warriors vehemently claim?

These questions always stump liberals and feminists. I could give many other examples too. You get the point. So how are men and women "equal" in every way, as liberals and women claim? This claim is clearly indefensible, and laughable too, yet it is serious gospel truth in modern America and the Western world. It's not a joke. It's a doctrine of liberalism you are not allowed to question. What could be a bigger sign of insanity than to take a totally false doctrine and make it an unquestionable dogmatic truth? America is clearly wacko and out of touch with reality and common sense. It's an insane asylum run by the inmates, turning truth and falsehood upside down.

Yet have you noticed that it's only those of low class and low intelligence that try to claim that "everyone is equal"? Great thinker and intellects never make such an absurd claim. And upper class people and aristocratic classes don't claim that they are equal with everyone either. Only low class people believe in "equality", for obvious reasons, because they have something to gain by "equality" with the upper classes, but upper class people don't, for "equality" would mean that they are the same as the lower classes, which they do not believe. After all, how are rich people and poor people "equal" exactly? How is a refined, cultured, educated, civilized person equal to a degenerate, savage, barbaric, uneducated person? It makes no sense obviously. Nothing in nature is equal. Everything is different, in various ways. There is no equality in nature or in human society. Anyone can see this. So why deny it, just to cater to false standards of political correctness?

You know what's funny, in the alleged treatise for Jewish domination of the world, "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" -- in which virtually all of its predictions have come true -- it actually mentions how the word "equality" is a utopian socialist word that appeals to the ignorant masses, but has no basis in nature or reality. It talks about how utopian socialist concepts, though they have no basis in reality, always appeals to the dumb masses of Gentiles, which is sad but true. So even this infamous treatise confirms what I've said about "equality" and how it seems to be a false word used for mind control and manipulation of the masses by the elite.

In Protocol 1 it says:

"25. Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," words many times repeated since these days by stupid poll- parrots who, from all sides around, flew down upon these baits and with them carried away the well-being of the world, true freedom of the individual, formerly so well guarded against the pressure of the mob. The would-be wise men of the GOYIM, the intellectuals, could not make anything out of the uttered words in their abstractedness; did not see that in nature there is no equality, cannot be freedom: that Nature herself has established inequality of minds, of characters, and capacities, just as immutably as she has established subordination to her laws: never stopped to think that the mob is a blind thing, that upstarts elected from among it to bear rule are, in regard to the political, the same blind men as the mob itself, that the adept, though he be a fool, can yet rule, whereas the non-adept, even if he were a genius, understands nothing in the political - to all those things the GOYIM paid no regard; yet all the time it was based upon these things that dynastic rule rested: the father passed on to the son a knowledge of the course of political affairs in such wise that none should know it but members of the dynasty and none could betray it to the governed. As time went on, the meaning of the dynastic transference of the true position of affairs in the political was lost, and this aided the success of our cause."

Re: The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races and Peoples

Posted: August 4th, 2016, 8:54 am
by jamesbond
It's liberals and feminists who started this myth that "everyone is the same" and "everyone is equal." Feminists even go so far as to say, there are no differences between men and women. :roll:

Re: The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races and Peoples

Posted: August 21st, 2016, 11:44 am
by Winston
Some funny graphic images and quotes about the myth and absurdity of gender equality. LOL





Re: The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races and Peoples

Posted: August 21st, 2016, 2:08 pm
by jamesbond
Come on Winston, don't you know it's racist and sexist to say that there are differences between races and between men and women? :lol:

Re: The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races and Peoples

Posted: September 22nd, 2016, 1:35 pm
by Winston
More on BS Gender equality:

Why do women only want to date men taller than them, stronger than them and makes more money than them? Why not date men of equal strength and height? Because women are hypergamous. They will not date weaker men, but men will date weaker and shorter women. No equality there. Also, women's sexual value is much higher than men's too. On Facebook, females always get more attention and likes than males. We all know that. And people will pay for sex with women, but they won't pay for sex with men. There are no brothels for women. And there is no female version of Hugh Hefner. Obviously there is no equality there.

Do you see female auto mechanics or construction workers? Do you see male cheerleaders? How come women always depend on men to fix their cars, but never on women? Why don't men depend on women to fix their cars? Why don't pro sports leagues put men and women on the same team? Or have any men vs. women pro sports in baseball, football, basketball or even tennis? Where is the equality in all that? Feminists NEVER have a response to these questions.

Therefore, since women are hypergamous and have higher sexual value and sexual power than men, by trying to make them equal to men politically and economically, you give them MORE power than men. In effect, by trying to create gender equality, you create gender INEQUALITY. That becomes a disaster, because if all men and women were equal in money and power, then women would find no one to marry since their nature is to marry up, not down or equal. And men would find no wives to have children with, and thus the human race would go extinct. That's why equality could never work.

This simple logic was understood by ancient people all the way up to the Victorian Era, but modern liberal Americans are blind to it for some reason. Instead, they are filled with religious notions of equality for all, which is impossible and untrue. Nothing in nature or science is equal. A rabbit who says he is equal to the lion will be laughed at. It's all a delusion and con to make the ignorant masses focus on useless social issues perpetually without end, so they will accept socialism, communism and democracy, which all leads to the New World Order. All this shit from feminism and socialism was predicted and planned back in 1776. See "Proofs of a Conspiracy (1798)" by John Robison. It's not coincidental. The elite don't care about human rights or freedoms. But they know ignorant masses do, so they play on it and use it against them.

Re: The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races and Peoples

Posted: September 22nd, 2016, 1:56 pm
by Winston
Funny parody video about equality and political correctness in the future. lol


James Bond gets lectured on equality by his female superior. lol


Re: The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races and Peoples

Posted: September 28th, 2016, 9:53 am
by Winston
Did you guys know that in the 1960's, TV shows were AGAINST gender equality? Here is an example:

In 1965, there was a TV show called "Gidget" with Sally Field. ( In episode 6 (, Sally Field's character Gidget, a school girl, tried to prove herself equal with boys by signing up for auto shop class at school, a trade which was and still is strictly for males. When she messes up badly and funnily in the class while trying to change oil on a car, she embarrasses herself and quits. At the end of the episode, she admitted to her parents and brother that they were right and agreed that she should stick with being a girl and not try to be equal with boys.

So that TV show discouraged feminism and gender equality, and taught that girls should be girls and boys should be boys, as a moral lesson. In the 1960's, America still knew the difference between men and women, and was wiser and more real than the America of today, which is pretty much all about bullshit and political correctness, not truth. Back then, America still had decent family values, but that all started sliding downhill in the 1970's.

If you think the 90's were more progressive and today's liberalism is better, just take a look at the stats of the 1960's compared to today. Back then divorce rates were much lower. The nuclear family was more stable. Families were closer and had more values. Neighbors talked to each other. Friends were easier to make. People were more down to earth, authentic and real. They looked more wholesome, innocent and good natured too, which you can see on any 1960's TV show. In contrast, today there is moral decay in America, a breakdown of family values, a high divorce rate, and people on TV now look soulless, cold and unfeeling, not wholesome or innocent.

So if I had to pick whether people had better values back then or now, I'd definitely choose back then.

Here is a funny clip from that episode where Sally Field's character messes up when trying to change oil on a car to prove herself equal with boys. She looks adorable.


Re: The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races and Peoples

Posted: September 28th, 2016, 7:41 pm
by starchild5
Everyone knows this scam except humans.

Gender Equality is a con...They have to create stuff to stop your growth in life as a human race.

The more BS the better it is for the elites.

Re: The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races and Peoples

Posted: September 29th, 2016, 8:43 pm
by pandabear
Galatians 3 wrote: For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Re: The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races and Peoples

Posted: October 1st, 2016, 7:55 am
by jamesbond
pandabear wrote:
Galatians 3 wrote: For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Pandabear you said in earlier posts that hate all religions (especially Christians). So why are you quoting the bible here? :roll:

Re: The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races and Peoples

Posted: October 1st, 2016, 8:01 am
by jamesbond
Winston wrote:Funny parody video about equality and political correctness in the future. lol

Holy shit is this funny! :P

Re: The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races and Peoples

Posted: October 1st, 2016, 8:50 am
by El_Caudillo
As you know Winston (at least I think you know), I've been looking at the arguments for all races being equal are, and came across this book 'Guns, Germs and Steel'. The author basically argues that all peoples are as smart as each other - but environmental factors like the availability of domesticatable animals and plants as well as geographical isolation are crucial. I believe a lot of you theory of unequalness between races comes from experiences in Taiwan/China vs the Philippines. Along with the fertile crescent in the Middle East China was one of the first places to develop agriculture. And it was blessed with wild plants the could be domesticated - some places are not. Because of the East West axis of Eurasia China was also able to import crops and domestic animals from India and Europe.

Until the Spanish conquest the Philippines were pretty isolated. I don't think they had many large mammals on those islands which could have been domesticated? I'm not sure about wild plants. Their society would have been decimated by Spanish weapons and germs - and they were then basically under the yoke for four hundred years. Then the US took over. By then corruption endemic to all former Spanish colonies (except perhaps Chile) was embedded. Just look at the current war on drugs - tell me that doesn't seem like something out of Latin America?

I'm not writing an exhaustive case here, I'm just hinting that we need to look more carefully at the histories of various places before we judge. Sure at any given time societies and cultures are not the same nor equal - but perhaps each does have its own potential. I'm very interested in this idea that around 15000 years ago there were a number of great civilizations that knew much more than we do about certain things - and these civilizations were wiped out by a solar flare.

Re: The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races and Peoples

Posted: October 2nd, 2016, 4:06 pm
by pandabear
jamesbond wrote:Pandabear you said in earlier posts that hate all religions (especially Christians). So why are you quoting the bible here? :roll:
2 Timothy 3 wrote:All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

Re: The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races and Peoples

Posted: October 3rd, 2016, 12:32 am
by Winston
El_Caudillo wrote:As you know Winston (at least I think you know), I've been looking at the arguments for all races being equal are, and came across this book 'Guns, Germs and Steel'. The author basically argues that all peoples are as smart as each other - but environmental factors like the availability of domesticatable animals and plants as well as geographical isolation are crucial. I believe a lot of you theory of unequalness between races comes from experiences in Taiwan/China vs the Philippines. Along with the fertile crescent in the Middle East China was one of the first places to develop agriculture. And it was blessed with wild plants the could be domesticated - some places are not. Because of the East West axis of Eurasia China was also able to import crops and domestic animals from India and Europe.

Until the Spanish conquest the Philippines were pretty isolated. I don't think they had many large mammals on those islands which could have been domesticated? I'm not sure about wild plants. Their society would have been decimated by Spanish weapons and germs - and they were then basically under the yoke for four hundred years. Then the US took over. By then corruption endemic to all former Spanish colonies (except perhaps Chile) was embedded. Just look at the current war on drugs - tell me that doesn't seem like something out of Latin America?

I'm not writing an exhaustive case here, I'm just hinting that we need to look more carefully at the histories of various places before we judge. Sure at any given time societies and cultures are not the same nor equal - but perhaps each does have its own potential. I'm very interested in this idea that around 15000 years ago there were a number of great civilizations that knew much more than we do about certain things - and these civilizations were wiped out by a solar flare.
Im watching the documentary about "guns, germs and steel" now. Its interesting. There are 3 episodes. See here: ... steel&sm=1

This comment is funny.
I don't get why he compares everything back to New Guinea... The true question is why Africans have some of the most rich land when it comes to wildlife, minerals, etc, and they didn't advance at the same speed. It's complete shit saying Europeans are advanced only because of luck. Also, if its just Europeans and Asians, how the hell is India still a shit hole? They're between the two 'lucky' societies.
Apparently, Jared Diamond's theory is that plants, agriculture and cattle are the reasons why some societies are developed and others aren't. lol. What a hackneyed theory. It's as if he assumes that by nature, all societies ought to be equal even though in nature, there is no equality of any sort at all. lol

Re: The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races and Peoples

Posted: October 3rd, 2016, 5:18 am
by El_Caudillo
Right well I've almost finished the book of Guns, Germs and Steel. The author does talk a lot about New Guinea as that is his area of expertise. He was very ambitious to try and cover 14,000 years of world history in 400 pages. I'd say some of the chapters give their topics a very cursory treatment, such as "How China became Chinese."

Anyway his basic premise is that different people developed at different rates due to the their environment not due to their race...and that just about everybody was willing to take on new technology when the opportunity presents itself. He runs into a bit of trouble with the Australian Aborigines though, as they seemed not to have too been keen on adapting technology - but he then points out that some groups of Aborigines were more open to change (read development) than others. So that appears to be a hole in his argument - if groups within races could be more apt to develop than others - wouldn't that then lead to the conclusion that certain races/cultures were more apt than others?

For example the Maori in New Zealand were much more ready to adapt to the changes Europeans inevitably brought to their world than the Aborigines. But then you could go back to the fact that the Aborigines had been isolated for longer. Anyway, I'm not trying to say European Australian life was better than the Aborigine way. White Australia certainly treated the Aborigines barbarically. I just get the feeling that the author had his thesis and looked for evidence to support it, if anything came up against his ideas he would ignore it. His views fit in well with the PC views of our time and this must of been a factor in his book getting pushed by publishers, Nat Geo etc. I tend to agree with this book to a large extent - but I'm not completely with the PC brigade that European colonialism was all bad. In fact I think as an attempt to synthesize a large chunk of history into on book, the right-wing historian Neal Ferguson's book 'Empire' is a much better effort. Basically Ferguson tells us what was good about the British Empire.