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Posted: September 6th, 2014, 2:18 am
by Kublai Khan
MarcosZeitola wrote:
That's a core element of it, yes. A lot of it is insecure and cowardly guys who hide behind this "ideology" and use it as an excuse to stop trying. They tell themselves they are happy with their lives but it's merely a coping mechanism... it's easier to make yourself believe your are happy when you really aren't then to actually do something to improve your situation. It's a counterproductive and miserable way to live a life and it's kind of sad.

The entire MGTOW ideology just kind of rubs me the wrong way... I don't like to antagonize women too much, I don't like to advertise a lifestyle of solitude and loneliness and I dislike, above all, the defeatist attitude many of them have. Defeatism is never the way to go.
Indeed. A lot of those guys pretend to be happy alone but I'm not buying it. Who would like to spend his life alone as a hermit ? I don't.

Most of the post on that board are BS anyway. These guys really grab every excuse to bash women, even 'female' posts online that are clearly written by trolls.

Like I said, blindly hating all women makes you no better than radfems, us HA-ers should be above that.

Posted: September 6th, 2014, 5:51 am
by Yohan
Kublai Khan wrote: A lot of those guys pretend to be happy alone but I'm not buying it. Who would like to spend his life alone as a hermit ? I don't.

Most of the post on that board are BS anyway. These guys really grab every excuse to bash women, even 'female' posts online that are clearly written by trolls.

Like I said, blindly hating all women makes you no better than radfems...
Most MRA/MGTOW guys feel happy to be alone after a difficult divorce for a few years. I cannot blame them for that.

Often MGTOWs are married - I have family with 2 daughters and a fosterdaughter, I am from Europe, married since over 30 years, never divorced, I am living outside of the Western society in Asia with a foreign wife, but how does this make me a 'woman-hater'?

There are also females who are supportive to MRAs, especially mothers of a son, who was badly treated and cheated by a female. Why should a mother not be supportive to her son?

I rarely met men considering themselves as MRAs, who are 'blindly hating all women'. Most of them are angry with the Western legal system which is lenient to any wrongdoing as long as it is from women to men - basically creating a society where men are considered 2nd class people.

MRAs do not 'hate blindly all women', but they hate some certain women who were treating them badly, this might be the ex-wife, but could be another female as well, like a daughter, mother, female relative etc.

You cannot just blame men who were unlucky and were badly treated by women in their past for being mistrusting and are looking for a better way of life.

As an MRA/MGTOW guy myself - I was badly treated by females in Europe especially as a child - I give every man showing up in our MRA-forum the advice to try to overcome the feeling of hate. Hate is self-destructive and a way to nowhere without hope to any exit.

I advice such men to make a clean cut with their past, to relocate to elsewhere and to make a new start with entire new people.

Instead of blaming MRAs, you better should blame those bad women who made them to become MRAs. MRAs are not born, they do not become MRAs suddenly out of nothing - they are created by malicious females - often slowly over many years.

Posted: September 7th, 2014, 1:13 am
by Kublai Khan
Yohan wrote:
Most MRA/MGTOW guys feel happy to be alone after a difficult divorce for a few years. I cannot blame them for that.

Often MGTOWs are married - I have family with 2 daughters and a fosterdaughter, I am from Europe, married since over 30 years, never divorced, I am living outside of the Western society in Asia with a foreign wife, but how does this make me a 'woman-hater'?

There are also females who are supportive to MRAs, especially mothers of a son, who was badly treated and cheated by a female. Why should a mother not be supportive to her son?

I rarely met men considering themselves as MRAs, who are 'blindly hating all women'. Most of them are angry with the Western legal system which is lenient to any wrongdoing as long as it is from women to men - basically creating a society where men are considered 2nd class people.

MRAs do not 'hate blindly all women', but they hate some certain women who were treating them badly, this might be the ex-wife, but could be another female as well, like a daughter, mother, female relative etc.

You cannot just blame men who were unlucky and were badly treated by women in their past for being mistrusting and are looking for a better way of life.

As an MRA/MGTOW guy myself - I was badly treated by females in Europe especially as a child - I give every man showing up in our MRA-forum the advice to try to overcome the feeling of hate. Hate is self-destructive and a way to nowhere without hope to any exit.

I advice such men to make a clean cut with their past, to relocate to elsewhere and to make a new start with entire new people.

Instead of blaming MRAs, you better should blame those bad women who made them to become MRAs. MRAs are not born, they do not become MRAs suddenly out of nothing - they are created by malicious females - often slowly over many years.
Do you actullay read my posts ? I am not blaming anyone and I m not even talking about MRA's.

It's the "all womenz iz cuntzzzz lolllllll!!!!!!!111" ideology of the MGTOW forum I have a problem with. No more no less.

Re: MGTOW is BS !

Posted: November 14th, 2014, 11:11 am
by tom
Right now in mainstream media, any idea that is MGTOW, red pill etc, is all suppressed or denied.

Here is a social though experiment.
If you whet back to 1968 in America. You made a prediction in 2014 that cigarette smoking was banned in all public places, some municipalities were outright banning sales of cigarettes and many states had or were considering legalization of marijuana. This would have seen at the time, in 1968, completely preposterous.

Re: MGTOW is BS !

Posted: December 25th, 2014, 3:48 am
by Winston
I don't understand the logic of MGTOW. Men and women need each other. You can't just "not need a woman" like you can flip off a light switch. Even the Bible says that man should not be alone. It says so at the beginning of Genesis before God decided to create woman. Why do the MGTOWers think they can go against nature and what's natural? What is their logic and rationale?

Why do they not consider the foreign women option? Why do they act like it doesn't exist? Is it because they assume that America = The World and therefore everything in America is the same everywhere else? In almost all movements, there is that assumption. It's like they assume that if America is the best, then its problems must be everywhere else as well.

Also, if there are MGTOW, then how come I don't see them in real life traveling alone? When I travel alone in the US, I don't see anyone else doing the same. Everyone is traveling in a group or couple. No one else is traveling alone except me. Where are all the MGTOWers traveling alone that you can meet and strike up a conversation with? Where are the MGTOWers out alone on a Saturday night at pubs, restaurants and movie theaters? It's like they only exist on the internet but never get out in real life.

Re: MGTOW is BS !

Posted: December 25th, 2014, 8:50 am
by Yohan
Winston wrote:I don't understand the logic of MGTOW. Men and women need each other.

Why do the MGTOWers think they can go against nature and what's natural? What is their logic and rationale?

Why do they not consider the foreign women option? Why do they act like it doesn't exist?
Something might be wrong with your definition. I consider myself as MGTOW/MRA since decades and had many fights with feminists and manginas - I even received death wishes because of my pro-male opinion, also got banned in another forum which opened a thread about how to visit me in Tokyo and how to beat me up in front of my house. I got plenty of abusive hateful comments for standing my ground when men are misused by females.

However I am not alone, I am married since over 3 decades, of course with a foreign wife, have 2 daughters and 1 foster daughter (Filipina), I left my native pro-feminist country in Europe for always.

To fight against feminism and to find a good solution for myself, away from Western BS-women, to be happier abroad, (= your own slogan), why to you think, my way of life should not be called MGTOW/MRA?

I think, I am both, MGTOW/MRA - I moved on going my own way and I am talking back to feminists, whenever I see a good chance to do it.

Re: MGTOW is BS !

Posted: December 25th, 2014, 9:59 am
by Winston ... 6366292758
Winston, you don't understand the group. It's not that we don't NEED women. Of course we men need women and women need men. It's just that we are tired of all of the rules being MADE by women. The societal bias towards everything female. The absolutely ridiculous, illogical mindset set of some women. We are NOT categorically dismissing women. By no means. We just want the playing field to be more equal. What we are against, in a nutshell, is the ENTITLED woman. We have the utmost respect for women who will, in turn, respect us and our manhood. Contrary to belief, it's NOT a woman haters group. It's just a group (hopefully a strong movement) of men taking their lives back. Restoring dignity to themselves after being emasculated by the women in their lives. Foreign women or not, I don't care. I prefer foreign women but they too emasculate men. We need to be, once again, the stronger sex. Remember as our friend says, "Men don't chase women, they lead them." True dat.

Re: MGTOW is BS !

Posted: December 25th, 2014, 11:04 am
by OutWest
Winston wrote:I don't understandthelogic of MGTOW. Men and women need each other. You can't just "not need a woman" like you can flip off a light switch. Even the Bible says that man should not be alone. It says so at the beginning of Genesis before God decided to create woman. Why do the MGTOWers think they can go against nature and what's natural? What is their logic and rationale?

Why do they not consider the foreign women option? Why do they act like it doesn't exist? Is it because they assume that America = The World and therefore everything in America is the same everywhere else? In almost all movements, there is that assumption. It's like they assume that if America is the best, then its problem he must be everywhere else as well.

Also, if there are MGTOW, then how come I don't see them in real life traveling alone? When I travel alone in the US, I don't see anyone else doing the same. Everyone is traveling in a group or couple. No one else is traveling alone except me. Where are all the MGTOWers traveling alone that you can meet and strike up a conversation with? Where are the MGTOWers out alone on a Saturday night at pubs, restaurants and movie theaters? It's like they only exist on the internet but never get out in real life.
You are observing a simple truth about 99% of the stuff that gets posted here and on similar forums. Most of these "mass" moments are nothing of the sort. Most of what gets posted here- true, false or otherwise, is of little relevance to the vast majority of the population. Even if an idea might be useful in their life, they will not act on it. It is hard to move away from everything you know, even if your life is not good.

Re: MGTOW is BS !

Posted: December 31st, 2014, 8:17 am
by Winston
These guys in this MGTOW Facebook group keep dissing the HA solution and saying that "running away from America is no solution" and quote all kinds of useless cliches. Can you guys go educate them? Here's the thread:

Re: MGTOW is BS !

Posted: December 31st, 2014, 9:38 am
by Banano
What solutions does mgtow offer to sexually frustrated males?

Re: MGTOW is BS !

Posted: December 31st, 2014, 10:12 am
by Winston
Banano wrote:What solutions does mgtow offer to sexually frustrated males?
They offer the same typical cliches, like "Work on yourself. Improve yourself. Develop social skills." etc. That's their solution, to go your own way and work on yourself.

Are you able to view the link above? It's a closed group so you might not be able to see the discussion if you're not a member.

Posted: December 31st, 2014, 5:16 pm
by Ghost

Re: MGTOW is BS !

Posted: December 31st, 2014, 6:02 pm
by newlifeinphilippines
Find Jesus

Re: MGTOW is BS !

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 12:11 pm
by jamesbond
Aaron Clary made this video recently explaining that some guys are using MGTOW as an excuse for not being successful with women.

Re: MGTOW is BS !

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 2:16 pm
by newlifeinphilippines
jamesbond wrote:Aaron Clary made this video recently explaining that some guys are using MGTOW as an excuse for not being successful with women.

you wont get a change with arrogance high wide and handsome. Nope so that makes sense.. Just like people wont come to jesus until they see the error of their ways.