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Re: Why do most normal people dislike Winston for no reason, even if he does nothing wrong?

Posted: January 5th, 2024, 3:31 pm
by josephty2
Winston wrote:
February 8th, 2021, 9:40 am
Kelly has the same problem as me. Most people, almost everyone, dislikes her for no reason, even if she acts nice and agreeable and polite. Here's what I asked her:

Btw kelly. Have u noticed one fallacy everyone has about us? Let me explain.......

Most people assume that we have a vicious cycle in that because of our negative hateful attitude toward the world and other people, that it makes people dislike us more, which in turn leads us to be even more resentful and thus leads people to dislike us even more, hence a vicious cycle.

There may be some truth in that. However theres an obvious HUGE FALLACY and FALSE assumption here. And that is that all this presupposes that out of nowhere and for no reason, we decided out of the blue to become hateful negative people and repel people from us, as if WE are the first cause. That is NOT NOT TRUE. I swear to God 1000 percent. Its an annoying false assumption that pits the blame on us without provocation and justification.

The truth is, people treated me like shit since i was in 3rd or 4th grade for no reason, even when i was nice and kind and polite. It wasnt just bullying, but a complete ostracization and rejection for no logical reason. I did nothing wrong i swear. It just came out of nowhere. i did NOT start it or initiate it by having a bad attitude for no reason out of the blue. That is a totally false assumption by mainstream stupid americans and new agers. It ticks me off that they keep assuming that falsely. Hell no. Why would i out of the blue have a bad attitude for no reason to start the vicious cycle? No way. Hell no! I would never shoot myself in the foot like that. Im very sane and rational. If other people treat me like shit for no reason, its NOT in my control.

The truth is of course if everyone treats u like shit and abandons u and ostracizes u for no reason, of course u will naturally become resentful and bitter. However the key point is that if i did NOT initiate the vicious cycle then its false and victim blaming to presume that i did! Thats the key point that ive had to drill into americans and new agers thousands of times. Its so tiring. I should just print this out and hand it to them next time so i dont have to repeat this to every victim blaming moron!

You know what i mean?

However theres still a danger here. Because even if people agree that we are innocent victims and its not our fault, still no one likes a loser or victim because people instinctually are superstitious and believe that if u are a true victim then u are either cursed by the gods or destiny, or have bad karma, and in that case they will STILL want to avoid u. Kind of like how people dont wanna be with unlucky people or cursed people because they dont want the bad luck or curse to rub off on them. U know what i mean?

So even if people agree that its not our fault, they will still avoid us because deep down no one wants to be with those who are cursed or unlucky and have it rub off on them or affect them. Thats only understandable since humans are naturally superstitious and religious and metaphysical. U know what i mean? So either way we are f***ed. Socially speaking that is.

To @GoingAwol:

Have u noticed this about american women too? The same vicious cycle i mean. People claim we must have a bad attitude to make american women reject us. However thats a fallacy. Because even if we have a positive attitude to them they still reject us. Plus we did not initiate the vicious cycle. We were treated like shit FIRST for years, before we had a bad attitude. So we did not start the vicious cycle.

I call it the fallacy of the first cause. Because people mistakenly assume that our bad attitude causes American women to reject us, when it's the other way around. No way in hell would we decide to have a bad attitude out of nowhere just like that. If it were that simple, I'd have a good attitude and most American women would like me, but we all know it doesn't work like that. So this new age claim is simply dumb. No one would initiate a vicious cycle against them that they don't want.

Furthermore, it's not true that positive attitude gets positive results and vice versa. That's another American myth. If that were true, then I'd simply have a positive attitude and most things would go my way in my favor. Duh. Everyone would do that too. But of course, it doesn't work that way. We do NOT control most things in life. The Ancient Greeks and Romans knew this too. Their Stoic philosophy said so too. They were smarter and wiser and more real than modern Americans who are delusional and falsely believe that most things are under their control and subject to their mind and beliefs and attitudes. So stupid. No way jose.

Argument # 17: Experiments that show positive results for psi must be replicable to count as evidence.

Corollary: “I won’t consider successful psi experiments as evidence of psi unless the results are replicated and peer reviewed.”

The bullying and ostracizing is the same exact thing. Also keep in mind I don't define bullying as estp that's completely racist to define it so narrowly. Clearly I define it as what Winston experience a group of 29+ students that's bullying. Clearly most of them aren't estp. It's because of coffee. Drink coffee and convince others even though you're wrong.

Think of why Richard feynman was like that he was a coffee drinker in mit & Princeton.

Argument # 17: Experiments that show the misfit will not lead to a certain outcome must be replicable to count as evidence.

Corollary: “I won’t consider the other perspective as evidence of the misfit not leading to what I'm secretly afraid of unless the results are replicated and peer reviewed.”

See why coffee is so horrible? Coffee makes people act this way. Coffee is like red bull energy drink that makes people angry for no reason. It also affects police officers too. It's strange. I don't get why people drink coffee and get addicted to it.