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Exclusive Relationships are BS

Posted: December 29th, 2016, 10:00 am
by gravity25x
So at one point I was dating a beautiful (8.5) Belarusian girl in my early 20s. She was hot, especially her legs/ass. But when we started dating I was stary-eyed and in-love...stupid basically. We met at a Swedish-language summer camp in Sweden, hit it off like 2 fireworks and become "boyfriend and girlfriend", which was my first mistake. After that we had a long distance LTR (second mistake), since she was Belarusian and I was Swedish/American. I know, hind-sight is 20/20, but now I see how much I gave up for a girl that didn't care nearly as much about me as I did about her...

I had a beautiful Canadian girl (volunteering in Sweden) try to get me into a LTR with her, quite cute, awesome personality, overall marriage material (not very hot, like I said, but very traditional and a very kind person, despite being a girl from Canada...maybe I dodged a bullet here, who knows?). Of course I told her I had a GF, she turned redder than a tomato. Strike #1.

I had a beautiful Russian girl in Cheboksary (I was on a language exchange program between the Swedish and Russian governments) make it pretty clear to me she liked me and wanted to get to know me (whether for sex or just for LTR, I don't know, but Russian girls tend to be very direct, which is refreshing), she, again, showed huge embarrassment when I told her I already had a "girlfriend".Strike #2

There was another girl at this same Russian school I attended in Cheboksary, Zhenya (Jennifer). Super nice, super cute, and ALWAYS happy and she apparently was the "leader" of her "pack" of females (group of friends), which I thought was kind of cute. She liked me as well. Same result, I had a GF, so I didn't feel I could go after her, which honestly is my greatest regret, I will always remember her and how happy/cute/sincere/driven she was...some people leave an impression on you for life...

I gave all this up (and more) assuming me and my "girlfriend" from Belarus actually had some sort of future. But of course, she didn't want to leave her impoverished communist dictatorship (Belarus). She was a "good comrade" etc...So I was willing to give up plenty of other girls (none of which I put any real effort into attracting to me, but they came regardless), and she won't even slightly rearrange her future for me? What is wrong with women? I mean, I know they don't love us as much as we love them, that is blatantly obvious to me now, that I am older, but I was really shocked at how scummy she acted after all I sacrificed for her and "us". Strike #3 (among others...)

I have no evidence she cheated on me while she was in Belarus and I was in Sweden/traveling the world. But I wouldn't be surprised if she did. In any case, the whole experience turned me off from LTR, especially long distance.

I'm just writing this to encourage any other younger guys who may be star-eyed and high on endorphins that you shouldn't give anything up for a girl. Enjoy your life, LIVE your LIFE! If she REALLY wants you THAT BAD. She will find a way to get you (constant sex, loving on you like there's no tomorrow, etc), otherwise some equally good (or better) girl will take her place. Don't sacrifice for them, they aren't worth it, and they will only take advantage of you, while giving nothing of comparable value in return.

Re: Exclusive Relationships are BS

Posted: December 29th, 2016, 10:36 am
by Kradmelder
You are far too young for LTR. The canadian girl sounds decent so stay away. Not pomp material. Unless you are ready to settle, then she is suitable. When you want a family you dont want hot. You want loyal obedient, respectful good mother and adds value to the home. And good dna

the belarus one sounds like a temporary pomp that you put on a pedastal. Pomp and move on. Dont breed that heifer.

Just remember the longer you wait to settle the less decent ones are available and the higher the proportion of skanks.