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Genetics and behaviour of various women across ethnicity lines

Posted: April 6th, 2022, 8:19 pm
by willymonfrete
all behaviour is a expression of Genetics according to HBD science,wich is true imo.

even conservative vs liberal white people have different genetics due to being of different social classes and ethnic geographic origins in europe.

IMO,white and caucasoid women(with exception of portuguese)have bad genetics in this regard.Black women do too.they were nice in the past but this is kind of been forced and brainwashed on them.

with the open society that america is with the lure of degeneracy,it seems Asian women are still the most conservative when it comes to believing love is necassery for sex according to studies.

Asian american women are horrible,but it just shows you that yes environment does influence alot of genetic expression and selection but there is still a hard genetic component to differing women's behaviours.

Latinas,for example in america are unanimously wh*res in my opinion,the attitude and behaviour of a black woman with the entitlemernt and stuck up and arrogant attitude of a white woman.maybe that is in their genetics.

I want my daughters to have good genetics,so I have decided to try to atleast breed with a asian woman.

I don't think any race of women are more attractive than the other inherently,but unfortunately genetics play a big part in behaviour,preferences and so on and some races of women are simply faking a good girl act.

I have occult power and can read auras,and almost every redpill or traditional white or black woman is fake from my experience.

Alot of traditional women know traditionalism benefits them more than it does men and are thus isn't because they have better souls or personalities.

now I am a Christian,so I do not believe in 100% genetic determinism as we all have a soul.but we are slaves to the flesh,and none is righteous before God.and some flesh is more sanctified inherently than others due to genetics.some people are just trash and bad.

Re: Genetics and behaviour of various women across ethnicity lines

Posted: April 6th, 2022, 8:22 pm
by willymonfrete
Even an indian from india I know said Indian women have bad personalities and that was also my experience.genetics.

and this is a traditional society.

the Pakistani beauty I dated also was fake imo act nice and sweet to get what she wants but was a feminist under it.

Re: Genetics and behaviour of various women across ethnicity lines

Posted: August 6th, 2023, 6:54 pm
by 69ixine

Re: Genetics and behaviour of various women across ethnicity lines

Posted: August 13th, 2023, 7:23 am
by OutcastedPhilosopher
There are differences even among the different european groups. Northern Europeans, Eastern Europeans, and Southern Europeans all differ from each other.