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Western Europe is Bigger than Eastern Europe, Are Whites responsible for destroying their own nations?

Posted: December 7th, 2022, 10:46 pm
by WanderingProtagonist
I looked into it out of curiosity and noticed that Western Europe is ten times bigger than Eastern Europe with a lot more countries to invade, transform, and completely ruin. People only seem to mention America when they bring up the West. But everywhere from the UK to Canada, Australia and all those other brutally cucked up European countries in the West like Sweden where feminism rules harder than it does in the US would all most likely provide the same outcome if you moved to any of these Western countries. Maybe this is inaccurate since I always thought Spain was part of Latin America. And if Latino's do have their own countries named after America, then how come so many of them want to move directly to America? It just seems like people are so obsessed with robbing whites of their countries and identity yet everyone have their own nation.

Latin America isn't being invaded by people from other countries instead people prefer to just invade America instead of the neighboring countries surrounding it. White women are so eager to ruin their own countries that white men will stand side by side with them advocate for destruction to prove they aren't "racist." America and Canada both are replacing their own populations with immigrants to the point where these white nations will no longer belong to whites anymore but to outsiders who also still have their very own countries to flee back to when shit really hits rock bottom in the States. What that means is that immigrants will be the ones in charge of America, creating laws, telling those of us still here what to do like they own the place.
Whites on the other hand won't have anything left.
But I also noticed SPAIN was on that list of Western territories, and @Lucas88 never mentioned anything negative about Spain at all but it's on the List of countries that's part of the West. When you consider travel options the West have a lot more places to go than the East. I remember hearing someone also say Eastern Europe is Europe's last hope since the Western aspect of it is so hell bent on destroying itself. I mean they are so hell bent on erasing history in the U.S. this white guilt stuff is part of the reason I hate western nations.

Re: Western Europe is Bigger than Eastern Europe, Are Whites responsible for destroying their own nations?

Posted: December 8th, 2022, 4:23 pm
by Lucas88
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 7th, 2022, 10:46 pm
Maybe this is inaccurate since I always thought Spain was part of Latin America. And if Latino's do have their own countries named after America, then how come so many of them want to move directly to America? It just seems like people are so obsessed with robbing whites of their countries and identity yet everyone have their own nation.


But I also noticed SPAIN was on that list of Western territories, and @Lucas88 never mentioned anything negative about Spain at all but it's on the List of countries that's part of the West.
No, Spain's not part of Latin America. It's located in Western Europe just below France and to the west of Italy. At first I was surprised that you didn't know where Spain is located and wondered if I was reading you wrong, but then I realized that many Americans don't know much about Europe and aren't too familiar with European geography. The same thing occurs with Asians who have never visited Europe. My Japanese host mother during a homestay program was unable to locate Spain on a map.


Spain is a modern Western European society. Its people are ethnically different to Latin Americans with Spaniards being of predominantly Celtiberian and Italic stock while Latin Americans are generally a mixture of Spanish/Portuguese and Amerindian. Most Spaniards are therefore pure Europeans, although the country does have a lot of Latin American immigrants from its former colonies as well as Eastern European, Middle Eastern and African immigrants.

Spain's culture is different to that of Northern Europe. The country doesn't have an obsession with political correctness like Northern Europe does and most people don't seem anywhere near as cucked in my experience. Spain of course has its own weak, pathetic cucks on the far left of politics, but many Spaniards are still unapologetically proud of their own country and culture. They are willing to openly express their pride and un-PC opinions and don't give a shit if what they have to say offends anyone else. Political correctness is more of an Anglo and Northern European thing.

I hate the Anglo and Northern European mindset. I hate how judgmental so many people are. It doesn't matter whether they are rightwing or leftwing, whether it's in the name of progressivism and hysterical feminism or tradcuck conservatism, Anglos and Northern Europeans are so judgmental, always look to impose their views on everyone else, and relentlessly shame anybody who doesn't hold "correct views". Thought is essentially moralized. Even Italian fascist philosopher Julius Evola wrote about this trait of Anglo society in his essay "Americanism and Bolshevism" published in the 1920s.

In Spain, however, I've found that people are generally more relaxed and easy-going and less judgmental and preachy. Most people won't give you shit over the views that you hold and, if they disagree with you, they'll criticize your argument itself rather than attempting to discredit your moral character. Spaniards also value freedom of expression and have no regard whatsoever for political correctness. They take for granted the idea that they are free to express what they really feel and won't put up with any attempt to silence their opinions. Spaniards as hot-blooded Mediterraneans are more rebellious than Northern Europeans. The imposition of political correctness doesn't seem to work even half as well against them.

Anecdotally, Spain is the country where I feel the most free. I feel like I can be myself and express myself without fear of being judged. Spain is nothing like the UK or the US.

Re: Western Europe is Bigger than Eastern Europe, Are Whites responsible for destroying their own nations?

Posted: December 8th, 2022, 5:39 pm
by WanderingProtagonist
Mercer wrote:
December 8th, 2022, 2:47 pm
Yes, western whites are very cucked and are being replaced by people who despise them. Most whites are self-hating and enjoy being cucked.



Man I regret clicking on that.....White people are f***ing morons...
Also do you have the link to the article about this on ROK?

Re: Western Europe is Bigger than Eastern Europe, Are Whites responsible for destroying their own nations?

Posted: December 9th, 2022, 7:58 am
by WanderingProtagonist
Yeah I found and read it already yesterday.
I still say those men haven't done enough damage though to fully make these moronic assholes regret that being a traitor to their own
nation needs even harsher consequences to every woman and their retarded weak men responsible for their crimes against their own nation.