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For those interested in progress in Ireland

Posted: September 3rd, 2012, 7:42 pm
by PeterAndrewNolan
This went to all members of the Dail today.

Posted: September 3rd, 2012, 11:06 pm
by Moving on
So, since you've been banned from visiting Ireland and you are existing in Germany illegally - soon to have your arse booted back to Australia - we can assume that you expect other men living in Ireland to wage this war on your behalf? How very brave of you, Peter! :lol:

Posted: September 3rd, 2012, 11:14 pm
by Moving on
From the comments at ... /#comments:

Ahahahaha this guy is a total lunatic. He used to post on men are better than before even they agreed he wasn’t and booted him off the board. I have also seen him in the flesh. And as you can imagine, it’s not a pretty sight. He claims to live abroad but that’s got to be just more of his BS. He encouraged posters on to help him form a protest outside a family courthouse in Australia a few years ago. He was due to attend a hearing that day, apparently in a fight with his ex-wife, and revealed that he would be waiting outside the courthouse with a sign for other similarly perturbed men to join him and his bandwagon. At the time I worked five minutes from this particular court-house and I was curious to see whether he would actually get any supporters so I walked by on my way to work. He was sitting on a bench with an old tatty suitcase next to him and a makeshift cardboard sign stuck to it. I couldn’t read what it said from the distance. Disappointing as I’m sure it would have given me a good laugh. There was no one with him. He at the time was middle-aged, unattractive, overweight and his clothes were nothing to get all excited about. He’s just another douche, among many, who has no other outlet for his delusions and hatred than the internet. Don’t give him any attention, he’s a bona fide attention whore.

Peter, newsflash! People thought you were a complete numpty joke and hating on you even before your very public court meltdown where you managed to kick your own arse!

Posted: September 4th, 2012, 6:06 am
by Billy
This is really pathetic. Though respect that he still fights. But he is douche that´s for shure.

Posted: September 4th, 2012, 7:45 am
by PeterAndrewNolan
Hi Winston,

yep....this applies to me. It would be nice if all those guys who are too gutless to speak out in their own names but who have jobs and good incomes to pay guys like me to be speaking out. After all...what I am doing only affects every man in the english speaking world...about 400 million of them.

And look at the depths to which these ASIO agents and associates like Chris Merret have sunk to! LOL!!! Just pure blatant lies that only the most feeble minded of people would believe. After all. I have the VIDEO of being in the court room. Far for tatty clothes or tatty suitcase I was wearing a Lords Cricket polo shirt, jeans and carrying my laptop case.

I mean...lies like this are so blatant that they are ridiculous.

When I did my court meeting I flew from London to Sydney to do it. It was the single most important event in the freeman and MRA world taking place. The event would prove or disprove the 18 months of work I had just done to create a remedy.

I asked more than 1000 people in the freeman and MRA area to come to the court house to witness the event. Just witness it. I did not ask for them to record it or speak or do anything. Just sit there and witness it.

Now...remember. I had just spent 18 MONTHS researching and developing the remedy. I had flown from London to Sydney to try it out. I was walking right into the conflict zone and with two feds present as it turned out. I had done MORE than my far share, right?

And when NOT ONE person chose to turn up to WITNESS the event somehow that is MY FAULT because I am some "nutter". The comment quoted by Chris Merrett is actually a comment by a WOMAN on MABTW....and she apparently did live in Sydney...but would she come to the court and WITNESS this historic event. Nope? She just slagged off at me on MABTW. So much for "equality".

As it stands today?

I am the ONLY man who has video recorded a family court proceeding and that has stood for nearly THREE YEARS now.

I am the ONLY man I know of who has told a FC judge that if he unlawfully incarcerates me then I would kill him and have NO response from the judge other than to not incarcerate me.

I am one of only THREE men I know who have refuse to pay a court order from the family court properly.

I am the ONLY man who has put full strawman recapture process into the public and PROVEN that it has worked for him.

And with my colleagues I will put all members of the Australian and Irish parliaments on trial.

Today men pay family law lawyers upwards of USD300 per hour to work on their totally wasted since the lawyers are all in the same club with the judges....they have made oath to always work in the best interests of the law society.......

But they will not pay me one cent for all I have I will do little more for them for free...I will run my cases and get my money back...but now that I stand as EASILY the most experienced man in the family court situation and when I get my money back the most SUCCESSFUL man in the FC situation? I will charge HUGE fees and those who can not afford me can thank the TEN THOUSAND MRA arseholes who refused to help me one little bit over the last 5 years.

Padre Illuminati, the leading thinker in this area in Canada and a good friends of mine, told me MRAs were totally useless FOUR YEARS AGO...he even went on to the spearhead and said so and challenged them to prove him wrong....they proved him right......

So this is what MRAs and ASIO are down to.....blatant lies and blatant slander because they do not have any other objection to raise....

Any man who wants out of his marriage can hire me and we can get his assets out of jurisdiction to a place where no one can even trace them.....THAT is a valuable service for any man of any significant wealth in the west. I can GUARANTEE that he will not be ripped off in divorce because I can get his assets to Switzerland in such a way that no one knows that is what happened or where those assets are if that is the service the man wants.

If he wants to advertise to this guvment that he sent his assets to switzerland? Then he is free to do that too...though I rather think that is not a good idea. Up to the man himself. But family courts have shown one thing very consistently for 20 years now....the man WILL be reamed in the family courts if his assets are inside the jurisdiction of his guvment....up to and including 95% as in my case.

In Ireland the joke is "the house is evenly split...the man gets the outside of the house and the woman gets the inside of the house"
Winston wrote:Perhaps this excerpt from one of David Icke's newsletters applies to Peter Andrew Nolan too?
Tyranny is not coming – it’s here, in the world they are living in. But still they target those with the guts to put their head above the trench while they hide deep in the shadows behind anonymous log-in names and fake public personas.
Anyone who has ever tried to do anything worthwhile has always faced abuse from the blind, moronic and self-obsessed. As the writer Jonathan Swift said: ‘When a great genius appears in the world you may know him by this sign; that the dunces are all in confederacy against him’. T’was always so.

Posted: September 4th, 2012, 7:47 am
by PeterAndrewNolan
Billy wrote:This is really pathetic. Though respect that he still fights. But he is douche that´s for shure.
So..if an Irish Anders Breivik emerges and shoots a bunch of people...will I still be pathetic?

And on what basis do you claim I am a "douche"?

I have put more than enough information into the public to establish my credentials.

Posted: September 12th, 2012, 7:09 am
by Moving on
PeterAndrewNolan wrote:
Billy wrote:This is really pathetic. Though respect that he still fights. But he is douche that´s for shure.
So..if an Irish Anders Breivik emerges and shoots a bunch of people...will I still be pathetic?

And on what basis do you claim I am a "douche"?

I have put more than enough information into the public to establish my credentials.
Here's some progress from Ireland - the cops want to throw Loopy Pete's arse in jail for threatening to kill politicians and their families ... way to go Pete! ... ling-email

Posted: September 12th, 2012, 8:01 am
by PeterAndrewNolan
Moving on wrote:
PeterAndrewNolan wrote:
Billy wrote:This is really pathetic. Though respect that he still fights. But he is douche that´s for shure.
So..if an Irish Anders Breivik emerges and shoots a bunch of people...will I still be pathetic?

And on what basis do you claim I am a "douche"?

I have put more than enough information into the public to establish my credentials.
Here's some progress from Ireland - the cops want to throw Loopy Pete's arse in jail for threatening to kill politicians and their families ... way to go Pete! ... ling-email
Thanks for the link. Ali was not professional enough to send me a copy. Care to post the full text?

Posted: September 12th, 2012, 8:22 am
by Moving on
PeterAndrewNolan wrote:
Moving on wrote:
PeterAndrewNolan wrote:
Billy wrote:This is really pathetic. Though respect that he still fights. But he is douche that´s for shure.
So..if an Irish Anders Breivik emerges and shoots a bunch of people...will I still be pathetic?

And on what basis do you claim I am a "douche"?

I have put more than enough information into the public to establish my credentials.
Here's some progress from Ireland - the cops want to throw Loopy Pete's arse in jail for threatening to kill politicians and their families ... way to go Pete! ... ling-email
Thanks for the link. Ali was not professional enough to send me a copy. Care to post the full text?
You're going to jail, you douche!

Posted: September 12th, 2012, 8:59 am
by PeterAndrewNolan
For those who are interested...this will be going out to all the TDs in the Irish parliament later today. ... fault.aspx

Posted: September 12th, 2012, 9:07 am
by Moving on
PeterAndrewNolan wrote:For those who are interested...this will be going out to all the TD in the Irish parliament later today. ... fault.aspx
And ... ?

Posted: September 12th, 2012, 9:11 am
by Moving on
PeterAndrewNolan wrote:For those who are interested...this will be going out to all the TD in the Irish parliament later today. ... fault.aspx
Peter, please stop - you are embarrassing all of us real Aussie blokes who have the balls to live in our Nation and maintain a meaningful existence ...

Posted: September 12th, 2012, 6:46 pm
by Cornfed
Moving on wrote: Peter, please stop - you are embarrassing all of us real Aussie blokes who have the balls to live in our Nation and maintain a meaningful existence ...
You're saying it takes balls to be passively victimized by scum? Seems more like spineless cowardice.

Posted: September 13th, 2012, 9:01 pm
by PeterAndrewNolan
And here is moving on, AKA Chris Merrett trying to say I have NOT made the papers in Ireland. This is even though the questria article was of an article in the Irish Daily mail! LOL!!

Yes...chris really is that loopy.

From: "chris merrett" <chrismerrett>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 5:28 AM
Subject: You have NOT made the papers you f***ing liar.

You made it onto a pissy alternative media site called Questia. And the only reason you made it there is because I submitted it you wanker !! LMAO

From: "chris merrett" <chrismerrett>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 5:45 AM

Peter, as much as it may cause you grief the ONLY reason it saw the light of day is because I submitted it. Who's the dumbo? LOL

Posted: September 13th, 2012, 9:07 pm
by PeterAndrewNolan
And here is Chris Merret making more claims in emails. I really like how he is trying to take credit for an article written by and credited to Ali Bracken.

I also really like how he makes the false allegation I have made "threats" when I have not threatened anyone.....EVER. I don't do threats..they are childish and pointless.

I also like how he is bragging "I won. You lost". Men need to remember that what Chris Merrett has done for nearly two years now is criminally opposed the re-introduction of the rule of law into Australia by slandering me. One wonders why a man is motivated to attempt to stop the re-introduction of the rule of law...clearly he does not want the protection of the law for himself.......and that will lead to a sticky end for Chris.

And let us not forget this man has a daughter he claims is in her early 20s. Imagine what this daughter must be like if her father is this sick in the head.

From: "chris merrett" <chrismerrett>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 5:49 AM

You have some major regrets and jail time heading your way over the threats you've made Peter.That's why I submitted the article stupid. To get you f***ed over, and it's working better than I'd hoped. Your fat arse is in a sling this time son. I won. You lost. LOL You can say there are no threats, but we'll leave that for the Judge to decide.