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Posted: July 2nd, 2012, 10:16 am
by Winston
Raja wrote:I am not one to bash you Winston, we all have histories but your's seem like a present lifestyle. seems they are screening girls but at the same time calling in wolves to feed on the Good Christian Sheep.
LOL well not every guy here is a "wolf". Some here are marriage minded and seeking marriage material girls. For those, Christian Filipina is a good option. There is no one shoe fits all, so I just present the options.

Anyhow, try out the site and put up a free profile. Many girls will then contact you first. Then you can check them out and see what kind of girls that they are. I think you will be impressed. They seem pretty sincere and genuine to me.

Posted: July 2nd, 2012, 12:29 pm
by PeterAndrewNolan
Jester wrote: Moreover, if a guy isn't motivated to romance and seduce, many women would probably be uncomfortable with him. Women do like our aggresive side.
Only stupid beta provider loser smucks "romance and seduce". I know because I used to be one of them.

I take the very simple tactic now. If a woman does not approach me and make it known that she is desperate and wants a shot at my money I ignore her. Why would I waste my time talking to a woman who has not made it clear she is desperate and wants money? If they are not willing to be that honest then they are very much liars.

Virtually ALL women are desperate to close the deal on a man-slave. That is all they want. If any man is stupid enough to believe anything else then be my guest.

"Love" is a lie invented to mind control and enslave men. Women are not capable of love. If you want to see how women "love" men go and sit in a divorce court for a week or two. You will be cured of the stupidity of "the love of a woman".

I am sorry that I am a wet blanket for "dating sites" but it is about time the truth got a run.

By the way? I actually respect women MORE if they are willing to make it clear that what they are after is a man-slave.....because that then gives me a chance to sell them on the opportunity to try and close that deal while enjoying ourselves. My fav#3 was in this category and she told me MANY times how much she enjoyed time with me even though it was agreed up front we would not be together. She must have told me 3 or 4 times her greatest dream in the world was to meet a man like me 15 years younger who wanted children. Many times over she told me that she hoped and prayed her children would have a father like me.

Since women have made it clear marriage is NOT PERMANENT then NON PERMANENT relationships are how it is going to be.

And these women on these dating sites have to be told by the alphas that non monogomous non permanent relationships are all alphas like me would entertain.

And anyway...I would not bother with a dating site again.....every second adult is a woman and about 1 in 50 is up to scratch for me. That means there are PLENTY of women near me that will approach me who make the grade. I spent 6 months on when I was still a beta smuck an alpha I would not waste my time.

Hell...the women on christian philippina know where I am if one of their philippina friends near me wants to throw herself at me.

Happy Couple who met at Christian Filipina

Posted: April 25th, 2013, 3:52 pm
by Christianfilipinacom
Interview with a couple who met at our site. What do you think?

Posted: April 26th, 2013, 12:22 am
by clowny
What do I think? Another overweight western slob who married a filo woman young enough to be his daughter. I feel kinda sorry for her though, I mean I wonder if that old fart can get it up?

Posted: April 26th, 2013, 10:12 am
by davewe
clowny wrote:What do I think? Another overweight western slob who married a filo woman young enough to be his daughter. I feel kinda sorry for her though, I mean I wonder if that old fart can get it up?
The last thing I am thinking about when I see pics of a couple is "I wonder if he can get it up?" But hey - to each his own :)

Re: Happy Couple who met at Christian Filipina

Posted: April 26th, 2013, 4:05 pm
by Teal Lantern
Christianfilipinacom wrote:Interview with a couple who met at our site. What do you think?

Watch it on mute. :wink:
I think the girl can't decide if she wants to cry ... or vomit.

Posted: April 26th, 2013, 6:27 pm
by ladislav
I am happy for them. When I look like him, I hope to be just as happy.

Posted: April 26th, 2013, 7:23 pm
by ryanx
ladislav wrote:I am happy for them. When I look like him, I hope to be just as happy.
I agree with ladislav. 8)

Posted: April 29th, 2013, 2:33 pm
by djfourmoney
My friend recently married his Flip wife (K1) here in LA. She's so-so looking too. He could have done better but whatever makes him happy I suppose.

Winston's Baby's Mamma looks better (not by much)

Posted: May 20th, 2013, 5:53 pm
by Winston
Check this out. Christian Filipina now has a new discussion forum! If you have any questions about finding quality Filipinas or visiting/living in the Philippines, feel free to join and participate. Here is the link:

Also, they have a new promo page when you can sign up and get a free trial with an upgraded account. Here is their promo page to sign up on: ... ml?affid=3

Also, for informational research, check out their research page and advice articles:

Check it out. Hope you find it interesting.


Posted: May 20th, 2013, 7:00 pm
by kai1275
Wow there is alot of interesting testimonials and content on that website. Happy looking guys too. Very cool indeed.

Posted: May 21st, 2013, 12:17 am
by Christianfilipinacom
Hi Kai, Thanks for checking it out. We are proud of our many wonderful members who are already living happily ever after.

By the way, with the secret link Winston provided above, you can access a 3-day introductory coupon that would be just 4.99 for the first 3 days; it's not free. But it's a great community, if you are interested believe in lifetime commitment.

Posted: August 9th, 2013, 1:58 am
by Winston
Check this out. Our friends at got on a BBC program called "Tainted Love". Here is their announcement from their newsletter about it:

"Hi Friends,

We are proud to tell you that we (Christian Filipina) have recently been highlighted by the BBC for our campaigning to expose bad practices in the dating industry. Click here for our press release about it: ... 982964.htm

In short, we believe every man and woman who trusts any dating site deserves respect, not to be lied to and stolen from by scammers or the site itself! We appeared in the BBC Scotland program "Scotland Investigates" in their episode called "Tainted Love" - you can find the interview with us at around minute 20 of the program. Watch it online here:

We also want to take this opportunity to tell you about a few more upcoming projects we are working on.

We have now finished a draft version of Peter's book "How to Find, Date, and Marry Your Filipina Wife," although it is now in "final-formatting" which according to the formatting company will take 1-2 months before we will have copies printed in my hand. But in the meantime, if you would like one "preliminary" complimentary chapter (Chapter 1) please just click here to download it in pdf format absolutely free: ... 1375984238

Hope you enjoy this short chapter.

We are also in the process of developing two new offerings: Dream Filipina will be an exclusive series of online courses, interviews, information, and assistance - and another Premium Executive Service (yet to be named) that will take it even one step further to assist you on a very personalized basis from day one right through travel, your happy wedding, and an immigration package if you or your wife will move to the other's country. These offerings will all be under the umbrella of Global Fiance that will include all of them as well as Christian Filipina.

Feel free to write back with any comments or questions about these exciting new developments.

Milyn and Peter Christopher & the CF staff, & DreamFilipina"

To visit Christian Filipina:

* Note: Christian Filipina has changed their domain name by removing the hyphen in it. Before it was Now it's

Posted: October 13th, 2013, 6:52 am
by Winston
Hi folks,
Did you know that Christian Filipina is the ONLY Asian matchmaking site that actually SCREENS its members and weeds out scammers? That's because the owner, Peter (whom I have met), cares about your search for an Asian soulmate and has taken up measures to ensure that you don't get scammed on his site. Kudos to him for that! I have met Peter before. He is a man of integrity and honor, and does not tolerate any scammers on his site. So if you are searching for a quality Asian soulmate with values and speaks English, create your FREE profile on Christian Filipina today and see who writes you and sends you winks! You never know who will, so try it out! Here is the link:

If you have any questions, PM Peter, the Founder and CEO of CF at:


Also check out my article: "Why Date Christian Filipinas?"

Happy searching!


Posted: November 4th, 2013, 7:16 pm
by pandabear
Is it strictly for church-goers? I never go to church any more.