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Do I smell a flame war?

Posted: August 23rd, 2012, 11:49 pm
by CerealKiller
Just from the OP alone, I knew this one would be a barn burner. Wow. That's some vitriol coming from the HA founder himself, esp his initial response to Repatriate.

Hey, whatever happened to those dates Rock set up for Winston? Rock bent over backwards to show Winnie that TW is most definitely not a dating hellhole, yet... years later, Winnie is still flogging this dead horse! Incredible.

Winston: y'know - as obvious as this may seem - there's always the option of leaving TW. Seems like you had plenty of fun in 'Wussia' and the Philippines. Why don't you back there?

As for China: prolly not a good idea for our fearless protagonist here. Not a huge diff between TW and China, esp vis-a-vis what we know about Winston. Again: why not return to RU or PI?

If Winston goes to China, I can see the headlines already:
Matter and anti-matter can coexist together: American man states that China has 'no dateable women'

Posted: September 4th, 2012, 9:16 am
by Falcon
Rock wrote:1. From my own long-term personal experience. In the States, I did much worse than even Winston. In all my time there, I had only one intimate relationship with a local (white girl) and that lasted just a few months.
I did worse than both of you combined.

- No girlfriend ever in the US. Zero.
- Two school dance dates which lasted for only one night each.
- Only one kiss on the cheek with a prom date who flaked out the very next day.

But this is comparatively better than many young American guys who have never, ever kissed, held hands, or gone on a date.

I would say it's got to do with the fact that I was born later, so my first trials with romance, and bad experiences with girls, would have started in the mid-2000's.

According to this thread ( viewtopic.php?p=94485 ), things really went downhills in the late 1990's and 2000's. Winston's experiences were in the 1980's and early 1990's, and I assume it would have been the same for Rock.

Things absolutely changed once I got out of the States. That's what I will try to mostly focus on in my forum posts.

Posted: September 4th, 2012, 9:54 am
by Rock
Falcon wrote:
Rock wrote:1. From my own long-term personal experience. In the States, I did much worse than even Winston. In all my time there, I had only one intimate relationship with a local (white girl) and that lasted just a few months.
I did worse than both of you combined.

- No girlfriend ever in the US. Zero.
- Two school dance dates which lasted for only one night each.
- Only one kiss on the cheek with a prom date who flaked out the very next day.

But this is comparatively better than many young American guys who have never, ever kissed, held hands, or gone on a date.

I would say it's got to do with the fact that I was born later, so my first trials with romance, and bad experiences with girls, would have started in the mid-2000's.

According to this thread ( viewtopic.php?p=94485 ), things really went downhills in the late 1990's and 2000's. Winston's experiences were in the 1980's and early 1990's, and I assume it would have been the same for Rock.

Things absolutely changed once I got out of the States. That's what I will try to mostly focus on in my forum posts.
Wow, talk about wasted youth. If a large percentage of young guys, presumably a lot of them decent looking, are getting absolutely nothing, they'd be better off being very old. At least elderly guys r usually not burdened by a sex drive. Sounds like real torture to be stuck in States these days if u don't fall into that percentage of men who manage to date and mate w/American gals.

Posted: September 4th, 2012, 10:09 am
by Falcon
... almost wasted youth for me! Thank goodness I had the guts and instinct to go to Mexico and China on my own. :D

A girl I met in Yunnan could not believe I have never had a college classmate girlfriend. She was wondering why girls in college wouldn't be lining up for me, giving me signals, or approaching me even if I didn't have the guts to approach them. Having walked around some Chinese high schools and universities, I knew what she was talking about. If I were a student at a Chinese school, I know I would be able to easily date the girls there - the girls there are a completely different breed.

I will post more about this later in viewtopic.php?t=15290

Posted: September 4th, 2012, 12:03 pm
by momopi
In the US there's a large surplus of "nice guys", "decent guys", "average joes", etc. Quoting one girl who commented "if there were only 3 decent nice guys to choose from, I'd be married already". Women can only afford to be choosy if there's a good selection to choose from. Consider, the % of "average joes" is far larger than the % of women who are young, pretty, feminine, and attractive. The guys who get to date such desirable women know what they have and tend to marry them ASAP and take the girl out of the market, unless if the guy has a large selection to choose from himself, in which case he can afford to be choosy.

So, how to "even the odds?" Back in college, I took fencing and dance for my PE requirement. In dance class the ratio was something like 3 guys to 30 girls. One guy is gay who liked to give hugs, one is kinda strange/anti-social (I suspect he has TG tendency), and the other guy was me, probably the only straight guy in the class. I befriended several girls from the class and one of them became my 3rd GF in college. I had greater success with girls in the class because there wasn't any competition from other men, and there wasn't a horde of "average joes" who'd sign up for college dance class.

A friend of mine took art classes where the gender ratio favors women, and was able to date 2 girls he meet there. He ended up transferring to CSULB where the art department had a lop-sided gender ratio (1 guy : 3 girls). Through him I meet a number of girls there and one of them because my (ex) GF about 12 years ago.

My cousin is a music major, and his selection of girls is far, far superior. At music schools like Colburn you'd find large numbers of young, slim, pretty, long-haired, feminine girls in dresses from around the world. Female piano players & classical music majors are trained to look and act in a certain way. When you go on stage for a recital, you had better not come dressed in jeans and t-shirts. Music majors also tend to be more emotional than logical, so if you enjoy romance and picnics in a summer field of flowers, it's a great place to be -- but only if you're good with music instruments.

When I was actively meeting new girls and dating in the US, I'd date maybe 3-4 girls in a year. In Taiwan (early to mid 2000's), I'd meet 3-4 girls in a month. Even in Singapore, which is harder, I'd somehow meet a girl in 2 weeks on work assignment. Dating in the US is definitely harder, and near impossible for people who are stubborn and insist on doing things their way when it isn't working. Your odds of success in the US can be improved by finding places where the "majority" and the "average joes" are excluded to your benefit.

Re: 12 Logical Reasons Why Rock's Taiwan Claims Can't Be True

Posted: December 23rd, 2023, 8:30 pm
by josephty2
The people of Taiwan expects some Asian American and white expats to arrive. It's just that most of them aren't vegetarian (generally).

Think about it, Rock or whoever else, would risk imprisonment if he stayed in the United States, some men can't date in the US. While you are nothing like Bruce Lee, neither is/are those who are successful in Taiwan.

Perhaps consider that Steve Jobs went to India not Taiwan. Taiwan isn't China either. Now, you might still remain vegetarian it's just that you're not a Buddhist temple monk, and many of them don't get married.

Remember that Taiwan has Asian Americans come over for graduate school and corporate jobs so those places are flourishing with dating opportunities. Many graduate students are nervous and many probably never dated before. Of course they wouldn't date someone decades older than them.

So you avoid that type of person. However you're a vegetarian. This can be tricky. Eat meat.