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Posted: June 22nd, 2013, 7:59 am
by Raja
Qcircuit wrote:I read that 40% of men go to the Philippines for sex. Is this true? If so that really says something about the foreign men. Are these low class men with no life quality? Is it because they think Filipinas are dumb so they can manipulate them to do whatever they want? If so, that's pretty bad.
Why would you expect a single man to travel 18 plus hours and drop four figures of income be it Thailand or the Philippines just to vacation when they can hit a beach/mountain path for much less investment? . Now I think its silly that some men think they can just walk through a Philippines shopping mall and "manipulate the dumb" and their fantasy virginal Maxim models into fighting each other to give it up to them.

Throw out the business traveler and those visiting families perhaps you are left with the 40%,I have no ideal. Are they all sex tourist or is it that the US Ambassador himself can't figure out any other reason for them to be alone and there? After all 40% of the men who pass through customs and immigration are not being prosecuted even though many nations have made it illegal for their citizens to travel for sex and P4P is illegal in the Republic

illigitimate children culture shock

Posted: June 22nd, 2013, 1:59 pm
by targetguy
8) One thing that is very common in the pi is illegitimate children. Unlike the usa where people have to pay child support married or not the pi has a culture of illegitimate children and no child support. As well as a culture of lying which is not accepted and catches up to many in the pi. To me these things are not accepted in most any any other countries but the pi and that is one of the reasons they have a lot of problems there.

Posted: October 24th, 2013, 4:34 pm
by In2dadark
Winston wrote: But you should know, not all parents are the same and not all people are the same. Not everyone is that emotionally attached to their children. Men are more likely to be less emotionally attached to kids than women are of course. Not all parents automatically become self-sacrificing and put their kids above everything in life, including their own life and freedom. I care about my child too, but not over my own life and freedom. I'm not the kind of person who lives to serve others. To be a real proper parent requires GIVING UP your life, freedom, and placing someone else before you. I don't derive happiness from being that way. It's not me. This has nothing to do with being good or bad, or selfish or unselfish. It's just not me. I'm a freedom junkie. Even if I love and care for someone, I'm not going to live to serve them and give up everything for their sake. No way jose. Other people might feel that they want to do that. But I'm not like them. Maybe some have a "self-sacrificing gene" and others don't.

Wish I'd have said that in some situations in the past. Seems like some American male meme to bust your chops if your don't parent the way they do. Most just drop hints in your direction, but never actually come out & f***ing say it. I've gone into people's homes for a living for 3 decades in sales, I can tell you most of these dudes who tell us what great parents they are, aren't... They often have some other BS keeping them down on the farm, so they use that meme to browbeat people who've moved beyond the shackles whether they be physical or emotional. In other words, they're henpecked by baby momma, so they're going to hen peck others by proxy.

Posted: October 24th, 2013, 6:44 pm
by In2dadark
And I was a hired gun, self employed sale rep for 90% of those years, ya know, JIC my friend who likes to cast folks in his fag shadow wants to read something into it. It's an obvious hobby of his to stick his nose where it doesn't belong.

Posted: October 26th, 2013, 11:06 pm
by Jester
In2dadark wrote:
Wish I'd have said that in some situations in the past. Seems like some American male meme to bust your chops if your don't parent the way they do. Most just drop hints in your direction, but never actually come out & f***ing say it. I've gone into people's homes for a living for 3 decades in sales, I can tell you most of these dudes who tell us what great parents they are, aren't... They often have some other BS keeping them down on the farm, so they use that meme to browbeat people who've moved beyond the shackles whether they be physical or emotional. In other words, they're henpecked by baby momma, so they're going to hen peck others by proxy.
You said it!

Posted: December 18th, 2013, 11:03 pm
by maxtazm
good advice

Re: Pros and Cons of Living and Dating in the Philippines

Posted: November 20th, 2014, 11:38 am
by hammanta
Welcome back Repatriate!

Re: Pros and Cons of Living and Dating in the Philippines

Posted: February 10th, 2015, 10:32 pm
by johnverma
I agree with all the points you have made in your post.Being a foreigner here ,i can tell that it is very easy for a man to get dates here. so all the pros you mentioned are genuine .Also there are mobile dating applications like http://www.thrillapp.comThrill where guys can hook up with girls or a girl can find a decent guy. so generally there is no shortage . but online dating has been a taboo for a long time in the general audience which is changing now.Anyway to the point,there are many pros and cons if you are living in philippines. i hate the climate..seriously


Posted: February 11th, 2015, 3:28 am
by Luc Furr
Raja wrote:
Qcircuit wrote:I read that 40% of men go to the Philippines for sex. Is this true? If so that really says something about the foreign men. Are these low class men with no life quality? Is it because they think Filipinas are dumb so they can manipulate them to do whatever they want? If so, that's pretty bad.
Why would you expect a single man to travel 18 plus hours and drop four figures of income be it Thailand or the Philippines just to vacation when they can hit a beach/mountain path for much less investment? . Now I think its silly that some men think they can just walk through a Philippines shopping mall and "manipulate the dumb" and their fantasy virginal Maxim models into fighting each other to give it up to them.

Throw out the business traveler and those visiting families perhaps you are left with the 40%,I have no ideal. Are they all sex tourist or is it that the US Ambassador himself can't figure out any other reason for them to be alone and there? After all 40% of the men who pass through customs and immigration are not being prosecuted even though many nations have made it illegal for their citizens to travel for sex and P4P is illegal in the Republic
most business travelers are partaking in a little p4p, I think.

The adventure tourists and all those hippies and beatniks don't travel for sex. They are given money by their socialist masters for doing nothing and then get to travel around and play in the foreign country so long as they spend the money there. I guess the big bosses think it is easier to let the anti technology, anti exploitation hippies play and subvert than to destroy them all and make martyrs. it is a mistake.

Re: Pros and Cons of Living and Dating in the Philippines

Posted: March 19th, 2015, 7:14 am
by pensiveman
I have to agree with a lot of the points in the OP.

I found Filipinos to be nice, but at the same time pretty rude when I visited. They all spoke passable English but they all refused to speak it when I was around. I found that flat rude. Speak the common language in mixed company, that's what I always understood the rule to be. I tried to be tolerant because I do only speak one language and I was in THEIR country, after all, but I would be speaking to someone in English and suddenly I would be interrupted and the conversation would be Tagalog for 15 minutes.

Never underestimate how much a Filipino can eat, especially when you're footing the bill - which btw is always expected of you!

Re: Pros and Cons of Living and Dating in the Philippines

Posted: March 19th, 2015, 10:49 am
by WorldTraveler
pensiveman wrote:I have to agree with a lot of the points in the OP.

I found Filipinos to be nice, but at the same time pretty rude when I visited. They all spoke passable English but they all refused to speak it when I was around. I found that flat rude. Speak the common language in mixed company, that's what I always understood the rule to be. I tried to be tolerant because I do only speak one language and I was in THEIR country, after all, but I would be speaking to someone in English and suddenly I would be interrupted and the conversation would be Tagalog for 15 minutes.

Never underestimate how much a Filipino can eat, especially when you're footing the bill - which btw is always expected of you!
What town or city were staying in with your girlfriend?


Posted: March 20th, 2015, 8:45 am
by WorldTraveler
Qcircuit wrote:I read that 40% of men go to the Philippines for sex. Is this true? If so that really says something about the foreign men. Are these low class men with no life quality? Is it because they think Filipinas are dumb so they can manipulate them to do whatever they want? If so, that's pretty bad. ... voy-180829
I find statements like this insulting! :evil: I still date the first girl I ever dated in the Philippines and that's 8 years later. I still have other friends there I've known for that long too. I'm still in touch with my Ukrainian girlfriend of 10 years ago. I believe most men go to countries looking for wives or relationships or just for the travel experience of seeing new places. This US Ambassador to PI who made these statements was pandering to female groups. He later made an apology for his statements to the Philippines government. ... rism-story

There are many American men married to Filipinas and have children and living in the PI. There are also many Filipina and their husbands that travel regularly back and forth from the US to Philippines. If you get outside of the cities, the Philippines is still a tropical paradise. I've been to Hawaii, Tahiti, and Bali, and prefer the outer islands of the Philippines. :D

Re: Re:

Posted: March 20th, 2015, 9:53 am
by Jester
WorldTraveler wrote:
This US Ambassador to PI who made these statements was pandering to female groups. He later made an apology for his statements to the Philippines government. ... rism-story
What a doofus! This diplomat is not very diplomatic.

And based on the article, it seems that we THREATEN countries with SANCTIONS unless they install our meddling NGO's. So we are not "concerned" about "trafficking." It's just an excuse to get our hooks in.

No wonder people resent the U.S.

Re: Pros and Cons of Living and Dating in the Philippines

Posted: April 12th, 2015, 11:57 am
by davewe
pensiveman wrote:I have to agree with a lot of the points in the OP.

I found Filipinos to be nice, but at the same time pretty rude when I visited. They all spoke passable English but they all refused to speak it when I was around. I found that flat rude. Speak the common language in mixed company, that's what I always understood the rule to be. I tried to be tolerant because I do only speak one language and I was in THEIR country, after all, but I would be speaking to someone in English and suddenly I would be interrupted and the conversation would be Tagalog for 15 minutes.
This is the opposite of my experience. Ladislav who is fluent in many languages says the opposite also. That is most Filipinos would prefer to speak English (if their skills are decent) and are shocked if you speak any Tagalog or Visayan. If you are fluent like Ladislav, they seem to prefer to speak English to you.

Of course the exception to this is if their English skills are poor (or they think they are poor) or if after speaking a little English they get a "nose bleed," a condition where a person who is not used to speaking or thinking in English, gets tired and reverts to their native language. Remember that just because someone has competent English skills does not mean they are comfortable speaking it for lengths of time - especially to a native English speaker.

But under no circumstances did I ever consider it rude. I am in their country - it's not their obligation to adjust to me. If I want to know what's being discussed I ask. Sometimes the convo is stopped while someone explains it to me and sometimes not. The exception would be when service is involved - a taxi for instance. In those cases I speak English and assume the driver speaks or understands enough to get by. On those instances where he doesn't, he speaks Visayan to my wife and she translates.

Re: Pros and Cons of Living and Dating in the Philippines

Posted: April 12th, 2015, 12:47 pm
by Mr S
pensiveman wrote:I have to agree with a lot of the points in the OP.

I found Filipinos to be nice, but at the same time pretty rude when I visited. They all spoke passable English but they all refused to speak it when I was around. I found that flat rude. Speak the common language in mixed company, that's what I always understood the rule to be. I tried to be tolerant because I do only speak one language and I was in THEIR country, after all, but I would be speaking to someone in English and suddenly I would be interrupted and the conversation would be Tagalog for 15 minutes.

Never underestimate how much a Filipino can eat, especially when you're footing the bill - which btw is always expected of you!
I deal with this crap fairly regularly and it's not just him. Filipinos over the years have gotten more lazy with speaking English and will not keep you in the loop if you were speaking to a Filipino then someone starts talking in Tagalog and then they just forget your there and don't even give you any consideration. I understand it with the lower classes but I deal with this all the time with the middle and upper classes I deal with regularly. I have to deal with this crap at my kids school all the time, and these are mostly upper class Filipinos! They know I don't have a strong grasp of Tagalog but I have to sit through these classroom meetings in which they keep switching between English, Tagalog and Taglish and they know I'm right there in the classroom or maybe I just became invisible to them! It pisses me off to no end. Yes, Filipinos are totally oblivious half the time to their rudeness and inconsiderate ways around others who aren't directly servicing or entertaining them in some way, then you tend to be marginalized to the side half the time. If you start talking to them about critical thinking independent thought type subjects their brains just start turning off and they make excuses to disengage from you. I don't even bother tying small talk anymore cause they want to talk about insignificant asinine things, no different than a typical ignorant Westerner.

This whole thing with Philippines being a decent English speaking country is a misnomer. The language skills here are getting worse and worse and many people nowadays just don't like speaking in English and would prefer to speak in their native language, they always do this to me now even though I'm white as snow. I may have to increase my Tagalog skills down the road cause I meet so many people now that don't know English or barely, and I live in metro manila! Many sale ladies can barely speak English. Yeah, it's better than the other Asian countries but not by much.