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Posted: September 9th, 2014, 6:44 am
by pandabear
The wrote:What are Vietnamese body types like? Are they petite? Average Breast size and a** size?

Posted: September 9th, 2014, 6:47 am
by pandabear

If you're a chubby chaser, then Malaysia, Thailand or the Philippines may be the place for you.

Posted: September 9th, 2014, 9:20 am
by pandabear





Started fapping, yet?

Posted: September 9th, 2014, 12:44 pm
by pandabear

Posted: September 9th, 2014, 11:04 pm
by Jester
pandabear wrote:
Here is another indicator:

300,000 Filipina maids in Hong Kong, and the Chinese aren't exactly lining up to marry them. Quite the contrary.

On the other hand, a lot of the Filipinas would probably consider marrying a Chinese farmer to be too hypogamous.
Great video, listening now, thanks for posting.

Posted: September 9th, 2014, 11:32 pm
by Jester
pandabear wrote:
The wrote:What are Vietnamese body types like? Are they petite? Average Breast size and a** size?

Watching the 4th now.

I guess the 4th vid is Saigon, the first 3 are OC (Orange County), yes?

Posted: September 10th, 2014, 2:15 pm
by Bao3niang
I have talked to quite a few Vietnamese females. Sime are whorish / have issues but there are many decent to good ones as well.

1. Thuy Vo-21 years old. Basically a slut. Lost her virginity at age 16 to a 34 year old English teacher then messed about with some more Westerners and local guys. Said she loves me over the Internet. She eventually started talking about sex to me and even asked me to send her a picture of... You know. Which I foolishly did. Afterwards I saw too many red flags in her and cut her off.

2. Ho Thao-22 years old. Thinking back she was unenthusiastic from the beginning and did not really want to know me. However, I kept persisting and eventually we started talking more and more to each other. Now we barely chat. She is strange in many ways and most of all, very disrespectful. In the past when we video chatted she would always have a friend of hers (another girl) and the two of them would tease me. She is also a brainwashed sheep who is nationalistic and says she hates all Chinese. She graduated from uni with a degree in Trade (exports and imports) but told she she cannot find a job because all the companies require work experience.

3. Thuy Van Duong-21 She gave me my Skype which I added but never chatted with me. WTF. Delete list. Period.

4. Rose-19, She was not good looking but I thought she was intelligent at first so I chatted with her for quite a while. As I got to know her better she turned out to be a party animal who really crossed the line when partying. I once discussed with her on her opinion of men showing emotion and she said she hates men crying but could not give a reason. Upbringing? Whatever it may be I do not care. Eventually she was the one that deleted me and all I thought was: "Ok, whatever. I have been thinking of disposing you as well."

Now..... The better ones.....

1. Thi Hua-19. Chinese-Vietnamese with Guangzhou ancestry. Really small girl (4 foot 11) with big eyes. She was very, very eager to chat with me and I was on the brink of falling in love with her for quite a while, but eventually I found her too childish. I can't stand a nineteen year old who still plays with plush toys and still obeys parents (mother in case) when they are physically abusing her. I told her to fight back and stand up for herself but she said crap like "She is my mother, I still love her. I don't want her to go to jail. No have her no have me." When I asked her why she still SLEEPS with her mother at the age of 19 instead of sleeping on her own, she said: "Afraid of ghost." She was also a conformist and a crybaby. She does not even have the courage to refuse a party invitation from a bunch of people she told me that she does not consider as her friends.

2. Ashley Vo-Youngest of them all. 17. The only one to live in a different city (Da Nang). Her behavior isn't what I consider to be mature but it is mpunderstandable because she's not even an adult. She seems nice and fun, only drawback so far is her poor English. Has potential.

3. Vi Phuong Doan-20. English major which obviously means best English out of all of them. Not very pretty but quick witted, quite kinowledgeable on Western culture.

4. Hoang Anh-24. Works in HR at a company. She is from Tay Ninh. Pretty nice and interesting, I taught her Chinese for a while but she thought it was too difficult (plus she has a busy work schedule) and eventually quit. She will only be friends with me. Not too beautiful.

5. Pham Kim Nguyen-24. Anh gave her Skype to me. She works as an English teacher in Dong Nai but her hometown is also Tay Ninh. Fun, outgoing personality. Had many interesting conversations with her. More pretty than Anh. She has potential.

6. Thao Nguyen Tran Thanh-23. She initiated contact with me asking me to help practice her English. Graduated from university with an IT degree. Her hometown is Vung Tau which is famous for its beaches. Friendly and outgoing, quite cure especially when wearing Ao Dai. She has a short haircut. I am Friends with her now but I will see when I see her in Vietnam. Her family wants her to go pursue a life in the USA but I immediately told her about how shitty the West is and how ignorant her family is. Eventually she won and has now secured her future in Vietnam. I saved her from the Anglosphere!

7. Alice-21. Sometimes I get mixed vibes from her. She likes reading and traveling which I share with her. She has a very upbeat attitude and seems very optimistic (complimenting me). When she has the time we hold quality conversations in chat but more often than not she's studying her ass off or doing something. I hope this changes when I see her in person. Has potential.

All of these are online. I have yet to check out the dating scene on the ground in HCMC and no one on this forum seems to have experience in Vietnam. I hope I can score a good one out of the ones I an talking to now or even better, find one on the ground. I have a male Vietnamese friend.

Visas are hard to get? At my international school back in Beijing I talked to some Canadian teachers who have been to VN and all of them told me it is super easy to get visas from

Posted: September 10th, 2014, 5:50 pm
by RickyRetardo
How did you meet all these women, Bai3niang?

Posted: September 11th, 2014, 11:06 am
by Bao3niang
All except Pham were from one website: It is not too good of a site as most women (especially recently) on there are either fakes or too damn lazy to write anything about themselves. However, I joined back in the earlier days and I found ones that are at least real and CAN engage in conversation. The site is still worth a look but I heard Vietnam Cupid could be better because it is run by a bigger, more established company.

Pham was introduced to me by Hoang Anh, who initiated contact on the website.

Posted: September 11th, 2014, 11:34 am
by GodNnelg
Hrm.. how would you rate Vietnamese women compared to Philippines and Thailand?

Posted: September 11th, 2014, 3:32 pm
by KokujinKrusader
GodNnelg wrote:Hrm.. how would you rate Vietnamese women compared to Philippines and Thailand?
Haven't been to any of the countries, but I'd say that Vietnamese have more of an ability to look good compared to Filipinas and Thai women.

Posted: September 15th, 2014, 10:03 am
by In2dadark
I thought all flights to SE Asia were like that.. Does this mean it won't be..? haha

Posted: September 16th, 2014, 6:14 am
by Franky1
Interesting thoughts. I want a traditional wife but always end up with more sluttier party girls. Even in Vietnam. Where do find good Vietnamese?

Posted: September 16th, 2014, 6:14 am
by Franky1
Interesting thoughts. I want a traditional wife but always end up with more sluttier party girls. Even in Vietnam. Where do find good Vietnamese?

Posted: September 17th, 2014, 5:34 pm
by Ghost