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Re: Anyone tried South Korea recently?

Posted: January 15th, 2023, 7:28 pm
by shogunpanda007
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 3rd, 2023, 7:02 am
Yohan wrote:
January 2nd, 2023, 11:40 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 2nd, 2023, 11:03 pm
But nothing is being done.
The Korean government doesn't care about the phillippinos rights. Remember foreigners are not legally protected ever. It's very sick twisted f*cked up, racist mentality in my opinion.
I wrote about the Korean and Japanese factories located in the Philippines. And openly said, the Philippine government also does not care much.
From what Filipinos in Cebu told me, to work in Japanese managed factories is clearly better than in Korean managed production plants.

About Koreans in Philippines, it is also often mentioned by locals that there are quite a lot of Korean criminals hiding in Cebu and elsewhere, any crime possible - women trafficking, illegal workers sending to overseas, pornography, selling guns, fraud, hacking into computers and so on.
Your partially correct. Mainly Korean students immigrate to Philippines to practice and study their English there. It's much cheaper than studying in the U.S and the English taught in Philippines there are just as good. There are Korean mafias doing business in the Philippines, you are right on that.
but mostly they fight each other or other philippino gangs for territory. Unfortunately they do rip off and scam other Koreans.

Hmm.. I didn't realize there are Korean factories over there. I though Samsung and other korean companies mainly outsource to China and some in Vietnam. But Koreans just think Philippinos are "inferior" than them. I am sorry, it is engrained mindset for now. I don't but they do.
Koreans are heavily in debt in the consumerist ailment of "Affluenza" a highly self-imploding contagion that causes the worst aspects of materialism to affect the human condition. People are brainwashed by corporate media to buy things they can't afford to either fill a personal void or to impress people they don't like. Debt economy booming Squid Games style in Seoul, South Korea.

Re: Anyone tried South Korea recently?

Posted: January 15th, 2023, 7:54 pm
by Natural_Born_Cynic

It's Nationwide. How Koreans treat Filipinos badly. Filipino English Teachers have to lie that they are from America just to get private tutoring gigs in Korea. Koreans are racist against South East Asians for no reason. They call South East Asians "Thdong nam ah" "똥남아"
literally meaning "Sh*t South Asians".

Yeah, your right. Most Koreans are shallow, narrow minded, and racist. That's why I don't like my country and it's dysfunctional society. No F*cking thanks! That's why I live in America even though America sucks a$$ in their own way. Even some Koreans think their society has reached it's expiration date. Koreans abroad seems more happier than their native cousins. The whole country is in flames figuratively speaking. burning out towards self extinction. I personally don't care if South Korea goes down in the flames because I also experienced discrimination from Koreans because I am a Korean American. Koreans doesn't consider Korean Americans as part of their tribe. They call you The "black haired foreigner".

In Korea, It cost up to $200,000 USD to educate one of your children and make him/her graduate university, rent and cost of living are steadily rising, wages are below average to mediocre, elderly homeless rate are increasing, very weak welfare system except the healthcare, high suicide rate, lowest birthrate in the planet, most unhappiest country in OCED, high unemployment rate, biggest child and teen suicide rate, biggest elderly prostitution rate, big political corruption, big wealth inequality, no legal protection for foreigners, no protection for the disabled, etc, etc.

Re: Anyone tried South Korea recently?

Posted: January 15th, 2023, 8:02 pm
by Natural_Born_Cynic
shogunpanda007 wrote:
January 15th, 2023, 7:28 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 3rd, 2023, 7:02 am
Yohan wrote:
January 2nd, 2023, 11:40 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 2nd, 2023, 11:03 pm
But nothing is being done.
The Korean government doesn't care about the phillippinos rights. Remember foreigners are not legally protected ever. It's very sick twisted f*cked up, racist mentality in my opinion.
I wrote about the Korean and Japanese factories located in the Philippines. And openly said, the Philippine government also does not care much.
From what Filipinos in Cebu told me, to work in Japanese managed factories is clearly better than in Korean managed production plants.

About Koreans in Philippines, it is also often mentioned by locals that there are quite a lot of Korean criminals hiding in Cebu and elsewhere, any crime possible - women trafficking, illegal workers sending to overseas, pornography, selling guns, fraud, hacking into computers and so on.
Your partially correct. Mainly Korean students immigrate to Philippines to practice and study their English there. It's much cheaper than studying in the U.S and the English taught in Philippines there are just as good. There are Korean mafias doing business in the Philippines, you are right on that.
but mostly they fight each other or other philippino gangs for territory. Unfortunately they do rip off and scam other Koreans.

Hmm.. I didn't realize there are Korean factories over there. I though Samsung and other korean companies mainly outsource to China and some in Vietnam. But Koreans just think Philippinos are "inferior" than them. I am sorry, it is engrained mindset for now. I don't but they do.
Koreans are heavily in debt in the consumerist ailment of "Affluenza" a highly self-imploding contagion that causes the worst aspects of materialism to affect the human condition. People are brainwashed by corporate media to buy things they can't afford to either fill a personal void or to impress people they don't like. Debt economy booming Squid Games style in Seoul, South Korea.

Yep, it's possible because Korean society is an one giant competitive arena just like in Squid Games or even Hunger Games, figuratively speaking.
Everybody have to "keep up with the jones" and spend money they don't have to impress the people they don't even know.
It's a very status and appearance driven, competitive, fast paced society. Even in job interviews, applicants have to submit a photo of their face on their resume and employers can choose to hire applicants based on their looks! Every Korean girls had at least a double eyelid surgery or a nose job because plastic surgery is very cheap!

Re: Anyone tried South Korea recently?

Posted: January 15th, 2023, 11:53 pm
by Kalinago
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 15th, 2023, 7:54 pm

It's Nationwide. How Koreans treat Filipinos badly. Filipino English Teachers have to lie that they are from America just to get private tutoring gigs in Korea. Koreans are racist against South East Asians for no reason. They call South East Asians "Thdong nam ah" "똥남아"
literally meaning "Sh*t South Asians".

Yeah, your right. Most Koreans are shallow, narrow minded, and racist. That's why I don't like my country and it's dysfunctional society. No F*cking thanks! That's why I live in America even though America sucks a$$ in their own way. Even some Koreans think their society has reached it's expiration date. Koreans abroad seems more happier than their native cousins. The whole country is in flames figuratively speaking. burning out towards self extinction. I personally don't care if South Korea goes down in the flames because I also experienced discrimination from Koreans because I am a Korean American. Koreans doesn't consider Korean Americans as part of their tribe. They call you The "black haired foreigner".

In Korea, It cost up to $200,000 USD to educate one of your children and make him/her graduate university, rent and cost of living are steadily rising, wages are below average to mediocre, elderly homeless rate are increasing, very weak welfare system except the healthcare, high suicide rate, lowest birthrate in the planet, most unhappiest country in OCED, high unemployment rate, biggest child and teen suicide rate, biggest elderly prostitution rate, big political corruption, big wealth inequality, no legal protection for foreigners, no protection for the disabled, etc, etc.
That's horrible!Why are Koreans so draconian?is it something in their lifestyle?

Re: Anyone tried South Korea recently?

Posted: January 16th, 2023, 7:40 am
by Natural_Born_Cynic

Yes, it's their lifestyle. I think it's very unhealthy and dysfunctional. I don't condone it. I have some Latin soul and I prefer to be more laid back and chilling out with my snow bunny latina.

Here a brief summary of life of average Kim in Korea, check this out.

Little Kim studies 8 hours in school and 8 hours in cram schools starting from elementary to end of high school. Kim sleeps only 4 hours a day because all the homeworks given. Kim always hear nagging from his parent that he must go to best university what ever it takes. Kim have to be competitive and get the best scores and have loads of extra curriculars to enter good university. Kim had to compete with his friends and doesn't have any time to get distracted with hanging out and playing video games. In university, Kim have to be competitive so he can get a job in Korean conglomerates such as Samsung, Hyundai, LG, etc. He has to suck up to his professors and his older senior friends(Seniority is important is Korea). Kim's parents are financially burdened because it cost $200,000(elementary to university) with all the tuitions, extra curriculars, cram schools, etc for him. He is pressured to perform for his parents sake, society sake and to beat his friends in his studies.

Kim managed to enter the workforce after completing his 1.5 year military conscription service(In korea, all males are conscripted into the military for 1.5 years). He is about 25-28 years old now. But he has to suffer abuse from supervisors, pressured to be high performer, be loyal to the company, and he always have to attend after work dinners which last about 12 am. Kim is recently married and his parents and his wife's parent bought him a small house for him. His wife worked, but quits after getting married. Kim hardly see his wife, and his wife start to treat him like ATM machine. Kim's wife have a baby, but his son or daugther has to repeat the same process as he did in childhood. Kim doesn't have any savings because he has to spend his 200,000 or more to educate his kid. So average Kim has NO savings or funds invested. All the money goes to his kid and wife.

After Kim worked for 20 to 30 years, the company tells him to piss off by giving him a generous retirement bonus.

What ends up happening is that either Kim try to open up a small business such as cafe or chicken restaurant, but he doesn't have any knowledge how to run it. He blows it and end up bankrupt. He end up getting divorced, living in a shack or tiny 1 square feet room getting by by collecting
cardboard boxes. The Korean government gives him a tiny amount of money for his pension. But that barely covers the rent for his tiny one room.
Kim still ends up destitute because he has to spend his retirement fund to buy a house for his kid. However, his kid is a selfish bastard and doesn't take care of his father. So Kim ends up living in a tiny 1 square feet room with no one to look forward to. His wife goes around selling her wrinkled p*ssy to other old men in the park to make some money. Korean calls them "Bacchus lady". Elderly prostitution is quite common in Korea.

So I think that's why Koreans are bunch of miserable racist people. They have to be competitive all the time and they are always angry and stressed out. Personally I don't like to live like this. I am in America :-)

Re: Anyone tried South Korea recently?

Posted: January 16th, 2023, 8:07 am
by Natural_Born_Cynic
All the foreigners who praise South Korea and it's lifestyle are bunch of stupid white monkeys paid and encouraged by the Korean media and the government. They are just contributing to the misinformation and promotion of Korean Nationalism.
The foreigners gets a free pass unlike average Kim when they live and work in Korea but the truth is they will never be considered "Korean" by Korean society and they will always be excluded into an expat bubble. There is not even one single foreigner that managed to make it into Korean government high post or Korean corporate high position. Not One! Name me one!
The Koreans are very racist towards South East Asians and people with brown or black skin. So if your in that kind of category, I advise you to go to America instead! America is much more tolerant and has higher wages than Korea.
When you see bunch of foreigners in a Korean talk show or TV, they are just pathetic white monkeys just like in China.

Re: Anyone tried South Korea recently?

Posted: January 16th, 2023, 9:48 am
by shogunpanda007
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 16th, 2023, 7:40 am

Yes, it's their lifestyle. I think it's very unhealthy and dysfunctional. I don't condone it. I have some Latin soul and I prefer to be more laid back and chilling out with my snow bunny latina.

Here a brief summary of life of average Kim in Korea, check this out.

Little Kim studies 8 hours in school and 8 hours in cram schools starting from elementary to end of high school. Kim sleeps only 4 hours a day because all the homeworks given. Kim always hear nagging from his parent that he must go to best university what ever it takes. Kim have to be competitive and get the best scores and have loads of extra curriculars to enter good university. Kim had to compete with his friends and doesn't have any time to get distracted with hanging out and playing video games. In university, Kim have to be competitive so he can get a job in Korean conglomerates such as Samsung, Hyundai, LG, etc. He has to suck up to his professors and his older senior friends(Seniority is important is Korea). Kim's parents are financially burdened because it cost $200,000(elementary to university) with all the tuitions, extra curriculars, cram schools, etc for him. He is pressured to perform for his parents sake, society sake and to beat his friends in his studies.

Kim managed to enter the workforce after completing his 1.5 year military conscription service(In korea, all males are conscripted into the military for 1.5 years). He is about 25-28 years old now. But he has to suffer abuse from supervisors, pressured to be high performer, be loyal to the company, and he always have to attend after work dinners which last about 12 am. Kim is recently married and his parents and his wife's parent bought him a small house for him. His wife worked, but quits after getting married. Kim hardly see his wife, and his wife start to treat him like ATM machine. Kim's wife have a baby, but his son or daugther has to repeat the same process as he did in childhood. Kim doesn't have any savings because he has to spend his 200,000 or more to educate his kid. So average Kim has NO savings or funds invested. All the money goes to his kid and wife.

After Kim worked for 20 to 30 years, the company tells him to piss off by giving him a generous retirement bonus.

What ends up happening is that either Kim try to open up a small business such as cafe or chicken restaurant, but he doesn't have any knowledge how to run it. He blows it and end up bankrupt. He end up getting divorced, living in a shack or tiny 1 square feet room getting by by collecting
cardboard boxes. The Korean government gives him a tiny amount of money for his pension. But that barely covers the rent for his tiny one room.
Kim still ends up destitute because he has to spend his retirement fund to buy a house for his kid. However, his kid is a selfish bastard and doesn't take care of his father. So Kim ends up living in a tiny 1 square feet room with no one to look forward to. His wife goes around selling her wrinkled p*ssy to other old men in the park to make some money. Korean calls them "Bacchus lady". Elderly prostitution is quite common in Korea.

So I think that's why Koreans are bunch of miserable racist people. They have to be competitive all the time and they are always angry and stressed out. Personally I don't like to live like this. I am in America :-)
How is North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un so fat? What does that human panda of jelly muffin top eat everyday?

While millions of North Korean people are starving to death, resorting to cannibalism, working in Squid games labor camps, and risking their lives to escape the hellhole of Kim Jong-un's Socailist paradise, how can such an evil person eat like a pig while causing so much suffering / misery to his own people?

Joe Rogan interviews a North Korean lady who escaped and the details are horrific beyond imagination!

Re: Anyone tried South Korea recently?

Posted: January 16th, 2023, 10:06 am
by Natural_Born_Cynic
shogunpanda007 wrote:
January 16th, 2023, 9:48 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 16th, 2023, 7:40 am

Yes, it's their lifestyle. I think it's very unhealthy and dysfunctional. I don't condone it. I have some Latin soul and I prefer to be more laid back and chilling out with my snow bunny latina.

Here a brief summary of life of average Kim in Korea, check this out.

Little Kim studies 8 hours in school and 8 hours in cram schools starting from elementary to end of high school. Kim sleeps only 4 hours a day because all the homeworks given. Kim always hear nagging from his parent that he must go to best university what ever it takes. Kim have to be competitive and get the best scores and have loads of extra curriculars to enter good university. Kim had to compete with his friends and doesn't have any time to get distracted with hanging out and playing video games. In university, Kim have to be competitive so he can get a job in Korean conglomerates such as Samsung, Hyundai, LG, etc. He has to suck up to his professors and his older senior friends(Seniority is important is Korea). Kim's parents are financially burdened because it cost $200,000(elementary to university) with all the tuitions, extra curriculars, cram schools, etc for him. He is pressured to perform for his parents sake, society sake and to beat his friends in his studies.

Kim managed to enter the workforce after completing his 1.5 year military conscription service(In korea, all males are conscripted into the military for 1.5 years). He is about 25-28 years old now. But he has to suffer abuse from supervisors, pressured to be high performer, be loyal to the company, and he always have to attend after work dinners which last about 12 am. Kim is recently married and his parents and his wife's parent bought him a small house for him. His wife worked, but quits after getting married. Kim hardly see his wife, and his wife start to treat him like ATM machine. Kim's wife have a baby, but his son or daugther has to repeat the same process as he did in childhood. Kim doesn't have any savings because he has to spend his 200,000 or more to educate his kid. So average Kim has NO savings or funds invested. All the money goes to his kid and wife.

After Kim worked for 20 to 30 years, the company tells him to piss off by giving him a generous retirement bonus.

What ends up happening is that either Kim try to open up a small business such as cafe or chicken restaurant, but he doesn't have any knowledge how to run it. He blows it and end up bankrupt. He end up getting divorced, living in a shack or tiny 1 square feet room getting by by collecting
cardboard boxes. The Korean government gives him a tiny amount of money for his pension. But that barely covers the rent for his tiny one room.
Kim still ends up destitute because he has to spend his retirement fund to buy a house for his kid. However, his kid is a selfish bastard and doesn't take care of his father. So Kim ends up living in a tiny 1 square feet room with no one to look forward to. His wife goes around selling her wrinkled p*ssy to other old men in the park to make some money. Korean calls them "Bacchus lady". Elderly prostitution is quite common in Korea.

So I think that's why Koreans are bunch of miserable racist people. They have to be competitive all the time and they are always angry and stressed out. Personally I don't like to live like this. I am in America :-)
How is North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un so fat? What does that human panda of jelly muffin top eat everyday?

While millions of North Korean people are starving to death, resorting to cannibalism, working in Squid games labor camps, and risking their lives to escape the hellhole of Kim Jong-un's Socailist paradise, how can such an evil person eat like a pig while causing so much suffering / misery to his own people?

Joe Rogan interviews a North Korean lady who escaped and the details are horrific beyond imagination!

Why is Kim Jung Un so fat? Because he eats expensive cheese, meat, alcohol, and lobsters everyday and doesn't exercise. Also There is this old stereotype that kings are supposed to be fat to symbolize power and prestige. I don't think he cares about his people starving. I mean he is the god king, Pharaoh of North Korea. He has more brainwashed slaves when he needs them.

You are right, he is a evil bastard and I hope God would smite him one day. However, the world can't do anything about that..
so as Vladimir Putler. He is wicked bastard but the world can't do anything about it. The Ukrainians are losing right now in Soledar and about to lose Bakhmut. I feel very sorry for the Ukrainians and I feel their pain. But the world can't help Zelensky much longer.

The North Korean lady, she is very brave to get out of the hellhole which is North Korea. However, South Korea isn't a paragon of justice and freedom either! It has so many different problems I mentioned above. You do realize that South Korea is ruled by an oligarch of powerful business family called Chaebol. They have built most of the buildings in Seoul and has immense influence over the government. In a sick way, it's not very different from North Korea just more wealthier because South Korea sided with the U.S and the western world. So North Korea is a monarchy and South Korea is an Oligarchy. At least South Koreans are not starving in masse but they are having a difficult time making ends meet just like in the debt time bomb video you showed me.

Re: Anyone tried South Korea recently?

Posted: January 16th, 2023, 1:47 pm
by shogunpanda007
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 16th, 2023, 10:06 am
shogunpanda007 wrote:
January 16th, 2023, 9:48 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 16th, 2023, 7:40 am

Yes, it's their lifestyle. I think it's very unhealthy and dysfunctional. I don't condone it. I have some Latin soul and I prefer to be more laid back and chilling out with my snow bunny latina.

Here a brief summary of life of average Kim in Korea, check this out.

Little Kim studies 8 hours in school and 8 hours in cram schools starting from elementary to end of high school. Kim sleeps only 4 hours a day because all the homeworks given. Kim always hear nagging from his parent that he must go to best university what ever it takes. Kim have to be competitive and get the best scores and have loads of extra curriculars to enter good university. Kim had to compete with his friends and doesn't have any time to get distracted with hanging out and playing video games. In university, Kim have to be competitive so he can get a job in Korean conglomerates such as Samsung, Hyundai, LG, etc. He has to suck up to his professors and his older senior friends(Seniority is important is Korea). Kim's parents are financially burdened because it cost $200,000(elementary to university) with all the tuitions, extra curriculars, cram schools, etc for him. He is pressured to perform for his parents sake, society sake and to beat his friends in his studies.

Kim managed to enter the workforce after completing his 1.5 year military conscription service(In korea, all males are conscripted into the military for 1.5 years). He is about 25-28 years old now. But he has to suffer abuse from supervisors, pressured to be high performer, be loyal to the company, and he always have to attend after work dinners which last about 12 am. Kim is recently married and his parents and his wife's parent bought him a small house for him. His wife worked, but quits after getting married. Kim hardly see his wife, and his wife start to treat him like ATM machine. Kim's wife have a baby, but his son or daugther has to repeat the same process as he did in childhood. Kim doesn't have any savings because he has to spend his 200,000 or more to educate his kid. So average Kim has NO savings or funds invested. All the money goes to his kid and wife.

After Kim worked for 20 to 30 years, the company tells him to piss off by giving him a generous retirement bonus.

What ends up happening is that either Kim try to open up a small business such as cafe or chicken restaurant, but he doesn't have any knowledge how to run it. He blows it and end up bankrupt. He end up getting divorced, living in a shack or tiny 1 square feet room getting by by collecting
cardboard boxes. The Korean government gives him a tiny amount of money for his pension. But that barely covers the rent for his tiny one room.
Kim still ends up destitute because he has to spend his retirement fund to buy a house for his kid. However, his kid is a selfish bastard and doesn't take care of his father. So Kim ends up living in a tiny 1 square feet room with no one to look forward to. His wife goes around selling her wrinkled p*ssy to other old men in the park to make some money. Korean calls them "Bacchus lady". Elderly prostitution is quite common in Korea.

So I think that's why Koreans are bunch of miserable racist people. They have to be competitive all the time and they are always angry and stressed out. Personally I don't like to live like this. I am in America :-)
How is North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un so fat? What does that human panda of jelly muffin top eat everyday?

While millions of North Korean people are starving to death, resorting to cannibalism, working in Squid games labor camps, and risking their lives to escape the hellhole of Kim Jong-un's Socailist paradise, how can such an evil person eat like a pig while causing so much suffering / misery to his own people?

Joe Rogan interviews a North Korean lady who escaped and the details are horrific beyond imagination!

Why is Kim Jung Un so fat? Because he eats expensive cheese, meat, alcohol, and lobsters everyday and doesn't exercise. Also There is this old stereotype that kings are supposed to be fat to symbolize power and prestige. I don't think he cares about his people starving. I mean he is the god king, Pharaoh of North Korea. He has more brainwashed slaves when he needs them.

You are right, he is a evil bastard and I hope God would smite him one day. However, the world can't do anything about that..
so as Vladimir Putler. He is wicked bastard but the world can't do anything about it. The Ukrainians are losing right now in Soledar and about to lose Bakhmut. I feel very sorry for the Ukrainians and I feel their pain. But the world can't help Zelensky much longer.

The North Korean lady, she is very brave to get out of the hellhole which is North Korea. However, South Korea isn't a paragon of justice and freedom either! It has so many different problems I mentioned above. You do realize that South Korea is ruled by an oligarch of powerful business family called Chaebol. They have built most of the buildings in Seoul and has immense influence over the government. In a sick way, it's not very different from North Korea just more wealthier because South Korea sided with the U.S and the western world. So North Korea is a monarchy and South Korea is an Oligarchy. At least South Koreans are not starving in masse but they are having a difficult time making ends meet just like in the debt time bomb video you showed me.

Greatest Korean War film ever made: Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War

Re: Anyone tried South Korea recently?

Posted: January 16th, 2023, 2:51 pm
by Natural_Born_Cynic
shogunpanda007 wrote:
January 16th, 2023, 1:47 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 16th, 2023, 10:06 am
shogunpanda007 wrote:
January 16th, 2023, 9:48 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 16th, 2023, 7:40 am

Yes, it's their lifestyle. I think it's very unhealthy and dysfunctional. I don't condone it. I have some Latin soul and I prefer to be more laid back and chilling out with my snow bunny latina.

Here a brief summary of life of average Kim in Korea, check this out.

Little Kim studies 8 hours in school and 8 hours in cram schools starting from elementary to end of high school. Kim sleeps only 4 hours a day because all the homeworks given. Kim always hear nagging from his parent that he must go to best university what ever it takes. Kim have to be competitive and get the best scores and have loads of extra curriculars to enter good university. Kim had to compete with his friends and doesn't have any time to get distracted with hanging out and playing video games. In university, Kim have to be competitive so he can get a job in Korean conglomerates such as Samsung, Hyundai, LG, etc. He has to suck up to his professors and his older senior friends(Seniority is important is Korea). Kim's parents are financially burdened because it cost $200,000(elementary to university) with all the tuitions, extra curriculars, cram schools, etc for him. He is pressured to perform for his parents sake, society sake and to beat his friends in his studies.

Kim managed to enter the workforce after completing his 1.5 year military conscription service(In korea, all males are conscripted into the military for 1.5 years). He is about 25-28 years old now. But he has to suffer abuse from supervisors, pressured to be high performer, be loyal to the company, and he always have to attend after work dinners which last about 12 am. Kim is recently married and his parents and his wife's parent bought him a small house for him. His wife worked, but quits after getting married. Kim hardly see his wife, and his wife start to treat him like ATM machine. Kim's wife have a baby, but his son or daugther has to repeat the same process as he did in childhood. Kim doesn't have any savings because he has to spend his 200,000 or more to educate his kid. So average Kim has NO savings or funds invested. All the money goes to his kid and wife.

After Kim worked for 20 to 30 years, the company tells him to piss off by giving him a generous retirement bonus.

What ends up happening is that either Kim try to open up a small business such as cafe or chicken restaurant, but he doesn't have any knowledge how to run it. He blows it and end up bankrupt. He end up getting divorced, living in a shack or tiny 1 square feet room getting by by collecting
cardboard boxes. The Korean government gives him a tiny amount of money for his pension. But that barely covers the rent for his tiny one room.
Kim still ends up destitute because he has to spend his retirement fund to buy a house for his kid. However, his kid is a selfish bastard and doesn't take care of his father. So Kim ends up living in a tiny 1 square feet room with no one to look forward to. His wife goes around selling her wrinkled p*ssy to other old men in the park to make some money. Korean calls them "Bacchus lady". Elderly prostitution is quite common in Korea.

So I think that's why Koreans are bunch of miserable racist people. They have to be competitive all the time and they are always angry and stressed out. Personally I don't like to live like this. I am in America :-)
How is North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un so fat? What does that human panda of jelly muffin top eat everyday?

While millions of North Korean people are starving to death, resorting to cannibalism, working in Squid games labor camps, and risking their lives to escape the hellhole of Kim Jong-un's Socailist paradise, how can such an evil person eat like a pig while causing so much suffering / misery to his own people?

Joe Rogan interviews a North Korean lady who escaped and the details are horrific beyond imagination!

Why is Kim Jung Un so fat? Because he eats expensive cheese, meat, alcohol, and lobsters everyday and doesn't exercise. Also There is this old stereotype that kings are supposed to be fat to symbolize power and prestige. I don't think he cares about his people starving. I mean he is the god king, Pharaoh of North Korea. He has more brainwashed slaves when he needs them.

You are right, he is a evil bastard and I hope God would smite him one day. However, the world can't do anything about that..
so as Vladimir Putler. He is wicked bastard but the world can't do anything about it. The Ukrainians are losing right now in Soledar and about to lose Bakhmut. I feel very sorry for the Ukrainians and I feel their pain. But the world can't help Zelensky much longer.

The North Korean lady, she is very brave to get out of the hellhole which is North Korea. However, South Korea isn't a paragon of justice and freedom either! It has so many different problems I mentioned above. You do realize that South Korea is ruled by an oligarch of powerful business family called Chaebol. They have built most of the buildings in Seoul and has immense influence over the government. In a sick way, it's not very different from North Korea just more wealthier because South Korea sided with the U.S and the western world. So North Korea is a monarchy and South Korea is an Oligarchy. At least South Koreans are not starving in masse but they are having a difficult time making ends meet just like in the debt time bomb video you showed me.

Greatest Korean War film ever made: Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War
Yes, I saw that movie long time ago. But are you pulling out a Non sequitur on me? :)
What does this movie have to do with what I am talking about?

Re: Anyone tried South Korea recently?

Posted: January 16th, 2023, 3:19 pm
by shogunpanda007
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 16th, 2023, 2:51 pm
shogunpanda007 wrote:
January 16th, 2023, 1:47 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 16th, 2023, 10:06 am
shogunpanda007 wrote:
January 16th, 2023, 9:48 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 16th, 2023, 7:40 am

Yes, it's their lifestyle. I think it's very unhealthy and dysfunctional. I don't condone it. I have some Latin soul and I prefer to be more laid back and chilling out with my snow bunny latina.

Here a brief summary of life of average Kim in Korea, check this out.

Little Kim studies 8 hours in school and 8 hours in cram schools starting from elementary to end of high school. Kim sleeps only 4 hours a day because all the homeworks given. Kim always hear nagging from his parent that he must go to best university what ever it takes. Kim have to be competitive and get the best scores and have loads of extra curriculars to enter good university. Kim had to compete with his friends and doesn't have any time to get distracted with hanging out and playing video games. In university, Kim have to be competitive so he can get a job in Korean conglomerates such as Samsung, Hyundai, LG, etc. He has to suck up to his professors and his older senior friends(Seniority is important is Korea). Kim's parents are financially burdened because it cost $200,000(elementary to university) with all the tuitions, extra curriculars, cram schools, etc for him. He is pressured to perform for his parents sake, society sake and to beat his friends in his studies.

Kim managed to enter the workforce after completing his 1.5 year military conscription service(In korea, all males are conscripted into the military for 1.5 years). He is about 25-28 years old now. But he has to suffer abuse from supervisors, pressured to be high performer, be loyal to the company, and he always have to attend after work dinners which last about 12 am. Kim is recently married and his parents and his wife's parent bought him a small house for him. His wife worked, but quits after getting married. Kim hardly see his wife, and his wife start to treat him like ATM machine. Kim's wife have a baby, but his son or daugther has to repeat the same process as he did in childhood. Kim doesn't have any savings because he has to spend his 200,000 or more to educate his kid. So average Kim has NO savings or funds invested. All the money goes to his kid and wife.

After Kim worked for 20 to 30 years, the company tells him to piss off by giving him a generous retirement bonus.

What ends up happening is that either Kim try to open up a small business such as cafe or chicken restaurant, but he doesn't have any knowledge how to run it. He blows it and end up bankrupt. He end up getting divorced, living in a shack or tiny 1 square feet room getting by by collecting
cardboard boxes. The Korean government gives him a tiny amount of money for his pension. But that barely covers the rent for his tiny one room.
Kim still ends up destitute because he has to spend his retirement fund to buy a house for his kid. However, his kid is a selfish bastard and doesn't take care of his father. So Kim ends up living in a tiny 1 square feet room with no one to look forward to. His wife goes around selling her wrinkled p*ssy to other old men in the park to make some money. Korean calls them "Bacchus lady". Elderly prostitution is quite common in Korea.

So I think that's why Koreans are bunch of miserable racist people. They have to be competitive all the time and they are always angry and stressed out. Personally I don't like to live like this. I am in America :-)
How is North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un so fat? What does that human panda of jelly muffin top eat everyday?

While millions of North Korean people are starving to death, resorting to cannibalism, working in Squid games labor camps, and risking their lives to escape the hellhole of Kim Jong-un's Socailist paradise, how can such an evil person eat like a pig while causing so much suffering / misery to his own people?

Joe Rogan interviews a North Korean lady who escaped and the details are horrific beyond imagination!

Why is Kim Jung Un so fat? Because he eats expensive cheese, meat, alcohol, and lobsters everyday and doesn't exercise. Also There is this old stereotype that kings are supposed to be fat to symbolize power and prestige. I don't think he cares about his people starving. I mean he is the god king, Pharaoh of North Korea. He has more brainwashed slaves when he needs them.

You are right, he is a evil bastard and I hope God would smite him one day. However, the world can't do anything about that..
so as Vladimir Putler. He is wicked bastard but the world can't do anything about it. The Ukrainians are losing right now in Soledar and about to lose Bakhmut. I feel very sorry for the Ukrainians and I feel their pain. But the world can't help Zelensky much longer.

The North Korean lady, she is very brave to get out of the hellhole which is North Korea. However, South Korea isn't a paragon of justice and freedom either! It has so many different problems I mentioned above. You do realize that South Korea is ruled by an oligarch of powerful business family called Chaebol. They have built most of the buildings in Seoul and has immense influence over the government. In a sick way, it's not very different from North Korea just more wealthier because South Korea sided with the U.S and the western world. So North Korea is a monarchy and South Korea is an Oligarchy. At least South Koreans are not starving in masse but they are having a difficult time making ends meet just like in the debt time bomb video you showed me.

Greatest Korean War film ever made: Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War
Yes, I saw that movie long time ago. But are you pulling out a Non sequitur on me? :)
What does this movie have to do with what I am talking about?

Koreans are definitely on another level of insanity

Re: Anyone tried South Korea recently?

Posted: January 17th, 2023, 7:17 am
by Natural_Born_Cynic

Ok, cool story bro.

Re: Anyone tried South Korea recently?

Posted: January 17th, 2023, 11:53 am
by Jackfruits
i think with your model looks you will get laid as a rockstar

Re: Anyone tried South Korea recently?

Posted: January 17th, 2023, 12:05 pm
by Natural_Born_Cynic

I certainly hope so.. just don't get married to the b*tch and settle yo life in South Korea. Not a K Pop fantasy land like all the koreaboos are excited about.

Re: Anyone tried South Korea recently?

Posted: March 19th, 2023, 10:32 am
by Yohan
After the departure of Moon Jae-In the new president Yoon Suk Yeol is quite active to start a better relationship with Japan.
I hope this trend will continue in future.

Visa restrictions for Koreans and Japanese are all gone it seems, and ferries between Japan and South Korea are operating again, and Korean airlines claim that about half of all tickets sold to Korean tourists are for the short trip to Japan, almost always fully booked.

Unlike Moon Jae-In the new president Yoon Suk Yeol is not known to be anti-Japan and he is not North Korea friendly.


Yoon Suk Yeol also specifically courted disgruntled young male voters, with a promise to abolish the gender equality ministry, on the basis that South Korean women do not suffer from 'systemic gender discrimination'. LOL


While here in Japan the Korean president was really welcome by Japanese and Koreans living in Japan and media were reporting a lot about him, he will have likely not such a happy time in Seoul, Korean people are known to demonstrate against all and everything.

Covid-19 is almost gone in Japan and South Korea and there are no travel restrictions anymore.

About North Korea, I am very sorry about that, for these poor Korean people living there - but I see no progress, best is to ignore this strange country.
Just yesterday a missile was flying more than 500 miles direction South Korea/Japan and a few days before some missiles were on the way to South Korea/Japan from North Korea fired from a submarine. The all landed however in the Japanese Sea outside of the Japanese maritime zone without causing any damage. - Unfortunately nothing change there since decades.