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Post by Winston »

sharpbws wrote:
Well Anastasya told me that Olga said nothing about me either way. That's all I know. I have no proof either way. The fact that you side with Jack who is your friend, and in the wrong, damages your credibility.
What? In YOUR mind he's in the wrong. I've explained fully and completely why he's in the right. Hardly any damage to my credibility there.

W: But your explanations are insufficient and do NOT take into account that he broke his promise. You can't escape that.

I have a crystal clear memory of what Jack said. I KNOW and God knows that Jack did say ok to it.

Brad, suppose that it were proven that Jack did make that promise and break it. Would you still side with him? How would you deal with his breaking our deal?

You also said that I tried to hit on your stepdaughter, which was not true. So maybe your memory is biased and bad?
She told me and Olga verified that you asked her out. She politely declined your invitation. In my definition, that's "hitting". Let me say I don't mind at all that you asked her out. She's a very pretty girl and I can understand why you'd be attracted to her. But I leave it to her to make her own decisions about who she spends her time with. She saw through you like you were a pane of glass.

W: I did nothing wrong, and I acted like a polite guest around them. I never asked her out on a date. I did run into her at the mall a few days later, but I don't remember asking her out. She said she had a boyfriend at the time, so why would I bother?

Plus, I was trying to be on your good terms and I would never risk it by asking her out. I didn't need to, since I had a ton of dates lined up.
I did nothing wrong. Sure I tried to seduce some girls that I liked. But everyone does that. Most guys have sex and go on dates while wife searching. That's standard routine. So why are you demonizing it?
Nothing wrong with it at all as long as you're not otherwise commited to another woman at the time (like having a fiancee) and you are honest about your intentions.

W: If you mean Alina, then that was later on in the third trip. You were no longer a commentator to me by then.

Brad: That means you can't dangle the "carrot on a stick" about marriage and immigration to the USA when you have no intention of following through with your commitment and only want to screw them. You have to let them know your honest intentions up front, which you NEVER did.

W: I thought I wanted to marry Alina. But subconsciously I didn't. I wasn't that attracted to her. I just went along with the ride. But I was a bit indecisive. No one is perfect. Life is about learning lessons.
I was told that you used to sponsor sex tours. If that's true, then why are you against sex?
I never sponsored sex tours. More lies from the wooweasel group. I did bring 4 men to Volgograd. Of those 4, three eventually married a Russian woman from Volgograd.

W: But you do look at porn sites and you've indicated an interest in them to me, by private email sometimes.
I never said that I just wanted sex and nothing more. NEVER. That's all in your mind.
Please understand your actions speak much louder than your words.
You forget that Jack PROMISED and SAID that I could use the rest of my meeting credits next time I return. Why do you not factor that in? Because you never like to admit that you were wrong.
Because I KNOW he never made such a promise to you. I believe him when he tells me he never made any such promise to you. There is no logical business reason for him to make any such promise to you.

W: Why can't you say that he made the promise and forgot, is one possibility? Or maybe he's lying. Or mistaken. You can't be 100 percent sure that he never made that promise. You know that I don't make up stuff. It's not my style.
Even when I won a $25 bet with you long ago, you didn't want to pay up. Your big ego interferes with your objectivity big time.
Did I pay Winston?

W: Yes you did. But at first you tried to get out of it on a technicality. You do have a big ego. You can't deny that.
Last edited by Winston on October 11th, 2007, 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Winston »

sharpbws wrote:
No Brad. I am NOT a liar. You may think my judgment and morals are bad, but I DO NOT LIE! If Jack didn't say that I could have the rest of the meetings on my next trip, then I WOULD NOT CLAIM THAT HE SAID THAT. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't make up sh@#.
I'm not saying you are lying. I'm saying your memory is faulty. Jack would never make such a promise to you. It makes no business sense whatsoever. Why would he agree to maintain a credit for you for an undetermined time in the future? It makes no sense.

W: It makes perfect sense. If I were an agency owner, I'd agree. It's just like reserving products in a store. If they are out of stock, and you pay for it, you can pick it up later. Nothing wrong with that. It's fair and logical.

You use the restaurant example. I can use the store example.

What does Jack lose from such a deal? Nothing.

You've heard of credit right?
Dating agencies are not like restaurants. If they are, then prostitution is like going to the supermarket.
They're personal service companies. The principle in my example applies exactly to your situation. You're defeated on this point Winston.

W: How? Explain to me logically why dating agencies have a time expiration on your "orders" with them.
If the girls from Jack's agency didn't want to meet me, then why did he say that if I paid again, I could utilize his services? If I had paid him, he insinuated that I could get more dates from his agency. He was pulling the strings.
The letters were from the 15 girls who agreed to go out with you the year before. They were not willing to go out with you the next year.

W: And you are gullible enough to buy that?

If you wanted to start all over again with a fresh slate, Jack was willing to work with you. But he wasn't willing to give you what amounted to free services.

W: Not free. They were already paid for. I swear if I were the agency owner, I would have agreed to that logical deal.

Brad, you are an insurance salesman, not the most honest of professions.

I am a truth seeker. Mr. Spock is my idol. And I think and reason a lot like him.

Anyone knows who would be more fair and logical in a situation.
My friend Katya, the bombshell, never thought bad of me. You can call and ask her. But I am unsure of your objectivity in reporting.
I've said before you're not a bad or evil person. You are extreemly self-centered and have a huge self-image problem. I don't think bad of you, but I recognize many of your bad and inapproriate behaviors and will call you on them when I see them.

W: Sure I'm selfish in some ways. But in what way am I more selfish than an average American? Or you for that matter?

Brad: Like your dating other women when you had a fiancee. Haven't seen any justification from you for that behavior yet. You did it to Katya and you did it to the girl in YO. Can I expect to see an explaination justifying this inappropriate behavior in the near future?

W: I already did. I wasn't attracted to Alina. And I was horny for other girls. Katya was a user. Deep down I knew that and everyone knew that. No point in being faithful to her. She was playing me all along. You know that.
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Post by Winston »

sharpbws wrote:
Name one thing I did wrong.
How about having sex with other women when you were 'afianced'?
Regarding the potentials you cited, such as Irina the blonde that you endorsed, my fiancee Alina, etc. I simply wasn't attracted to them. That's why I didn't get serious or treat them as important. So what? It's all part of the dating game. That's life. I didn't commit any crimes or do anything different from anyone else.
Irina - ok.

But your fiancee Alina? You weren't attracted to her? Why did you ask her to marry you? You asked her to marry you but you weren't serious about her or think she was important? You didn't think it was wrong to have sexual conduct with other women while you were engaged?

W: That was explained in detail in my journals. I was trying to love her, even though she wasn't really my type. I wanted a happy ending to my Russian trips, and for my fan list too. I wanted a successful end desperately, for my fans and my ego. That was the motivation. I explained that honestly in my journals.

Brad: I think everyone will agree this kind of conduct is morally reprehensible and it clearly shows how faulty your moral compass is.

W: Maybe, but I was more concerned with getting hot girls. Doing what was moral at the time provided no satisfaction. I was getting a raw deal and I wanted compensation.
Let's discuss this point by point. Tell me one thing I did wrong and I will provide a full explanation for it.
I've already brought up one big point. To be honest with you, I've not at all interested in going through all your old journal to come up with the plethora of moral misdeeds and misbehaviors you did while in Russia. Not interested at all.

W: But all the misdeeds you quoted are understandable and explainable. Other guys make the same mistakes. If it's not meant to be, it won't be.
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W: Yes I have spiritual pursuits, but I never claimed to be wholesome or defect-free. See my other posts explaining why I have a spiritual life. At least I have spiritual VIEWS. Who are you to claim otherwise?

You seem to be having problems reading plain English again. At no point did I use the term "spiritual" to mean "perfect".

W: My point is that just because I have flaws like everyone, doesn't mean that I'm not spiritual.

I only accept advice on spirituality from spiritual people. I have no proof that you are spiritual.

I am not equating prostitution with spirituality. But everything in life is a lesson, so why not make that a spiritual lesson too?

Lessons? Please tell me what lessons have you learned! I am very curious. What lessons have you learned about sleeping with prostitutes. What lessons have you learned about being unfaithful. I'm all ears Winston. Preach and ye shall be heard!

W: Ok if you are truly all ears, then here is a quote from my biography online about how my trips made me more spiritual:


I can also say that whatever the results from my long odysseys in Russia, i.e. the stimulating experiences, love conquests, fun, etc., it was definitely a great character and endurance building experience that matured me a lot and made me into a tougher person. From all that I endured, I developed a deeper level of mental balance, tolerance, and far broader perspective than ever before. Furthermore, my willpower and courage, which conquered and endured so much the last ten months, gave me a sense of inner confidence and control that I never had before, making me a more complete and evolved person; like a more complete "Jedi Knight" so to speak. And of course, the long experiences greatly broadened my intellect, culture and perspective as well.

I've also come to realize that I've derived some meditational benefits from my trips. You see, one of the primary purposes of meditation is to reduce the mind's attachments - such as clinging to pleasure/assets and resisting pain/undesirable conditions. But my restless nature and ADD symptoms prevent me from practicing regular meditation. However, I've achieved similar results. With all the constant traveling I did, I constantly detached from the people and environment around me, to the point where it became a habit, like second nature. With all that practice in detachment, I am almost able to detach my mind and emotions at will, a benefit similar to that achieved in meditation. But of course, the other aspect of meditation of attaining a still mind, eludes me, as I am basically still a restless and wandering spirit, thriving on novelty and new people/experiences, rather than stable routines.

Last but not least, I gained valuable career experience in professional Journalism which I wouldn’t have been able to get in the US (other than as an intern). Therefore, I can honestly say that despite all I've been through, I'm proud of myself.

In addition, I believe that I‘ve also discovered the secret to happiness. I've become aware that external things or people do not directly cause "happiness", they merely trigger the biochemicals inside us that make us feel that way. What I've discovered is that we can learn to trigger these biochemicals that make us happy at will, through training, practice, and awareness meditation. One merely has to realign the biochemical reactions inside us, reprogramming them to respond differently and breaking old cycles and addictions. It would take some time of course, but it's possible. And I've already had a lot of practice, as I've managed to keep myself happy in that way through thick and thin, even through disappointment and disaster. Thus, it’s led me one step closer to self-mastery. And as the ancient undefeated Chinese general Sun Tzu said, "The one who conquers a thousand nations is not as great as the one who conquers himself."

Also, if you read my insights at the end of my Christian story, you will see examples of my enlightened views as well.


Again, I never said that whoring women made me spiritual. Why did you insinuate it?

You are the one challenging my spirituality, so you are equating, not me. I merely said there is a higher order to things that we can't see. I was referring to life in general and the events that happen. Perhaps you misunderstood?

No I understood perfectly. I'm afraid that you don't understand that people don't consider sleeping with prostitutes and unfaithfulness as spiritual. In most cases, it proves the opposite. Do you really think those sex abuse scandles against priests in the United States haven't severely damaged the credibility of those priests on spiritual matters. You really need to crack open a dictionary every once in a while.

W: You have trouble reading English. I didn't say that banging hoes was spiritual. I said that I am interested in spirituality. Meditating, joining groups, reading metaphysical books, etc. indicate that I have an interest in spirituality.

Do I have to repeat that?

Spiritual and intellectual people believe this deep down. That's all I said.

Talk is cheap. I'm looking for action.

W: I participate in spiritual activities. That's action. I have always been a truth seeker and philosopher. Those that are like me, recognize me as a kindred spirit.

W: To you it discredits me, not to most mature adults.

This is what we call in literary circles an "oxymoron". It is a seemingly contradictory statement because "mature adults" don't brag or exaggerate about their sexual histories.

W: You are delusional. I am not curious about you. There are millions of people out there on the internet. Why would I be curious about a BSer like you? I have far better things to do with my time. My fiancee is sitting in front of me in this hotel waiting for me and getting tired. Fortunately, a movie is playing on the screen for her. You see how you are wasting our precious time? Geez. This is a game to you, not a serious discussion.

Then stop wasting your time Winston. GO! Be with your fiance! Stop wasting time and live your life. You are the one that keeps coming back. You are the one who thinks you can show up Chemist. For what reason do you keep coming back here?

W: I have to police this forum and correct any lies you make about me. I don't come here to debate you, but to read the high quality content from my other readers and advisors, such as Ladislav, Momopi, Kristinethestrawberrygirl, Terrence, etc.

If I don't respond to you, you use it against me. I see no objectivity in you.

I'm the one who offered to clear up any misunderstandings. Remember this post I made:

It would seem that there have been a series of misunderstandings in this forum in regards to the opinions of Winston and I. He has even called me a liar and a fraud on the forums and over email.

I'm the one who gave you an honorable way to redeem yourself. Remember this post I made:

He says it is okay to disagree with him, but he may call it childish name calling if you do. Perhaps Winston can clear this up for the board. But he has avoided this thread.

This is a good faith effort on my part to resolve any misunderstandings.

W: I already answered the question. It was my judgment that you were a BSer. How can I prove it when you don't show your picture, give your real name, or website? You are just some dude online. It's not my job to seek you out and find out who you really are. I don't care.

If you are making claims that I'm not credible, then the burden of proof is on YOU. I have no obligation to prove anything about you.

I'm the one who tried to give you constructive advice about what to do to take care of your unborn child. Remember this sound advice that you openly mocked?

My advice is to get the best possible care that you can afford for your family. In regards to education, I'd say you must give your child the best chance possible to succeed in life. Based on your discriptions of the educational systems, you should get citizenship to Taiwan and enroll your child in primary and secondary education there. Then he can study abroad in the United States on a student visa for post secondary education. That would be ideal. Maybe your parents can even sponsor him. You need to give your child the best chances in life. He can still decide to follow in your footsteps if he wants. But if you deny him opportunities, then he's screwed.

W: Your advice ignored my reasons for not going to Taiwan or America. You gave your opinion. I gave mine. I don't think you give good advice, nor are you insightful or intellectual.

You are not my commanding officer, my boss, nor my parents. I have no obligation to take your advice. You haven't even earned my respect.

On the other hand, my advisors have, years ago, so I trust their advice. What they say usually turns out to be true.


You are the one who violated the agreement you made with me.

W: What agreement? I never promised not to move the thread. Give me a reason why I shouldn't.

I never said you were my match. You are deluding yourself again. I've already defeated you because you have not made any valid points, but just BSing. Any smart person can see that.

I'm still looking for your evidence that I'm BSing. That means that you have to prove that something I said was false.

W: I smell it. Most of my instincts about others are right.

None of the mature adults I know waste time in these debates. They know you can't change people's minds who want to trash you.

W: Yes, because Dianne talked to her aunt and everything is fine. Why do YOU think you know more about the situation than her and her family? Anyone can see that you are bonkers and way out of line. And you're wasting my precious time too.

The person that is mysteriousl missing from the equation is YOU. Did YOU talk to the aunt. You're basically relying on testimonial evidence again.

W: Dianne and her aunt are close. She calls her a lot. I would take Dianne's word over yours anyday.

You aren't even here nor are you a part of our lives or families.

W: No, she said that I can't take care of her while she's pregnant. It's a psychological thing. I'm not even sure exactly what she said, because it was unclear. But it doesn't matter because everything is fine now.

Yeah, sure..."psychological thing" Yeah, okay.

Look, any man would be horribly offended by what the aunt said about you.

W: But I'm a spiritual person remember? I don't cast judgment. I just try to let things be. If you were spiritual, you would be too.

Ever see Kung Fu series with David Carradine? It taught us how to be spiritual. There is a reason for everything that happens. You just go with the flow. Resistance only creates suffering.

One of my spiritual gurus Wayne Dyer said "It's better to be kind than right".

I put spiritual quotations in my writings. Doesn't that show I have an interest in spiritual ways?

Why are you qualified to comment on spirituality?

He would be going out of his way to prove her wrong. He would be elloping with his fiancee (except you have no home, job or income). He would be doing something besides putting his fingers in his ears and yelling, "everything's fine...everything's fine, lallallalal.

W: I don't care what her aunt thinks. I don't have to prove anything to her. I am all about the truth. I don't bow down to anyone.

Dianne's aunt only comes once a year. So what? Dianne said she wants to meet me. What is your problem with this?

Who are you to claim what's fine and what's not? You aren't even here and yet you act like a know it all. Most people like you turn out to be wrong.

Oh Winston. I pitty you. You are like General Custard telling me that there are no indians at Little Big Horn.

You about to get slaughtered and your own pride is keeping you from seeing it.

W: And how would you know? You don't know any of us. You just guess like an armchair quarterback. What gives you any credibility?

W: You don't even know our family. You made a mistake when you said that I wasn't part of their family. THEY definitely say that I am part of the family, and the grandma even said that I was the other day. You don't know jack sh@#.

They are telling you what you want to hear.

W: No they are not. I never said I wanted to hear that. You don't know them. What kind of logic are you using to base this on?

Wait until auntie turns the screws on the family financially. Then you will learn a whole new concept of loyalty. I don't need to know about her family. I only need to know about human nature and who is the hand that is feeding Dianne's family.

W: Well you don't know sh@#. Dianne's aunt would never take away their house just on account of me. It was a bluff. You as a pessimist and a basher HOPE the worst for me.

How come none of my objective friends predict that? YOu are the only one that says this.

What if I meet her aunt you turn out to be completely wrong? Will you apologize?

If Dianne's aunt doesn't like me, then why does she want to meet me? My cultural consultant knew that this would blow over and be okay soon. He was right. He is an expert on Filipino culture and people, not you.

There are two probable reasons why she wants to meet you.

1. She want to deliver her ultimatum to the family in person considering the seriousness of the matter.

2. She can't believe that you are for real. She can't believe that a real man would act like you do. She want's visual confirmation about her impressions of you.[/b]

W: Maybe she just wants to meet me? Dianne's mom said good things about me. Did you factor that in?

Now, Winston, pay attention. I'm giving you advice here. Anybody would recognize it as such. Here it is, are you ready?


W: I was already planning to do that. That's all common sense. I know how to behave around others. I can do all that. No problem. Of course I'll be on my best behavior. Why do you think the majority of people like me and trust me? I know how to make a good impression on others.

By the way, FYI, Dianne and I no longer have an open relationship, but an exclusive one.

Do you understand Wu? This is constructive advice. Don't say that I ever had anything useful to say.

W: Sure, but it's common sense. It's not insightful or intellectual. Your advice doesn't go deep like my cultural consultant's does. You don't sound like a Socrates.

W: Nothing wrong with quoting facts from my journals. But your judgments and conclusions are often wrong. I can tell from your tone that you're a BSer. In the past, when I meet people that talk like you offline, they turn out to be nothing and can't prove a thing they say.

So when I quote about your ultimatum to Olga in St Petersburg, that actually means that you are charming instead of uncharming? Is that what you are trying to say?

Do charming men issue ultimatums in general? Answer!

W: If they are justified, sure. I had no respect for her, so I didn't care. I only wanted to give what she deserved and have my piece.

W: Well in my vast people experience, you are probably a BSer. Most of the time, I turn out to be right. Unlike the bashers and Stefan, I do not have a 90 percent error rate.

I'm just a humble realist.

W: Will you apologize when you are proven wrong about Dianne's aunt?

W: You have yet to say anything logical or rational or even reasonable.

Well I've painstakenly documented my logical thought process and evidence in the "Winstons Challenge to Chemist" thread and "Ultimatum to Chemist, core questions" thread. Anybody is welcome to evaluate things there. But you move threads to the flamming section.

W: Logical? You made unsupported wild claims only.

W: Not true. That thread was getting personal and was a flame war between you and me, so it belonged in the flame board. I didn't want any more complaints. If you want, I can move the ultimatum to chemist thread to the flame section too. No big deal.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense Wu. Move a thread that YOU STARTED in which I answered all of your questions to the flamming section.

Why move YOUR OWN THREAD to the flamming section?

W: Why not? What does it matter where it is? Some people don't like flame wars like this.

Nowhere there did Terrence say that you are contributing useful things to the forum. Again, you are deluding yourself.

Once again, you can't seem to read plain english. I'll post what terrence said again:

I really think you took his words the wrong way. I saw it as clearly saying that you were not using childish insults and that you were not a basher and this is why you were not banned. Others have also stated, elsewhere on this forum, that your posts actually have something to say and that you are not to be counted among the bashers.

W: He said that others were saying that, not that it was his opinion that you said useful things.

W: Show me where one of the intelligent posters said that.

LukeSkywalker and Terrence aren't intelligent posters. Why?

I'll also copy what LukeSkywalker said:

Please let them stay because they have said some interesting stuff that I wish to consider. [in regards to me and Dave Fuller]

W: He recanted a lot of those earlier statements. Why don' tyou ask him now if he thinks you say useful things?

If you want to quote others, what about the quotes abou tme that I quoted?


and also

Personally, I do agree with Winston on many counts. But Fuller and Chemist and Koholznik have actually been saying some interesting stuff lately that is substantial. .....
....And in fact, in these last 5-6 posts that they wrote on this thread, I've been seeing a whole different side of them that I didn't see in the quotes that Winston has of them, or on their Woo Weasel group, which I have read, or even on their previous posts on this board. And I think it will be interesting to see how this pans out.

W: He totally changed his mind about Fuller. He wrote that long ago when this forum started. Why don't you ask him now what he thinks of you?

LukeSkywalker and terrence deffinately sound like intelligent posters by how they write and articulate their ideas.

Maybe it's time to admit that you lost on this point.

W: Why not invite them to come on and state it for themselves? They probably think of you what gmm thinks of you now.

W: No, because most of the time, I'm right about these things. You haven't proven anything at all. The burden is on you. Where is the proof that you are a chemist and that you have a site and that you are great in logic? ZERO!

I'll say it again Wu.

Me being a Chemist has nothing to do with what we are discussing. We are not discussing quantum mechanics or string theory, are we?

I also can't trust you or anybody else to handle my web content in an ethical manner. Do I have to remind you about what you did with Stefans site?

W: I only posted Stefan's site. But so what? It didn't damage his business.

Again, why should anyone consider you credible or respect you?
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Post by Winston »

Chemist, more of my spiritual insights:


"Aftermath and the Spiritual Insights I Discovered:

The vacation in Florida was great. After summer, I started community college. It was there that I learned a lot about the world that I didn't know before, its diversity, different cultures and beliefs, different viewpoints and opinions from great people throughout history from the past up to the modern era, etc. At this point I started seeing the world from a whole new perspective which helped me appreciate life even more. No longer did I see the world as a world of sin and darkness as I had been taught. No longer did I see the world as a giant dungeon where everyone was enslaved and chained up by sin, darkness, Satan and demons. Instead, I saw the world as a rich beautiful diverse place with its own problems and challenges to work through over time. I saw that each unique person in the world was on a path to evolve which included challenges and lessons to be learned. I realized that it was wrong to try to convert someone from that path, and that it was best to let people grow, learn and evolve on their own path and find their own destiny.

But what about finding the answers about the truth of God and religion? I wasn't sure where to begin. I knew that each religion claimed to have the truth and that they disagreed with each other on many things, so they couldn't all be right could they? But how would I know which religion was true and which wasn't? I thought there was no way to really find out until after you die. So I just became an agnostic and left it at that for a while. But eventually, I believed that if there were answers out there, then there must be some way to find them. I wasn't satisfied with being an agnostic and dropping the issue for good, so I decided to search again. It was then that I found some New Age spirituality books that had caught my attention. I had remembered that a few years ago my Youth Pastor had warned of the dangers of the teachings of the New Age movement. I had no idea what it even was at that time, but now I was curious. Maybe it would show me something that the traditional organized religions didn't.

Fortunately, it did. Many of the concepts made so much sense to me and showed me the big picture. It was like it borrowed all the truths from each religion and put it into a giant wheel that represented the total sum of cosmic divine truth. That was it, I thought! Each religion represented a different aspect of the truth, and when you put them all together you get a better view of the whole picture! Bingo! This was the answer I was looking for. Now I understood what that secular adage meant that said that all religions are different interpretations of the same God. Before I thought that was just a cop out, now I understood how much sense it made. The reason that the great religions contradicted each other were due to the differences in man's interpretations of the divine, not the fault of the divine. In fact, the more I learned about each religion, the more parallels I could see between them. The same underlying themes seemed prevalent and all pointed in the same direction. I also learned that since religion was man's interpretation of God, that God didn't really fit into any organized religion, but was far beyond the limitations that they imposed on him.

For the next few years, little by little I gradually developed the courage to read books with ideas from other religions and New Age beliefs as well. For a while, each time I picked up one of these books, the words "Satan" and "blasphemy" would come to mind, but I as I learned more and became more confident in my new knowledge, those fears lessened and eventually diminished. One day, I found another profound answer to what I was looking for. I saw a quote in a book that said:

"The more and more you look at the universe, it appears less like a great machine and more like a great thought."

That's it I thought! We don't have to look for God out there in some abstract place. We are all a part of God. We are all like atoms and molecules in the large organism we call God. Like each atom and molecule in our body, we each serve a higher purpose that we aren't aware of yet. This made even more sense to me as I realized that everything in the universe seemed to be made up of something revolving around something else. For example, in an atom there are protons and electrons orbiting a nucleus. Likewise, on a planetary scale, moons revolve around planets. On a larger scale, planets revolve around suns. From an even larger scale, suns and stars revolve around the center of each galaxy. So if we are all made up of atoms which contain things orbiting around each other, then maybe suns, stars, and galaxies are also like atoms which make up a larger whole we call God! I envisioned that everything in the universe was like valuable parts of the inside of an intricate clock, each part was valuable, unique, and served its own purpose. We just don't always see or realize that purpose unless we reach higher states of being and consciousness. At the time, I thought I was the only one who came to the conclusion that God was the totality of everything. Soon though, I realized that I wasn't and that others searching for truth had discovered the same thing, and that this view of God in fact had two terms for it. One was "Pantheism" and the other was "Monism."

I also discovered that we could all find God and divinity in ourselves just by tapping into our higher selves and higher states of consciousness. It was like we were Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz who discovered that she had the power to return home the whole time because she had already been wearing those red magical shoes the whole time. Likewise, we could find God and the divinity within ourselves by just simply going within.

Finally, I discovered that many great mystics and seekers of truth throughout history and in our modern era have come to the same conclusions that I came to as well. This said to me that there must be something to my discoveries after all! From their books and books written about them, I discovered very similar themes. These themes reveal that we are all souls from higher levels which have decided to come down to Earth to learn lessons and grow. We do this by either continuously reincarnating here or in other worlds or other planes of existence until we learn the lessons we need. As we learn, grow and evolve, we reach higher levels of consciousness, which allow us to enter higher heavenly realms. Some call these higher realms Heaven. Others call them Nirvana, Astral Planes, or Re-unification with God. There are different levels of these higher heavenly realms, and between 7 and 10 are named. In addition, I learned that millions of people who have had Near Death Experiences (NDE's) and Out of Body Experiences (OBE's) have had these same higher truths and themes revealed to them during their experiences. All this told me that there must be something to these themes if people from all over the world had the same things revealed to them somehow.

Then I started reading books and articles that critiqued Christianity. I learned that the version of Christianity that I had believed in was called “Christian Fundamentalism.� I was amazed at how many arguments there were against it, and also at how many irreconcilable contradictions there were in it. Before, I thought there were no good arguments against it. Now I realized that there were as many arguments against it as there were crops in a field! Whoa! The more and more I researched, the more came out. Just when I thought that was all there was, more kept popping out! I was amazed.

Now I realized why most non-Christians were so turned off by Evangelistic preaching. As a Christian it used to baffle me why anyone would turn down the Gospel and reject free eternal life. It was like they were rejecting a million dollars offered them for free. Now I realized that it wasn't as free as I thought. To non-Christians, the Gospel asked them to adhere to extreme beliefs, took away freedom of thought, used fear of punishment to invoke compliance, and forced values onto people that they didn't agree with. As I Christian I never realized this because my beliefs put me in such a warped frame of mind as to not see this. Now I realized that while non-Christians couldn't really relate to the Christian perspective, it was also true that Christians had lost the ability to relate to the perspective of non-Christians. Since I became a Christian at 10 years old, I never really understood the non-Christian perspective until now.

There was another benefit to all this as well. Because of all these discoveries along with my new views of God and spirituality, I realized that my parents and relatives weren't going to hell after all! This lifted a huge burden off me and gave me peace of mind. In a way, I had saved my parents and relatives from going to hell just by realizing that they weren't going in the first place! My parents had been right all along that I didn't have to convert them or any of my relatives. All I had to do was appreciate where they are, because they were already where God wanted them to be. I now had peace of mind to move on and discover my own potential. I was free now to explore the limitless possibilities of life, knowledge, mind, philosophy, spirituality, etc. A whole new adventure was just beginning.

Five years later, I met the most wonderful person in the world. I met her online and we talked for a year before meeting. When we finally met she turned out to be everything I wanted. She was very beautiful both inside and out. She was very much like Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Like Belle, she adores and is adored by children and animals. When we met, we knew we were a match made in heaven and the love between us was unconditional. I moved up to Washington to be with her, which was a good thing because I had always wanted to live in that beautiful state someday. We live together to this day. I now work in a Human Services occupation and I like to read and write about religion and spirituality in my free time.

I know that there will always be ups and downs in the cyclical nature of life, but my experiences have given me an inner strength that helps me to be in the “eye of the hurricane� through it all. And what better coping skill could there be than that? It’s also given me the ability to see a larger perspective which helps me to not be overwhelmed by every little thing, but instead remain detached and view life as a process with challenges that allow us to grow and learn so that we can ultimately achieve wholeness within ourselves and unity with God. Also, I gotta tell you that nothing is more scary than losing your own mind and sanity. It's a fate worse than physical pain or even death, and those who've been there know what I mean. However, once you've been there and recovered from it, you appreciate life more than you ever would have, and you are given the blessing of being able to appreciate the little wonders of life more richly and fully than ever before, which few people are able to do. In any case,

“The adventure is just beginning…………�

- To quote the ending of the movie “Star Trek: The Motion Picture� where a conscious machine had just been reborn and evolved to the next stage of its evolution.

Thank you for reading this, and may you all find your true bliss, true self, and ultimate destiny.


Winston Wu"
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Post by Winston »

Chemist, look what a fan of mine wrote me today. Do you deny that I have fans that admire me and are inspired by me? If not, what is your problem with it? Note he said twice that I was a big inspiration.

Thanks for getting back to me, i can't wait to receive your disc. No B.S., you're a big, big inspiration and i'm glad to hear you're doing good in Angeles City. Sounds like heaven to me. I haven't seen your website Russian pics since last year. I know you're asking $5 now, but if it's not too much trouble can you send the link? I'd like to look again and probably end up buying most or all of your dvd's. My girlfriend who lives with me is from Russia and when she gets her green card--hopefully early 08--i'll go with her and stay at least 3 to 6 months in Russia and travel. Like i said, you're a big inspiration. I'd also like to check out the Balkans too.
Oh, and i'm not on your list, please add me.
Thank you,
Ernie "
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Post by sharpbws »

Brad, you are an insurance salesman, not the most honest of professions.
Screw you Winston. You freely admit your own immoral behavior and that you are a dishonest person by dating other women while being engaged yet you have the gall to disparage the profession of selling insurance? To maintain my license I'm held to a business and moral standard you could never achieve or maintain.
I am a truth seeker. Mr. Spock is my idol. And I think and reason a lot like him.
He's a fictional television character Winston reading from a script written for him. Sorry to disappoint you but in almost every instance your "logical chain" is filled with fallacies and nonsequiturs.
I wasn't attracted to Alina.
Then why did you ask her to marry you? More importantly, why did you lead her on with the promise of marriage just to have sex with her? Such behavior displays absolutely the LOWEST moral character a man can possess. The girl did nothing to deserve to be USED in this manner by you.
And I was horny for other girls. Katya was a user. Deep down I knew that and everyone knew that. No point in being faithful to her. She was playing me all along. You know that.
You knew that yet you asked her to marry you the first time you met her? What kind of idiot are you? I know you just wanted to build your own flagging ego by showing off her picture and bragging about what a beautiful fiancee you could possess. But your plan backfired. EVERYBODY was laughing at you Winston - EVERYBODY!
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Post by sharpbws »

That was explained in detail in my journals. I was trying to love her, even though she wasn't really my type. I wanted a happy ending to my Russian trips, and for my fan list too. I wanted a successful end desperately, for my fans and my ego. That was the motivation. I explained that honestly in my journals.
Let me get this straight - you asked her to marry you just so your journals could have a happy ending? And you claim to be a moral & logical person? I can imagine a more selfish and self-centered behavior. You showed a total disregard for her feelings, emotions and life direction.
Maybe, but I was more concerned with getting hot girls. Doing what was moral at the time provided no satisfaction. I was getting a raw deal and I wanted compensation.
So you admit that you would do anything, say anthing and even lie just to satisfy your sexual desires? Your honor, the prosecution rests.

Getting a raw deal? How so? You probably think that the guy who gets AIDS because he had unprotected sex with a prostitute and then decides to spread the disease to as many women as possible in retaliation is justified in his behavior.
But all the misdeeds you quoted are understandable and explainable. Other guys make the same mistakes.
Bad behavior might be explainable but it is never justified or understandable. Bad behavior is ALWAYS bad behavior. No amount of your twisted excuse-making can rationalize away that fundamental truth.
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Post by sharpbws »

My advice is to get the best possible care that you can afford for your family. In regards to education, I'd say you must give your child the best chance possible to succeed in life. Based on your discriptions of the educational systems, you should get citizenship to Taiwan and enroll your child in primary and secondary education there. Then he can study abroad in the United States on a student visa for post secondary education. That would be ideal. Maybe your parents can even sponsor him. You need to give your child the best chances in life. He can still decide to follow in your footsteps if he wants. But if you deny him opportunities, then he's screwed.
Two EXCELLENT pieces of advice that Winston will no doubt ignore as he follows his own f***ed-up plan.
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