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Where Should a Tall Young Man Go In Russia (with parents)

Posted: March 13th, 2012, 1:28 am
by mlano
Parents just filed their taxes, turns out their paying like $7K less than expected.


I want to know where I should go, and why.

Should I even go to Russia?

See, I know on your site Winston, it says all about how great Philippians are, but I'm tall and white and I like tall white girls so I think at least Russia if not at least Eastern Europe would suit me best.

If any of you are so strongly opinionated as to what country is better, please do say, I am curious.

Winston, if you're reading this, then you'll especially relate with me.
I'm from the Bay Area.
I've lived in this matriachical society my whole life almost.
I have been growing up in Berkeley of all places for the last eleven years.
I only spent one year, in kindergarten, in Fremont.
My family though, lives there, so I know somewhat of what a shithole it is, so f***ing flat and boring.
Don't worry, if you haven't visited, Fremont Ave, and all those other places haven't changed one bit.

What would be the best time to visit Russia?
I am limited to traveling mid-july to late august this year, so whatever country would be best to visit then, I'd like to know.

One more thing, my parents are coming with me.
I'd love to go it alone, but especially since they're paying, they kind of have to tag along.

One more problem:
I don't really want to tell my parents "I want to go to Russia to go meet lots of sexy girls", and they're not really into that themselves, so I need some more reasons to help justify Russia.
Initially, I told them I wanted to go there because its cheaper, but I looked at the prices, and its really not, the flights are more expensive, and the hotels are about the same price in moscow as in like amsterdam or other places.

They are likely to go, I'd just like some other explanations to help offer up to them as they start to cope with the pain of paying for a multi-thousand dollar trip.

Posted: March 13th, 2012, 2:35 am
by odbo
Tell them you want to visit another country to appreciate what you have.. (which is one of the best reasons to travel). But people who go to Western Europe or Japan tend to not want to come back. Also St Petersburg or Kiev seems more fun than Moscow and is probably cheaper hotel wise although the airfare would be more at least from what I remember.

Posted: November 6th, 2012, 5:54 pm
by terminator
Good question: You can go to Russia as a tourist, but you'll find getting a long tern visa or permission to work is Kafka-esque and basically impossible. The Govt workers will almost NEVER do their job because they hate their boss, life, career, family and can scapegoat you for all this.