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Kyrgyzstan is a dating paradise, but Palestine is the worst

Posted: December 13th, 2008, 6:14 am
by Winston
Sent to me today:
"Hey Winston,

I was just sitting here lonely and despressed out of my mind and stumbled upon your essay... you are exactly right about living abroad (in most cases) and I feel like my childhood was similarly awful.. you have a very nice way of writing and it was so easy to relate to your feelings.

Anyhow I just came to the West Bank (in Palestine) for work until April, this place is the worst WORST WORST place in the world for people like us. I agree with you that america is awful, lonely and fully of idiots (and frigid women)... I never had a girlfriend there at all even after college (and I'm a normal, attractive white guy)... but Palestine is worse, much much worse.. you should visit just so you can see what I mean, its all cultural so its hard to describe but women here are like a separate species (the muslim ones anyhow, there are quite a few christian Palestinians, stupid americans dont usually realize this, but they are far out numbered) they segregate themselves and almost never interact. If I was gay, I think this place would be fantastic because men here are all basically forced into intimate relationships with each other because they cannot have access to women during their youthful hormonal years, I think every man here has has been with another man... anyhow thier are no hookers, no sluts, nothing... so even the hot-shot males (the ones who in our high schools would have been with all the girls) get nothing until they are placed with a woman for marriage.

Anyhow I'm here alone in my house (ok I have bought a couple parrots to keep me company, but thats just to keep me from jumping off the roof, it is no substitute for companionship)... and I found your article, it made me happy to "meet" someone similarly vexed. At any rate I've lived in many countries too with similar experiences to yours. I really applaud your website and your effort to get good men to leave the states ... actually I have no idea why more people arn't emigrating these days anyway, the US is a shithole (and thats coming from me, in Palestine! haha!). I want to visit the Philippines sometime soon but in the mean time I'd like to help with your business plan, spread the gospel, per say.

I;d like to offer my guiding services for central aisa (Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan) as well as east africa... I know you might not think of those places as rich dating grounds but they are fantastic. I've lived in both and can attest to it (although I don't usually date African women.... they are there and beautiful and so so so very loving) - its also a great place for fun travels, safari's etc and I know the owners of many of the lodges there... Plus I think there are quite a few unattractive western women who want to find hot African males (I see it all the time on the ground) and there could be interesting tour options there as well.. african men are amazing in that they can actually have sex with women they find unattractive and end up having long-term relationships.

Kyrgyzstan is an amazing place, I cant begin to describe it well. I'm "writing" a book about it - a photographic guide - for that reason. Anyhow its a beautiful place with green hills, snow-capped mountains, nomads on horseback, lakes, rivers, its like Colorado must have been in the 1800s. The women there are all kinds, asiatic, russian, and persian.

So if you're interested in extending your tour offerings I can be a cultural guide. The only thing I'd ask is to be able to help put the trip together and require std tests for the clients before they go, to be fair to the women (and easier for the male clients). I can put together some pretty kick-ass itineraries in those places as I know all the good hotels/tour companies and safari guides. Anyhow let me know what you think... I'll be finished with this project in April and head back to Kyrgyzstan."

Posted: October 3rd, 2014, 9:24 am
by Winston
Wow check out this beautiful girl from Kyrgyzstan. ... 113391?b=1





Posted: October 3rd, 2014, 10:59 am
by hammanta
She's a cutie. She has a somewhat East Asian look. Mixed maybe? Perhaps this is ignorance but when I picture Central Asia's populace I can't help but think of Borat and the Demographics touched upon in that movie lol

Re: Kyrgyzstan is a dating paradise, but Palestine is the wo

Posted: October 30th, 2014, 9:06 pm
by Allen
What percent of the women there look like European women?

The women you posted look too Asiatic for my tastes.