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My personality changes once I'm overseas

Posted: September 10th, 2014, 2:17 pm
by zboy1
I think a lot of HA'ers view me as an angry, unhappy, complaining type but once I'm overseas, my personality changes. A lot of HA'ers--if they were to meet me in-person--would be surprised that I'm the same Zboy on the HappierAbroad forum.

In fact, some of the people I personally know on the forum, once they talk to me, are somewhat surprised at my personality; I'm just not what people think I am. The reason why I behave the way I do on HA (and on other forums), is because I need a place to rant and also, to discuss issues that I see pertinent to the MRA movement and the serious problems in the USA/West.

Once I'm overseas, I tend to relax and become more happy and less angry in life. Why is that? I believe that once your away from a 'problem' country, all the b.s. that clouds your head goes away...and you can then become a 'normal' person again.

Does anyone else experience this as well? Or, am I alone in this thinking?

Posted: September 10th, 2014, 2:56 pm
by KokujinKrusader
I can cosign this. It's just the environment in America makes one bitter, and I think that all of the negative vibes from users on here and other such sites can make you get upset too. Next time that I go to China, Taiwan, or Japan, I'm just going to focus on the life there. I'll probably drop off of forums completely and just live, unless there is some way to make residual income by posting here, of course.

Posted: September 11th, 2014, 7:52 am
by starchild5
There are forces that are controlling us unseen who keeps us chained to a place where we do not belong. This happened even before we were born. We are caged to a country we do not belong.

I feel my whole existence is in reverse when I'm in India. It takes a lot of effort to get out and then this force does everything it can to send me back to India.

When I was in Philippines. I had the most wonderful time of my life as always even with all scams and corruption as I have seen worse. I slept like a baby. I was completely totally in bliss even when this force was trying hard to send me back home.

I was dating, going out, seeing places, even with nothing, just staying at my condo felt so right. I was simply me and so happy and blissful. This darkness tried its best to unsettle me and succeeded in sending me back home.

One of the biggest lesson I have learned in my life is. ITS NOT ME. ITS NOT MY FAULT. I"M BLODDY DAMM PERFECT. Not trying to sound cocky...but really when I was in Philippines...I found Me..My true self, who I was.


Its not your Fault Zboy..YOU MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS...We are all perfect. This external force tries its best to make our life miserable. You are not alone. I also feel unhappy when I'm back in India as soon as I live India. My vibe changes. I feel true inner happiness.

Its my quest to finding the answers to my misery that I found, Its not me. There are unseen forces that want us to be miserable all our life.

This force is very very cunning. It wants us to take the blame for his sins. It was us to feel like all the misery is due to our own fault. DO NOT BELIEVE THAT. Your eternal nature is happiness.


Posted: March 8th, 2015, 8:34 am
by In2dadark
starchild5 wrote:There are forces that are controlling us unseen who keeps us chained to a place where we do not belong. This happened even before we were born. We are caged to a country we do not belong.

I feel my whole existence is in reverse when I'm in India. It takes a lot of effort to get out and then this force does everything it can to send me back to India.

When I was in Philippines. I had the most wonderful time of my life as always even with all scams and corruption as I have seen worse. I slept like a baby. I was completely totally in bliss even when this force was trying hard to send me back home.

I was dating, going out, seeing places, even with nothing, just staying at my condo felt so right. I was simply me and so happy and blissful. This darkness tried its best to unsettle me and succeeded in sending me back home.

One of the biggest lesson I have learned in my life is. ITS NOT ME. ITS NOT MY FAULT. I"M BLODDY DAMM PERFECT. Not trying to sound cocky...but really when I was in Philippines...I found Me..My true self, who I was.


Its not your Fault Zboy..YOU MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS...We are all perfect. This external force tries its best to make our life miserable. You are not alone. I also feel unhappy when I'm back in India as soon as I live India. My vibe changes. I feel true inner happiness.

Its my quest to finding the answers to my misery that I found, Its not me. There are unseen forces that want us to be miserable all our life.

This force is very very cunning. It wants us to take the blame for his sins. It was us to feel like all the misery is due to our own fault. DO NOT BELIEVE THAT. Your eternal nature is happiness.

Want to bump this, tie myself to it. Think you nailed it. It seems as I build momentum within myself, getting ramped up to leave, what you described here is manifesting itself more & more. It works within the hive mind. Stupidity is compounding all around me.