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The Good News Gospel of
Why You Will Have a Better Life and Love
A Seven Point Comparison Treatise of
America vs. Abroad
An Informational and Motivational Booklet from
This is the most important,
enlightening and liberating booklet you will probably ever read!
Open it to understand why. It?s
guaranteed to be unique, interesting and one-of-a-kind!
We will tell you many fascinating
eye-opening truths that no one else will!
??? ????
Comparisons of America vs.
2.? Women, Dating and Relationships
3.? Psychology and Mental Health
4.? Cost of Living, Finance and Healthcare
Greetings! If you are happy and content in America, then this may not
interest you. However, if you answer yes to any of the following questions:
you fed up with the cold, unfriendly, unapproachable, spoiled, toxic women in
you feel alienated by America's toxic, antisocial, inauthentic, paranoid social
America?s lonely, isolating, disconnected environment feel like a prison to
you disenchanted by America?s all business culture with no fun or social
you feel like America is always trying to get you to be something you?re not?
Then I
have Good
News for you! The problem is NOT you and there is a real Solution. The truth is,
America is one of the worst cultures in the world when it comes to social life,
dating, mental/physical health and cost of living ? all of which are documented on our website.
It has a highly toxic social culture that is like a dark beast that tears you
down. Why do you think so many people in America have to constantly pump
themselves up with ?confidence? and ?positive? thinking, whereas people in
other countries don?t have to do that? Why do you think there are s many mass
shootings in America, but not in other countries? Think about it. So the
problem is with your toxic culture and society, NOT you. The proof of the
pudding is in the fact that in many overseas cultures, you WILL experience the
refreshing opposite of the above.
Winston Wu, Founder of
I want to share a Big Secret with you, which is that if you
are suffering from loneliness, isolation, depression and maladjustment in
America, you can Solve these
problems by getting out of the country and going overseas! This is because in
foreign countries: You can have a
better, richer and freer life overseas in the areas of love/dating, social
life, freedom to be yourself, lower cost of living and healthier lifestyle! Don?t
let anyone tell you that you have to stay in America and solve your problems or
that the problem is you. That?s a BIG LIE! I swear it. They are WRONG, no
matter how smart they are. I can promise you that.
Now if that
sounds great, then we are glad that you?ve discovered us. HappierAbroad is the
first movement and website that offers a Proven
Overseas Solution to the toxic,
inauthentic, antisocial, dysfunctional culture in America. We tell you what no
one else will, by presenting the Benefits
of Living and Dating Overseas that have helped many just like you. And we
have a thriving online community that you can network with.
Now, you
might be confused by this because you?ve always been told that everyone wants
to come to America for a better life, so it doesn?t make sense to seek a better
life abroad, right? Well your first lesson here is that truth is often the
opposite of what the media tells you. Most immigrants come to America to make
money or to have a better career. And among them, many end up in disappointment
and regret, or have mixed feelings. You can ask them yourself. When you read
the comparisons below, you will understand why. In fact, most immigrants,
Western expats and perpetual travelers will confirm many of my comparisons
below. So hear me out here.
Let me
explain my case to you. Below is an in-depth comparison of America vs. most
other countries in seven major areas of life, based on my observations,
experiences, and documented facts. Please read it. This will be one of the most
important and enlightening things you ever read. It will help you grasp the big
picture of our message, so that you will understand why we are ?Happier Abroad?
and why you can be too. You will also feel liberated when you understand why
the problem was not really you after all. We hope that it will inspire you to
go overseas and become ?Happier Abroad?. J
Notes and Disclaimers:
- When I refer to ?most other
countries? below I refer to most European countries, Russia, Ukraine, FSU
Republics (e.g. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan), Latin America, Mexico, SE
Asia (e.g. Philippines and Thailand), China, etc. While not all foreign
countries fit these general comparisons, most or at least many do.
- However, I would not include NE
Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong in my
?most other countries? category because they tend to be more like America, at
least for me. But some expats would disagree because they?ve had good
experiences there and were happy there.
- The comparisons below are based
on my extensive experiences in Russia, Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Asia and the
Philippines. They are also based on trip reports by friends and acquaintances
who went to Latin America, Mexico, China, etc. and had similar observations and
experiences as me.
Comparisons of
America vs. Abroad
In America: The social environment is isolating,
lonely, cliquish, paranoid, antisocial and devoid of human connection.
Lack of
social connection in America
social culture is exclusive and all about cliques. Meeting people does not come
easily or naturally. You have to break into cliques to meet people. The social
vibe feels very cliquish, antisocial, segregated and paranoid, which is not
healthy. There is no social connection or camaraderie. Social life sucks in
live in their own bubble and are disconnected. There is an ice wall between
strangers (hence the term ?breaking the ice?). People are cold and distant with
superficial smiles. They don't talk to strangers unless it's business-related.
Every stranger is seen as a potential creep. Deep down, people don?t seem to
like other people.
don?t really meet people when you go out. Out in public, everyone keeps to
themselves and minds their own business and expect you to as well. The social
vibe is very antisocial. Talking to strangers is taboo. There is no real social
scene like there is in Europe and Latin America. So there?s no point in going
out. In America, only elderly people and senior citizens are open to talking to
strangers and are down-to-earth.
people don?t talk to strangers in America unless it?s business-related. I don?t
know about you, but my gut instinct tells me there?s something wrong with that.
It?s not natural or normal. And it?s very antisocial.
you go out alone, you stay alone and are invisible. People don?t talk to you.
So what?s the point of going out?
don?t even talk to their neighbors. Never before in human history has there
ever been a society where people don?t even talk to their neighbors. Throughout
all of history, people have always been very social and connected with their
neighbors. Modern America is an abnormal aberration in this sense.
are superficial and families lack closeness. Everyone is out for themselves. No
one cares about you. No one will help you if you hit rock bottom. As they say
in America ?It?s a cold cruel world?.
work environments, most co-workers do not eat together during lunch nor invite
their co-workers to their home. Immigrants from Latin America, I heard, are
shocked by this, because that is unheard of in Latin America.
Lack of
real culture in America
is no real culture in America, at least by European, Russian and Latin American
standards. There is only a consumerist culture, which is not a real culture,
because true culture is not commercial, it is about the soul of the people. And in that regard, America is basically
soulless. You can see it in the empty eyes of most Americans. And you can see
it in the architecture of buildings (e.g. offices and strip malls), which is
bland, soulless and conformist.
is a consumerist culture where people focus on consumerism rather than
developing social relationships with others. That?s why it?s such a lonely
country with no true social life, social connection or real friendships.
inauthentic toxic American social culture
Key point: American social culture is very
fake and artificial. Thus if you are authentic and down-to-earth, you will feel
alienated and out-of-place. What?s worse, you will feel like you can?t be
yourself. That?s why down-to-earth people tend to feel withdrawn in America,
not because they are shy, but because they can?t be themselves. Logically, to
fit into a fake social culture, you must develop a fake pseudo-self, which
divides you from your real self and results in psychological imbalance and
fragmentation (aka mental disorder).
Historical note: Americans weren?t always like
this though. Before 1980, Americans were far more down-to-earth and acted more
real and natural. During the interim between 1980 and 1990, American people and
culture became more and more fake, inauthentic and toxic. And trash culture
gradually became mainstream.
Important point: Being free to ?be yourself? is
the ultimate meaning of freedom, and in this regard, America fails miserably.
Ironically, in the ?land of the free?, the authentic and deep are not ?free to
be themselves?.
and cultural decline in America
is in a state of moral, cultural, spiritual and economic decline, which began
in the late 20th century. Trash culture, trash media and tattoos are now
mainstream. There are no virtues or strong family values, except in rural small
towns. Being bad is cool, but being good and wholesome is abnormal. Everything
is upside down. Good is bad and bad is good, etc. Dark forces seem to be behind
it all.
degenerate culture is now mainstream in America. You can see it in TV and
movies. Back in the 50?s or 60?s, trash content was never allowed on TV. Only
good quality wholesome shows were allowed to air. But nowadays, 99 percent of
what?s on TV is trash content. It?s a huge difference and downgrade. There are
no wholesome shows promoting family values anymore, such as ?Little House on
the Prairie? or ?The Waltons? did back in the 70?s. Hollywood also no longer
makes true romantic movies anymore either like it did decades ago.
In most other countries: The social atmosphere and
vibe is more open, friendly, natural and inclusive. You can be yourself while
meeting people and having fun. There is natural social connection.
social cultures more open, friendly, inclusive and down-to-earth
social atmosphere is more open and inclusive. People are more down-to-earth and
social. They are easier to meet and connect with. Talking to strangers feels
natural and relaxed. Making friends comes naturally. Social interaction flows
much more smoothly.
Key benefit: When you go out, you actually
meet people, even if you?re alone. There is a real social scene where people
actually want to and enjoy meeting people. Example: You can walk into a
restaurant or caf? all by yourself, and people will socialize with you, and
women will flirt with you too. It?s all fun and natural. In contrast, if you do
that in America, no one will talk to you, as you know. Without a clique, you
are invisible in America.
Key benefit: You can have fun and a good
social life while being yourself. That?s the beauty of it. You don?t have to be
fake to fit in like in America. This is because foreign cultures and people
tend to be very down-to-earth, which allows you to be yourself. It?s the most
liberating and refreshing thing, if you?re not accustomed to that.
Key benefit: There is real culture and soul.
You can feel it in the air and vibe, and see it in the rich architecture, such
as in Europe and Russia. Many European and Latin American countries have
cultures that are very rich, romantic, passionate, soulful and artistic. So if
you thrive on such qualities, you will be much more at home.
are more genuine and alive, with real emotions and souls. Thus you feel more
alive as well.
social connection overseas
is real connection and camaraderie with others. You never feel isolated, even
when you are alone.
are truer and families are closer. Cooperation is placed over competition.
work, people are much more likely to eat together and invite their co-workers
out or to visit their home.
poorer countries such as Mexico, Cuba or the Philippines, most people have
little money, so they focus on developing social relationships with others.
Thus they are not lonely or isolated from others.
Important point: What the US media will never
tell you, is that while people in poor third world countries suffer from
poverty, they do not suffer from loneliness, isolation and social disconnection
like many do in America. They do not have this epidemic of loneliness where
people have trouble making friends, and guys have trouble getting dates, like
in America. Thus there are tradeoffs between first and third world nations. But
the US media only cares about economic issues, as if that?s all that matters
and having a job is all you need to be happy. They are wrong.
Women, Dating
and Relationships
In America: Trying to meet and date women is a
highly negative, unfriendly and unnatural experience. There is no real dating
scene. Men have little or no dating choices.
unfriendly women in America
women are very unfriendly, unapproachable and antisocial toward men and people
in general. They are very closed, distant and want to be left alone. There is a
cold force field around them. They have a very standoffish and paranoid vibe.
Trying to meet women, let alone date them, feels very awkward and unwelcome.
are extremely hard to meet because they don?t talk to strangers and only meet
people through their cliques and friends. Thus if you have no social link to
them, they don?t want to meet you.
Key point: In a normal healthy society, men
and women are social, open and friendly with each other. This is how it is in
most countries. But not in America. There, men are social and open with women
but women are not social and open toward men. Thus, America has the worst
dating scene, since one gender doesn?t like the other.
there?s no real dating scene in America
Key point: There is no real dating scene in
America, because you can?t just simply ?go out and meet girls?. In other words,
there is no place you can go where single women will be open, social and want
to meet you. So there is no real way
to meet women. When you go out, women mind their own business and expect you to
too. Talking to strangers is not allowed. But even when you do meet women, they
will all tell you that they are either taken or not looking. It?s a LOSE-LOSE
situation. You can?t win. You can?t get dates by asking for it. Thus you have
NO CHOICES, no options and no opportunities and are simply shut out. That?s why
America is hardest place in the world to try to get a date. Do you see what I
mean now? America is truly a social hell and no fun at all.
fact, you are not even supposed to be
looking for a date in America, because you are supposed to ALREADY have a
partner, a job, and a family to raise. After high school, there is no dating
scene, because you are supposed to be taken and no longer in a seeking mode. If
you are seeking women, you are out-of-place in America. In America, everything
is geared toward couples and families. There is this assumption that you should
already have a partner and not be seeking one. Thus, a single guy is out of
place in America and has nothing to do but work.
women with bad attitudes and personalities
women are arrogant, self-absorbed and spoiled with an off-chart sense of
entitlement. Many have a bitchy, toxic vibe with a bad attitude. Being around
them feels like walking on eggshells and is emotionally draining. They have
terrible social skills and are very difficult to connect with, let alone date.
Even foreign females who visited America report that they don?t connect with
American females, only with American males.
American girls usually act very fake, snobby and airheadish. And the hotter
they are, the more true this will be. To connect with fake airheadish girls,
you have to be fake and airheadish too. Otherwise you won?t vibe with them and
they won?t like you, even if you?re handsome. This really sucks if you like hot
won?t find attractive women with down-to-earth personalities in modern America.
That?s the sad truth. If she?s hot, she will have an attitude and act bitchy
and snobby. This is especially true in Los Angeles and New York. However, back
in the 60?s and 70?s, you could find beautiful American women that were sweet,
feminine and down-to-earth. You can see this in the female TV characters of
that era. Examples: Lindsay Wagner (Bionic Woman), Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman),
Erin Gray (Buck Rogers), the women on ?Charlies Angels? etc. Fortunately, the
good news is that today you can find hot girls with down-to-earth personalities
all over the place in Russia, Europe, Latin America and Asia! I swear it. I?ve
met so many of them abroad. Being able to connect with and date so many
attractive girls with down-to-earth personalities is the most refreshing thing!
and brains are rare in American women. Generally, the hotter she is, the more
airheadish and dumb she will be. Since hot girls can get whatever they want in
America, they do not need to cultivate any inner qualities or develop a good
personality. In contrast, beauty and brains in women are very common in Russia,
Europe and Asia!
American women have a bad attitude toward men. Corrupted by liberal anti-male
culture, women are conditioned to harbor hatred and contempt for men, viewing
them as fools, creeps and predators. Obviously, this is not conducive to good
relations at all. Needless to say, it?s not easy to date someone who hates your
picky women with high standards
girls only want the top 10 or 20 percent of men, leaving the rest out in the
cold. There are too many lonely desperate men competing for women. Having too
many choices, women become super picky. Every desirable female is either taken,
too picky, not looking, or too young. And every girl tells you she has a
boyfriend, even if she doesn?t, to ward off your interest. If you like
attractive women, everything is against you in America.
and the degradation of relationships
Important point: American women are conditioned
to be independent (aka ?liberated?) and not need men. This is an aberration of nature
and totally inconsiderate of the needs of men, who need love, affection and sex
from women. Men and women were created to need each other. That?s what God or
Mother Nature intended. Thus America is going against nature and is paying the
consequences. Put simply, if men need women but women don?t need men, then
there is a great schism that can only lead to frustration, deprivation and
oppression for men. It is easier to socially engineer women to not need men,
than vice versa, because women are more conformist by nature and will follow
any trend society gives them, even if it?s wrong, bad or stupid.
is a great schism between men and women, a ?battle of the sexes? so to speak,
which does not exist in most other countries, where men and women play their
roles and naturally get along.
of femininity in American women
women are not sweet, feminine or down-to-earth like women in other countries
are (and like women have been for thousands of years). They hate femininity and
view it as oppressive, which is an aberration from history. Somehow, they?ve
developed masculine personalities, which has turned them into ?she-beasts?.
are masculinized and men are feminized, inverting both genders against their
nature. Most American women have masculine voices and bodies, and even walk and
talk like men. It?s very sick and disgusting, and most likely engineered by the
elites as part of their population reduction agenda, which they?ve admitted to.
It?s also possible that something in America?s food increases testosterone in
women and estrogen in men. This would explain the unnatural masculine
appearance of American women, which the sick elites are trying to normalize.
taboo of flirtation in America
is a taboo. You are not allowed to flirt with women. Flirtation was ok back in
the 1980?s, but in the 1990?s it suddenly became vilified. It is now considered
creepy, inappropriate and violating to flirt with girls or try to pick them up.
Even the act of asking a girl out feels like a transgression, as if you?ve
crossed some line. You are expected to mind your own business and ignore women
while they ignore you. It?s become a taboo to even have desires for attractive
women. If you do, then you?re considered a creep or pervert. It?s ridiculous
beyond belief.?
of dateless males with no options or choices
are more dateless guys in America than in any other country. Thus the fake
commercial PUA (Pick Up Artist) industry has its biggest market in America, as
well as dating coaches and matchmaking websites. In Russia, Europe and Latin
America, for example, men don?t need dating coaches, dating websites or PUA
gurus to get girls.?
men seem to outnumber single women. Every girl seems to be taken, or at least
claims to be. There seems to be no good quality single young women. The few gems
that there are, get taken early.
guys are treated like dirt by American women. Being nice is worthless and
boring. Women will use it against you if you?re too nice. Only in a screwed up
country is being nice a bad thing. You have to be a bad boy or have high status
to be noticed by women. Otherwise, you don?t exist. Men do not feel wanted,
valued or appreciated.
men do not have many dating choices in America. They either settle and take
what they can get, or remain single. It may be years before they find someone,
or never. They have to depend on luck or destiny. They have no power to make it
happen. So out of desperation, many men settle for women who may not even be
right for them.
Bottom line: If you are a single guy who
likes attractive women, everything is against you in America. You don?t have
real power, control or choices in dating. There is no way to fulfill your
romantic and sexual desires, other than to pay for an escort or prostitute. But
even that often turns out to be a bad low-quality experience, compared to what
you get in Europe, Asia or Latin America.
Note: Now I am not claiming that these
dating problems are true for all guys in America. But it certainly is for a
large percentage of them, through no fault of their own, including me. Google
the term ?true forced loneliness?.
rates are the highest in the world
divorce rate in America is the highest in the world, indicating that
relationships are dysfunctional.
are the boss in relationships and are the managers in most business offices.
They have all the power and can abuse it. Men must obey women and comply with
their wishes. Thus America is a matriarchy.
In most other countries: Meeting and dating women is
a fun, natural and positive experience. Women are social and like meeting men.
There is a real dating scene. Men have many dating choices.
much more friendly, social and positive toward men
women are sweet, friendly, feminine and down-to-earth, like women were meant to
women are more approachable, open, sociable, engaging, curious, and exude
genuine warmth. Thus they are easier to meet and connect with. And easier to
get dates with too.
women have a more positive view of men. They admire and respect them, and are
happy to meet them.
interactions flow much more smoothly. The process of meeting girls is fun,
natural and interesting.
is a real dating scene
is a real dating scene. You can ?go out and meet women? naturally. No need for
dating sites even.
Great news: Flirtation is seen as a positive
thing abroad. It creates energy and excitement with girls, and is fun too.
Women are flattered by compliments and consider it an honor to be pursued and
courted by a man.
women much more feminine with values
females are generally thin and look more natural and wholesome. They cherish
their femininity and are proud of it. Thus they look, act and dress feminine.
They take pride in being lady-like, and have values.
women act like women and men act like men. Thus gender relationships are more
natural and normal.
women have values and can distinguish good from bad. They don?t go for bad boys
the way American women do.
women more genuine, down-to-earth and wholesome-looking
Great news: Overseas, it is normal for an
attractive woman to be genuine and down-to-earth. You see that everywhere in
foreign countries. It?s very refreshing and makes them easy to connect with.
But you won?t find that in America for some reason, unless you go back to the
60?s or 70?s.
women in Russia and Ukraine have the natural, wholesome, innocent look that
American women had back in the 50?s, 60?s and 70?s. This indicates that they
are not as spoiled or corrupted. Men like that and prefer that. In fact, any
foreign country has women that look more wholesome and natural than the angry
degenerate man-hating women in the US.
and brains are common in women in Russia, Europe and Asia
Great news: Beauty and brains in a woman is
common and easy to find in Russia, Europe and Asia. It?s not like America where
a woman usually only has one or the other. When you?re abroad, can have both J
women appreciate and like good men
women appreciate good men. They seek a partner, not a competitor. There is no
?battle of the sexes?.
counts and is rewarded and reciprocated. Foreign women like and appreciate nice
Key benefit: Men feel wanted and valued in
foreign countries. When a man wakes up feeling wanted everyday, it does wonders
for his self-worth and is priceless. (You have to be a man to understand this)
have choices and options in dating abroad
Key benefit: Men have many more dating
choices in most foreign countries. They don?t have to settle out of
desperation. There is an abundance of available quality women to choose from.
Thus a man is no longer in scarcity mode. Example: In Russia and Latin America,
men have too many dating choices, so they become playboys and don?t want to
commit. There, it is a man?s world, and men have the advantage, power and
control ? the total opposite of America. Ask yourself this: Would you rather have
multiple dating choices everyday (as you would overseas) or one choice every
few years (like in America)?
Not surprisingly, American men who date overseas usually report that they NEVER
want to go back to dating in America again! So many of them have told me this,
that it?s almost become a clich?.
Psychology and
Mental Health
In America: The culture is toxic to one?s
self-esteem, personality and mental health. It is fake and inauthentic and does
not accept you for you. The sane are considered insane, and vice versa.
culture undermines mental health, sanity and ego
culture is highly toxic and inauthentic, which undermines your mental health
and tries to tear you down. It makes people feel insecure and inadequate to the
core, like they?re always ?not good enough?. So they constantly grapple with
self-esteem issues. No one feels accepted for who they are. One must fight to
stay sane. It doesn?t come naturally. That is the hallmark of a truly toxic
are broken inside and need constant ?pumping up?
have to constantly pump themselves up with ?confidence? and ?positive thinking?
lest they slide into negativity and depression. That?s why there?s such a big
self-help industry in America with gurus such as Anthony Robbins, Wayne Dyer,
etc. who promote exaggerated New Age BS, such as ?The Power of Positive
Thinking? and ?The Law of Attraction? to help keep people sane. Only in a toxic
inauthentic culture, do people have to resort to New Age BS to stay sane. Why
is it that people in other countries don?t need to constantly pump themselves
up with ?positive thinking?, ?confidence? and New Age BS? Think about it.
cope with their insecurity in dysfunctional ways, by developing toxic
personalities and traits. Some develop big egos, brag, become assholes, or act
tough and arrogant, to compensate. Others act fake and phony to fit in with the
fake and phony culture. And some just lose it and go crazy. Just look at the
epidemic of public mass shootings in America for proof of this. No other
country is suffering a mass shooting epidemic. There are so many messed up
people with issues in America. In urban areas, you see depressed degenerates
everywhere. It?s very sad.
highest rates of mental illness and the biggest mental health industry
Important fact: America has the highest rates of
mental illness, loneliness and depression in the world. It has the biggest
mental health industry in the world, with the highest rates of psychiatric
visits and use of anti-depressants. Reportedly, at least one third of Americans
have seen a mental health professional. According to the WHO (World Health
Organization), if you live in America, you have a 50 percent chance of developing
a mental disorder.
A mental
health fact that would surprise most Americans
Shocking secret: What most Americans don?t know
is that people in other countries do not go to therapists or psychiatrists.
Having to see a shrink is primarily an American thing. If Americans knew this,
it would speak volumes to them about how dysfunctional, insane and artificial
their country is. They would realize that the problem is not them, but the
toxic insane society they live in. That?s the biggest secret being kept from
How a fake
toxic personality creates an inner schism leading to mental disorder
Important point: In order to fit into the fake toxic
culture in America, one must develop a fake toxic personality. In doing so, one
creates a schism between one?s authentic self and the pseudo-self created for
society. This internal struggle eventually leads to mental problems. This, I
believe, is the major cause of mental disorder in America. It?s a pity that the
American Psychiatrist Association won?t acknowledge this. Instead, they only
care about maintaining their profitable drug industry. They prefer to medicate
as many people as possible and constantly try to find new excuses to do so.
It?s a very sick and insane industry.
Being down-to-earth
alienates you in America
Key point: If you are a down-to-earth or
deep person, you will feel out-of-place in America, which has a fake and
inauthentic social culture. This is why down-to-earth types tend to be
withdrawn in America, not because they are shy, but because they can?t be
themselves in a fake social culture. Only older folks and senior citizens are
down-to-earth in America, because at their age, they no longer care what others
think and are not trying to conform.
deep thinkers don?t like America
who are deep thinkers tend to dislike America, because America is built on
phoniness, hype, fakery, lies and illusion. So they don?t fit in. Deep thinkers
prefer European cultures that are deep and authentic, like themselves.
are too arrogant with overinflated egos and no humility
have overinflated egos and are the most arrogant in the world. They are the
biggest braggarts too. There is no humility or modesty. Even Canadians and
British people seem humble and modest in comparison. They also have a massive
entitle complex. Such toxic traits can only lead to dissatisfaction,
disappointment and delusion.
Life is
meaningless and empty to the core
life in America is stressful and demanding, yet feels empty, depressing and
meaningless at the core. To cope, people resort to drugs, alcohol and overeating.
Suicide rates are high in America. And there are so many depressed degenerates
in urban areas.
encourages people to fill their void with consumerism, but this doesn?t work
and only leads to flat pleasures and dissatisfaction. So many are left
wondering, ?Why aren?t I happy??
crushing culture
culture and education system attempts to condition you to become a robotic
slave by crushing your soul and turning you into a worker bee. You are treated
like a ?human resource? whose sole purpose is to produce and consume.
Industrial society is not only mechanized, but turns people into mechanistic
robots as well. Hence, most Americans look like zombies with empty eyes and
plastic smiles.
much political correctness suppresses truth and honesty
is too much political correctness in America, brought on by liberalism, which
was a mask for socialism. Political correctness restricts free speech and
honesty, which suppresses your freedom to say what you really think and feel.
Some believe that political correctness is a stepping stone toward fascism and
mass control.
In most other countries: The culture is authentic,
natural and down-to-earth. People are saner. This allows you to integrate with
your authentic self, so that you are free to be yourself.
people and saner cultures abroad
and cultures are a lot saner and act more genuine, which rubs off on you in a
healthy way.
act more humble and modest. Not arrogant like in America. Thus they are easier
to get along with. You feel more comfortable and relaxed around them, like you
can be yourself. You don?t have to be something you?re not.
cultures and people are more authentic and down-to-earth, so you can be
yourself and not worry about being accepted, which is very liberating. You
don?t have to keep pumping yourself with ?confidence? or ?positive thinking?,
which are only required in fake cultures. Thus you are freed from having to be
something you?re not.
liberation of being free to be yourself
Key benefit: You can have fun and meet people
while being yourself. That?s the beauty of it. You don?t have to be fake
because foreign social cultures are not fake. It?s the most liberating feeling,
and the true reason why foreign countries feel freer, and why many Americans
experience reverse culture shock when returning from abroad.
Important point: Being able to ?be yourself? and
feeling accepted is the most liberating feeling and the true meaning of
freedom. It also heals you and makes you whole and integrated on the inside.
You are no longer fragmented between your true self and artificial social self
like you are in America.
is far less political correctness, which means people are more free to be
honest and say what they think and feel, and so are you. Ironically, this means
there is more free speech abroad. It keeps people more real and genuine.
No need
for mental health professionals
have real friends/family to talk to about their problems. Having to see a
therapist/psychiatrist is unheard of. Go abroad and ask around, and you will
see that no one has to see a shrink or therapist to talk about their problems.
When you discover this, you will realize that is speaks volumes about how toxic
and dysfunctional America is.
Cost of Living,
Finance and Healthcare
In America: Cost of living and inflation are too
high. Healthcare costs are astronomical and ridiculous.
High cost
of living and healthcare impairs freedom
America, the cost of living is higher than in most countries, forcing many
people to submit to employment, often working jobs they don?t like. They become
debt slaves with little or no freedom or free time. What?s the point of making
a living, after all, if all you don?t have time to enjoy your life? It defeats
the purpose of working.
is out of control, causing prices to become exorbitant. In the 20th Century,
the US dollar lost 95 percent of its value, due to corrupt usury practices by
the banking elite who run the private Federal Reserve central bank.
can buy freedom if you have enough of it. But with the high cost of living in
America, it becomes more difficult to buy your freedom in ?the land of the
free?, ironically. Thus it?s harder to be financially free in America.
costs are astronomical and ridiculous. Medical expenses are the #1 cause of
bankruptcies. America is the only industrialized nation with no universal
healthcare. (See the Michael Moore documentary ?Sicko?)
Live to
work business culture
are expected to ?live to work?, rather than ?work to live? (as they do in
Europe). Thus American freedom means ?being free to work?. Americans get very
little vacation time off. They live like hamsters on a wheel. However, what?s
the point of making a living if all you do is make a living? It defeats the
purpose, thus revealing the insane culture of America.
that matters in America is working and making money. Everything is a business.
The system is too business-oriented to enjoy life. Competition is placed over
cooperation. People are conditioned to try to fill their void with consumerism,
which is flat and only leads to dissatisfaction and grouchy faces.
makes democracy impossible
gap between rich and poor in America is wider than in any other country, which
indicates that something is way out of whack. With wealth over-consolidated
into the hands of the few, democracy is impossible. America is truly an
oligarchy, where corporations rule government, and an elite class rule the
and disillusioned immigrants
immigrants I?ve talked to feel that ultimately, in coming to America, they?ve
traded their freedom, happiness and even their own soul, in exchange for money
and comfort. They either feel disappointment and regret about it, or they have
mixed feelings. Try this: Ask many first generation adult immigrants to be
honest with you about whether they have a better life in America and are
happier there. You will find that most of them have mixed feelings about it.
Many will tell you that they had an illusion of America that wasn?t true and
are disappointed.
In most other countries: Cost of living and
healthcare are more affordable and reasonable.
reasonable cost of living and healthcare
non-Western countries have a lower cost of living, allowing people more freedom
and leisure time. Your dollars will be worth more in such countries, giving you
more purchasing power and time to enjoy your life. Example: In Thailand, you
can get quality Thai food in street stalls for $1 dollar a plate, and rent nice
apartments for $200 a month! And in the Philippines a standard haircut is less
than $2.
are more reasonable and sane, not crazy or overly greedy like in America.
healthcare is provided (in industrialized nations) so no one has to go bankrupt
from medical expenses. Even in developing countries, healthcare is still
affordable compared to the US. (See the Michael Moore documentary ?Sicko?)
In America: Food and lifestyle are unhealthy,
unnatural and toxic.
food is very unhealthy. Harmful toxins, chemicals, GMO?s (genetically modified
organisms), processed ingredients and high sugar in food have ruined the health
of America. As a result, the nation has the highest rates of obesity, cancer,
heart disease and diabetes in the world.
knows that America is the fattest nation in the world. Even foreign immigrants
become fat in America.
in America contains addictive chemicals and ingredients, which makes people
overeat and consume large portions. But that?s not the only reason Americans
overeat. Another reason is to try to fill their emptiness, as a distraction
from the misery of life. They also do this with drugs and alcohol too.
Americans are conditioned to try to fill their void with consumerism after all,
and that includes food.
food industry obviously places profit over health. Nothing could be more insane
than that.
healthy in America is expensive. One has to go to health food stores and pay
higher prices to eat organic. Only those who are well off can afford that. This
is not right. Healthy food should be available to all.
hormones are put in livestock, which then go into the meat sold in America.
When people eat it, it goes into their bodies too and makes them bigger and fatter.
That?s insane.
food in America now contain GMO?s, which are ?genetically modified organisms?.
This means that the food?s genes have been altered to increase production,
protect against insects, and prolong preservation. Most food in American supermarkets
is GMO and thus they are hard to avoid. GMO?s have had disastrous consequences
on the health of Americans. There is no proof that GMO?s are safe, and plenty
of evidence that they are toxic and harmful. (See the documentary film ?Genetic
Roulette?) GMO?s likely mutate our bodies. After all, if you genetically modify
food then you are genetically modifying people as well. (Could that be why
women look so masculine and manly, I wonder?) That?s why they?ve been dubbed
US government refuses to put labels on GMO foods, because if they did, people
would not buy them, so they prefer that people don?t know about them. What
could be a more bad sign than that?! To find non-GMO food, you have to search
for ?Non-GMO project? labels on food, which is hard work. The company that
produces and engineers GMO?s, Monsantos, is in bed with the US government and
FDA, so they are given free reign to do whatever they want. It?s a high level
of corruption that is destroying America?s health. What could be more insane
than that? Fortunately, GMO?s are banned in other countries, like Europe,
Russia and China. No one there wants to eat them. For more info on GMO?s and
how to avoid them, visit the Non-GMO Project?s website:
in America?s water has poisoned people?s health and pacified them. Despite
this, the US government insists on putting fluoride in public drinking water,
for no valid reason. Their excuse is that it prevents tooth decay, but that
doesn?t make sense because the fluoride in toothpaste is enough for that.
Fluoride is not meant to be ingested. It is toxic and has no health benefits.
has a forced vaccination policy. Children in America are now forced to get 36
vaccines, which is excessive and dangerous. In the 80?s, kids got 12 vaccines.
Then in the 90?s, it was raised to 24. And now it?s 36. But you don?t have a
choice in the matter, because the US government made vaccination a law. There
is plenty of evidence that vaccines are linked with autism and other disorders.
Dr. Andrew Wakefield found conclusive proof of this and published it, but his
research was suppressed and attacked by government and big pharma, which have a
vested interest in vaccines. It?s crazy and wrong to force children to get
toxic dangerous vaccinations. I?ve known people who never vaccinated their
children and say that their kids are healthier than other kids their age that
did get vaccinated.
Americans spend their days sitting in offices and driving cars. So they don?t
get enough exercise and physical activity. Public transportation in the US
sucks compared to Europe and other nations, so one is forced to have a car.
Having to work too much also takes time away from recreation and exercise.
paranoid fearful social vibe in America rubs off on you and is bad for your
health, spiritual energy and aura.
In most other countries: Food and lifestyle are
healthier and more wholesome.
is mostly natural and organic. In Europe and Asia, for example, people do not
need to go to expensive health food stores to eat healthy, since their
mainstream food is already healthy and natural. That?s the way it should be.
a result, people look healthier and thinner. There is no obesity epidemic.
Studies show that even British and Canadian people are healthier than
Big weight loss secret: In fact, the biggest secret in
weight loss is to simply go overseas to countries that have healthier natural
food. This is a method that the diet and weight loss industry in America will
never tell you, because it?s outside the box. And also because there?s no
profit in telling people to go overseas to lose weight.
Europe, Russia, China and many other countries, GMO foods are banned. Foreign
countries have enough sense to know that GMO?s are bad for you, and people
don?t want to eat them. This means that other countries are saner, and know
good from bad, unlike the US. So rather than having to search for foods labeled
?Non-GMO? in America, why not just get out of the country so you don?t have to
deal with it?
Europe, the government does not put fluoride in public drinking water to poison
Europe, the food industry does not place profit over health. Thus they are
saner and more rational.
transportation systems are very well developed so that people do not need cars,
unless they live in remote areas. Taking public transportation is healthier not
only because you get more exercise, but because it allows you to meet and
interact with people as well, which is fun and natural in foreign cultures, as
mentioned earlier.
natural social interaction and social life also contributes to good health and
well being.
In America: Public schools are oppressive prison-like
environments, designed to dumb kids down and turn them into robots. Education
quality and student performance are low. School bullying is an epidemic.
schools in America are oppressive environments with all the qualities of a
prison. Thus kids hate school.
in America has greatly declined. Since the 80?s, student scores have fallen,
while they?ve risen in other nations. Also, due to teacher unions, teachers
cannot be fired, even if they suck, so there is no quality control.
has come out that there was a government policy to use public education to dumb
down the population. Government whistleblowers such as Charlotte Iszterby have
revealed this agenda. As conspiracy lecturer Jordan Maxwell said in his film
?Matrix of Power? (also used in the popular documentary ?Zeitgeist?) regarding
public education in America: ?What the
government pays for, it gets. Logic will tell you that if the government did
not get the results it wanted, it would change things. Therefore, the
government is getting exactly what it wants.??
education in America consists of taking tedious notes and memorizing large
volumes of useless data to regurgitate on exams. It does not encourage
freethought, creativity or self-expression. No wonder kids why hate school, it
feels so mind numbing and enslaving. This can only serve to turn kids into
obedient robots.
bullying is an epidemic in America. It is cruel, toxic and leads to
psychological scarring on its victims, or worse, even suicide. Try this test: Go
to Google and type ?school bullying in America? and then do the same for other
countries. There will be no comparison in the number of hits you get.
and introverts are bullied and teased in school. There is a negative stigma
against them. They get ostracized from social life and fun. This results in a
vicious cycle which makes them even more introverted and withdrawn.
kids and teens act like spoiled, selfish brats with entitlement complexes. They
have a toxic relationship with their parents and treat them badly. It is common
for kids and teens to even cuss at their own parents, which is unheard of in
other countries. They listen to trashy degenerate music and defile their bodies
with tattoos.
In most other countries: School is a more healthy,
positive and honorable environment. Education is saner and more efficiently
run. Kids do better in school and do not detest it.
other countries, children consider it an honor to go to school and are proud of
it. They do not loathe it like American kids do. Therefore, school must be a
healthier environment for them.
foreign countries, kids are not bullied in school like they are in America.
They may get teased or made fun of, but violent bullying is rare. Kids are not
as dysfunctional as in America.
many countries, children wear uniforms to school, which promotes unity and
education is higher quality and encourages creativity and self-expression.
Europe, school is a much more positive environment and run more efficiently. In
Germany, for example, kids are grouped in divisions according to ability, which
makes their learning much more efficient. Children are not all the same and
should not be treated as such, like cattle are. America is not evolved enough,
nor sane enough, to understand this.
is no negative stigma against nerds or introverts. They are not ostracized or
treated like social outcasts.
and teens act more modest and humble. They do not cuss at their parents, but
have a healthier relationship with them, which lasts even into adulthood. They
also mature at an earlier age and are easier to get along with.
In America: Government is becoming increasingly
tyrannical and has grown to a gigantic monstrous size, requiring ever more
control and taxation. Laws are excessive and have become impediments to
US government has become increasingly tyrannical after 9/11, taking more
freedoms away and subverting the US Constitution. Many say it is part of an
agenda to instate world government, aka the ?New World Order?. There are entire
subcultures in the US (conspiracy movements) that are trying to expose and
resist this NWO.
Key point: The US has the highest number of
laws in world. More laws = less freedom obviously. Everything is tightly
regulated in an anal retentive manner. So there is no way in hell that America
can claim to be ?the land of the free?. That?s a stupid lie and insult to our
intelligence. While some laws are necessary to protect people, many are
excessive and control-freakish and only serve to give government too much power
and control, requiring more taxation. Too many laws begin to create impediments
to your freedoms, rights and liberties. Other countries have far fewer laws in
comparison. Any Mexican immigrant, for example, will tell you that Mexico is
far freer than America.?
Key point: After WWII, the US government
grew 10 to 20 times larger into a monstrous size, which resulted in ever
increasing control and taxation. Big government needs ever more power, control
and taxation to be sustained. That?s why the founding fathers, such as Thomas
Jefferson, emphasized a small government of minimal size that served only to
defend basic freedoms and liberties. Otherwise, as government gets too big, it
starts interfering in people?s private affairs and business, and begins
overtaxing people, while becoming increasingly tyrannical. This is what
happened in Ancient Rome, which led to its downfall. Once government grows, it
will not shrink, but tries to grow ever larger. That?s why the founding fathers
of America placed strict limitations on government.
size of the US military industrial complex, which ballooned during WWII and
which President Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell speech, has become
the biggest monster and threat to world peace. It has made war the chief
industry in America, requiring perpetual wars to sustain its profits. Thus it
always needs to find a war, and if there is none, it will find excuses to start
one. Thus it is the biggest threat to freedom in the world, and has made
America the #1 terrorist nation in the world. A big war industry is the worst
thing that can happen.
likes to bully and intimidate other countries. It likes to dominate and control
other nations. We all know that. This is why America is so hated worldwide now.
It has become the world?s biggest bully.
has the highest prison population in the world, with 2 million prisoners now
incarcerated. How can that be in the ?land of the free?? It?s pure hypocrisy.
The prison industry, like everything in America, is big business.
laws are unfair and allow women to leave their husbands and take half of his
assets (which is tantamount to government sponsored theft) and in some cases
take his whole house too. Marriage is a government contract that can be used
and abused against men. Marriage is more like a business partnership than a
love relationship.
do not even truly love their country anymore. There is no true patriotic pride
nowadays. People have become so disillusioned with America that they?ve become
cynical toward it. Thus, you can be as anti-American as you want nowadays, and
no one will care. If you bash America, many will agree with you in fact. It?s
as if Anti-Americanism is now a popular trend. So even this treatise will not
offend most Americans. Hardly anyone wants to defend America anymore, which
they would have in the past.
have become so hateful and cynical that they even hate their own country and
government. That?s why the conspiracy theory subculture and alternative media
(e.g. Alex Jones and David Icke) have grown so much in the last decade, and why
revolutionary movements such as the Tea Party are springing up everywhere. None
of this is surprising given all the above. It?s as if the global elite want
America to be dissolved and do not care about its reputation anymore. After
all, if their agenda is world government (NWO), as the conspiracy theorists
claim, then absolving the sovereignty of the United States would be a step
toward that.
In most other counties: The above does not apply.
are smaller and more normal. Not as huge and monstrous in size as in America.
are fewer than in America, not excessive. Ask any of the many Mexican
immigrants for example, and they will tell you that Mexico is far FREER than
many foreign governments have corruption too. But people are aware of it and
are real about it. They don?t have this delusion that there is no corruption or
conspiracies in government, or that they live in a democracy. Only Americans
are brainwashed with such false beliefs.
governments are more peaceful and do not bully or intimidate other nations or
try to control them, like America does. They do not try to bud into other
countries? business and affairs. Even America?s neighbor, Canada, is far more
peaceful. Canada does not bully other countries, or start wars. Canadians are
also not obsessed with guns like Americans are. And the rate of homicide by
guns is far lower in Canada than in America. (See the Michael Moore documentary
?Bowling for Columbine?) Thus even Canada is a far saner country than America.
people do not generally view America as ?the land of the free?. That is a
delusion that only Americans and their stupid media hold. But with the way
things are going, not many Americans believe that anymore.
you get in trouble in most foreign countries, punishments are not as harsh. In
most cases, paying a small bribe will get you out of trouble. But in America,
only the super wealthy can bribe the government or legal system to get them out
of trouble. We all know how that goes.
So you
see, overall America is highly toxic to
one?s mind, body, soul and relationships. And it is one of the worst
places, if not the worst, for dating, social life, mental health, cost of
living, and health. As the great Indian philosopher and sage Jiddu Krishnamurti
stated, "It is no measure of health
to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
But these
comparisons are taboo to mention (especially #2), lest you be seen as a
?loser?, for our culture only allows you to act fake and pretend that
everything is great, or blame yourself ? neither of which changes anything.
Americans are always trying to act positive and lighthearted, so they avoid
talking about serious issues. Thus these truths are suppressed and denied.
However, the Good News is that in
most other cultures, these major problem areas are Reversed so there is a real solution overseas.
America is a land of excessive greed and corruption, lacking in soul, culture
and human connection. People and cultures are toxic and antisocial. Money has
replaced the human soul. In America, money and profit is more important than
truth, justice, love, family, health, reason, Mother Earth and even life
itself. It?s truly an insane country, where the sane are insane and vice versa.
Everything is upside down ? good is bad and bad is good, normal is abnormal and
abnormal is normal, etc. Trash degenerate culture is mainstream now. The
country is in decline culturally, morally, spiritually and economically. It?s
truly become a zombie nation. The only sensible solution is to get out of the
country. If a ship is sinking, the obvious solution is to get off the ship.
our ?going abroad? solution is not discussed in the general media, not even in
the alternative media. Everyone assumes that no matter how bad things get in
America, one must stay in America and try to fix things. Leaving the country is
never considered as even an option. So our overseas solution is treated as
nonexistent, which is a great tragedy.
If the
news media gave misfits in America hope that they could have a much better
social and dating life overseas, then school shooting incidents like Elliott
Rodgers could be prevented. Thus the US media is responsible for such
preventable incidents. Instead, all the media talk about are economic issues, business
news, wars, sports, celebrity news, and other useless junk which are mere
distractions and irrelevant to the major problems in America outlined above.
But if you
think about it, the overseas solution makes perfect sense. As we all know,
America is in great decline and decay ? morally, culturally, spiritually and
economically, just as Ancient Rome was in the 5th Century AD. This means that
America is essentially a ?sinking ship?. Now, if you are on a sinking ship,
such as the Titanic, wouldn?t the obvious solution be to simply get off the ship? Of course it would.
That would be your very first thought.
So isn?t
it bizarre that hardly anyone ? even in the alternative/counter-culture
movements ? advocates getting off the ?sinking ship of America? when that
should be the most obvious solution? It?s very bizarre. The only explanation I
can think of is that people are brainwashed with the fallacy that ?America =
The World? (which is not true fortunately) so they assume that the rest of the
world must be the same. Moreover, they also think that everyone wants to come
to America, so they can?t fathom anyone wanting to leave it. It simply doesn?t
compute in the mind of the general population.
But now
that you know the truth, ask yourself: Which of the two socio-cultural environments
described above would YOU be happier in? Yet most people never hear
about these comparisons because they are so taboo. So that?s what we are here
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