Interview for School
Research Report
Among those who called me a “hero”
is an Asian American teen who emailed me to ask if he could do a school
research report on me called “My Hero”. The following are his interview questions for
the report, along with my answers to them.
I post these answers of mine here on my site for the benefit or any that
are interested as well. The student’s
questions are in black, while my answers are in dark blue.
currently 17 years old and like you I am a Chinese American. I love the ebooks
you have online and I really enjoy hearing about your success with white women
abroad. I have a research paper on "my
hero" and I choose to do my report on you and your success.” – Joseph,
First, I would like to thank you for giving me and
taking time out of your day in order to help me out with my report. With that
said I present to you the questions from my report. Please be as descriptive as
possible so I can get a better understanding.
1. What was childhood like for you? Did you always have a thing for whites or
did this develop over in
W: Childhood for me was perplexing and a weird
dilemma. I had an identity crisis early
on. I wasn’t white and couldn’t be seen
as white, nor did I fit into White American culture. But I didn’t fit as a traditional Asian
totally dedicated to grades and school work either. I was caught in the middle and constantly
felt alienated and estranged. My peers
intimidated me and often bullied me. It
caused a resentment in me, a sort of “baggage” that I still carry around to
this day. You can read about it on this
page of my site:
I had a thing for whites
early on, but it fluctuated for a while between white and asian,
as I had a taste for asian girls too. I liked white girls because 1) of personal
taste, 2) the Western media glamorized them as the highest ideal of beauty, and
3) they were a way of achieving higher status for me and acceptance into White
American society.
I don’t think that I can
develop a thing for White girls in
As of now though, I’m in
And not to be racist, but
they have this warm sensual tender touch in them that white women definitely
don’t have. I’ve experienced it and can
understand now why so many foreign men are addicted to the
2. How was High school?
W: High school was like a hellish prison for me,
a total nightmare that lasted everyday for four years. I dreaded going to it everyday. I never fit in anywhere there, in any of the
cliques, and felt constantly oppressed everyday. And I couldn’t never make any sense out of
it. There was no logical solution to my
problems there, as the only two forces that ruled there were the insane
behavior of teens and the authority of the school that delegated homework and
studying to you simply because you were “supposed” to do it. I didn’t like either. And that destroyed my self-esteem, self-worth,
ego, and sanity. I never thrived there,
never had any real fun, never felt included in anything there except for a
weekly Christian youth group that met during lunch (but of course, it was their
job to accept everyone). My best self
was never allowed to shine out. And of
course, I never got any dates nor felt comfortable meeting or socializing with
girls. I felt like I was not worthy to
have anything to do with them, and was treated that way too. I felt forced to become a reclusive introvert
with no life, no image, and no significance.
I was not even a nerd, as I didn’t like to study, wasn’t into math and
science, wasn’t an academic type, and didn’t like to talk about geeky stuff
with the geek crowd. I was just
“nothing”, but a guy who was bullied for not fitting in or acting unnaturally
“tough”. Deep down, I wanted to be happy
and accepted, but there was no way to, as it was a no-win situation that I had
to endure.
Through it all, my peers
kept trying to tell me that high school life was “the world” and that this was
how life was going to be for me for the rest of my life. I thought I was doomed. But fortunately, they were wrong……….
I would never want to put
my own kids through such a hellish nightmare, so I’m wary about raising my
coming child in America.
Getting through such
experiences may be a hellish nightmare, but it is also character building as
3. What made you say "alright
that's the final straw I'm going to _______"
W: When I broke up with my 2nd white girlfriend
in Nevada back in 2001. I was tired of
waiting several years to get each girlfriend in America, and being powerless to
do anything about it. I wanted a quick
easy way out of the dreaded loneliness and boredom of the years I’d have to
endure waiting for destiny or luck to get me another girlfriend or even another
date in America. So I started researching online the venture of going overseas.
4. I not trying to offend you by saying this, but were the women abroad just
looking for a way to get to America? If not please explain why not?
W: I get asked that all the time, and so do
others who date overseas. So I’m used to
it by now, to the point where I can use the ol’ “if I
had a dime for every time someone asked me that, I’d be rich” phrase. Lol It’s a common response by prejudiced
Americans, which I’ve addressed in the common
objections chapter of my ebook.
The answer is – No, not
for the most part. That is just a
simplistic copout line of thinking that ignorant Americans who don’t know much
about other countries have. You can read
my article debunking this myth with 12 reasons here:
Here in the Philippines,
I know that girls don’t want me just for money or a green card, because:
1) Many girls here don't care about my money and STILL like/love
me even after they see that I'm a cheapskate and very frugal. They don't
even care if I spend money on our dates, as they just like "being with
me" and enjoy my funny, charismatic, positive, enthusiastic, personable
2) This is probably the biggest reason, and my cultural
consultant, a long time visitor to the
3) I’ve slept with bar girls and girls who normally sleep with
men for money here for FREE, simply cause they liked me and found me sweet,
romantic, tender and charming! They never asked me for any money!
Imagine that. That could never happen to me in the States. That
proves right there that they aren’t after me only for money, but that I am very
likable and charming to them. And I’ve gotten FREE kisses here
from HUNDREDS of girls too, including French kisses from bar girls
and dancers that I never paid or bought commissioned ladydrinks for (and NO,
they don’t do that to every guy!).
4) A few girls here (but not most) have told me that I’m not
their type, for they like white guys or bigger masculine guys. And conversely, I’ve seen some reject white
guys in favor of me, because I’m more of the type they like and go for. Now, if it were all about “money and a green
card”, then “type” wouldn’t matter now would it? But it does, because relationships and
romantic chemistry are personal and subject to taste and chemistry.
5) Filipinas have shown favoritism toward me over other
older richer guys or customers. (I can't get into details about how since it
wouldn't be appropriate to describe here :)) This also proves that they
don't like me just for money, since I am treated better, given favoritism and
preferentail treatment over other guys who have more money than me, due to my
higher likeability. Some bar girls have reached down from the stage to
give me a kiss on the mouth, which they don't do for most customers. I
have a fun loving free-spirited personality that a lot of Filipinas resonate
with, as well as a sweet romantic side, and a face they find young and handsome
(gwapo). Those are the reasons why I am liked so much here that even bar
girls let me hang out in their bar without paying or buying any drinks.
I’m likable and entertaining to them.
6) I've been able to get acquainted and befriend middle class
girls here who have enough money themselves not to need a guy (which I can't do
in the states). Sure, the middle or upper class girls aren't easy to
"pick up" in public, but they find me interesting and likable too,
once they get to know me. And they are willing to spend personal time
with me, unlike girls in the US who always make excuses and say they are busy.
7) There are some guys here with looks and money who don’t do
well at all with Filipinas. I know one
good looking American guy here with a good income from an international job,
and my Expat Advisor knows a good looking young French guy here with a
successful art business. Yet believe it
or not, both of them can’t get a girlfriend in the Philippines! They have had nothing but bad luck and bad
experiences with the women here. It’s
obviously not their looks or status. But
rather, something in their vibe and personality just doesn’t jive well with the
girls here. Some people’s chemistry just
doesn’t mix well with certain countries, just like mine doesn’t mix well in
American culture and its fake politeness social culture. Sometimes, things just don’t click, not just
between individuals, but between individuals and countries as well. Thus, it’s not all about money and status,
like some think. Yet here in the
Philippines, my personality seems to jive extremely well with Filipinas as a
whole, regardless of whether I’m their physical type or not. And that’s why almost all Filipinas, even
those who aren’t into me romantically or are already taken, ENJOY hanging out
with me.
8) There are men I know here who have a lot of money and a high
class professional occupation. Yet the
girls who go out with them look unhappy around them, and don’t stay with them
for long. Though they will accept their
money and presents, they still leave them after a while because they simply
don’t like them and don’t enjoy being with them. Now, if it were all about money, this
wouldn’t happen. I’ve seen this happen
to doctors, oil company professionals and business owners. As a result, these wealthy men who splurge to
impress women, become jaded and cynical, unlike the happy optimistic me who
even though poor, wins over women here with charm, looks, sweetness, and confidence. You’ve got to remember that these girls,
though mostly poor, are HUMAN BEINGS who, like you, prefer to be with those
they LIKE and CLICK with, not just anyone with money and a US passport.
9) From my experience with gold diggers and users in Russia and
the Philippines, I’ve come to recognize their common patterns, such as the way
they manipulate and tell lies, the way they tell you what you want to hear yet
their actions contradict their words, and their tendency to ask for money
within the first week of knowing you.
And what I can tell you is that MOST of the girls who like me here do
NOT exhibit these traits. However, oddly
enough, there are some women (and men) who genuinely believe that giving money
is a demonstration and sign of true love.
These folks see no shame in “buying love” and are proud to utter the
phrase “no money, no honey”. Such women
will even ask for money from a man she truly loves, seeing nothing wrong with
it. But of course, I do not share their
values. An effective way I’ve found, to
weed these types out is to simply tell them that you are poor and on a tight
budget, and act like it. If they
disappear after that, then you know what they were probably after. If not, then you’ve got a more genuine
girl. Needless to say, if you want to
impress somebody, you don’t have to take them to a fancy restaurant everyday;
rather, mix it up with several days of going to fast food or cooking at
home. A nice sweet Filipina will
appreciate that.
10) A high percentage of Filipinas I get involved with tend to like
to bite me and pinch me. I was told that
they only do that to you if they LIKE you.
Certainly if they only wanted to use me, they wouldn’t be biting and pinching
me. They only do that to those they like
or find adorable, cute, or cuddly.
Some guys see everything
in terms of money and economics. Well I’m
not one of those type of guys. I consider many other deeper factors too. Not every guy with money can duplicate
everything I’ve done. Looks,
personality, and attitude are strong factors too, and in this culture, I rank
high in those areas to them, which is why I often get preferential and special
treatment from girls here that richer guys who are more shallow and not as
personable or likable don’t get. In
reality, nothing in human relations is "all about money".
None of the girls here would claim that they like a guy ONLY for money or
a green card. That's something that comes out of the mouths of judgmental
people who jump to conclusions, who are probably “all
about money” themselves. But they can
only speak for themselves, not for others.
Not all foreign women
want to go to America. And even among
those that do, they aren’t going to go with ANYBODY. Put yourself in their shoes. If you wanted to leave your country, would
you do it with just anyone, or with someone YOU LIKE and are COMPATIBLE with?
Plus, many foreign white
women liked me even when they weren’t interested in going to America, knew that
I was too poor to take them, or didn’t even know I was American at first glance
since I’m Asian. The bottom line is that
women abroad are billions of times more approachable and inclusive than in the
States, regardless of their “motives”.
And that’s what matters to me the most.
Yes, being American does
bring a novelty appeal when you are abroad.
But it’s just one small factor among many others. Money is another factor, as well as personal
charisma, personality, looks, your vibes, taste, etc. It’s all subjective and personal as well as
See this page in my ebook where I address common objections here:
objections to my claims and my responses
- My Expat Advisor’s analysis of prejudiced Americans
who condemn seeking love abroad
5. Give a description of the
countries you have visited. (I was thinking about traveling too. Is there any
advice you can give me?)
I’ve been to 12 countries
total, including the US. But my best
experiences are in Russia, Eastern Europe, and here in the Philippines. If you look at this collage and the two that
follow it, you’ll see why J
If you like white women,
you are best off going to Europe. But
there are many countries there, and you simply have to go to them to see which
one you like best and works best for you.
Each person has different variations in their experiences in each
European country, but pretty much everyone agrees that White women in Europe
are far more inclusive, sociable, approachable, and treat Asian men better than
White women in the States. And even in
England and Germany, where White women are generally more conservative,
prudish, and not easy to get close to, they are still more intelligent and cultured
than White women in America. Thus, you
won’t get tongue-tied with having a conversation with White women there like
you would with White women in America, who seem very hard to hold a
conversation with as the topics they can converse in are very limited, and they
have a short attention span.
Generally, Eastern and
Southern Europe are more wild, open, and sociable/inclusive, whereas Western
and Northern Europe is more reserved.
But an Asian man will be treated better ANYWHERE in
If you have to stay in
the States though, you should note that Southern women tend to be the most
sociable and open, even to Asian men. I
find Texan women to be the friendliest in the country. Many confirm this too. Louisiana and New Orleans are also rumored to
be social hot spots for meeting open minded free-spirited people. Generally, coastal people in the US tend to
be more stuck up and snotty than inland folks.
As to any advice I could
give, you have to first find the country you think would be best for you, then
go there and try it out. Ask lots of
questions around, including on the internet, so you can talk to the widest
range of people and get the most opinions and experiences. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Anyhow, you asked for a
description of the countries I’ve been to, so here they are in a nutshell:
America – It’s where I grew up, and in a nutshell I’d say it’s good
for careers and if you like to work to death.
But a nightmarish hell for dating and social life, as well as mental
health, among the worst if not the worst.
Very cliquish and non-inclusive (unless you go to a church). Hard to meet people too, as strangers rarely
ever talk to each other unless introduced by mutual friends or for
business-related purposes. Plenty of
political and religious freedom, but the lifestyle is based on conformity to
the rat race and excess consumption. (See Propaganda vs. real life
in America ) Also, the people there tend to act too arrogant and bravado
for my taste. Comparatively speaking, it
is friendlier and more sociable in the Southern part of the country, and the
folks who live inland are nicer and more down-to-earth in comparison to the folks
on the coast who are snotty, stuck up, and live in a fake artificial
world. Very beautiful and
well-maintained National Park system though, plenty of diverse recreational
areas for the outdoor adventurer. Great
place for business and making money, but not for fun or for living life to the
Taiwan – Where I was born and my ethnic descent. Great food, superb family values and strict
morals/ethics. But lacking in culture or
intellectualism. Little appreciation for
art and creativity, but extreme focus on practicalities such as work, money,
and academic achievements. Very one
dimensional mentality (see where every action
is divided into only two categories – work/study and play. Like America, they have the belief that the
purpose of life is work – hence a workaholic is seen as the ideal citizen. Women there are strongly conservative and
prudish, afraid even to shake hands, or even to have their picture taken. They aren’t easy to meet, and like Americans,
don’t talk to strangers unless introduced by mutual friends. But they are very monogamous and loyal though,
so once you get a partner there, he/she is pretty much yours. Most people there marry their first or second
boyfriend/girlfriend. However, a lot of
white males there have boasted good success with women there, as well as sexual
conquests. But not all of them, as some
report the same as me. Lately, the women
there have become more independent and Westernized with the increasing
affluence of the country, and not as modest, loving, or dependent as they were
Canada – Similar to the US in some ways, but different in
others. The people share the same values
of independence, individualism and autonomy as the US does. But Canadians tend to be more educated and
informed about the rest of the world than Americans are, and are more health
conscious too. Hence, the people there
are far thinner than Americans. Like the
British, they are very polite and low key, but reserved and distant. (But
without the British sarcastic dry humor of course) To me, they seem too distant and ghost-like
for my taste, almost as if they were in a different dimension. Thus, I don’t resonate with them much, and in
fact, they don’t even seem “there” to me.
They aren’t wild, festive or passionate the way that the countries I
like are. But if you love quiet, peace,
and seclusion, it is a nice place for that.
People there tend to be low
key, mild mannered, and have good tempers.
They don’t get angry or lose their cool quickly the way Americans
do. Nor are they as hateful of others
whom they are against.
The country has plenty of
fresh beautiful nature and national parks, a paradise for the outdoor
adventurer. But the weather is mostly
cold the majority of the year, too cold for my taste. The country prides itself on PEACE, as it
does not like to get involved in foreign disputes, wars, and control/conquest
like American does. Instead, it likes to
remain neutral and live in peace. And
thus, I am neutral about Canada too, as I don’t love or hate it. It’s just “there”. Lol
The women are beautiful,
many tall and thin white beauties. But
they are very cliquish and distant. Easy
to engage in polite conversation with, but hard to get dates with or involved
with. When asked out, they tend to
immediately say they have a boyfriend/husband or that they are too busy to
Women there are very
beautiful, educated, and have light pale skin.
Some consider Japanese women to be the most beautiful among Asian
women. The women traditionally make very
loyal, pleasing and subservient wives, but of course, with Westernization they
are changing a bit. As for dating, you
won’t do well there unless you are White or Japanese, as they see other Asian
races as being inferior to them.
Generally racist and xenophobic.
The people are very
sociable and love meeting new people.
Very festive too. Beautiful women
are approachable and love meeting foreigners and making conversation. But the people have a highly pessimistic
mentality and culture, and like to refer to themselves as “happy
pessimists”. Also, many there are angry
and resentful, especially the elderly, which can be seen on their faces. And there is a cold harshness inherent in the
Russian character, personality, and emotion.
Those who need romance, tenderness, and sensitivity will find Russian
relationships cold and lacking.
Russian women are tall
and beautiful, and considered among the most attractive in the world. But with the introduction of capitalism,
they’ve become super greedy and without ethics or conscience. Though they are sociable, they are not very
physically warm, and they BS a lot and are very changeable too. They are very educated, speak several
languages, and dress well.
Prices are generally
cheap there, but some things are overpriced, such as clothes, electronics,
going bowling, etc.
Beautiful architecture in
its churches and downtown areas, especially in
The food is also not good
and often tasteless to Western taste buds (though of course, Russian people
love their food, as all nationals do), and there is very little variety in the
cuisine. Even expensive restaurants
serve very mediocre food by Western or Asian standards. They simply aren’t
skilled at using spices and flavors. Or
perhaps their taste buds are just different than ours.
Weather is cold and snowy
most of the year, except in the southern parts of the country which can be warm
and humid.
Overall, a fun and
interesting country with lots of culture.
But deeply corrupted, greed has run rampant since the fall of communism.
Racism and xenophobia are on the rise
there, as well as skinhead groups. Some
fear the country may be headed toward fascism too. So the nation is turning into a dangerous and
unstable place, which it always has been in most of its history.
If you must go there, I
suggest going to the Eastern half of the country, as it’s safer and less
Lots of European style
architecture and buildings, especially in its capital of
Prices are affordable,
not as cheap as
Women are sociable,
friendly and like meeting new people.
But they are a bit reserved and not easy to get close to. Also, they tend to treat foreigners as
novelty items rather than humans to get close and intimate with. Cultivating relationships there takes time.
Overall a very pleasant
and positive experience, and a good middle ground between
Women are nice and
polite, but reserved and not “easy”.
They dress well too. But they are
not stuck up, snobby, or anti-social.
(Note: The three
The women tend to be
skinny and attractive, but do not have the high fashion sense as in
Overall, a great cultural
Mexico – I was only there for one day and night in one of its worst
areas, the border town of
However, I can say that I’ve
experienced its reputation of being very open, wild, festive, and
inclusive. And that’s normal for Spanish
mixed descendents.
Filipinas tend to be very
skinny (though that’s changing with the rise of fast food and donut franchises
everywhere, as well as ignorance about nutrition). And they come in a variety of colors, ranging
from very dark, to light olive complexion, to light pale skin similar to
Orientals. So they come in a nice
variety of colors and shades.
For more details, see my
ecstatic updated entitled “From pessimist in the
Cost of living is very
cheap. And your dollars here are
multiplied 4 or 5 times in purchasing power.
Single attractive women are available everywhere, and are very
approachable and easy to meet. They
appreciate nice guys and treat them the way they deserve to be treated, thus a
nice guy will get complete justice here.
The country has a simple
culture which is nowhere as rich, elaborate, or colorful as
Warm weather year round,
and with over 7000 islands, offers countless white sand beaches for your
recreation pleasure. Thus, it’s a hot
spot for American retirees.
Like many third world
countries though, there are a lot of scammers, beggars, cheaters, hustlers, and
opportunists, but they are located mostly in
Food isn’t that great
compared to other Asian countries, unless you are a Filipino. The cuisine lacks variety, skill, taste,
sophistication. People are not very
It is also the least
racist of the Asian countries, and most nonjudgmental. People don’t complain or criticize, and mixed
kids are not discriminated against.
6. In America, it's usually hard for an Asian male to communicate with white
women for a long period of time. Usually, some of us would go blank. What
topics did you talk about to maintain interesting conversation. Was it family?
friends? etc.
W: That won’t be problem at all in
But even if you aren’t an
intellectual person, you can still hold a good natural conversation with
European women as long as you are down to earth, say things that are
SUBSTANTIVE and GENUINE, and show a natural curiosity about the world and life,
like they do. In other words, you just
have to maintain some QUALITY in the content of your conversations with them,
and be a down to earth person in general.
And you will CONNECT to them.
Whereas in the States, you gotta be in a band
or be a jock on a sports team to get the attention of girls.
7. how was the communication different from there and
W: You mean different from
The language barrier is
not as hard to overcome as you might think.
A lot of communication is nonverbal – body language, cues, hand signals,
vibes, subliminal communication, telepathy, instinct, etc. all play a role. Often you can “feel” what someone is trying
to tell you, and vice versa. But of course, communication skills play a role.
8. If a guy such as myself were to travel abroad what advice would you give me
other than be yourself?
W: “Be yourself” is vague advice and highly
subjective. After all, what if your
“real self” was bad? Lol
You simply have to GO
abroad physically, not just talk about it, and from then on, be nice,
communicative, open, enthusiastic, and love meeting new people, and that’s
it. Social situations will find you and
flow naturally. No need for bullshit
seduction techniques that don’t work, such as the ones on Then your unhappy dating life will turn
around dramatically, and you can get everything you want in love, dating and
But you should find the
right country first, as each country’s vibe interacts with each individual in
different ways.
9. Which were the dating sites that you've used and which do you recommend?
W: Any legit dating site can work. It’s all about timing, destiny, and fate as
to who you meet through them. The one
meant to be for you will come across to you one way or another. The saying that the “Lord works in mysterious
ways” is true.
FYI, the dating site I
used for the
But in the
The most popular site
that Filipinos make friends on is
If you are seeking
Russian women though, there is a list of dating sites on my Russian dating
guide, at this link:
10. If I were to travel. Name the
countries which are best for dating.
W: Like I said, every country interacts with
every individual differently. But
generally, ANY country outside of North America has a better scene for men,
especially Asian men, than
But pretty much in the
rest of the world, women are either more modest or more cultured than in
In my experience, the
best dating scenes with the most available single pretty women are: Russia (Eastern Russia is better than
Western, esp. for Asian men since that part of the country is more Asianized), Eastern Europe, South America, the non-affluent
parts of Asia that aren’t Muslim (Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia,
etc.) And of course, if you like black
women, you can have all you want in
11. Do people stare at you when they see you with a white women, or is it just
W: Some do, but they don’t stare at me with a
dirty look, just a look of curiosity. In
most countries, people aren’t as distant and private, so it’s not such a big
deal if someone stares.
I have heard of white men
being stared at in
12. How much money should I save up before traveling?
W: It depends on your budgeting skills, what
type of transportation and accommodation class you are going to use, how lavish
your lifestyle is, the length of your stay, and of course, the prices in the
country you are going to.
But generally I’d say you
need to save at least a few thousand dollars.
If you can’t, then if you have a credit card, you can use it a lot but
you’ll accumulate a lot of debt afterward.
There are a lot of cheap
third world countries, such as the
But as they say, “Where
there is a will, there is a way”. So as
long as you have the will, desire, interest, and ambition to travel and get the
kind of love life you only see on TV, you will find a way to do it. Don’t listen to corporate
(I hope I’m planting some
good seeds of inspiration in you :))
13. I also realized that when you was about to hop into the cab you were
cautious about getting kidnapped by the Mafia cabs. Where can I go to be more
informed as a traveler about these types of acts?
W: Oh you started reading the book of my first
trip to
You can have a look at my
guide to avoiding Russian scams at:
14. Did you ever find a lasting relationship abroad? if so how long was/is the
W: I didn’t in
The relationship is still
current and we have wedding plans as well as an upcoming baby.
15. What are some fun activities that you can take your partner to?
W: You mean take my foreign dates to? It depends on where we are at. But generally we take walks around and wing
it from there. If we see something
interesting, we go to it. Basically we
just do the normal stuff, coffee, dinners, parks, malls, museums, historical
sites, discos, anything interesting or romantic.
16. What really inspired you to go abroad? What do you think was the life
lesson here?
W: The dissatisfaction with the love life and
culture in the states, and the strong will to find an alternative. And an insatiable appetite for beautiful
women, romance, sex, and fulfilling relationships, thus it was imperative that
I go somewhere where women were friendly and interested in me. Also, my enthusiasm for adventure, going on
voyages, trekking into the unknown, wanderlust, etc. helped a lot too.
17. What did you do for living here in the states? What do you do currently?
W: In the states, mostly job hopped, since most
jobs sucked. And the ones I liked best
were hard to get or only temporary. Most
of my jobs have been in sales and marketing though, since I’m a very persuasive
person (evident in my writings) and like talking to people. When I started traveling of course, I had to
take only temporary jobs through temp agencies, as I didn’t want to be
anybody’s permanent employee. By then, I
had discovered myself as a “freespirit”.
Currently, I make a small
income from advertisements on my websites, as well as the sale of My Ebook and Dating Sites.
18. Is your family supportive of your decision?
W: In the beginning they were ambivalent and
worried. But now they are more accepting
and supportive, cause they know it’s what I love best, and that I am happy and
living a meaningful life. And they
appreciate my unique accomplishments as well as my passion to share it with the
rest of the world.
Though my mom cannot brag
to her Asian friends and relatives that I have a stable career as a doctor or
engineer (which is what most of her friends’ children became), she can brag to
them that I have been called a “hero, inspiration, champ, and legend” by my
fans. (which is what you’re calling me in your report :)) And that I have written two highly-acclaimed ebooks that are the first of its kind (Happier Abroad and
Debunking Pseudo-Skepticals Arguments of Paranormal
Debunkers) and a website that is the first of its kind as well. And I’ve been interviewed in magazines, made
the news in Russia/Eastern
19. Did you ever feel uncomfortable in a different country? what did you do to
W: The only country I felt the most
uncomfortable in was America, for all the reasons I cited in my ebook. I could only
adapt my outward behavior, but not my personality or the essence of who I
am. Deep down, I still felt suffocated,
restless, unappreciated, and unliked/unloved. Simply put, who I was didn’t flourish
there. So I could only take it for so
long. My website and ebook
have been great therapy tools and outlets for me to vent on. And of course, I use New Age spiritual
practices to cope as well.
I’ve also felt out of
place in
Generally, if I don’t fit
in somewhere, I don’t adapt. I just
prefer to leave.
20. What is a final message you can give to those who are inspired to be in
your position.
W: Simply, don’t be afraid to go for what you
want. Remember you regret more what you
didn’t do, than what you did. Do what’s
right and best for you, not what society tells you. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Thank You, very much for your time Winston. I actually have a whole summer to
do my report. I'm hoping we can keep in touch and maybe become pen-pals; you
can tell me about any new experiences you have abroad.
W: Thank you
for doing your report on me. I am quite
honored to be the subject of it and to do this interview. I didn’t expect my answers to be this long
though. I hope you don’t mind if I post
this on my website so others can benefit from it too. When you are done with your report, I’d love
to see it as well, if you don’t mind, and perhaps post it on my site too, if
you wish.
If you haven’t done so,
I’d suggest you go through some of my photojournals
of my
Words are just words, but
pictures speak the reality. And these 9 photojournals will show you the reality that I’ve gone
Also, to get background
info on me that might be good for your report, you can read my biography here:
Thankfully honored,