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HAPPIER ABROAD  Why You Will Have A Better Love and Life Beyond America

7 Major Advantages of European/Russian Women over American Women


As someone who has approached and met many women in Russia, Europe and America, I can guarantee 100 percent that the following six major advantages outlined here are generally true and testable.  My photos and videos on contain mountains of proof of this.  Please note that though I acknowledge that while certain qualities vary among individuals, there are nevertheless big noticeable patterns of differences that do exist between locations/cultures which are apparent to even the most casual observer. (If at any time while reading this, you wish to accuse me of stereotyping or generalizing, or you wish to protest that you know exceptions to what I describe, please click here


1. Approachability/Openness – In general, women in Russia and Europe are a million times more approachable, inclusive, modest, and easy to meet, date, and bring into your social/dating circle than women in America.  This I can guarantee a thousand percent a thousand times over.  In fact, the difference in approachability is greater than the average American who’s never left their country can imagine.  Even if you approach a female movie star, model, or married woman in Russia, she never gets offended or defensive at your initiation like American women do, so you never feel like you are a creep or for the attempt, for in such countries men are allowed to “act on their desires” much more freely than in the states.  Usually, they blush or giggle when approached or flirted with.


In contrast, trying to meet and approach young women in the US often feels awkward and rude, as if you are violating some type of boundary. They prefer not to acknowledge your existence if you’re not in their clique. They have strong hang ups against strangers (even if they find them attractive) and behave overly proper and distant in their communication with them. They generally don’t talk to strangers unless it’s business related, for they are religious about keeping social interactions strictly within their clique. They are among the most cliquish, closed, and anti-stranger women in the world, and emanate an “unapproachable force field” around them. Not to say that there are no friendly women in America, but there is definitely something peculiar that makes them and Americans in general unnaturally closed and paranoid. So the main problem is that they won’t meet you if they don’t know you, but yet you can’t get to know them cause they won’t meet you, thus creating a CLOSED LOOP against someone who wants to meet them. And that just plain sucks, to put it simply.


In fact, it’s widely agreed among the well-traveled that the US has among the most unapproachable and anti-social women in the world.  Even in other Westernized countries like Canada, England, France or Italy, where young women are also known to be snobby, at least they are still far more approachable, down to earth and social than in America (and much more cultured as well). Even their closest counterparts in Britain aren’t nearly as unapproachable, but have better conversation skills, and are generally friendlier.


In America, women have all the power and upperhand, and they know it.  Around American women, men MUST act girly and emasculate, otherwise they are seen as creeps, pigs, or transgressors.  And they will be viewed likewise if they don't always let women continue to have the power and upperhand as well.  That's one reason why they're unapproachable, for to them, being approached or “hit on” is a threat to their power and upperhand.  And for me, that puts me between “a rock and a hard place”, because if I approach American girls I want and “go for it” then I am a creep or , but if I don’t, then they never approach me either, so either way I lose.


2. Femininity – The mentality and culture of “feminism” that has taken over America has made it the most unfeminine place in the world.  What American feminists (men as well as women) don’t realize is that most of the rest of the world, both male and female, does NOT envy their feminism, but in fact despise it, finding it unnatural, distasteful, and UNfeminine (ironically).  American feminism is rife with hypocrisy, double-standards, and dysfunctionality; yet it pervades all our modern culture, media, talk shows, sitcoms, etc., portraying women as either perpetual victims who can do no wrong, or as creatures with superior rights to men. (There are great websites that get into this in great detail, as it’s beyond the scope of this summary)  What this has done to the personality and behavior of women here is monstrous.  Besides dress style (e.g. very few wear skirts and high heels now), their voices become coarse and rough, their mannerisms masculine, and their characters spoiled and selfish.  Unlike women in the rest of the world, they aren’t soft, tender, sweet, don’t giggle when you say nice compliments, and don’t like wearing skirts and heels.  Women in the rest of the world, on the other hand, are proud of their femininity, and show it in many ways, in dress style, behavior, and attitude.


3. Weight – I hate to say something so politically incorrect and offensive, but the following is absolutely true.  In Russia and Europe, between 95 and 100 percent of the young women are skinny or height/weight proportionate.  In contrast, in the USA between 40 and 60 percent of the women are overweight, varying among region.  This is absolutely indisputable, apparent, objectively measurable, and not subject to relative opinion or standards at all, as it has to do with obvious physical differences apparent to the naked eye that even the biggest idiot in the world who goes to both regions could identify immediately without effort.


What sucks about America, despite its many ideal qualities, is that the only truly friendly open women are the large ones, while the non-overweight ones are generally stuck-up and unapproachable (though in many areas, such as LA, even ugly girls are rude and uppity).  On the other hand, most of the slim young women in Russia/Europe are very approachable and easy to meet or get acquainted with.


4. Dress style – The dress style of European and Russian women is much more stylish, attractive, classy, and feminine than in America, where women dress much more plainly in comparison (since after all, even average plain women in the US have their pick of the bunch, thus they have no need to look top-notch).  Russian/European women are much better at maximizing their appearance with clothes/cosmetics and unlike American women, they love wearing skirts and high heels, which are much more attractive to men.  As in the weight element above, this difference too is so apparent everywhere you go in these regions that even the biggest idiot in the world couldn’t help but notice it.  In fact, I and other Americans I’ve met would say that in Russia, about 80 percent of girls are considered “hot” by American standards, while in the USA, that proportion is, well, much lower so that any decent looking girl there is treated like a goddess and put on a pedestal.  What is considered “hot” by American standards is average in Russia.  If you don’t believe it, come spend time in the crowded cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, and you’ll see exactly what we mean.


5. Down-to-earth - Russian and European women are more down-to-earth, authentic and natural in personality and attitude. Interacting with them is a far more genuine experience. You do not need any artificial "game" or PUA techniques to meet or date them. All you have to do is be yourself, as long as you are sincere, decent, down-to-earth, kind and especially charming. That's what foreign women want. Nothing complicated about it, which is the way it should be. Deep down, every normal male prefers women who are feminine and down-to-earth. Every American male who has experienced this has said that it is very refreshing and liberating. They are also more mature at an earlier age. Being from an economically challenged country, they have had to become more responsible at an earlier age rather than spoiled.  


6. Intellectual/Inner life – Compared to the US, women in Russia/Europe have a much richer and refined intellectual life, are more cultured, higher educated, have a broader knowledge of the world, and speak many more languages (most of them speak between 2 and 5 languages while most American women speak only their own).  Unlike # 2 and 3 though, this one requires interaction with the women in these regions to notice. In contrast, not only do most young women in the US not value having an intellectual life, but they lack curiosity as well, and can’t even hold an intelligent conversation.  Often trying to hold even a normal conversation with them is like talking to a dead wall.  While a higher percentage of older women in the US can hold somewhat of an intelligent conversation, the typical young American female lacks depth and can’t say much beyond “yeah”, “really”, and “cool”, which is sad but true.  This makes it difficult to connect with them or find common ground with them, as there is not much substance to them to work with.  In fact, I’d say the tremendous difference between the ability of young women to hold a conversation in the US vs abroad is almost as apparent as the weight difference.  One thing can be said for sure though, in pretty much all countries outside the USA, women are either more cultured or more modest, one or the other, or both.


7. Variety of interests – Based on # 4, it’s no surprise that Russian/European women also generally have much more variety in their interests and passions, which makes them much more interesting people as well.  They have a love for exploring new things, expressing and expanding themselves, and maximizing their experiences and passions in life.  Again, the slightest interaction with them reveals this obvious difference compared to their US counterparts.  European and Russian women who visit America often report that one of their first impressions is that the women there have no real interests (compared to them at least; by their standards).


Conclusion:  The above six factors outlined should make the sharp contrast and overall differences clear between Russian/European women and American women.  While I do not wish to focus on appearance or dress style (the world is shallow enough as it is), my primary complaints and beef against American women are that they are 1) unapproachable, anti-social, and cliquish toward strangers, and 2) lack depth, substance, and culture, making it difficult to connect with them, find common ground or chemistry.  If it weren’t for these, America would be a much better place.  Though what I’ve said here may offend some, it’s the truth nevertheless.  And if one isn’t allowed to say the truth here, we live in a screwed-up place. 


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See Also: Key Benefits and Advantages of Foreign Women




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